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Re-run (retry) failed RSpec examples.

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Re-run (retry) failed RSpec examples.

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**rspec-rerun** reruns failed RSpec examples (for brittle tests).

It writes failed examples to the file `rspec.failures` and feeds these back to RSpec via `-e`.

(For RSpec 2 use version '~> 0.3.1'. )

``` ruby
# Gemfile
group :development, :test do
gem 'rspec-rerun'

# Rakefile
require 'rspec-rerun/tasks'
task default: 'rspec-rerun:spec'

echo rspec.failures >> .gitignore

Run `rake` or `rake rspec-rerun:spec`. Failed examples will be rerun automatically.


The `rspec-rerun:spec` task accepts the following parameters:

* `retry_count`: number of retries, defaults to 1

e.g. `rake rspec-rerun:spec[3]`. ZSH users will want to try noglob or quote around the task name: `rake 'rspec-rerun:spec[3]'`.

You can set the following global environment variables:

* `RSPEC_RERUN_RETRY_COUNT`: number of retries, defaults to the value of `retry_count` or 1
* `RSPEC_RERUN_PATTERN`: spec file pattern, defaults to the value defined by `RSpec::Core::RakeTask`
* `RSPEC_RERUN_TAG`: only execute the tag specified
* `RSPEC_RERUN_VERBOSE`: if 'false', don't show the rspec command invoked by Rake


Rerunning failed specs has been a long requested feature [#456]( in [RSpec]( A viable approach was suggested in [#596]( The infrastructure from that pull request was merged and released with rspec-core 2.11, which enabled re-running specs outside of RSpec, as described in [our blog post]( This gem has evolved from it.



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