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Nuxt 3 Tailwind app with a dynamic blog section and landing page

blog graphql-client nuxt3

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Nuxt 3 Tailwind app with a dynamic blog section and landing page

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Nuxt 3 App with Blog



This is a Nuxt 3 App with a dynamic [blog] section which consumes a Graphql API. This app made possible with TailwindCSS and Daisy UI.

## 📝 Table of Contents

- [About](#about)
- [Prerequisites](#-prerequisites-)
- [BackEnd](#Graphql)
- [Built Using](#built_using)
- [Authors](#authors)
- [Acknowledgments](#acknowledgement)

## 🧐 About

The aim of the project is to setup a complete app with dynamic blog feature in `Nuxt 3`, the back end for this app can run on a GQL server. Building app with Nuxt 3 is fun 🚀

### 🔎 Graphql API

For the project I utilised the `mockend` app to create mock `REST/Graphql API`. With a simple JSON file (Github Repo) able to build the whole API required. I tested the Graphql with Apollo studio and it was cool.

### 🧒 Prerequisites

You have to familiar with `Vue 3` Javascript frameworks and `HTML` and some `CSS`.

## ⌚ Using the project

Fork the repo and install dependencies, that's all you need. ⛏️.

### Install dependencies


yarn install

### Running the project

yarn dev

will start the project.

## 🚀 Built Using

- [Vue 3]( - Vue 3
- [Nuxt 3]( - Nuxt3
- [nuxt/gqlClient]( - Graphql Client
- [Tailwindcss]( - TailwindCSS
- [Daisy UI]( - Tailwind Component Library
- [Mockend]( - Mockend
- [NodeJs]( - Server Environment

## ✍️ Authors and Guides

- [@devmnj]( - Idea & Initial work
- [JSU]( - More guides
- [JSSDO](
- [Imgur-for fun](

## 🎉 Acknowledgements

- Thank for awesome TW CSS Components by Daisyui