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A neat preloader for images :rocket:

action image loading svelte svelte3

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A neat preloader for images :rocket:

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# svelte-image-loader

[![NPM version](]( [![NPM downloads](]( [![Svelte v3](](

Svelte action to increase the level of UX by neatly preloading images (icons)


## :rocket: Features

This is Svelte's action to handle the `error` and`load` events of images correctly with filling it with color.

- Easy to use (an implementation through the Svelte action)
- Light size (zero-dependencies :fire: :boom:)
- Any custom CSS for loading/error state

P.S. It's recommended to use this package only for icons (small images). If you want to achieve the best UX for middle or large images, use [svelte-skeleton]( ([NPM package](

## Install

npm i svelte-image-loader

## Usage


import imageLoader from 'svelte-image-loader'


const src = `...`
const borderRadius = '50%'

$color-icon-secondary: #BFC1C7;


:global(.svelte-image-loader) {
background-color: $color-icon-secondary;



Also you can initially call `initImageLoader` function to set custom class name (other than `.svelte-image-loader`).

## API

### Parameters

| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| ------------ | ------ | ------------ | ------------------------------------------ |
| borderRadius | string | empty string | CSS `border-radius` of loading/error state |

## License

MIT © [Denis Stasyev](