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PDO wrapper for MySQL

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PDO wrapper for MySQL

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# PDO Wrapper

This PDO wrapper, is a collection of methods for working with a database this includes selecting, inserting, updating and deleting records.

> V2+ has been rewritten for the old docs please see [V1 branch](

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This PDO wrapper, is a collection of methods for working with a database this includes selecting, inserting, updating and deleting records.

> V2+ has been rewritten for the old docs please see [V1 branch](

## Upgrade from V1

Version 2 is now namespaced as `Dcblogdev` instead of `Daveismyname`

Also the methods `get()` and `select()` have been removed.

Instead of ::get() a new instance of the class used `new Database($args)`

Select has been replaced with `->rows()` and `->row()` or `->run()`

# Quick Reference
//create table
$db->raw("CREATE TABLE demo (id int auto_increment primary key, name varchar(255))");

//use PDO directly
$db->getPdo()->query('Select username FROM users')->fetchAll();

//use run to query and chain methods
$db->run("SELECT * FROM users")->fetchAll();
$db->run("SELECT * FROM users")->fetch();
$db->run("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?", [$id])->fetch();
//select using array instead of object
$db->run("SELECT * FROM users")->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

//get by id
$db->getById('users', 2);

//get all rows
$db->rows("SELECT title FROM posts");
//get all rows with placeholders
$db->rows("SELECT title FROM posts WHERE user_id = ?", [$user_id]);

//get single row
$db->row("SELECT title FROM posts");
//get single row with placeholders
$db->row("SELECT title FROM posts WHERE user_id = ?", [$user_id]);

$db->count("SELECT id FROM posts");
$db->count("SELECT id FROM posts WHERE category_id = ?", [$category_id]);

$id = $db->insert('users', ['username' => 'Dave', 'role' => 'Admin']);

//last inserted id

$db->update('users', ['role' => 'Editor'], ['id' => 3]);

//delete from table with a where claus and a limit of 1 record
$db->delete('posts', ['type_id' => 'draft'], $limit = 1);

//delete from table with a where claus and a limit of 10 record
$db->delete('posts', ['type_id' => 'draft'], $limit = 10);

//delete all from table with a where claus and a limit of 10 record
$db->delete('posts', ['type_id' => 'draft'], null);

//delete all from table

//delete by id from table
$db->deleteById('posts', 2);

//delete by ids from table
$db->deleteById('posts', '2,4,7');

//truncate table

## Install

Using composer include the repository by typing the following into a terminal

composer require dcblogdev/pdo-wrapper

Set the DB credentials. Finally, create an instance of the classes.

use Dcblogdev\PdoWrapper\Database;

// make a connection to mysql here
$options = [
'username' => '',
'database' => '',
'password' => '',
'type' => 'mysql',
'charset' => 'utf8',
'host' => 'dev',
'port' => '3309'

$db = new Database($options);

Accessing PDO
You can call getPdo()` to get access to PDO directly:


This allows to chain calls:


## Querying

All queries use prepared statements, calling ->run() returns a PDO option that can be chained:

Select multiple records:

$db->run("select * FROM users")->fetchAll();

Select a single record:

$db->run("select * FROM users")->fetch();

Select multiple records using ->rows

$db->rows("select * FROM table");

Select single record using ->row

$db->row("select * FROM table");

To select records based on user data instead of passing the data to the query directly use a prepared statement, this is safer and stops any attempt at sql injections.

Names placeholders

$db->row("select username FROM users WHERE id = :id and email = :email", ['id' => 1, ':email' => '[email protected]']);

Annonomus placeholders

$db->row("select username FROM users WHERE id = ? and email = ?", [1, '[email protected]']);

The above query will return the username from a users table where the id and email match. The id and email is passed seperartly in an array.

Instead of passing in an id and email to the query directly a placeholder is used :id and :email (or ? can be used) then an array is passed the keys in the array matches the placeholder and is bound, so the database will get both the query and the bound data.

Data returned from the query will be returns as an object this can be changed by passing a third param containing PDO::FETCH_ASSOC.

To use the object loop through it, a typical example:

$rows = $db->rows("firstName, lastName FROM username ORDER BY firstName, lastName");
foreach ($rows as $row) {
echo "

$row->firstName $row->lastName


## Select Single Record

Using row() will return only a single result. Like rows it accepts params being passed in an array as a second argument.

Names placeholders

$db->row("column FROM table where id=:id", ['id' => 23]);

Anonymous placeholders

$db->row("column FROM table where id=?", [23]);

Another way to select a single record using the table and id by calling ->getById

$db->getById('users', $id);

## Raw
A raw query is a query that does not run through a prepared statement and will execute the query passed directly. Useful when creating a table.

$db->raw("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (
firstName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
lastnName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

## Count
To count records call the count method. This method expects the table name and column name (optional).


If the table has no column id

$db->count('users', 'user_id');

## Insert

Data is inserted by calling the insert method it expects the table name followed by an array of key and values to insert in to the database.

$data = [
'firstName' => 'Joe',
'lastnName' => 'Smith',
'email' => '[email protected]'
$db->insert('users', $data);

The insert automatically returns the last inserted id by returning 'lastInsertId' to collect the id:

$id = $db->insert('users', $data);

## Updating
To update an existing record the update method is called. This method expects the table, array of data to update, and a second array containing the where condition.

$data = [
'firstName' => 'Joe',
'lastnName' => 'Smith',
'email' => '[email protected]'
$where = ['id' => 2];
$db->update('users', $data, $where);


$update = [
'data' => [
'firstName' => 'Joe',
'lastnName' => 'Smith',
'email' => '[email protected]'
'where' => [
'id' => 2

$db->update('users', $update['data'], $update['where']);

## Delete

To delete records call the delete method. This method expects the table name and an array of the where condition.

$where = ['id' => 2];
$db->delete('users', $where);

This will delete a single record to set the limit pass a third parameter containing the number to limit to or to remove the limit pass null as a third param.

$db->delete('users', $where, 10); //delete 10 records matcing the where
$db->delete('users', $where, null); //delete all records matching the where

## Delete All

To delete all records for a given table


## Delete by Id

To delete a record by its table and id

$db->deleteById('users', $id);

## Delete Multiple In

To delete multiple records where ids are in a specific column, this uses WHERE id IN (4,5,6)

$db->deleteByIds('users', 'id', '4,5,6');

## Truncate

To empty a table of all contents call the truncate method. Passing only the table name.
