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Use midje with boot.

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Use midje with boot.

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`[zilti/boot-midje "0.1.1"]`

A Boot task allowing you to conveniently use Midje with your Boot projects.

- Note that `midje --autotest` doesn't need `watch`, since it uses Midje's built-in autotest functionality.

### Example usages

- `boot midje`
- `boot midje --autotest wait`

### Available options

-h, --help Print this help info.
-t, --test-paths TESTPATH Conj TESTPATH onto additional paths where the test files reside (analogous to :source-paths).
A partial namespace ending in a '*' will load all sub-namespaces.
Example: `(load-facts 'midje.ideas.*)`
-n, --namespaces NAMESPACE Conj NAMESPACE onto symbols of the namespaces to run tests in.
-a, --autotest Use Midje's built-in autotest.
-s, --sources SOURCE Conj SOURCE onto sources to be watched by autotest; both filenames and directory names are accepted.
-f, --filters FILTER Conj FILTER onto midje filters. Only facts matching one or more of the arguments are loaded. The filter arguments are:

:keyword -- Does the metadata have a truthy value for the keyword?
"string" -- Does the fact's name contain the given string?
#"regex" -- Does any part of the fact's name match the regex?
a function -- Does the function return a truthy value when given the fact's metadata?
-c, --config CONFIG Conj CONFIG onto list of midje config files.
-l, --level LEVEL Set set Midje's verbosity level using one of the following options:

:print-normally (0) -- failures and a summary.
:print-no-summary (-1) -- failures only.
:print-nothing (-2) -- nothing is printed.
-- (but return value can be checked)
:print-namespaces (1) -- print the namespace for each group of facts.
:print-facts (2) -- print fact descriptions in addition to namespaces.