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A tree traversal library.

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A tree traversal library.

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# tree-visit

A tree traversal library.

npm install --save tree-visit


yarn add tree-visit

## API

The recommended way to use `tree-visit` is by calling `defineTree(getChildren)`, where `getChildren` is a function which returns a node's children as an array. The `defineTree` API returns an object containing every library function with the `getChildren` option already set.

You may alternately import individual functions, e.g. `visit`, and pass the `{ getChildren }` option when calling them. Importing individual functions can reduce your bundle size to the bear minimum (though the entire library is small and has 0 dependencies, so this may not be necessary).

Most callback functions, such as `getChildren`, `predicate`, `onEnter`, and `onLeave`, are passed an `IndexPath` as the second argument, containing an array of integer indexes that identify that node. The root node is implicitly included in the `IndexPath` (i.e. there's no `0` first in every `IndexPath`).

- [access](#access)
- [accessPath](#accessPath)
- [defineTree](#defineTree)
- [diagram](#diagram)
- [find](#find)
- [findAll](#findAll)
- [findIndexPath](#findIndexPath)
- [flat](#flat)
- [visit](#visit)


### `access`

Returns a node by its `IndexPath`.

**Type**: `function access(node: T, indexPath: IndexPath, options: BaseOptions): T`

#### Example

import { access } from 'tree-visit'

const getChildren = (node) => node.children || []

const rootNode = {
name: 'a',
children: [
{ name: 'b' },
name: 'c',
children: [{ name: 'd' }],

access(rootNode, [1, 0], { getChildren })
// #=> { name: 'd' }


### `accessPath`

Returns an array of each node in an `IndexPath`.

**Type**: `function accessPath(node: T, indexPath: IndexPath, options: BaseOptions): T`

#### Example

import { accessPath } from 'tree-visit'

const getChildren = (node) => node.children || []

const rootNode = {
name: 'a',
children: [
{ name: 'b' },
name: 'c',
children: [{ name: 'd' }],

access(rootNode, [1, 0], { getChildren })
// #=> [{ name: 'a', children: [...] }, { name: 'c', children: [...] }, { name: 'd' }]


### `defineTree`

Returns a version of every library function with the `getChildren` option already set.

This also allows for more concise calls to most functions.

**Type**: `function defineTree(baseOptions: BaseOptions): Tree`

#### Example

import { defineTree } from 'tree-visit'

const getChildren = (node) => node.children || []

const { visit, find } = defineTree({ getChildren })

const rootNode = {
name: 'a',
children: [
{ name: 'b' },
name: 'c',
children: [{ name: 'd' }],

visit(rootNode, (node) => {
// #=> a, b, c, d

find(rootNode, (node) => === 'd')
// #=> { name: 'd' }


### `diagram`

Generate a diagram of the tree, as a string.

**Type**: `function diagram(node: T, options: DiagramOptions): string`

#### Example

import { diagram } from 'tree-visit'

const getChildren = (node) => node.children || []
const getLabel = (node) =>

const rootNode = {
name: 'a',
children: [
{ name: 'b' },
name: 'c',
children: [{ name: 'd' }],

diagram(rootNode, { getChildren, getLabel })
// #=> a
// #=> ├── b
// #=> └── c / d


### `find`

Find a node matching a predicate function.

**Type**: `function find(node: T, options: FindOptions): T | undefined`

#### Example

import { find } from 'tree-visit'

const getChildren = (node) => node.children || []

const rootNode = {
name: 'a',
children: [
{ name: 'b' },
name: 'c',
children: [{ name: 'd' }],

find(rootNode, { getChildren, predicate: (node) => === 'd' })
// #=> { name: 'd' }


### `findAll`

Find all nodes matching a predicate function.

**Type**: `findAll(node: T, options: FindOptions): T[]`

#### Example

import { findAll } from 'tree-visit'

const getChildren = (node) => node.children || []

const rootNode = {
name: 'a',
children: [
{ name: 'b' },
name: 'c',
children: [{ name: 'd' }],

findAll(rootNode, { getChildren, predicate: (node) => === 'd' })
// #=> [{ name: 'd' }]


### `findIndexPath`

Find the `IndexPath` of a node matching a predicate function.

**Type**: `findIndexPath(node: T, options: FindOptions): T[]`

#### Example

import { findIndexPath } from 'tree-visit'

const getChildren = (node) => node.children || []

const rootNode = {
name: 'a',
children: [
{ name: 'b' },
name: 'c',
children: [{ name: 'd' }],

findIndexPath(rootNode, { getChildren, predicate: (node) => === 'd' })
// #=> [1, 0]


### `findAllIndexPaths`

Find the `IndexPath` of all nodes matching a predicate function.

**Type**: `findAllIndexPaths(node: T, options: FindOptions): T[]`

#### Example

import { findAllIndexPaths } from 'tree-visit'

const getChildren = (node) => node.children || []

const rootNode = {
name: 'a',
children: [
{ name: 'b' },
name: 'c',
children: [{ name: 'd' }],

findAllIndexPaths(rootNode, {
predicate: (node) => === 'c' || === 'd',
// #=> [[1], [1, 0]]


### `flat`

Returns an array containing the root node and all of its descendants.

This is analogous to `Array.prototype.flat` for flattening arrays.

**Type**: `function flat(node: T, options: BaseOptions): T[]`

#### Example

import { flat } from 'tree-visit'

const getChildren = (node) => node.children || []

const rootNode = {
name: 'a',
children: [
{ name: 'b' },
name: 'c',
children: [{ name: 'd' }],

flat(rootNode, { getChildren }).map((node) =>
// #=> ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']


### `visit`

Visit each node in the tree, calling an optional `onEnter` and `onLeave` for each.

From `onEnter`:

- return nothing or `undefined` to continue
- return `"skip"` to skip the children of that node and the subsequent `onLeave`
- return `"stop"` to end traversal

From `onLeave`:

- return nothing or `undefined` to continue
- return `"stop"` to end traversal

**Type**: `function visit(node: T, options: VisitOptions): void`

#### Example

import { visit } from 'tree-visit'

const getChildren = (node) => node.children || []

const rootNode = {
name: 'a',
children: [
{ name: 'b' },
name: 'c',
children: [{ name: 'd' }],

visit(rootNode, {
onEnter: (node) => {
// #=> a, b, c, d