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Official GatsbyJS source plugin to pull content from DatoCMS

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Official GatsbyJS source plugin to pull content from DatoCMS

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**As of June 2024, due to upstream changes at Gatsby and Netlify, this plugin is now in maintenance mode and no new features will be added. We will still accept critical bug reports and fixes, but will not further develop or support this plugin otherwise. We recommend that new DatoCMS projects use the [Gatsby GraphQL source plugin]( instead of this one.**

# ~~gatsby-source-datocms~~

~~Source plugin for pulling models and records into Gatsby from DatoCMS administrative areas. It creates links between records so they can be queried in Gatsby using GraphQL.~~

~~**IMPORTANT**: If you use this plugin, you will not be able to write queries as described in the [DatoCMS Content Delivery API documentation]( Content will be exposed using [Gatsby's schema-generation]( If you want to directly use our GraphQL API in Gatsby, consider using the [gatsby-source-graphql]( plugin instead.~~

June 2024 Update: Please read above warning. We suggest using the [Gatsby GraphQL source plugin]( instead. This plugin is now on minimal life support.

## Table of Contents

- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Install](#install)
- [Sample projects](#sample-projects)
- [How to use](#how-to-use)
- [How to query](#how-to-query)
- [Accessing records](#accessing-records)
- [Multiple-paragraph text fields](#multiple-paragraph-text-fields)
- [Modular content fields](#modular-content-fields)
- [Structured text fields](#structured-text-fields)
- [SEO meta tags](#seo-meta-tags)
- [Favicon meta tags](#favicon-meta-tags)
- [Tree-like collections](#tree-like-collections)
- [Single instance models](#single-instance-models)
- [Localized fields](#localized-fields)
- [Locale fallbacks](#locale-fallbacks)
- [Integration with Gatsby Image](#integration-with-gatsby-image)
- [For Gatsby v3+ (currently in beta)](#for-gatsby-v3-currently-in-beta)
- [Compatibility with the deprecated `gatsby-image` component](#compatibility-with-the-deprecated-gatsby-image-component)
- [Responsive fluid](#responsive-fluid)
- [Responsive fixed](#responsive-fixed)
- [Field customisations](#field-customisations)
- [Connecting to multiple DatoCMS projects](#connecting-to-multiple-datocms-projects)
- [Configuring Content Previews](#configuring-content-previews)

## Install

npm install --save gatsby-source-datocms gatsby-plugin-image

PS. If you're on a Gatsby 2 project, please use version "^2.6.17" of this package.
PS. If you're on a Gatsby 3 project, or Gatsby 4 lower than 4.24.0, please use version "^4.0.4" of this package.

## Sample projects

We've prepared several projects for you: [portfolio](, [blog](, [snipcart](

## How to use

// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-source-datocms`,
options: {
// You can find your read-only API token under the Settings > API tokens
// section of your administrative area. Make sure to grant both CDA and CMA permissions.

// The project environment to read from. Defaults to the primary environment:
environment: `main`,

// If you are working on development/staging environment, you might want to
// preview the latest version of records instead of the published one:
previewMode: false,

// Disable automatic reloading of content when some change occurs on DatoCMS:
disableLiveReload: false,

// Custom API base URL (you probably don't need this!)
// apiUrl: '',

// Limits page size and can be used to avoid build timeouts.
// Default is 500 (also the maximum)
pageSize: 500,

## How to query

Two standard data types will be available from DatoCMS: `DatoCmsModel` and `DatoCmsSite`. You can query model nodes created from DatoCMS like the following:

allDatoCmsModel {
edges {
node {
fields {

Your site global settings can be queried like this:

datoCmsSite {

### Accessing records

Non-standard data types, i.e. models you define in DatoCMS, will also be
available in Gatsby. They'll be created in your site's GraphQL schema under
`datoCms{modelApiKey}` and `allDatoCms{modelApiKey}`. For example,
if you have a `blog_post` model, you will be able to query it like the following:

sort: { fields: [publicationDate], order: DESC }
limit: 5
) {
edges {
node {
publicationDate(formatString: "MM-DD-YYYY")
author {
avatar {

### Multiple-paragraph text fields

Fields of type _Multiple-paragraph text_ will be available both as simple
strings (ie. `excerpt`) and nodes (ie. `excerptNode`). You can use the latter
if you want to apply further transformations, like converting markdown with [`gatsby-transformer-remark`]( (converting markdown only works with `Markdown editor` as name suggests):

allDatoCmsBlogPost {
edges {
node {
excerptNode {
childMarkdownRemark {

If these fields are localized, you can leverage localization arguments to access the field in different languages like explained [here](#localized-fields).

### Modular content fields

[Modular-content fields]( can be queried this way:

datoCmsBlogPost {
content {
... on DatoCmsText {
model {
... on DatoCmsImage {
model {
image {

You can then present your blocks in a similar manner:


{ => (

{block.model.apiKey === 'text' &&
{block.model.apiKey === 'image' && }



### Structured text fields

[Structured Text fields]( can be queried this way:

**⚠️ IMPORTANT**: make sure you add the `id: originalId` part in both the `blocks` and `links` sub-queries, or the `` component won't work!

datoCmsBlogPost {
content {
links {
... on DatoCmsArticle {
id: originalId
blocks {
... on DatoCmsImage {
id: originalId
image {

You can then present your blocks using the [``]( component.

import { StructuredText } from 'react-datocms';

switch (record.__typename) {
case 'DatoCmsArticle':
return {record.title};
return null;
renderLinkToRecord={({ record, children }) => {
switch (record.__typename) {
case 'DatoCmsArticle':
return {children};
return null;
renderBlock={({ record }) => {
switch (record.__typename) {
case 'DatoCmsImage':
return {record.image.alt};
return null;

If you need to generate an excerpt you can use the [`datocms-structured-text-to-plain-text`]( package to convert the document into plain text:

import { render as toPlainText } from 'datocms-structured-text-to-plain-text';
import ellipsize from 'ellipsize';

ellipsize(toPlainText(data.blogPost.content), 100);

### SEO meta tags

All records have a `seoMetaTags` field that you can use to build SEO meta tags
for your record's pages:

allDatoCmsBlogPost {
edges {
node {
seoMetaTags {
tags {
attributes {

This package exposes a `HelmetDatoCms` component and a `GatsbyDatoCmsSeoMetaTags`
GraphQL fragment to make it easier use these information in your website:

PS. [Due to a limitation of GraphiQL](,
you can not currently use the `GatsbyDatoCmsSeoMetaTags` fragment in the GraphiQL IDE.

import React from 'react'
import Link from 'gatsby-link'
import { HelmetDatoCms } from 'gatsby-source-datocms'

const About = ({ data }) => (




export default About;

export const query = graphql`
query AboutQuery {
datoCmsAboutPage {
seoMetaTags {

If you need to pass additional meta tags to the underlying `Helmet` component, you can add them as children and props to `HelmetDatoCms`:



The `datoCmsSite` global settings has also the `globalSeo` field that contains the fallback fields:

datoCmsSite {
globalSeo {
fallbackSeo {
image {

### Favicon meta tags

You can get the complete set of meta tags related to your site favicon this way:

datoCmsSite {
faviconMetaTags {
attributes {

Similarly to what happens with SEO meta tags, you can use the `HelmetDatoCms` component with the `GatsbyDatoCmsFaviconMetaTags` fragment to make it easier use these information in your website:

import React from 'react'
import Link from 'gatsby-link'
import { HelmetDatoCms } from 'gatsby-source-datocms'

const TemplateWrapper = ({ data }) => (




export default TemplateWrapper

export const query = graphql`
query LayoutQuery {
datoCmsSite {
faviconMetaTags {

### Tree-like collections

If you have a model configured as a tree, you can navigate the hierarchy with
`treeChildren` and `treeParent` this way:

allDatoCmsCategory(filter: { root: { eq: true } }) {
edges {
node {
treeChildren {
treeChildren {

### Single instance models

You can access to single instance models like this:

datoCmsHomepage {

### Localized fields

When you're fetching the value of a localized field, by default it will be returned to the project default locale β€” that is, the first locale in your project settings:

query {
datoCmsSite {
locales # -> ["en", "it"]
allDatoCmsBlogPost {
title # -> will return the title value in "en" locale

To change that, you can add a locale argument to queries to specify another locale:

query {
allDatoCmsBlogPost(locale: "it") {
title # -> will return the title value in "it" locale

You can also specify a different locale on a per-field basis:

query {
allDatoCmsBlogPost(locale: "it") {
title # -> will return the title value in "it" locale
enTitle: title(locale: "en") # -> will return the title value in "en" locale

#### Locale fallbacks

You can also specify a list of fallback locales together with the locale argument:

query {
allDatoCmsBlogPost(locale: "it", fallbackLocales: ["en"]) {

If the field value for the specified locale is null-ish (null, empty string or empty array), the system will try to find a non null-ish value in each of the localizations specified in the fallbackLocales argument. The order of the elements in the fallbackLocales argument is important, as the system will start from the first element in the array, and go on from there.

Just like the locale argument, you can specify different fallback locales on a per-field basis:

query {
allDatoCmsBlogPost {
title(locale: "it", fallbackLocales: ["en"])

## Integration with Gatsby Image

### For Gatsby v3+ (currently in beta)

This plugin is compatible with the new [gatsby-plugin-image]( and the `` component released with Gatsby v3:

import React from 'react';
import { GatsbyImage } from 'gatsby-plugin-image';

const About = ({ data }) => (


export default About;

export const query = graphql`
query AboutQuery {
datoCmsAboutPage {
photo {
width: 600
placeholder: BLURRED
forceBlurhash: false
imgixParams: { invert: true }

When `placeholder` is set to `BLURRED`, the normal behaviour is to use DatoCMS blurhash placeholders, except for PNG files, which might require transparency. If you want to force blurhash placeholders also for PNGs, pass the option `forceBlurhash: true`.

**NOTE:** [gatsby-plugin-sharp]( needs to be listed as a dependency if you plan to use `placeholder: TRACED_SVG`.

### Compatibility with the deprecated `gatsby-image` component

If you're using the old `gatsby-image` package, read here!

Images coming from DatoCMS can be queried so that they can be used with [gatsby-image](, a React component specially designed to work seamlessly with Gatsby's GraphQL queries that implements advanced image loading techniques to easily and completely optimize image loading for your sites.

**NOTE:** [gatsby-plugin-sharp]( needs to be listed as a dependancy for the `_tracedSVG` fragments to function.

#### Responsive fluid

This GraphQL option allows you to generate responsive images that automatically respond to different device screen resolution and widths. E.g. a smartphone browser will download a much smaller image than a desktop device.

Instead of specifying a width and height, with `fluid` you specify a `maxWidth`, the max width the container of the images reaches.

import React from 'react';
import Img from 'gatsby-image';

const About = ({ data }) => (


export default About;

export const query = graphql`
query AboutQuery {
datoCmsAboutPage {
photo {
maxWidth: 600
forceBlurhash: false
imgixParams: { fm: "jpg", auto: "compress" }
) {

The normal behaviour is to use DatoCMS blurhash placeholders, except for PNG files, which might require transparency. If you want to force blurhash placeholders also for PNGs, pass the option `forceBlurhash: true`.

The fragments you can use are:

- `GatsbyDatoCmsFluid`: "blur-up" technique to show a preview of the image while it loads;
- `GatsbyDatoCmsFluid_tracedSVG`: "traced placeholder" SVG technique to show a preview of the image while it loads;
- `GatsbyDatoCmsFluid_noBase64`: no preview effects.

`gatsby-image` will automatically use WebP images when the browser supports the file format. If the browser doesn’t support WebP, `gatsby-image` will fall back to the default image format.

#### Responsive fixed

If you make queries with resolutions then Gatsby automatically generates images with 1x, 1.5x, 2x, and 3x versions so your images look great on whatever screen resolution of device they're on. If you're on a retina class screen, notice how much sharper these images are.

import React from 'react';
import Img from 'gatsby-image';

const About = ({ data }) => (


export default About;

export const query = graphql`
query AboutQuery {
datoCmsAboutPage {
photo {
width: 200
forceBlurhash: false
imgixParams: { fm: "jpg", auto: "compress" }
) {

The normal behaviour is to use DatoCMS blurhash placeholders, except for PNG files, which might require transparency. If you want to force blurhash placeholders also for PNGs, pass the option `forceBlurhash: true`.

The fragments you can use are:

- `GatsbyDatoCmsFixed`: "blur-up" technique to show a preview of the image while it loads;
- `GatsbyDatoCmsFixed_tracedSVG`: "traced placeholder" SVG technique to show a preview of the image while it loads;
- `GatsbyDatoCmsFixed_noBase64`: no preview effects.

`gatsby-image` will automatically use WebP images when the browser supports the file format. If the browser doesn’t support WebP, `gatsby-image` will fall back to the default image format.

## Field customisations

If you need to customize the GraphQL response that you get from DatoCMS (e.g augmenting models, manipulating fields), you should include your logic in the `createResolvers` API.

Read more about how to customise the GraphQL schema in the [Gatsby documentation](

## Connecting to multiple DatoCMS projects

If you need to connect your website to multiple DatoCMS projects, use the `instancePrefix` option:

// In your gatsby-config.js

module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-source-datocms`,
options: {
apiToken: 'XXX',
instancePrefix: 'FirstProject',
resolve: `gatsby-source-datocms`,
options: {
apiToken: 'YYY',
instancePrefix: 'SecondProject',

This will allow you to perform all the queries with a specific token and distinguish between the results:

datoCmsFirstProjectSite {

datoCmsSecondProjectSite {

allDatoCmsFirstProjectBlogPost {
nodes {

allDatoCmsSecondProjectBlogPost {
nodes {
cover {

## Configuring Content Previews

Configuration will be handled for you when using DatoCMS Quick Connect on Gatsby Cloud. However, if you'd prefer not to use Quick Connect and manually setup the integration, instructions can be found [here](


# What is DatoCMS?

[DatoCMS]( is the REST & GraphQL Headless CMS for the modern web.

Trusted by over 25,000 enterprise businesses, agency partners, and individuals across the world, DatoCMS users create online content at scale from a central hub and distribute it via API. We ❀️ our [developers](, [content editors]( and [marketers](!

**Quick links:**

- ⚑️ Get started with a [free DatoCMS account](
- πŸ”– Go through the [docs](
- βš™οΈ Get [support from us and the community](
- πŸ†• Stay up to date on new features and fixes on the [changelog](

**Our featured repos:**
- [datocms/react-datocms]( React helper components for images, Structured Text rendering, and more
- [datocms/js-rest-api-clients]( Node and browser JavaScript clients for updating and administering your content. For frontend fetches, we recommend using our [GraphQL Content Delivery API]( instead.
- [datocms/cli]( Command-line interface that includes our [Contentful importer]( and [Wordpress importer](
- [datocms/plugins]( Example plugins we've made that extend the editor/admin dashboard
- [DatoCMS Starters]( has examples for various Javascript frontend frameworks

Or see [all our public repos](