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Dockerfile repository for Bioinformatics

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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Dockerfile repository for Bioinformatics

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Dockerfile repository for Bioinformatics

[![CI to Docker Hub](](

Docker images

- Images on Docker Hub:
- [abra2](
- ~alfred~
- [ascat](
- [bamsnap](
- [bcftools](
- [bedops](
- [bedtools](
- [bioconda](
- [bowtie2](
- [bwa](
- [bwa-mem2](
- [cufflinks](
- [cnvkit](
- [cnvnator](
- [cutadapt](
- [delly](
- [dicey](
- [elprep](
- [fastp](
- [fastq-dump](
- [fastqc](
- [fgbio](
- ~freec~
- [gatk](
- [gencore](
- [gffread](
- [gridss](
- [goleft](
- [hisat2](
- ~igv~
- [igv-webapp](
- [jbrowse](
- [kallisto](
- ~last~
- ~lumpy~
- [macs2](
- [manta](
- [miso](
- [msisensor](
- [msisensor-pro](
- [multiqc](
- [nirvana](
- ~oncotator~
- [picard](
- ~pindel~
- [prinseq](
- [rsem](
- ~sambamba~
- [samplot](
- [samtools](
- [seqkit](
- ~sequenza~
- [sigprofiler](
- ~smoove~
- [snpeff](
- [star](
- [strelka](
- [svtools](
- [trim_galore](
- [trimmomatic](
- [varscan](
- [vep](
- Images requiring a user build:
- annovar
- bcl2fastq
- Images outside this repository:
- [deepvariant](
- [deepvariant_gpu](

Docker Compose

- Pull an image

$ docker-compose pull

- Build an image

$ docker-compose build


Some images use the following tools:

- print-github-tags
- Tiny command to fetch repository tags or releases from GitHub
- [GitHub - dceoy/print-github-tags](
- clir
- R package manager for command line interface
- [GitHub - dceoy/clir](
- [DockerHub - dceoy/clir](


- abra2
- [GitHub - mozack/abra2](
- alfred
- [GitHub - tobiasrausch/alfred](
- [ - Alfred](
- annovar
- [ - ANNOVAR](
- ascat
- [GitHub - Crick-CancerGenomics/ascat](
- [The Francis Crick Institute - Allele-Specific Copy number Analysis of Tumours (ASCAT)](
- bamsnap
- [ - BamSnap](
- [GitHub - parklab/bamsnap](
- bcftools
- [ - Bcftools](
- [GitHub - samtools/bcftools](
- bcl2fastq
- [Illumina - bcl2fastq Conversion Software](
- bedops
- [ - BEDOPS](
- [GitHub - bedops/bedops](
- bedtools
- [ - bedtools2](
- [GitHub - arq5x/bedtools2](
- bioconda
- [ - Bioconda](
- bowtie2
- [ - Bowtie 2](
- [GitHub - BenLangmead/bowtie2](
- bwa
- [ - Burrows-Wheeler Aligner](
- [GitHub - lh3/bwa](
- bwa-mem2
- [GitHub - bwa-mem2/bwa-mem2](
- canvas
- [GitHub - Illumina/canvas](
- cn.mops
- [Bioconductor - cn.mops](
- cnvkit
- [ - CNVkit](
- [GitHub - etal/cnvkit](
- cufflinks
- [Trapnell Lab - Cufflinks](
- [GitHub - cole-trapnell-lab/cufflinks](
- cutadapt
- [ - Cutadapt](
- [GitHub - marcelm/cutadapt](
- deepvariant
- [GitHub -google/deepvariant](
- [Google Cloud Platform - DeepVariant](
- delly
- [GitHub - dellytools/delly](
- dicey
- [GitHub - gear-genomics/dicey](
- elprep
- [GitHub - ExaScience/elprep](
- fastp
- [GitHub - OpenGene/fastp](
- fastq-dump
- [NCBI - SRA Toolkit](
- fastqc
- [Babraham Bioinformatics - FastQC](
- fgbio
- [GitHub - fulcrumgenomics/fgbio](
- [ - fgbio](
- freec
- [ - Control-FREEC](
- [GitHub - BoevaLab/FREEC](
- gatk
- [Broad Institute - Genome Analysis Toolkit](
- [GitHub - broadinstitute/gatk](
- gencore
- [GitHub - OpenGene/gencore](
- gffread
- [GitHub - gpertea/gffread](
- gridss
- [GitHub - PapenfussLab/gridss](
- goleft
- [GitHub - brentp/goleft](
- hisat2
- [Johns Hopkins University - HISAT2](
- [GitHub - infphilo/hisat2](
- igv:
- [Broad Institute - Integrative Genomics Viewer](
- [GitHub - igvteam/igv](
- igv-webapp:
- [Broad Institute - Integrative Genomics Viewer](
- [GitHub - igvteam/igv-webapp](
- jbrowse
- [ - The JBrowse Genome Browser](
- [GitHub - GMOD/jbrowse](
- kallisto
- [ - kallisto](
- [GitHub - pachterlab/kallisto](
- last
- [ - LAST](
- lumpy
- [GitHub - arq5x/lumpy-sv](
- macs2
- [X. Shirley Liu Lab - MACS](
- [GitHub - taoliu/MACS](
- manta
- [GitHub - Illumina/manta](
- miso
- [ - MISO](
- [ - MISO](
- [GitHub - yarden/MISO](
- msisensor
- [GitHub - ding-lab/msisensor](
- msisensor-pro
- [GitHub - xjtu-omics/msisensor-pro](
- multiqc
- [GitHub - ewels/MultiQC](
- nirvana
- [GitHub - Illumina/Nirvana](
- oncotator
- [Broad Institute - Oncotator](
- [GitHub - broadinstitute/oncotator](
- picard
- [ - Picard](
- [GitHub - broadinstitute/picard](
- pindel
- [GitHub - genome/pindel](
- prinseq
- [ - PRINSEQ](
- rsem
- [ - RSEM (RNA-Seq by Expectation-Maximization)](
- [GitHub - deweylab/RSEM](
- sambamba
- [GitHub - biod/sambamba](
- [ - Sambamba](
- samplot
- [GitHub - ryanlayer/samplot](
- samtools
- [ - SAMtools](
- [GitHub - samtools/samtools](
- seqkit
- [ - SeqKit](
- [GitHub - shenwei356/seqkit](
- sequenza
- [CRAN - sequenza](
- [ - Sequenza](
- [Bitbucket - Sequenza](
- [Bitbucket - Sequenza-utils](
- [ - Sequenza-utils](
- sigprofiler
- [COSMIC Mutational Signatures - SigProfiler Tools](
- [GitHub - AlexandrovLab/SigProfilerMatrixGenerator](
- [GitHub - AlexandrovLab/SigProfilerPlotting](
- [GitHub - AlexandrovLab/SigProfilerExtractor](
- [GitHub - AlexandrovLab/SigProfilerSimulator](
- smoove
- [GitHub - brentp/smoove](
- snpeff
- [ - SnpEff](
- star
- [GitHub - alexdobin/STAR](
- strelka
- [GitHub - Illumina/strelka](
- svtools
- [GitHub - hall-lab/svtools](
- trim_galore
- [GitHub - FelixKrueger/TrimGalore](
- [Babraham Bioinformatics - Trim Galore](
- trimmomatic
- [ - Trimmomatic](
- [GitHub - timflutre/trimmomatic](
- varscan
- [ - VarScan](
- [ - VarScan](
- [GitHub - dkoboldt/varscan](
- vep
- [ - Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP)](
- [GitHub - Ensembl/ensembl-vep](