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A simple eCommerce platform showcasing microservices architecture with full DevSecOps integration.

docker-compose gin-gonic keycloak kubernetes spring-boot

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A simple eCommerce platform showcasing microservices architecture with full DevSecOps integration.

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# ShopEZ

A simple eCommerce platform showcasing microservices architecture with full DevSecOps integration.

## Table of Contents

- [ShopEZ](#shopez)
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Introduction](#introduction)
- [Architecture](#architecture)
- [Microservices](#microservices)
- [Technologies Used](#technologies-used)
- [Setup and Installation](#setup-and-installation)
- [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
- [Steps](#steps)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [CI/CD](#cicd)
- [DevOps](#devops)
- [Security](#security)
- [Monitoring](#monitoring)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [License](#license)

## Introduction

ShopEZ is a practice project designed to provide hands-on experience with building, deploying, and securing a microservices architecture. It includes multiple microservices written in different programming languages, a frontend application, and a comprehensive DevOps setup.

## Architecture

![Architecture Diagram](path/to/architecture-diagram.png)

## Microservices

1. **User Service (Golang - Gin)**
- Handles user registration, login, and profile management.
- Database: PostgreSQL

2. **Product Service (Java - Quarkus)**
- Manages the product catalog.
- Database: MongoDB
- Other: Typesense for products search and filtering.

3. **Order Service (Python - FastAPI)**
- Handles order creation, update, and retrieval.
- Database: PostgreSQL

4. **Payment Service (TypeScript - NestJS)**
- Processes payments and handles payment status.
- Database: PostgreSQL

5. **Frontend (Next.js)**
- User interface for the eCommerce platform.

## Technologies Used

- **Programming Languages:** Golang, Java, Python, TypeScript
- **Frameworks:** Gin, Quarkus, FastAPI, NestJS, Next.js
- **Databases:** PostgreSQL, MongoDB
- **Message Broker:** RabbitMQ or Kafka
- **Caching:** Redis
- **API Gateway:** Kong
- **CI/CD:** GitHub Actions, Jenkins, GitLab CI
- **Containerization:** Docker, Docker Compose
- **Orchestration:** Kubernetes, Helm
- **Service Mesh:** Istio
- **Ingress Controller:** Nginx
- **SSL Management:** Cert-Manager
- **Authentication:** Keycloak, OAuth2 Proxy
- **Monitoring:** Prometheus, Grafana, Zipkin, AlertManager
- **Infrastructure as Code:** Terraform

## Setup and Installation

### Prerequisites

- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Kubernetes (Minikube or DigitalOcean)
- Terraform
- Git

### Steps

1. **Clone the repository:**
git clone
cd shopez

2. **Setup Infrastructure with Terraform:**
cd infrastructure
terraform init
terraform apply

3. **Build and run services with Docker Compose:**
cd ..
docker-compose up --build

4. **Deploy to Kubernetes:**
kubectl apply -f kubernetes-manifests/
helm install shop-ez helm-charts/

## Usage

- Access the frontend at `http://localhost:3000`
- Use the API endpoints to interact with the services (detailed in each service's README).

## CI/CD

This project includes automated CI/CD pipelines using GitHub Actions, Jenkins, and GitLab CI. Each pipeline performs the following tasks:
- Build and test the code.
- Build Docker images.
- Push Docker images to the container registry.
- Deploy to Kubernetes based on the git branch (dev, staging, main).

## DevOps

- **Containerization:** Each microservice is containerized using Docker.
- **Orchestration:** Kubernetes is used to manage the deployment of containers.
- **Service Mesh:** Istio ensures secure communication between services.
- **Ingress:** Nginx Ingress Controller manages external access.
- **SSL:** Cert-Manager automates SSL certificate management.
- **Infrastructure:** Terraform provisions the infrastructure on DigitalOcean.

## Security

- **Authentication and Authorization:** Keycloak with OAuth2 Proxy secures the administration dashboard.
- **Network Policies:** Ensure that applications in different namespaces access only the appropriate resources.
- **mTLS:** Istio ensures all communications within the cluster are encrypted.

## Monitoring

- **Metrics:** Prometheus collects metrics from the services.
- **Visualization:** Grafana visualizes metrics.
- **Tracing:** Zipkin traces requests across microservices.
- **Alerting:** AlertManager sends alerts based on Prometheus metrics.

## Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss any changes.

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.
