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For old school code navigation. Add cscope support to Neovim 0.9+.

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For old school code navigation. Add cscope support to Neovim 0.9+.

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# cscope_maps.nvim

For old school code navigation :)

Heavily inspired by emacs' [xcscope.el](

**Adds `cscope` support for [Neovim](**


## Requirements

- Neovim >= 0.10
- [cscope](

## Features

### Cscope

- Tries to mimic vim's builtin cscope functionality.
- Provides user command, `:Cscope` which acts same as good old `:cscope`.
- Short commands are supported. e.g. `:Cs f g `
- `:Cstag ` does `tags` search if no results are found in `cscope`.
- Empty `` can be used in `:Cs` and `:Cstag` to pick `` as sym.
- Supports `cscope` and `gtags-cscope`. Use `cscope.exec` option to specify executable.
- Keymaps can be disabled using `disable_maps` option.
- `:CsPrompt ` can be used to invoke cscope prompt.
- Display results in quickfix, **telescope**, **fzf-lua** or **mini.pick**.
- Has [which-key.nvim]( hints.
- See [this section](#vim-gutentags) for `vim-gutentags`.

### Cscope DB

- Statically provide table of db paths in config (`db_file`) OR add them at runtime using `:Cs db add ...`
- `:Cs db add ` add db file(s) to cscope search.
- `:Cs db rm ` remove db file(s) from cscope search.
- `:Cs db show` show all db connections.
- `:Cs db build` (re)builds db for primary db.
- `vim.g.cscope_maps_statusline_indicator` can be used in statusline to indicate ongoing db build.
- DB path grammar
- `db_file:db_pre_path` db_pre_path (prefix path) will be appended to cscope results.
- e.g. `:Cs db add ~/cscope.out:/home/code/proj2` => results from `~/cscope.out` will be prefixed with `/home/code/proj2/`
- `@` can be used to indicate that parent of `db_file` is `db_pre_path`.
- e.g. `:Cs db add ../proj2/cscope.out:@` => results from `../proj2/cscope.out` will be prefixed with `../proj2/`

### Stack View

- Visualize tree of caller functions and called functions.
- `:CsStackView open down ` Opens "downward" stack showing all the functions who call the ``.
- `:CsStackView open up ` Opens "upward" stack showing all the functions called by the ``.
- In `CsStackView` window, use following keymaps
- `` toggle child under cursor
- `` open location of symbol under cursor
- `q` close window
- `:CsStackView toggle` reopens last `CsStackView` window.
- In `CsStackView` window, all nodes that are part of current stack are highlighted.

## Installation

Install the plugin with your preferred package manager.
Following example uses [lazy.nvim](

dependencies = {
"folke/which-key.nvim", -- optional [for whichkey hints]
"nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", -- optional [for picker="telescope"]
"ibhagwan/fzf-lua", -- optional [for picker="fzf-lua"]
"echasnovski/mini.pick" -- optional [for picker="mini-pick"]
"nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons", -- optional [for devicons in telescope, fzf or mini.pick]
opts = {

## Configuration

You must run `require("cscope_maps").setup()` to initialize the plugin even when using default options.

_cscope_maps_ comes with following defaults:

-- maps related defaults
disable_maps = false, -- "true" disables default keymaps
skip_input_prompt = false, -- "true" doesn't ask for input
prefix = "c", -- prefix to trigger maps

-- cscope related defaults
cscope = {
-- location of cscope db file
db_file = "./cscope.out", -- DB or table of DBs
-- NOTE:
-- when table of DBs is provided -
-- first DB is "primary" and others are "secondary"
-- primary DB is used for build and project_rooter
-- cscope executable
exec = "cscope", -- "cscope" or "gtags-cscope"
-- choose your fav picker
picker = "quickfix", -- "quickfix", "telescope", "fzf-lua" or "mini-pick"
-- size of quickfix window
qf_window_size = 5, -- any positive integer
-- position of quickfix window
qf_window_pos = "bottom", -- "bottom", "right", "left" or "top"
-- "true" does not open picker for single result, just JUMP
skip_picker_for_single_result = false, -- "false" or "true"
-- these args are directly passed to "cscope -f "
db_build_cmd_args = { "-bqkv" },
-- statusline indicator, default is cscope executable
statusline_indicator = nil,
-- try to locate db_file in parent dir(s)
project_rooter = {
enable = false, -- "true" or "false"
-- change cwd to where db_file is located
change_cwd = false, -- "true" or "false"

## vim-gutentags

### Config for vim-gutentags

init = function()
vim.g.gutentags_modules = {"cscope_maps"} -- This is required. Other config is optional
vim.g.gutentags_cscope_build_inverted_index_maps = 1
vim.g.gutentags_cache_dir = vim.fn.expand("~/code/.gutentags")
vim.g.gutentags_file_list_command = "fd -e c -e h"
-- vim.g.gutentags_trace = 1

### Alternative to vim-gutentags

Alternative to gutentags is to rebuild DB using `:Cscope db build` or `b`.

You can create autocmd for running `:Cscope db build` after saving .c and .h files.

local group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("CscopeBuild", { clear = true })
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufWritePost", {
pattern = { "*.c", "*.h" },
callback = function ()
vim.cmd("Cscope db build")
group = group,

## Keymaps

### Default Keymaps

`` can be configured using `prefix` option. Default value for prefix
is `c`.

(Try setting it to `C-c` 😉)

| Keymaps | Description |
| ----------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
| `s` | find all references to the token under cursor |
| `g` | find global definition(s) of the token under cursor |
| `c` | find all calls to the function name under cursor |
| `t` | find all instances of the text under cursor |
| `e` | egrep search for the word under cursor |
| `f` | open the filename under cursor |
| `i` | find files that include the filename under cursor |
| `d` | find functions that function under cursor calls |
| `a` | find places where this symbol is assigned a value |
| `b` | build cscope database |
| Ctrl-] | do `:Cstag ` |

### Custom Keymaps

Disable default keymaps by setting `disable_maps = true`.

There are 2 ways to add keymaps for `Cscope`.

#### Using `:CsPrompt` command

`:CsPrompt ` is user command to invoke prompt.
This command provides prompt which asks for input
before running `:Cscope` command.

e.g. Following snippet maps C-c C-g to find global def of symbol
under cursor

vim.keymap.set("n", "", ":CsPrompt g")

#### Using `:Cscope` command

e.g. Following snippet maps C-c C-g to find global def of symbol
under cursor

vim.keymap.set("n", "", ":Cs f g")