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Djangonaut Space site


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Djangonaut Space site

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Table of Contents

  1. About The Project

  2. Getting Started

  3. Usage

  4. Contributing

  5. License

  6. Contact

  7. Acknowledgments

## About The Project

We want to run a light weight virtual meetup/video series.

Here's why:
* Sometimes you want to connect with a community in real time.
* The culture of Twitch first streaming alienates as many audiences as it invites.
* Having a list of events easily shown as well as resources about speakers in the series.

We thought did it well, but it's build on ASP.NET so we're building it in Python!

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### Built With

This section should list any major frameworks/libraries used to bootstrap your project. Leave any add-ons/plugins for the acknowledgements section. Here are a few examples.

* [![Wagtail][Wagtail]][]
* [![Tailwind][]][]
* [![Alpine.Js][]][]
* [![Django][]][]

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## Getting Started

### Prerequisites

This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.
* Python version 3.11

### Installation

1. Clone the repo
git clone
2. create your virtual environment
python -m venv venv
activate in Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
activate in Windows:
3. Create a posgresql database
psql -U postgres
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE "djangonaut-space";
postgres=# CREATE USER djangonaut WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'djangonaut';
postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE 'djangonaut-space' TO djangonaut;
postgres=# exit
4. install requirements:
pip install -r requirements/requirements-dev.txt
set up the git hook scripts
pre-commit install
5. Copy `.env.template.local` file, rename to `.env` and use variables for your local postgres database.
Copy in Linux:
cp .env.template.local .env
activate in Windows:
copy .env.template.local .env
6. Run migrations and create superuser
python migrate
# Potentially load data first
# python loaddata fixtures/data.json
python createsuperuser
7. Install tailwind. You also need npm installed.
python tailwind install
8. Run server locally
python runserver
9. Run tailwind in another terminal locally
python tailwind start

Alternatively, if you're not using Windows you can run the following instead of steps 8 and 9:


This will run both the Django server and the Tailwind watcher in the same terminal.

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#### Docker

If you have docker installed, alternatively

1. Have docker running and then run:
docker-compose up

2. In a new terminal, run any setup commands you need such as
docker-compose exec web python createsuperuser

3. Go to: and enjoy!

You will also want to createsuperuser, load/create data in order to use the blog, etc.

### Creating fixtures for local testing

**Backing up**
To create a fixture to share content with another person you should do the following:

python dumpdata --natural-foreign --indent 2 \
-e contenttypes -e auth.permission \
-e wagtailcore.groupcollectionpermission \
-e wagtailcore.grouppagepermission \
-e wagtailimages.rendition \
-e sessions \
-e admin \
-e wagtailsearch.indexentry \
-e accounts.userprofile \
-o fixtures/data.json
Then make an archive/zip of your `media/` and `fixtures/` directories. This is because
the image files need to be copied alongside the data. If needed, you may want to delete
some images first before sharing.


1. Make a backup of your current media directory. This is so you can revert later
2. Unpack the archived file, and place the `media/` and `fixtures/` directories at the
top level of the project.
3. Create a new database such as ``createdb -U djangonaut -W -O djangonaut djangonaut-space2``
4. Change your settings or environment variables to point to the new database
5. ``python migrate``
6. ``python loaddata fixtures/data.json``

## Contributing

Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are **greatly appreciated**.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement".
Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

1. Fork the Project
2. Create your Feature Branch (`git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature`)
3. Commit your Changes (`git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'`)
4. Push to the Branch (`git push origin feature/AmazingFeature`)
5. Open a Pull Request

### Testing

Tests can be written using [Django's TestCase syntax](
or using [`pytest`](

To run the tests:


There are also Playwright tests that can be run explicitly. These require the application to
be running in another terminal. To run the tests:

# Be sure playwright is properly installed and has a test user for accessing /admin
playwright install --with-deps
python create_playwright_user
# This is the actual test command
pytest -m playwright
# Run the tests in headed mode (so you can see the browser)
pytest -m playwright --headed
# Run the test generator to help create new tests
playwright codegen http://localhost:8000
# Run the tests against a different base url
# You will need to change the username and password environment variables as well)
PYTEST_BASE_URL="" pytest -m playwright --headed

### Merging changes
Before merging your changes from your branch you should rebase on the latest version
of `develop`. For example:

# Switch to develop and pull latest
git switch develop
git pull origin develop

# Rebase your feature branch on develop
git switch feature/AmazingFeature
git rebase develop
# Force push since the commit history will have changed
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature -f

# Wait for CI tests to pass!

# Merge to develop and push to GitHub
git switch develop
git merge feature/AmazingFeature
git push origin develop

# Clean up local branch
git branch -d feature/AmazingFeature

### Deployments

To start a production deployment [create a PR from `develop` to `main`]( (bookmark this link for quick creation of PRs). The PR should follow this format:

Title: "Production release - "

- #1
- #2

This should be merged with a merge commit. Merging to `main` branch deploys to [](

Merging `feature/AmazingFeature` to `develop` deploys to [](

`main` requires a linear commit history. This means if you make a change directly to `main`,
the `develop` branch must be rebased on `main`. Committing directly to main should only
occur in rare cases where a change must be pushed out to production immediately.

## Running `production` or `staging` locally

**Running production or staging locally**
- Set .env variables `USER`, `PASSWORD` and `HOST` for either `staging` or `production` in order to access staging db. Credentials are in the password manager
- `python runserver --settings=indymeet.settings.production`

**Migrate production or staging db**
- Set terminal variables for `USER`, `PASSWORD` and `HOST` for either `staging` or `production` db. Credentials are in the password manager.
- `python migrate --settings=indymeet.settings.production`

### Updating dependencies
This project uses [`pip-tools`]( to manage
dependencies. Most dependencies should be updated via Dependabot, but if they need
to be updated manually you would need to run `pip-compile --upgrade ...`. The rest of
the command can be found in the particular `requirements/*.txt` file you'd like to

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## License

Distributed under the MIT License. See `LICENSE.txt` for more information.

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## Contact

- Dawn Wages - [@dawnwagessays]( - [@[email protected]](
- [Djangonaut Space Organizers](mailto:[email protected])

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