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:droplet: A Vagrant provider plugin that manages DigitalOcean droplets.

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:droplet: A Vagrant provider plugin that manages DigitalOcean droplets.

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DigitalOcean Vagrant Provider


`vagrant-digitalocean` is a Vagrant provider plugin that supports the management of [DigitalOcean]( Droplets (virtual machines).

Features include:
- Create and destroy Droplets
- Power on and off Droplets
- Rebuild a Droplet (destroys and ups with same IP address)
- Provision a Droplet with shell
- Setup a SSH public key for authentication
- Create a new user account during Droplet creation

Install the provider plugin using the Vagrant command-line interface:

`vagrant plugin install vagrant-digitalocean`

Once the provider has been installed, you will need to configure your project to use it. See the following example for a basic multi-machine `Vagrantfile` implementation that manages two DigitalOcean Droplets running Ubuntu 18.04 using a single CPU Droplet with 1GB of memory:

Vagrant.configure('2') do |config|

config.vm.define "droplet1" do |config|
config.vm.provider :digital_ocean do |provider, override|
override.ssh.private_key_path = '~/.ssh/id_rsa' = 'digital_ocean'
override.vm.box_url = ""
override.nfs.functional = false
override.vm.allowed_synced_folder_types = :rsync
provider.token = 'YOUR TOKEN'
provider.image = 'ubuntu-18-04-x64'
provider.region = 'nyc1'
provider.size = 's-1vcpu-1gb'
provider.backups_enabled = false
provider.private_networking = false
provider.ipv6 = false
provider.monitoring = false

config.vm.define "droplet2" do |config|

config.vm.provider :digital_ocean do |provider, override|
override.ssh.private_key_path = '~/.ssh/id_rsa' = 'digital_ocean'
override.vm.box_url = ""
override.nfs.functional = false
override.vm.allowed_synced_folder_types = :rsync
provider.token = 'YOUR TOKEN'
provider.image = 'ubuntu-18-04-x64'
provider.region = 'nyc3'
provider.size = 's-1vcpu-1gb'
provider.backups_enabled = false
provider.private_networking = false
provider.ipv6 = false
provider.monitoring = false


**Configuration Requirements**
- You *must* specify the `override.ssh.private_key_path` to enable authentication with the Droplet. The provider will create a new DigitalOcean SSH key using your public key which is assumed to be the `private_key_path` with a *.pub* extension.
- You *must* specify your DigitalOcean Personal Access Token at `provider.token`. This may be found on the control panel within the *Apps & API* section.

**Supported Configuration Attributes**

The following attributes are available to further configure the provider:
- `provider.image`
* A string representing the image to use when creating a new Droplet. It defaults to `ubuntu-18-04-x64`.
List available images with the `vagrant digitalocean-list images $DIGITAL_OCEAN_TOKEN` command. Like when using the DigitalOcean API directly, [it can be an image ID or slug](
- `provider.ipv6`
* A boolean flag indicating whether to enable IPv6
- `provider.region`
* A string representing the region to create the new Droplet in. It defaults to `nyc2`. List available regions with the `vagrant digitalocean-list regions $DIGITAL_OCEAN_TOKEN` command.
- `provider.size`
* A string representing the size to use when creating a new Droplet (e.g. `s-1vcpu-1gb`). It defaults to `s-1vcpu-1gb`. List available sizes with the `vagrant digitalocean-list sizes $DIGITAL_OCEAN_TOKEN` command.
- `provider.private_networking`
* A boolean flag indicating whether to enable a private network interface (if the region supports private networking). It defaults to `false`.
- `provider.backups_enabled`
* A boolean flag indicating whether to enable backups for the Droplet. It defaults to `false`.
- `provider.ssh_key_name`
* A string representing the name to use when creating a DigitalOcean SSH key for Droplet authentication. It defaults to `Vagrant`.
- `provider.setup`
* A boolean flag indicating whether to setup a new user account and modify sudo to disable tty requirement. It defaults to `true`. If you are using a tool like [Packer]( to create reusable snapshots with user accounts already provisioned, set to `false`.
- `provider.monitoring`
* A boolean indicating whether to install the DigitalOcean agent for monitoring. It defaults to `false`.
- `provider.tags`
* A flat array of tag names as strings to apply to the Droplet after it is created. Tag names can either be existing or new tags.
- `provider.volumes`
* A flat array including the unique identifier for each Block Storage volume attached to the Droplet.
- `config.vm.synced_folder`
* Supports both rsync__args and rsync__exclude, see the [Vagrant Docs]( for more information. rsync__args default to `["--verbose", "--archive", "--delete", "-z", "--copy-links"]` and rsync__exclude defaults to `[".vagrant/"]`.

The provider will create a new user account with the specified SSH key for authorization if `config.ssh.username` is set and the `provider.setup` attribute is `true`.

After creating your project's `Vagrantfile` with the required configuration
attributes described above, you may create a new Droplet with the following

$ vagrant up --provider=digital_ocean

This command will create a new Droplet, setup your SSH key for authentication,
create a new user account, and run the provisioners you have configured.

**Supported Commands**

The provider supports the following Vagrant sub-commands:
- `vagrant destroy` - Destroys the Droplet instance.
- `vagrant ssh` - Logs into the Droplet instance using the configured user account.
- `vagrant halt` - Powers off the Droplet instance.
- `vagrant provision` - Runs the configured provisioners and rsyncs any specified `config.vm.synced_folder`.
- `vagrant reload` - Reboots the Droplet instance.
- `vagrant rebuild` - Destroys the Droplet instance and recreates it with the same IP address which was previously assigned.
- `vagrant status` - Outputs the status (active, off, not created) for the Droplet instance.

This [DigitalOcean API]( provider plugin for Vagrant has been tested with the following technology.

Date Tested | Vagrant Version | vagrant-digitalocean Version | Host (Workstation) Operating System | Guest (DigitalOcean) Operating System
03/12/2020 | 2.2.7 | 0.9.4 | OS X 10.14.6 | Ubuntu 18.04, Debian 10, Debian 9, Debian 8, CentOS 7
03/22/2016 | 1.8.1 | 0.7.10 | OS X 10.11.4 | CentOS 7.0
04/03/2013 | 1.1.5 | 0.1.0 | Ubuntu 12.04 | CentOS 6.3

Before submitting a GitHub issue, please ensure both Vagrant and vagrant-digitalocean are fully up-to-date.
* For the latest Vagrant version, please visit the [Vagrant]( website
* To update Vagrant plugins, run the following command: `vagrant plugin update`

* `vagrant plugin install vagrant-digitalocean`
* Installation on OS X may not working due to a SSL certificate problem, and you may need to specify a certificate path explicitly. To do so, run `ruby -ropenssl -e "p OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE"`. Then, add the following environment variable to your `.bash_profile` script and `source` it: `export SSL_CERT_FILE=/usr/local/etc/openssl/cert.pem`.


* The Chef provisioner is no longer supported by default (as of 0.2.0). Please use the `vagrant-omnibus` plugin to install Chef on Vagrant-managed machines. This plugin provides control over the specific version of Chef to install.

To contribute, fork then clone the repository, and then the following:


1. Install [RVM](
2. If using MacOS, follow these [OpenSSL instructions](
3. Use Ruby v3.0.0 `rvm use 3.0.0`
4. Run `bundle install`


1. Build and package your newly developed code:
* `rake gem:build`
2. Then install the packaged plugin:
* `vagrant plugin install pkg/vagrant-digitalocean-*.gem`
3. Once you're done testing, roll-back to the latest released version:
* `vagrant plugin uninstall vagrant-digitalocean`
* `vagrant plugin install vagrant-digitalocean`
4. Once you're satisfied developing and testing your new code, please submit a pull request for review.


To release a new version of vagrant-digitalocean you will need to do the following:

*(only contributors of the GitHub repo and owners of the project at RubyGems will have rights to do this)*

1. First, bump, commit, and push the version in ~/lib/vagrant-digitalocean/version.rb:
* Follow [Semantic Versioning](
2. Then, create a matching GitHub Release (this will also create a tag):
* Preface the version number with a `v`.
3. You will then need to build and push the new gem to RubyGems:
* `rake gem:build`
* `gem push pkg/vagrant-digitalocean-0.7.6.gem`
4. Then, when John Doe runs the following, they will receive the updated vagrant-digitalocean plugin:
* `vagrant plugin update`
* `vagrant plugin update vagrant-digitalocean`