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Advanced items listing library that gives you freedom to design complex listing REST APIs that can be read by human.

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Advanced items listing library that gives you freedom to design complex listing REST APIs that can be read by human.

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# fastapi-listing

Advanced items listing library that gives you freedom to design really complex listing APIs using component based architecture.

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Comes with:
- pre defined filters
- pre defined paginator
- pre defined sorter

## Advantage
- simplify the intricate process of designing and developing complex listing APIs
- Design components(USP) and plug them from anywhere
- Components can be **reusable**
- Best for fast changing needs

## Installing

Using [pip](

pip install fastapi-listing

## Quick Example

Attaching example of it running against the [mysql employee db](

There are two ways to implement a listing API using fastapi listing

- inline implementation
- class based implementation

for both we will be needing a dao(data access object) class

### First let's look at inline implementation.


from fastapi import FastAPI
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from datetime import date

from sqlalchemy import Column, Date, Enum, Integer, String
from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session

from fastapi_listing.paginator import ListingPage
from fastapi_listing import FastapiListing, MetaInfo
from fastapi_listing.dao import GenericDao

Base = declarative_base()
app = FastAPI()

class Employee(Base):
__tablename__ = 'employees'

emp_no = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
birth_date = Column(Date, nullable=False)
first_name = Column(String(14), nullable=False)
last_name = Column(String(16), nullable=False)
gender = Column(Enum('M', 'F'), nullable=False)
hire_date = Column(Date, nullable=False)

# Dao class
class EmployeeDao(GenericDao):
"""write your data layer access logic here. keep it raw!"""
name = "employee"
model = Employee # sqlalchemy model class (support for pymongo/tortoise orm is in progress)

class EmployeeListDetails(BaseModel):
emp_no: int = Field(alias="empid", title="Employee ID")
birth_date: date = Field(alias="bdt", title="Birth Date")
first_name: str = Field(alias="fnm", title="First Name")
last_name: str = Field(alias="lnm", title="Last Name")
gender: str = Field(alias="gdr", title="Gender")
hire_date: date = Field(alias="hdt", title="Hiring Date")

class Config:
orm_mode = True
allow_population_by_field_name = True

@app.get("/employees", response_model=ListingPage[EmployeeListDetails])
def get_employees(db: Session):
dao = EmployeeDao(read_db=db)
# passing pydantic serializer is optional, automatically generates a
# select query based on pydantic class fields for easy cases like columns of same table
# if not passed then provide a select query in dao layer
return FastapiListing(dao=dao, pydantic_serializer=EmployeeListDetails
).get_response(MetaInfo(default_srt_on="emp_no")) # by default sort in desc order
# let's say pydantic class contains compute fields then pass custom_fields=True (by default False)
return FastapiListing(dao=dao,
custom_fields=True # here setting custom field True to avoid unknown attributes error

Voila 🎉 your very first listing response


Auto generated query doesn't fulfil your use case❓️

# Overwriting default read method in dao class
class EmployeeDao(GenericDao):
"""write your data layer access logic here. keep it raw!"""
name = "employee"
model = Employee

def get_default_read(self, fields_to_read: Optional[list]):
Extend and return your query from here.
Use it when use cases are comparatively easier than complex.
Alternatively fastapi-listing provides a robust way to write performance packed queries
for complex APIs which we will look at later.
query = self._read_db.query(Employee)
return query

@app.get("/employees", response_model=ListingPage[EmployeeListDetails])
def get_employees(db: Session):
dao = EmployeeDao(read_db=db)
# note we removed all optional named params here
return FastapiListing(dao=dao).get_response(MetaInfo(default_srt_on="emp_no"))

# Adding client site features

Django admin users gonna love filter feature. But before that lets do a little setup which no once can avoid to support a broad spectrum of clients unless you use native query param format which I doubt.

## Add your custom adaptor class for reading filter/sorter/paginator client request params

Below is the default implementation. You will be writing your own adaptor definition

from typing import Literal
from fastapi_listing.service.adapters import CoreListingParamsAdapter
from fastapi_listing import utils

class YourAdapterClass(CoreListingParamsAdapter): # Extend to add your behaviour
"""Utilise this adapter class to make your remote client site:
- filter,
- sorter,
- paginator.
query params adapt to fastapi listing library.
With this you can utilise same listing api to multiple remote client
even if it's a front end server or other backend server.

fastapi listing is always going to request one of the following fundamental key if you want to use it
- sort
- filter
- pagination

supported formats for
simple filter - [{"field":"", "value":{"search":""}}, ...]
if you are using a range filter -
[{"field":"", "value":{"start":"", "end": ""}}, ...]
if you are using a list filter i.e. search on given items
[{"field":"", "value":{"list":[""]}}, ...]

[{"field":<"key used in sort mapper>", "type":"asc or "dsc"}, ...]
by default single sort allowed you can change it by extending sort interceptor

{"pageSize": , "page": }

def get(self, key: Literal["sort", "filter", "pagination"]):
@param key: Literal["sort", "filter", "pagination"]
@return: List[Optional[dict]] for filter/sort and dict for paginator
return utils.dictify_query_params(self.dependency.get(key))

### Once your adaptor class is set

## Adding filter feature

➡️ lets add filters on Employee for:
1. gender - return only **Employees** belonging to 'X' gender where X could be anything.
2. DOB - return **Employees** belonging to a specific range of DOB.
3. First Name - return **Employees** only starting with specific first names.
from fastapi import Request
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session

from fastapi_listing.paginator import ListingPage
from fastapi_listing.filters import generic_filters # collection of inbuilt filters
from fastapi_listing.factory import filter_factory # register filter against a listing
from fastapi_listing import MetaInfo, FastapiListing

emp_filter_mapper = {
"gdr": ("Employee.gender", generic_filters.EqualityFilter),
"bdt": ("Employee.birth_date", generic_filters.MySqlNativeDateFormateRangeFilter),
"fnm": ("Employee.first_name", generic_filters.StringStartsWithFilter),

@app.get("/employees", response_model=ListingPage[EmployeeListDetails])
def get_employees(request: Request, db: Session):
dao = EmployeeDao(read_db=db)
return FastapiListing(request=request, dao=dao).get_response(

# or you dont wanna pass request?
# extract required data from reqeust and pass it directly
params = request.query_params
filter_, sort_, pagination = params.get("filter"), params.get("sort"), params.get("paginator")

dao = EmployeeDao(read_db=db)
return FastapiListing(dao=dao).get_response(


### Let's break it down

**Filter mapper** - a collection of allowed filters on your listing API. Any request outside of this mapper scope
will not be executed for filtering safeguarding you from creepy API users.

`generic_filters` a collection of inbuilt filters supported by sqlalchemy orm
A dictionary is defined with structure:

`{"alias": tuple("sqlalchemy_model.field", filter_implementation)}`

`alias` - A string used by client in case if you wanna avoid actual column names to client site.

`tuple` - will contain two items field name and filter implementation

from fastapi_listing.filters import generic_filters

emp_filter_mapper = {
"gdr": ("Employee.gender", generic_filters.EqualityFilter),
"bdt": ("Employee.birth_date", generic_filters.MySqlNativeDateFormateRangeFilter),
"fnm": ("Employee.first_name", generic_filters.StringStartsWithFilter),

Register the above mapper with filter factory.

from fastapi_listing.factory import filter_factory

filter_factory.register_filter_mapper(emp_filter_mapper) # Register in global space or module level.

A client could request you like `v1/employees?filter=[{"gdr":"M"}]`

parse the above query_param in your adapter class like `[{"field":"gdr", "value":{"search":"M"}}]` if passed externally as kwarg then access it via `self.extra_context` in your adapter class or if passed request then
access `self.request` directly there.

Assuming everything goes right above will produce a response with items filtered on gender field matching rows with 'M'

**Sort Mapper** - a collection of allowed sort on listing any request outside of this mapper scope will
not be permitted for sort.

Simply define a dictionary with structure `{"alias": "field"}` if sorting on same column them omit model name &
if sorting on a joined table column then add sqlalchemy class name like we did for filter `{"alias":"sqlalchemy_model.field"}`

listing_sort_mapper = {
"code": "emp_no"
return FastapiListing(dao=dao).get_response(

# OR if passing request obj
return FastapiListing(request=request, dao=dao).get_response(

A client could request you like `v1/employees?sort={"code":}` or followed by filter `v1/employees?filter=[{"gdr":"M"}]&sort={"code":, "type":"asc"}`
and the response should contain list items sorted by employee code column in ascending order.

**Note** we didn't registered sort mapper like we did for filter mapper.

Similarly, for paginator `v1/employees?pagination={"page":1, "pageSize":10}` or followed by filter and sort `v1/employees?filter=[{"gdr":"M"}]&sort={"code":, "type":"asc"}&pagination={"page":1, "pageSize":10}`

Above will produce listing page of items 10 or dynamically client could change page size.

One thing to **Note** here is fastapi listing by default limits the client to reuqest maximum of 50 items at a time to safeguard your database
if you want to increase/decrease this default limit then simply pass the limit in `MetaInfo`

**You can also change the default page size from 10 to anything you would want**

return FastapiListing(request=request, dao=dao).get_response(
max_page_size=25, # here change max page size
default_page_size=10, # here change default page size

### Class Based implementation
Quick Example to convey the context

from fastapi import FastAPI

from sqlalchemy import Column, Date, String, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, relationship
from fastapi_listing import ListingService, FastapiListing
from fastapi_listing.filters import generic_filters
from fastapi_listing import loader
from fastapi_listing.paginator import ListingPage

Base = declarative_base()
app = FastAPI()

class Title(Base):
__tablename__ = 'titles'

emp_no = Column(ForeignKey('employees.emp_no', ondelete='CASCADE'), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
title = Column(String(50), primary_key=True, nullable=False)
from_date = Column(Date, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
to_date = Column(Date)

employee = relationship('Employee')

class EmployeeDao(GenericDao):
name = "employee"
model = Employee

class TitleDao(GenericDao):
name = "title"
model = Title

class EmployeeListingService(ListingService):
"""Class based listing API implementation"""
filter_mapper = {
"gdr": ("Employee.gender", generic_filters.EqualityFilter),
"bdt": ("Employee.birth_date", generic_filters.MySqlNativeDateFormateRangeFilter),
"fnm": ("Employee.first_name", generic_filters.StringStartsWithFilter),
"lnm": ("Employee.last_name", generic_filters.StringEndsWithFilter),
# below feature will require customisation to work at query level
"desg": ("Employee.Title.title", generic_filters.StringLikeFilter, lambda x: getattr(Title, x)) # registering filter with joined table field

sort_mapper = {
"cd": "emp_no"
default_srt_on = "Employee.emp_no"
default_dao = EmployeeDao

def get_listing(self):
# similar to above inline but instead of passing meta info uncompressed we pass self
# rest is handled implicityly like filter register
# one advantage here is every expect is validated so you get error when running server
resp = FastapiListing(self.request, self.dao, pydantic_serializer=EmployeeListDetails).get_response(self.MetaInfo(self))
return resp

@app.get("/employees", response_model=ListingPage[EmployeeListDetails])
def get_employees(db: Session):
return EmployeeListingService(read_db=db).get_listing()

Check out [docs]( for supported list of filters.
Additionally, you can create **custom filters** as well.

## Provided features are not meeting your requirements???

The Applications are endless with customisations

➡️ You can write custom:

* Query
* Filter
* Sorter
* Paginator

You can check out customisation section in docs after going through basics and tutorials.

Check out my other [repo]( to see some examples

## Features and Readability hand in hand 🤝

- Well defined interface for filter, sorter, paginator
- Support Dependency Injection for easy testing
- Room to adapt the existing remote client query param semantics
- Write standardise listing APIs that will be understood by generations of upcoming developers
- Write listing features which is easy on human mind to extend or understand
- Break down the most complex listing data APIs into digestible piece of code

Why readability and code quality matters in one picture...

# Documentation
View full documentation at: (A work in progress)

# Feedback, Questions?

Any form of feedback and questions are welcome! Please create an issue 💭