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Grokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding Questions Alternative

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Grokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding Questions Alternative

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# Coding Interview Patterns

## Coding Interview Patterns

### 1. Pattern: Two Pointers

1. Introduction
2. Pair with Target Sum (easy) [LeetCode](
3. Remove Duplicates (easy) [LeetCode]( [LeetCode]( [LeetCode]( [LeetCode]( [LeetCode](
4. Squaring a Sorted Array (easy) [LeetCode](
5. Triplet Sum to Zero (medium) [LeetCode](
6. Triplet Sum Close to Target (medium) [LeetCode](
7. Triplets with Smaller Sum (medium) [LintCode](
8. Subarrays with Product Less than a Target (medium) [LeetCode](
9. Dutch National Flag Problem (medium) [CoderByte](
10. Problem Challenge 1: Quadruple Sum to Target (medium) [Leetcode](
11. Problem Challenge 2: Comparing Strings containing Backspaces (medium) [Leetcode](
12. Problem Challenge 3: Minimum Window Sort (medium) [Leetcode]( [Ideserve](

### 2. Pattern: Fast & Slow pointers

1. Introduction [](
2. LinkedList Cycle (easy) [Leetcode](
3. Start of LinkedList Cycle (medium) [Leetcode](
4. Happy Number (medium) [Leetcode](
5. Middle of the LinkedList (easy) [Leetcode](
6. Problem Challenge 1: Palindrome LinkedList (medium) [Leetcode](
7. Problem Challenge 2: Rearrange a LinkedList (medium) [Leetcode](
8. Problem Challenge 3: Cycle in a Circular Array (hard) [Leetcode](

### 3. Pattern: Sliding Window

1. Introduction
2. Maximum Sum Subarray of Size K (easy)
3. Smallest Subarray with a given sum (easy) [](
4. Longest Substring with K Distinct Characters (medium) [](
5. Fruits into Baskets (medium) [LeetCode](
6. No-repeat Substring (hard) [LeetCode](
7. Longest Substring with Same Letters after Replacement (hard) [LeetCode](
8. Longest Subarray with Ones after Replacement (hard) [LeetCode](
9. Problem Challenge 1: Permutation in a String (hard) [Leetcode](
10. Problem Challenge 2: String Anagrams (hard) [Leetcode](
11. Problem Challenge 3: Smallest Window containing Substring (hard) [Leetcode](
12. Problem Challenge 4: Words Concatenation (hard) [Leetcode](

### 4. Pattern: Merge Intervals

1. Introduction [](
2. Merge Intervals (medium) [](
3. Insert Interval (medium) [](
4. Intervals Intersection (medium) [](
5. Conflicting Appointments (medium) [Geeksforgeeks](
6. Problem Challenge 1: Minimum Meeting Rooms (hard) [Lintcode](
7. Problem Challenge 2: Maximum CPU Load (hard) [Geeksforgeeks](
8. Problem Challenge 3: Employee Free Time (hard) [CoderTrain](

### 5. Pattern: Cyclic Sort

1. Introduction [](
2. Cyclic Sort (easy) [Geeksforgeeks](
3. Find the Missing Number (easy) [Leetcode](
4. Find all Missing Numbers (easy) [Leetcode](
5. Find the Duplicate Number (easy) [Leetcode](
6. Find all Duplicate Numbers (easy) [Leetcode](
7. Problem Challenge 1: Find the Corrupt Pair (easy) [TheCodingSimplified](
8. Problem Challenge 2: Find the Smallest Missing Positive Number (medium) [Leetcode](
9. Problem Challenge 3: Find the First K Missing Positive Numbers (hard) [TheCodingSimplified](

### 6. Pattern: In-place Reversal of a LinkedList

1. Introduction [](
2. Reverse a LinkedList (easy) [Leetcode](
3. Reverse a Sub-list (medium) [Leetcode](
4. Reverse every K-element Sub-list (medium) [Leetcode](
5. Problem Challenge 1: Reverse alternating K-element Sub-list (medium) [Geeksforgeeks](
6. Problem Challenge 2: Rotate a LinkedList (medium) [Leetcode](

### 7. Pattern: Stack

1. Introduction to Stack (Operations, Implementation, Applications)
2. Balanced Parentheses
3. Reverse a String
4. Decimal to Binary Conversion
5. Next Greater Element [Leetcode - I]( [Leetcode -II]( [Leetcode - III (Hard)](
6. Sorting a Stack
7. Simplify Path [Leetcode](

### 8. Pattern: Monotonic Stack

1. Introduction to Monotonic Stack
2. Next Greater Element (easy) [Leetcode - I]( [Leetcode -II]( [Leetcode - III (Hard)](
3. Daily Temperatures (easy) [Leetcode](
4. Remove Nodes From Linked List (easy) [Leetcode](
5. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String (easy) [Leetcode](
6. Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II (medium) [Leetcode](
7. Remove K Digits (hard) [Leetcode](

### 9. Pattern: Hash Maps

1. Introduction (Hashing, Hash Tables, Issues)
2. First Non-repeating Character (easy) [Leetcode](
3. Largest Unique Number (easy) [Leetcode+](
4. Maximum Number of Balloons (easy) [Leetcode](
5. Longest Palindrome(easy) [Leetcode](
6. Ransom Note (easy) [Leetcode](

### 10. Pattern: Tree Breadth First Search

1. Introduction
2. Binary Tree Level Order Traversal (easy) [Leetcode](
3. Reverse Level Order Traversal (easy) [Leetcode](
4. Zigzag Traversal (medium) [Leetcode](
5. Level Averages in a Binary Tree (easy) [Leetcode](
6. Minimum Depth of a Binary Tree (easy) [Leetcode](
7. Maximum Depth of a Binary Tree (easy) [Leetcode](
8. Level Order Successor (easy) [Geeksforgeeks](
9. Connect Level Order Siblings (medium) [Leetcode](
10. Problem Challenge 1: Connect All Level Order Siblings (medium) [Educative](
11. Problem Challenge 2: Right View of a Binary Tree (easy) [Leetcode](

### 11. Pattern: Tree Depth First Search

1. Introduction
2. Binary Tree Path Sum (easy) [Leetcode](
3. All Paths for a Sum (medium) [Leetcode](
4. Sum of Path Numbers (medium) [Leetcode](
5. Path With Given Sequence (medium) [Geeksforgeeks](
6. Count Paths for a Sum (medium) [Leetcode](
7. Problem Challenge 1: Tree Diameter (medium) [Leetcode](
8. Problem Challenge 2: Path with Maximum Sum (hard) [Leetcode](

### 12. Pattern: Graphs

1. Introduction to Graph (Representations, Abstract Data Type (ADT))
2. Graph Traversal: Depth First Search(DFS)
3. Graph Traversal: Breadth First Search (BFS)
4. Find if Path Exists in Graph(easy) [Leetcode](
5. Number of Provinces (medium) [Leetcode](
6. Minimum Number of Vertices to Reach All Nodes(medium) [Leetcode](

### 13. Pattern: Island (Matrix traversal)

1. Introduction to Island Pattern
2. Number of Islands (easy) [Leetcode](
3. Biggest Island (easy)
4. Flood Fill (easy) [Leetcode](
5. Number of Closed Islands (easy) [Leetcode](
6. Problem Challenge 1 (easy)
7. Problem Challenge 2 (medium)
8. Problem Challenge 3 (medium)

### 14. Pattern: Two Heaps

1. Introduction
2. Find the Median of a Number Stream (medium) [Leetcode](
3. Sliding Window Median (hard) [Leetcode](
4. Maximize Capital (hard) [Leetcode](

5. **Maximum Sum Combinations* (medium) [InterviewBit](

### 15. Pattern: Subsets

1. Introduction [](
2. Subsets (easy) [](
3. Subsets With Duplicates (easy) [](
4. Permutations (medium) [](
5. String Permutations by changing case (medium)
6. Balanced Parentheses (hard)
7. Unique Generalized Abbreviations (hard) [Leetcode](

### [16. Pattern: Modified Binary Search](binary-search/

1. Introduction [Complete Pattern Theory and Solutions](binary-search/
2. Order-agnostic Binary Search (easy) [Geeksforgeeks](
3. Ceiling of a Number (medium) [Geeksforgeeks-Ceil]( [Geeksforgeeks-Floor](
4. Next Letter (medium) [Leetcode](
5. Number Range (medium) [Leetcode](
6. Search in a Sorted Infinite Array (medium) [Leetcode](
7. Minimum Difference Element (medium): Find the floor & ceil take the difference, minimum would be the ans
8. Bitonic Array Maximum (easy) [Geeksforgeeks](
9. Problem Challenge 1: Search Bitonic Array (medium) [Leetcode](
10. Problem Challenge 2: Search in Rotated Array (medium) [Leetcode](
11. Problem Challenge 3: Rotation Count (medium) [Geeksforgeeks](
12. *Search a 2D Matrix (medium) [Leetcode](
13. *Minimum Number of Days to Make m Bouquets (medium) [Leetcode](
14. *Koko Eating Bananas (medium) [Leetcode](
15. *Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days (medium) [Leetcode](
16. *Median of Two Sorted Arrays (hard) [Leetcode](

### 17. Pattern: Bitwise XOR

1. Introduction
2. Single Number (easy)
3. Two Single Numbers (medium)
4. Complement of Base 10 Number (medium)
5. Problem Challenge 1: Flip and Invert an Image (hard)

### 18. Pattern: Top 'K' Elements

1. [Introduction](13.-pattern-top-k-elements/
2. Top 'K' Numbers (easy) [Solution](13.-pattern-top-k-elements/
3. Kth Smallest Number (easy)
4. 'K' Closest Points to the Origin (easy) [Leetcode](
5. Connect Ropes (easy)
6. Top 'K' Frequent Numbers (medium)
7. Frequency Sort (medium)
8. Kth Largest Number in a Stream (medium) [Leetcode](
9. 'K' Closest Numbers (medium)
10. Maximum Distinct Elements (medium)
11. Sum of Elements (medium)
12. Rearrange String (hard)

13. Problem Challenge 1: Rearrange String K Distance Apart (hard)
14. Problem Challenge 2: Scheduling Tasks (hard)
15. Problem Challenge 3: Frequency Stack (hard)

16. *[*Heap Implementation*](13.-pattern-top-k-elements/

### 19. Pattern: K-way merge

1. Introduction
2. Merge K Sorted Lists (medium) [Leetcode](
3. Kth Smallest Number in M Sorted Lists (Medium) [Geeksforgeeks](
4. Kth Smallest Number in a Sorted Matrix (Hard) [](
5. Smallest Number Range (Hard) [Leetcode](
6. Problem Challenge 1: K Pairs with Largest Sums (hard)

### 20. Pattern: Greedy Algorithms

1. Introduction to Greedy Algorithm
2. Valid Palindrome II (easy) [Leetcode](
3. Maximum Length of Pair Chain (medium) [Leetcode](
4. Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid (medium) [Leetcode](
5. Remove Duplicate Letters (medium) [Leetcode](
6. Largest Palindromic Number (Medium) [Leetcode](
7. Removing Minimum and Maximum From Array (medium) [Leetcode](

### 21. Pattern : 0/1 Knapsack (Dynamic Programming)

1. Introduction
2. 0/1 Knapsack (medium) [Geeksforgeeks](
3. Equal Subset Sum Partition (medium) [Leetcode](
4. Subset Sum (medium) [Geeksforgeeks](
5. Minimum Subset Sum Difference (hard) [Geeksforgeeks](
6. Problem Challenge 1: Count of Subset Sum (hard)
7. Problem Challenge 2: Target Sum (hard)

### 22. Pattern: Backtracking

1. Introduction to Backtracking Pattern
2. Combination Sum (medium) [Leetcode - I]( [Leetcode - II]( [Leetcode - III]( [Leetcode - IV](
3. Word Search (medium) [Leetcode - I]( [Leetcode - II (Hard)](
4. Sudoku Solver (hard) [Leetcode](
5. Factor Combinations (medium) [Leetcode+](
6. Split a String Into the Max Number of Unique Substrings (medium) [Leetcode](

### 23. Pattern: Trie

1. Introduction to Trie
2. Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) (medium) [Leetcode](
3. Index Pairs of a String (easy) [Leetcode+](
4. Design Add and Search Words Data Structure (medium) [Leetcode](
5. Extra Characters in a String (medium) [Leetcode](
6. Search Suggestions System (medium) [Leetcode](

### 24. Pattern: Topological Sort (Graph)

1. Introduction
2. Topological Sort (medium) [Youtube](
3. Tasks Scheduling (medium) [Leetcode-Similar](
4. Tasks Scheduling Order (medium) [Leetcode-Similar](
5. All Tasks Scheduling Orders (hard) [Leetcode-Similar](
6. Alien Dictionary (hard) [Leetcode](
7. Problem Challenge 1: Reconstructing a Sequence (hard) [Leetcode](
8. Problem Challenge 2: Minimum Height Trees (hard) [Leetcode](

### 25. Pattern: Union Find

1. Introduction to Union Find Pattern
2. Redundant Connection (medium) [Leetcode - I]( [Leetcode - II (Hard)](
3. Number of Provinces (medium) [Leetcode](
4. Is Graph Bipartite? (medium) [Leetcode](
5. Path With Minimum Effort (medium) [Leetcode](

### 26. Ordered Set

1. Introduction to Ordered Set Pattern
2. Merge Similar Items (easy) [Leetcode](
3. 132 Pattern (medium) [Leetcode](
4. My Calendar I (medium) [Leetcode]( [Leetcode - II]( [Leetcode - III (Hard)](
5. Longest Continuous Subarray (medium)

### 27. Pattern: Multi-thread

1. Introduction to Multi-threaded Pattern
2. Same Tree (medium)
3. Invert Binary Tree (medium)
4. Binary Search Tree Iterator (medium)

### 28. Miscellaneous

1. Kth Smallest Number (hard)

### Revision

1. [Coding Patterns: A Cheat Sheet](revision/

### Test Your Knowledge
1. [Easy Problems](test-your-knowledge/
2. [Medium Problems](test-your-knowledge/
3. [Hard Problems](test-your-knowledge/

> ***Note:*** Problems marked with `*` are added as per my recommendations.