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leetcode practice source code

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leetcode practice source code

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# LeetCode 刷题记录
[x] | 1-Two Sum | 注意审题,不要简单问题复杂化
[x] | 2-Add Two Numbers | 大整数运算
[x] | 3-Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters |需要维护一个映射
[x] | 5-Longest Palindromic Substring | 简单回文串计算
[x] | 6-ZigZag Conversion | 简单字符串处理
[x] | 7-Reverse Integer | 简单字符串处理,这里用这道题练习了下正则表达式
[x] | 8-String to Integer (atoi) | 字符串题,用正则可以简化问题
[x] | 9-Palindrome Number | 回文串,用Python做简单的不行
[x] | 11-Container With Most Water | 简单题
[x] | 12-Integer to Roman | 字符串题
[x] | 13-Roman to Integer | 字符串题
[x] | 15-3Sum | 二分查找
[x] | 17-Letter Combinations of a Phone Number | 简单dfs
[x] | 19-Remove Nth Node From End of List | 简单链表题
[x] | 21-Merge Two Sorted Lists | 简单链表合并
[x] | 27-Remove Element | 简单题
[x] | 26-Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array | 简单题
[x] | 28-Implement strStr() | 简单题
[x] | 33-Search in Rotated Sorted Array | 二分查找变体,Rotated Sorted Array
[x] | 34-Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array | 二分查找
[x] | 35-Search Insert Position | 二分查找
[x] | 36-Valid Sudoku | 简单题, 数组
[x] | 38-Count and Say | 简单题
[x] | 46-Permutations | 回溯法,全排列
[x] | 47-Permutations II | 回溯法,重复序列的全排列
[x] | 48-Rotate Image | 数组
[x] | 49-Group Anagrams | 简单题,defaultdict的使用
[x] | 50-Pow(x, n) | 快速幂
[x] | 58-Length of Last Word | 简单题
[x] | 61-Route List | 简单链表
[x] | 66-Plus One | 简单题
[x] | 67-Add Binary | 简单题
[x] | 69-Sqrt(x) | 二分查找
[x] | 70-Climbing Stairs | 简单递推
[x] | 82-Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II | 链表去重
[x] | 83-Remove Duplicates from Sorted List | 链表去重
[x] | 86-Partition List | 链表合并
[x] | 88-Merge Sorted Array | 简单数组操作
[x] | 92-Reverse Linked List II | 链表的遍历,前插法与后插法
[x] | 98-Validate Binary Search Tree | 二叉搜索树
[x] | 100-Same Tree | 树的比较
[x] | 104-Maximum Depth of Binary Tree | 树
[x] | 107-Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II
[x] | 136-Single Number | 简单题
[x] | 141-Linked List Cycle | 链表,快慢指针
[x] | 142-Linked List Cycle II | 链表,快慢指针
[x] | 143-Reorder List | 链表
[x] | 169-求众数 | 简单题
[x] | 171-Excel表列序号 | reduce 的使用
[x] | 206-Reverse Linked List | 链表反转
[x] | 231-Power of Two | 水题
[x] | 237-Delete Node in a Linked List | 链表
[x] | 342-Power of Four | 水题
[x] | 817-Linked List Components | 链表
[x] | 897-Increasing Order Search Tree|
[x] | 896-Monotonic Array |
[x] | 900-RLE Iterator| 水题
[x] | 901-Online Stock Span | 简单递推