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This is a comprehensive e-commerce full-stack application built using Next.js for the frontend and Node.js with Express.js for the backend. It provides functionality for user authentication, seller product management, and buyer shopping experience.

bcryptjs cors expressjs jwt-authentication nextjs14 nodejs postgresql reacthookform reactjs shadcn-ui tailwindcss typescript zod zustand

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This is a comprehensive e-commerce full-stack application built using Next.js for the frontend and Node.js with Express.js for the backend. It provides functionality for user authentication, seller product management, and buyer shopping experience.

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# 🛍ī¸ E-commerce Full Stack Application

This is a comprehensive e-commerce full-stack application built using Next.js for the frontend and Node.js with Express.js for the backend. It provides functionality for user authentication, seller product management, and buyer shopping experience.

## 😍 UI

Homepage & 404 error page

Login & Signup Page

Login & Signup form validation

Buyer & Seller dashboard Page

Advance search functionality for product name & category

Fallback loading UI

Unauthorize access page for protected routes & Buyer cart page

Seller Add & Edit product page

Add & Edit product form fields with custom validation

## 🕹ī¸ Tech Stack

### Frontend
- Next.js 14.2.6
- React 18
- TypeScript
- Tailwind CSS
- Additional libraries:
- @hookform/resolvers
- @radix-ui (for UI components)
- axios (for API requests)
- react-hook-form (for form handling)
- zod (for schema validation)
- zustand (for state management)

### Backend
- Node.js
- Express.js
- PostgreSQL (pg driver)
- Additional libraries:
- bcryptjs (for password hashing)
- jsonwebtoken (for JWT authentication)
- cors (for handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
- dotenv (for environment variable management)

## 🎉 Features

### User Authentication & Authorization
- Role based dynamic routes based on user login.
- JSON Web Tokens (JWT) used for maintaining user sessions.
- Tokens securely stored on the client-side for persistent authentication.
- Distinct user roles (seller and buyer) with different permissions and access levels.
- Users can create accounts as either sellers or buyers.
- Custom form validation enforced for enhanced security.
- Passwords hashed using bcrypt before storage in the database.
- Handled Unauthorized access for all roles.
- Seamless one click logout feature.

### Seller Functionality
- Sellers can easily add new products with detailed information:
- Product name
- Category selection from predefined options
- Rich text description support
- Price setting with discount
- Edit existing product details and update information in real-time.
- Remove products from the marketplace with safeguards against accidental deletion.
- Have access for his own added products only.

### Buyer Functionality
- Search functionality allowing users to find products by name or category.
- Implemented advance debounced search functionality for better UI rendering.
- Sort results automatically by acceding order on every request.
- Buyer can have the flexibility for add to card with quantity directly from product card.
- Remove items or adjust quantities directly from the cart table.
- Persistent cart that saves items for logged-in users across sessions.
- Added cart notification dot with cart count for real time updates.

### Responsive Design

- Fully responsive interface adaptable to various screen sizes (desktop, tablet, mobile).
- Consistent user experience across different devices.

### Security Features

- HTTPS encryption for all data transmissions.
- CSRF protection for form submissions.
- Input validation and sanitization to prevent SQL injection and XSS attacks.

## đŸĒ„ Best Practices

- [✔ī¸] **Input Validation**: All user inputs are validated and sanitized using Zod before being processed or stored in the database.
- [✔ī¸] **Routing**: Next.js file-based routing system is used effectively, with dynamic routes implemented where necessary.
- [✔ī¸] **Responsiveness**: The application is designed to be responsive across various devices and screen sizes using Tailwind CSS.
- [✔ī¸] **Error Handling**: Proper error handling is implemented for various scenarios, with clear and meaningful error messages returned to the client.
- [✔ī¸] **Code Quality**: The codebase maintains high standards of readability and maintainability, with appropriate comments explaining complex logic.
- [✔ī¸] **Security**: Best practices for security are followed, including secure authentication with JWT and bcrypt for password hashing.
- [✔ī¸] **State Management**: Zustand is used for efficient and scalable state management on the frontend.
- [✔ī¸] **Form Handling**: react-hook-form is utilized for efficient and performant form handling.
- [✔ī¸] **API Requests**: Axios is used for making HTTP requests, providing a consistent interface for both browser and node.js environments.
- [✔ī¸] **UI Components**: Shadcn UI is used for accessible and customizable UI components.

## đŸ“Ļ Setup Instructions

### Frontend Setup

1. Clone and navigate to the client directory:
git clone
cd e-commerce/client

2. Install dependencies:
npm install

3. Create a .env file in the root of the client directory and add:
API_BASE_URL=http://localhost:5000/api // Backend server URL

4. Run the development server:
npm run dev

5. Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) in your browser to see the application.

### Backend Setup

1. Navigate to the server directory:
cd e-commerce/server

2. Install dependencies:
npm install

3. Create a `.env` file in the root of the server directory and add:

4. Set up your PostgreSQL database and update the connection string in `.env`.

5. Run the server:
node serve.js

## 📃 API Documentation

### Authentication

#### POST /api/auth/signup
Create a new user account.

Request body:
"email": "string",
"password": "string",
"role": "seller" | "buyer"

#### POST /api/auth/login
Log in to an existing account.

Request body:
"email": "string",
"password": "string"

"token": "jwt_token",

### Products

#### GET /api/products
Get all products.

"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"category": "string",
"description": "string",
"price": number,
"discount": number,
"sellerId": "string"

#### GET /api/products/:id
Get a specific product by ID.

"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"category": "string",
"description": "string",
"price": "string",
"discount": "string",
"sellerId": "string"

#### POST /api/products
Create a new product (seller only).

Request body:
"name": "string",
"category": "string",
"description": "string",
"price": "string",
"discount": "string"

#### PUT /api/products/:id
Update an existing product (seller only).

Request body:
"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"category": "string",
"description": "string",
"price": "string",
"discount": "string"

#### DELETE /api/products/:id
Delete a product (seller only).

### Cart

#### GET /api/cart
Get the current user's cart.

"id": "string",
"name": "string",
"category": "string",
"description": "string",
"price": "string",
"discount": "string",
"quantity": number,
"seller_id": number

#### POST /api/cart
Add a product to the cart.

Request body:
"productId": "string",
"quantity": number

#### DELETE /api/cart/:productId
Remove a product from the cart.

## 🗃ī¸ Project Structure

### Frontend (Next.js)
├── public/
├── src/
│ ├── app/
│ | ├── auth/
│ | | ├── login/
│ | | | └── page.tsx
│ | | └── signup/
│ | | └── page.tsx
│ | ├── buyer/
│ | | ├── cart/
│ | | | └── page.tsx
│ | | └── dashboard/
│ | | └── page.tsx
│ | ├── seller/
│ | | ├── add-product/
│ | | | └── page.tsx
│ | | ├── dashboard/
│ | | | └── page.tsx
│ | | └── edit-product/
│ | | └── page.tsx
│ | ├── unauthorize/
│ | ├── layout.tsx
│ | ├── not-found.tsx
│ | └── page.tsx
│ ├── components/
│ | ├── ui/
│ | ├── DashboardTitle.tsx
│ | ├── ErrorAlert.tsx
│ | ├── Footer.tsx
│ | ├── Header.tsx
│ | ├── ProductCard.tsx
│ | ├── ProductCardLoading.tsx
│ | ├── ProductCount.tsx
│ | ├── ProductForm.tsx
│ | └── SearchBar.tsx
│ ├── constants/
│ ├── helpers/
│ ├── hooks/
│ ├── lib/
│ ├── public/
│ ├── store/
│ ├── styles/
│ └── utils/
├── .eslintrc.json
├── next.config.js
├── package.json
├── postcss.config.js
├── tailwind.config.js
└── tsconfig.json

### Backend (Node.js)
├── config/
│ └── database.js
├── controllers/
│ ├── authController.js
│ ├── cartController.js
│ └── productController.js
├── middleware/
│ └── auth.js
├── models/
│ ├── Cart.js
│ ├── Product.js
│ └── User.js
├── routes/
│ ├── auth.js
│ ├── cart.js
│ └── products.js
├── .env
├── package.json
└── server.js