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A tool that generates python code out of your GraphQL schema.

code-generation codegen graphql graphql-schema python schema

Last synced: 9 days ago
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A tool that generates python code out of your GraphQL schema.

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**NOTE.** Please use the package [datamodel-code-generator]( to generate data model from a GraphQL schema.

**graphql2python** is a tool that generates python code out of your GraphQL schema.
If you are using python as GraphQL client you can to generate
pydantic data-model with **graphql2python**. The documentation for **graphql2python**
can be found at [](

GraphQL query generation moved to

The special example for [gql]( users [here](

## Quickstart

Install with pip

pip install graphql2python

Create the following file

# graphql2python.yaml
schema: ./schema.graphql
output: ./

and run the following command

graphql2python generate --config ./graphql2python.yaml

## Config reference

Global keywords

| keyword | description |
| `schema` | A path to the target GraphQL schema file. |
| `output` | A file name for output `py` file. |
| `license_file` | An optional path to a file with license for output `py` file. |
| `options` | Optional options for generate of output `py` file. |

Options keywords

| keywords | description |
| `max_line_len` | The maximum of line length of output `py` file. Default is `120`. |
| `name_suffix` | A suffix for invalid field name (as python object name). Default is `"_"`. |
| `each_field_optional` | Each fields of interfaces and objects are optional. Default is `false`. |
| `add_from_dict` | Add `from_dict` (dict -> model) method to the general class. Default is `false`. |
| `add_to_dict` | Add `to_dict` (model -> dict) method to the general class. Default is `false`. |
| `scalar_pytypes` | A dict with python types for custom GraphQL scalars. Maps from scalar name to python type name. Default is empty dict. |
| `fields_setting` | Settings for interfaces or objects fields. Maps from object name to a dict with setting. Default is empty dict. |

`fields_setting` keywords for some object name

| keywords | desciption |
| `alias` | An alias for a field (see Field.alias for pydantic). Default is null. |
| `new_name` | A new name for a field. Default is null. |

An example for `graphql2python.yaml` config:

# graphql2python.yaml
schema: ./schema/schema.graphql
output: ./model/
license_file: ./LICENSE
String: str
Float: float
Int: int
ID: str
Boolean: bool
DateTime: datetime
Date: date
max_line_len: 79
each_field_optional: true
alias: from
new_name: correct_from