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Add buttons on Nova index, detail and lens views.

laravel laravel-nova laravel-nova-field

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Add buttons on Nova index, detail and lens views.

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## Nova Button

Thanks for everyone who used this package and contributed.

I haven't used Nova in many years so I'm unable to maintain this.

I'm so glad to see active forks though!



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Nova package for rendering buttons on index, detail and lens views.

Use buttons to trigger backend events, navigate nova routes or visit links.


### Installation

composer require dillingham/nova-button

### Usage

use NovaButton\Button;
public function fields(Request $request)
return [
ID::make('ID', 'id')->sortable(),
Text::make('Name', 'name'),

Quick links: [Button Styles]( | [Event text / style]( | [Navigation]( | [CSS classes]( | [Lens example](


### Backend events

By default, clicking the button will trigger a backend event via ajax.

Default event: `NovaButton\Events\ButtonClick`

The event will receive the resource model it was triggered from & the key

- `$event->resource` = `model`
- `$event->key` = `"notify"`

Adding a custom key

Button::make('Notify', 'notify-some-user')
Adding a custom event

You register listeners in your EventServiceProvider

### Nova Routes

You can also choose to navigate any of the Nova routes

Button::make('Text')->route('vuejs-route-name', ['id' => 1])
Button::make('Text')->detail('App\Nova\User', $this->user_id)
Button::make('Text')->edit('App\Nova\User', $this->user_id)
Button::make('Text')->lens('App\Nova\User', 'users-without-confirmation')
You can also enable a resource's filters
'App\Nova\Filters\UserOrders' => $this->user_id,
'App\Nova\Filters\OrderStatus' => 'active',

### Links
Button::make('Text')->link('', '_self')

### Visiblity

You will likely want to show or hide buttons depending on model values
Button::make('Activate')->visible($this->is_active == false),
Button::make('Deactivate')->visible($this->is_active == true),

Also [field authorization]( via canSee() & [showing / hiding fields]( hideFromIndex(), etc

### Reload
After events are triggered, reload the page.

If you click many buttons, reloading will wait for all buttons to finish.

If an error occurs, it will not reload the page.

### Confirm
You can require a confirmation for descructive actions

Button::make('Cancel Account')->confirm('Are you sure?'),
Button::make('Cancel Account')->confirm('title', 'content'),

### Button state
When using events, you want visual feedback for the end user.

This is especially useful for long running listeners.

Button::make('Remind User')->loadingText('Sending..')->successText('Sent!')

| Event | Text | Style |
| -- | -- | -- |
| loading | `loadingText('Loading..')` | `loadingStyle('grey-outline')` |
| success | `successText('Done!')` | `successStyle('success')` |
| error | `errorText('Failed')` | `errorStyle('danger')` |

Defaults defined in the `nova-button` config. Add methods when you want to change for specific resources

### Button styles

This package makes use of [tailwind-css]( classes / default: `link`


| Fill | Outline | Link |
| primary | primary-outline | primary-link |
| success | success-outline | success-link |
| danger | danger-outline | danger-link |
| warning | warning-outline | warning-link |
| info | info-outline | info-link |
| grey | grey-outline | grey-link |

Each key adds classes from the `nova-button` config
'primary' => 'btn btn-default btn-primary'

### Style config
Publish the nova-button config to add / edit [available styles & defaults](
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=nova-button -- force

### Button classes

You can also add classes manually

Also able to style the following css classes



# Example

Use [lenses]( with buttons for a very focused user experience


select(['', ''])

public function fields(Request $request)
return [
ID::make('ID', 'id'),
Text::make('Name', 'name'),
Button::make('Mark As Confirmed'),
Register a listener for `\NovaButton\Events\ButtonClick` in your [EventServiceProvider](
key == 'mark-as-confirmed') {
$event->resource->email_verified_at = now();
No `key` check required when you register an event for this listener


# Telescope inspection



# Author

Hi 👋, Im Brian Dillingham, creator of this Nova package [and others](

Hope you find it useful. Feel free to reach out with feedback.

Follow me on twitter: [@sir_brian_d](