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Turns the django ORM into a graphql API

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Turns the django ORM into a graphql API

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# Graphene-Django-Crud

Inspired by prisma-nexus and graphene-django-extras, this package transforms the
django orm into a graphql API with the following features:

- Expose CRUD opérations
- Optimized queryset
- Filtering with logical operators
- Authentication and permissions
- Nested mutations

## Table of contents

- [Graphene-Django-Crud](#graphene-django-crud)
- [Table of contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Install with pip](#install-with-pip)
- [Install with source code](#install-with-source-code)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Example](#example)
- [Computed Field](#computed-field)
- [User permissions](#user-permissions)
- [Filtering by user](#filtering-by-user)
- [Use with relay](#use-with-relay)
- [Extend ConnectionType](#extend-connectiontype)
- [Use list field](#use-list-field)
- [Extend ConnectionType without Relay](#extend-connectiontype-without-relay)
- [Extend ConnectionType with Relay](#extend-connectiontype-with-relay)
- [DjangoCRUDObjectType Class](#djangocrudobjecttype-class)
- [Meta parameters](#meta-parameters)
- [model](#model)
- [max_limit](#max_limit)
- [only_fields / exclude_fields](#only_fields--exclude_fields)
- [input_only_fields / input_exclude_fields](#input_only_fields--input_exclude_fields)
- [create_only_fields / create_exclude_fields](#create_only_fields--create_exclude_fields)
- [update_only_fields / update_exclude_fields](#update_only_fields--update_exclude_fields)
- [input_extend_fields](#input_extend_fields)
- [where_only_fields / where_exclude_fields](#where_only_fields--where_exclude_fields)
- [order_by_only_fields / order_by_exclude_fields](#order_by_only_fields--order_by_exclude_fields)
- [create_mutation / update_mutation / delete_mutation](#create_mutation--update_mutation--delete_mutation)
- [validator](#validator)
- [validator_exclude](#validator_exclude)
- [validator_validate_unique](#validator_validate_unique)
- [Graphene Fields](#graphene-fields)
- [ReadField](#readfield)
- [BatchReadField](#batchreadfield)
- [CreateField](#createfield)
- [UpdateField](#updatefield)
- [DeleteField](#deletefield)
- [Input Types](#input-types)
- [WhereInputType](#whereinputtype)
- [OrderByInputType](#orderbyinputtype)
- [CreateInputType](#createinputtype)
- [UpdateInputType](#updateinputtype)
- [Methods to override](#methods-to-override)
- [get_queryset(cls, parent, info, \*\*kwargs)](#get_querysetcls-parent-info-kwargs)
- [mutate, create, update, delete](#mutate-create-update-delete)
- [(Deprecated) Middleware methods before_XXX(cls, parent, info, instance, data) / after_XXX(cls, parent, info, instance, data)](#deprecated-middleware-methods-before_xxxcls-parent-info-instance-data--after_xxxcls-parent-info-instance-data)
- [Settings](#settings)
- [Customize](#customize)
- [DEFAULT_CONNECTION_NODES_FIELD_NAME](#default_connection_nodes_field_name)
- [FILE_TYPE_CONTENT_FIELD_ACTIVE](#file_type_content_field_active)
- [CONVERT_ENUM_FIELDS](#convert_enum_fields)
- [Compatibility with old version](#compatibility-with-old-version)
- [SCALAR_FILTERS_ADD_EQUALS_FIELD](#scalar_filters_add_equals_field)
- [BOOLEAN_FILTER_USE_BOOLEAN_FIELD](#boolean_filter_use_boolean_field)
- [Utils](#utils)
- [@resolver_hints(only: list\[str\], select_related:list\[str\])](#resolver_hintsonly-liststr-select_relatedliststr)
- [where_input_to_Q(where_input: dict) -> Q](#where_input_to_qwhere_input-dict---q)
- [order_by_input_to_args(order_by_input: list\[dict\]) -> list\[str\]](#order_by_input_to_argsorder_by_input-listdict---liststr)
- [Schema generated](#schema-generated)
- [Fields Mapping](#fields-mapping)
- [Model mutation / query fields](#model-mutation--query-fields)
- [Model types](#model-types)
- [File](#file)
- [FileInput](#fileinput)
- [Binary](#binary)
- [OrderEnum](#orderenum)
- [Scalar filters](#scalar-filters)

## Installation

> For the support of
> [Multipart Request Spec](,
> install [graphene-file-upload](
> according to the documentation.

### Install with pip

To install graphene-django-crud, simply run this simple command in your terminal
of choice:

$ pip install graphene-django-crud

### Install with source code

graphene-django-crud is developed on GitHub, You can either clone the public

$ git clone

Once you have a copy of the source, you can embed it in your own Python package,
or install it into your site-packages easily:

$ cd graphene_django_crud
$ python install

## Usage

The DjangoCRUDObjectType class project a django model into a graphene type. The
type has fields to exposes the CRUD operations.

### Example

In this example, you will be able to project the auth django models on your
GraphQL API and expose the CRUD operations.

import graphene
from graphql import GraphQLError
from django.contrib.auth.models import User, Group
from graphene_django_crud.types import DjangoCRUDObjectType, resolver_hints

class UserType(DjangoCRUDObjectType):
class Meta:
model = User
exclude_fields = ("password",)
input_exclude_fields = ("last_login", "date_joined")

full_name = graphene.String()

only=["first_name", "last_name"]
def resolve_full_name(parent, info, **kwargs):
return parent.get_full_name()

def get_queryset(cls, parent, info, **kwargs):
if info.context.user.is_authenticated:
return User.objects.all()
return User.objects.none()

def mutate(cls, parent, info, instance, data, *args, **kwargs):
if not info.context.user.is_staff:
raise GraphQLError('not permited, only staff user')

if "password" in data.keys():
return super().mutate(parent, info, instance, data, *args, **kwargs)

class GroupType(DjangoCRUDObjectType):
class Meta:
model = Group

class Query(graphene.ObjectType):

me = graphene.Field(UserType)
user = UserType.ReadField()
users = UserType.BatchReadField()

group = GroupType.ReadField()
groups = GroupType.BatchReadField()

def resolve_me(parent, info, **kwargs):
if not info.context.user.is_authenticated:
return None
return info.context.user

class Mutation(graphene.ObjectType):

user_create = UserType.CreateField()
user_update = UserType.UpdateField()
user_delete = UserType.DeleteField()

group_create = GroupType.CreateField()
group_update = GroupType.UpdateField()
group_delete = GroupType.DeleteField()


And get the resulting GraphQL API:

toggle me

schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation

scalar DateTime

input DatetimeFilter {
equals: DateTime
exact: DateTime
in: [DateTime]
isnull: Boolean
gt: DateTime
gte: DateTime
lt: DateTime
lte: DateTime
year: IntFilter
month: IntFilter
day: IntFilter
weekDay: IntFilter
hour: IntFilter
minute: IntFilter
second: IntFilter

type ErrorType {
field: String!
messages: [String!]!

input GroupCreateInput {
name: String!
userSet: UserCreateNestedManyInput

input GroupCreateNestedManyInput {
create: [GroupCreateInput]
connect: [GroupWhereInput]

input GroupOrderByInput {
id: OrderEnum
name: OrderStringEnum

type GroupType {
id: ID
name: String
userSet(where: UserWhereInput, orderBy: [UserOrderByInput], limit: Int, offset: Int): UserConnection

type GroupConnection {
data: [GroupType]!
count: Int

type GroupCreatePayload {
ok: Boolean
errors: [ErrorType]
result: GroupType

type GroupUpdatePayload {
ok: Boolean
errors: [ErrorType]
result: GroupType
type GroupDeletePayload {
ok: Boolean
errors: [ErrorType]

input GroupUpdateInput {
name: String
userSet: UserUpdateNestedManyInput

input GroupUpdateNestedManyInput {
create: [GroupCreateInput]
delete: [GroupWhereInput]
connect: [GroupWhereInput]
disconnect: [GroupWhereInput]

input GroupWhereInput {
id: IdFilter
name: StringFilter
user: UserWhereInput
OR: [GroupWhereInput]
AND: [GroupWhereInput]
NOT: GroupWhereInput

input IdFilter {
equals: ID
exact: ID
in: [ID]
isnull: Boolean

input IntFilter {
equals: Int
exact: Int
in: [Int]
isnull: Boolean
gt: Int
gte: Int
lt: Int
lte: Int
contains: Int
startswith: Int
endswith: Int
regex: String

type Mutation {
userCreate(input: UserCreateInput!): UserCreatePayload
userUpdate(input: UserUpdateInput!, where: UserWhereInput!): UserUpdatePayload
userDelete(where: UserWhereInput!): UserDeletePayload
groupCreate(input: GroupCreateInput!): GroupCreatePayload
groupUpdate(input: GroupUpdateInput!, where: GroupWhereInput!): GroupUpdatePayload
groupDelete(where: GroupWhereInput!): GroupDeletePayload

enum OrderEnum {

enum OrderStringEnum {

type Query {
me: UserType
user(where: UserWhereInput!): UserType
users(where: UserWhereInput, orderBy: [UserOrderByInput], limit: Int, offset: Int): UserConnection
group(where: GroupWhereInput!): GroupType
groups(where: GroupWhereInput, orderBy: [GroupOrderByInput], limit: Int, offset: Int): GroupConnection

input StringFilter {
equals: String
exact: String
in: [String]
isnull: Boolean
contains: String
startswith: String
endswith: String
regex: String
iexact: String
icontains: String
istartswith: String
iendswith: String

input UserCreateInput {
email: String
firstName: String
groups: GroupCreateNestedManyInput
isActive: Boolean
isStaff: Boolean
isSuperuser: Boolean
lastName: String
password: String!
username: String!

input UserCreateNestedManyInput {
create: [UserCreateInput]
connect: [UserWhereInput]

input UserOrderByInput {
dateJoined: OrderEnum
email: OrderStringEnum
firstName: OrderStringEnum
id: OrderEnum
isActive: OrderEnum
isStaff: OrderEnum
isSuperuser: OrderEnum
lastLogin: OrderEnum
lastName: OrderStringEnum
username: OrderStringEnum

type UserType {
id: ID
dateJoined: DateTime
email: String
firstName: String
groups(where: GroupWhereInput, orderBy: [GroupOrderByInput], limit: Int, offset: Int): GroupConnection
isActive: Boolean
isStaff: Boolean
isSuperuser: Boolean
lastLogin: DateTime
lastName: String
username: String
fullName: String

type UserConnection {
data: [UserType]!
count: Int

type UserCreatePayload {
ok: Boolean
errors: [ErrorType]
result: UserType

type UserUpdatePayload {
ok: Boolean
errors: [ErrorType]
result: UserType

type UserDeletePayload {
ok: Boolean
errors: [ErrorType]

input UserUpdateInput {
email: String
firstName: String
groups: GroupUpdateNestedManyInput
isActive: Boolean
isStaff: Boolean
isSuperuser: Boolean
lastName: String
password: String
username: String

input UserUpdateNestedManyInput {
create: [UserCreateInput]
delete: [UserWhereInput]
connect: [UserWhereInput]
disconnect: [UserWhereInput]

input UserWhereInput {
id: IdFilter
dateJoined: DatetimeFilter
email: StringFilter
firstName: StringFilter
groups: GroupWhereInput
isActive: Boolean
isStaff: Boolean
isSuperuser: Boolean
lastLogin: DatetimeFilter
lastName: StringFilter
username: StringFilter
OR: [UserWhereInput]
AND: [UserWhereInput]
NOT: UserWhereInput

Queries example:


user(where: {id: {equals:1}}){

where: {
OR: [
{isStaff: true},
{isSuperuser: true},
{groups: {name: {equals: "admin"}}},
orderBy: [{username: ASC}],
limit: 100,
offset: 0

input: {
name: "admin",
userSet: {
create: [
{username: "woody", password: "raC4RjDU"},
connect: [
{id: {equals: 1}}


### Computed Field

You can add computed fields using the standard Graphene API. However to optimize
the SQL query you must specify "only", "select_related" necessary for the
resolver using the resolver_hints decorator

class UserType(DjangoCRUDObjectType):
class Meta:
model = User

full_name = graphene.String()

only=["first_name", "last_name"]
def resolve_full_name(parent, info, **kwargs):
return parent.get_full_name()

### User permissions

[The methods mutate, create, update, delete](#mutate-create-update-delete) are
called for each change of model instances during mutations and nested mutations.
They can be used to check permissions.

class UserType(DjangoCRUDObjectType):
class Meta:
model = User

def mutate(cls, parent, info, instance, data, *args, **kwargs):
if not info.context.user.is_authenticated:
raise GraphQLError('not authorized, you must be logged in')
return super().mutate(parent, info, instance, data, *args, **kwargs)

def create(cls, parent, info, instance, data, *args, **kwargs):
if not info.context.user.has_perm("add_user"):
raise GraphQLError('not authorized, you must have add_user permission')
return super().create(parent, info, instance, data, *args, **kwargs)

def update(cls, parent, info, instance, data, *args, **kwargs):
if not info.context.user.has_perm("change_user"):
raise GraphQLError('not authorized, you must have change_user permission')
return super().update(parent, info, instance, data, *args, **kwargs)

def delete(cls, parent, info, instance, data, *args, **kwargs):
if not info.context.user.has_perm("delete_user"):
raise GraphQLError('not authorized, you must have delete_user permission')
return super().delete(parent, info, instance, data, *args, **kwargs)


### Filtering by user

To filter based on the authenticated user, overload the get_queryset method as
the example

class UserType(DjangoCRUDObjectType):
class Meta:
model = User

def get_queryset(cls, parent, info, **kwargs):
if info.context.user.is_authenticated:
return User.objects.all()
return User.objects.none()

### Use with relay

The configuration is the same as graphene-django, just add the "relay.Node"


class CategoryType(DjangoCRUDObjectType):
class Meta:
model = Category
interfaces = (relay.Node, )

class IngredientType(DjangoCRUDObjectType):
class Meta:
model = Ingredient
interfaces = (relay.Node, )

class Query(graphene.ObjectType):

node = relay.Node.Field()

category = CategoryType.ReadField()
all_categories = CategoryType.BatchReadField()

ingredient = IngredientType.ReadField()
all_ingredients = IngredientType.BatchReadField()


Relay.global_id as well as model id are supported to write the query using the
"id" field of whereInputType.

### Extend ConnectionType

By default, graphene_django_crud creates a connection type for the bachread
request and the many_to_many/many_to_one relationships.

the default connection has a "count" field returning the count() value of the
queryset and a data field returning the results of the queryset.

#### Use list field

from .models import Product
import graphene
from graphene_django_crud import DjangoCRUDObjectType

class ProductType(DjangoCRUDObjectType):
class Meta:
model = Product
use_connection = False

#### Extend ConnectionType without Relay

from .models import Product
from django.db.models import Avg
import graphene
from graphene_django_crud import DefaultConnection, DjangoCRUDObjectType

class ConnectionWithPriceAVG(DefaultConnection):
class Meta:
abstract = True

price_avg = graphene.Float()

def resolve_price_avg(self, info):
return self.iterable.aggregate(Avg('price'))["price__avg"]

class ProductType(DjangoCRUDObjectType):
class Meta:
model = Product
connection_class = ConnectionWithPriceAVG

#### Extend ConnectionType with Relay

from .models import Product
import graphene
from graphene_django_crud import DjangoCRUDObjectType

class ConnectionWithTotalCount(graphene.Connection):
class Meta:
abstract = True
total_count = graphene.Int()

def resolve_total_count(self, info):
return self.iterable.count()

class ProductType(DjangoCRUDObjectType):
class Meta:
model = Product
interfaces = (relay.Node, )
connection_class = ConnectionWithTotalCount

## DjangoCRUDObjectType Class

> From the version v1.3.0, `DjangoGrapheneCRUD` class has been renamed to
> `DjangoCRUDObjectType`, so the name "DjangoGrapheneCRUD" is deprecated.

### Meta parameters

#### model

Required parameter\
The model used for the definition type

#### max_limit

default : `None`\
To avoid too large transfers, the max_limit parameter imposes
a maximum number of return items for batchreadField and nodeField. it imposes to
use pagination. If the value is `None` there is no limit.

#### only_fields / exclude_fields

Tuple of model fields to include/exclude in graphql type. Only one of the two
parameters can be declared.

#### input_only_fields / input_exclude_fields

Tuple of model fields to include/exclude in graphql create and update inputs
type. Only one of the two parameters can be declared.

#### create_only_fields / create_exclude_fields

Tuple of model fields to include/exclude in graphql create inputs
type. Only one of the two parameters can be declared.

#### update_only_fields / update_exclude_fields

Tuple of model fields to include/exclude in graphql update inputs
type. Only one of the two parameters can be declared.

#### input_extend_fields

Field list to extend the create and update inputs. value must be a list of tuple
(name: string, type: graphene.ObjectType). The parameters can be processed with
methods [mutate, create, update, delete](#mutate-create-update-delete)


class UserType(DjangoCRUDObjectType):
class Meta:
model = User
input_extend_fields = (
("fullName", graphene.String()),

def mutate(cls, parent, info, instance, data, *args, **kwargs):
if "fullName" in data.keys():
instance.first_name = data["fullName"].split(" ")[0]
instance.last_name = data["fullName"].split(" ")[1]
return super().mutate(parent, info, instance, data, *args, **kwargs)

#### where_only_fields / where_exclude_fields

Tuple of model fields to include/exclude in graphql where input type. Only one
of the two parameters can be declared.

#### order_by_only_fields / order_by_exclude_fields

Tuple of model fields to include/exclude in graphql order_by input type. Only
one of the two parameters can be declared.

#### create_mutation / update_mutation / delete_mutation

default: True\
Activate/deactivate the nested mutation.

#### validator

default: True\
Activate/deactivate the validation of the model. if the value is
True, full_clean() method of model will be called before save().

#### validator_exclude

default: None\
The exclude argument of full_clean() method.

#### validator_validate_unique

default: True\
The validate_unique argument of full_clean() method.

### Graphene Fields

The DjangoCRUDObjectType class contains configurable operation publishers that
you use for exposing create, read, update, and delete mutations against your
projected models

for mutating, relation fields may be connected with an existing record or a
sub-create may be inlined (generally referred to as nested mutations). If the
relation is a List then multiple connections or sub-creates are permitted.

Inlined mutations are very similar to top-level ones but have the important
difference that the sub-create has excluded the field where supplying its
relation to the type of parent Object being created would normally be. This is
because a sub-create forces its record to relate to the parent one.

> **Warning**: By default, mutations are not atomic, specify `ATOMIC_REQUESTS`
> or `ATOMIC_MUTATIONS` on True in your\
> See:
> [Transaction with graphene-django](

#### ReadField

Query field to allow clients to find one particular record at time of the
respective model.

#### BatchReadField

Query field to allow clients to fetch multiple records at once of the respective

#### CreateField

Mutation field to allow clients to create one record at time of the respective

#### UpdateField

Mutation field to allow clients to update one particular record at time of the
respective model.

#### DeleteField

Mutation field to allow clients to delete one particular record at time of the
respective model.

### Input Types

#### WhereInputType

Input type composed of [the scalar filters](#scalar-filters) of each readable
fields of the model. The logical operators "OR", "AND", "NO" are also included.
the returned arg can be used in queryset with function

#### OrderByInputType

Input type composed of the orderByEnum of each readable fields of the model.

#### CreateInputType

Input type composed of model fields without the id. If the field is not
nullable, the graphene field is required.

#### UpdateInputType

Input type composed of each fields of the model. No fields are required.

### Methods to override

#### get_queryset(cls, parent, info, \*\*kwargs)

def get_queryset(cls, parent, info, **kwargs):
return queryset_class

Default it returns "model.objects.all()", the overload is useful for applying
filtering based on user. The method is called in nested request, fetch instances
for mutations and subscription filter.

#### mutate, create, update, delete

Methods called for each mutation and nested mutation impacting the model.
Overload this method to add preprocessing and / or overprocessing. The mutate
method is called before the create, update, delete methods. The "data" argument
is a dict corresponding to the graphql input argument.

def mutate(cls, parent, info, instance, data, *args, **kwargs):
# code before save instance
instance = super().mutate(cls, parent, info, instance, data, *args, **kwargs)
# code after save instance
return instance

def create(cls, parent, info, instance, data, *args, **kwargs):
# code before save instance
instance = super().create(cls, parent, info, instance, data, *args, **kwargs)
# code after save instance
return instance

def update(cls, parent, info, instance, data, *args, **kwargs):
# code before save instance
instance = super().update(cls, parent, info, instance, data, *args, **kwargs)
# code after save instance
return instance

def delete(cls, parent, info, instance, data, *args, **kwargs):
# code before save instance
instance = super().delete(cls, parent, info, instance, data, *args, **kwargs)
# code after save instance
return instance

#### (Deprecated) Middleware methods before_XXX(cls, parent, info, instance, data) / after_XXX(cls, parent, info, instance, data)

> from the version v1.3.0, these methods are deprecated, use the methods
> [mutate, create, update, delete](#mutate-create-update-delete)

def before_mutate(cls, parent, info, instance, data):

def before_create(cls, parent, info, instance, data):

def before_update(cls, parent, info, instance, data):

def before_delete(cls, parent, info, instance, data):

def after_mutate(cls, parent, info, instance, data):

def after_create(cls, parent, info, instance, data):

def after_update(cls, parent, info, instance, data):

def after_delete(cls, parent, info, instance, data):

Methods called before or after a mutation. The "instance" argument is the
instance of the model that goes or has been modified retrieved from the "where"
argument of the mutation, or it's been created by the model constructor. The
"data" argument is a dict of the "input" argument of the mutation. The method is
also called in nested mutation.

## Settings

Graphene-django-crud reads your configuration from a single Django setting named


Here’s a list of settings available in graphene-django-crud and their default

### Customize


Name of node field in connection field.\
Default: `'data'`


Add a content field with the content of the file. The type used is
Default: `False`


Enables / disables converting fields with choices to enum fields.\
Default: `True`

### Compatibility with old version


From version 1.3.0 the "equals" field of all scalar filters has been renamed to
"exact". To keep the client compatible we can add it by set the parameter to
Default: `False`


From version 1.3.0 the filter boolean is like the other scalar filters. To keep
the client compatible we can add it by set the parameter to `True`.\

## Utils

#### @resolver_hints(only: list\[str\], select_related:list\[str\])

Each query uses "only", "select_related" and "prefetch_related" methods of
queryset to get only the necessary attributes. To extend fields, the decorator
is necessary for the queryset builder with its arguments which model attributes
are needed to resolve the field.

show [Computed field](#Computed-field) section for more informations

#### where_input_to_Q(where_input: dict) -> Q

In order to be able to reuse where input generated, the where_input_to_Q
function transforms the returned argument into a Q object

example :


#### order_by_input_to_args(order_by_input: list\[dict\]) -> list\[str\]

In order to be able to reuse order_by input generated, the
order_by_input_to_args function transforms the returned argument into args for
order_by method of queryset.

example :


## Schema generated

[DjangoCRUDObjectType Class](#djangocrudobjecttype-class) contains configurable
fields that you use for projecting fields of your django model onto graphql objects.

### Fields Mapping

| Model field | \Type | \WhereInput | \CreateInput | \UpdateInput | \orderByInput |
| ------------------------- | ------------------- | ------------------- | ------------------------------ | ------------------------------ | --------------------- |
| AutoField | ID | IDFilter | ID | ID | OrderEnum |
| BigAutoField | ID | IDFilter | ID | ID | OrderEnum |
| UUIDField | UUID | UUIDFilter | UUID | UUID | OrderEnum |
| CharField | String | StringFilter | String | String | OrderStringEnum |
| TextField | String | StringFilter | String | String | OrderStringEnum |
| EmailField | String | StringFilter | String | String | OrderStringEnum |
| SlugField | String | StringFilter | String | String | OrderStringEnum |
| URLField | String | StringFilter | String | String | OrderStringEnum |
| GenericIPAddressField | String | StringFilter | String | String | OrderStringEnum |
| PositiveIntegerField | Int | IntFilter | Int | Int | OrderEnum |
| PositiveSmallIntegerField | Int | IntFilter | Int | Int | OrderEnum |
| SmallIntegerField | Int | IntFilter | Int | Int | OrderEnum |
| BigIntegerField | Int | IntFilter | Int | Int | OrderEnum |
| IntegerField | Int | IntFilter | Int | Int | OrderEnum |
| BooleanField | Boolean | BooleanFilter | Boolean | Boolean | OrderEnum |
| BinaryField | Binary | | Binary | Binary | |
| DecimalField | Float | FloatFilter | Float | Float | OrderEnum |
| FloatField | Float | FloatFilter | Float | Float | OrderEnum |
| DurationField | Float | FloatFilter | Float | Float | OrderEnum |
| DateField | Date | DateFilter | Date | Date | OrderEnum |
| DateTimeField | DateTime | DatetimeFilter | DateTime | DateTime | OrderEnum |
| TimeField | Time | TimeFilter | Time | Time | OrderEnum |
| FileField | File | StringFilter | FileInput | FileInput | OrderEnum |
| ImageField | File | StringFilter | FileInput | FileInput | OrderEnum |
| ForeignKey | \Type | \WhereInput | \CreateNestedInput | \UpdateNestedInput | \OrderByInput |
| ManyToOneRel | \Connection | \WhereInput | \CreateNestedManyInput | \UpdateNestedManyInput | |
| OneToOneField | \Type | \WhereInput | \CreateNestedInput | \UpdateNestedInput | \OrderByInput |
| OneToOneRel | \Type | \WhereInput | \CreateNestedInput | \UpdateNestedInput | \OrderByInput |
| ManyToManyField | \Connection | \WhereInput | \CreateNestedManyInput | \UpdateNestedManyInput | |
| ManyToManyRel | \Connection | \WhereInput | \CreateNestedManyInput | \UpdateNestedManyInput | |

### Model mutation / query fields


query {
(where: CreateInput!): Type
where: CreateInput
orderBy: [orderByInput]
limit: Int
offset: Int
): Connection

mutation {
Create(input: CreateInput!): CreatePayload
Update(input: UpdateInput!, where: UpdateInput!): UpdatePayload
Delete(where: CreateInput!): DeletePayload


### Model types


type Type {

type Connection {
data: []
count: Int

type CreatePayload {
ok: Boolean
errors: [errorType]
result: Type

type UpdatePayload {
ok: Boolean
errors: [errorType]
result: Type

type DeletePayload {
ok: Boolean
errors: [errorType]

input WhereInput {

input CreateInput {

input UpdateInput {

input OrderByInput {

input CreateNestedInput {
create: CreateInput
connect: WhereInput

input CreateNestedManyInput {
create: [CreateInput]
connect: [WhereInput]

input UpdateNestedInput {
create: CreateInput
update: UpdateInput
connect: WhereInput
delete: Boolean
disconnect: Boolean

input UpdateNestedManyInput {
create: [CreateInput]
update: [UpdateWithWhereInput]
connect: [WhereInput]
delete: [WhereInput]
disconnect: [WhereInput]

input UpdateWithWhereInput {
where: WhereInput
input: UpdateInput


### File

type File {
url: String
size: Int
filename: String
content: Binary

Represents File, it's converted for models.FileField and models.ImageField. The
content field is deactivated by default, set the
[FILE_TYPE_CONTENT_FIELD_ACTIVE](#file_type_content_field_active) setting to
`True` for activate.

### FileInput

input FileInput {
upload: Upload
filename: String
content: Binary

Input type used to upload the file by giving a name and the content of the file.
The upload field appears if graphene-file-upload is installed, it is used to
upload this the
[Multipart Request Spec](

### Binary

scalar Binary

Represents `Bytes` that are base64 encoded and decoded.

### OrderEnum

enum OrderEnum {

enum OrderStringEnum {


### Scalar filters


input IDFilter {
equals: ID
exact: ID
in: [ID]
isnull: Boolean

input BooleanFilter {
equals: Boolean
exact: Boolean
in: [Boolean]
isnull: Boolean

input UUIDFilter {
equals: UUID
exact: UUID
in: [UUID]
isnull: Boolean

input StringFilter {
equals: String
exact: String
in: [String]
isnull: Boolean
contains: String
startswith: String
endswith: String
regex: String
iexact: String
icontains: String
istartswith: String
iendswith: String

input IntFilter {
equals: Int
exact: Int
in: [Int]
isnull: Boolean
gt: Int
gte: Int
lt: Int
lte: Int
contains: Int
startswith: Int
endswith: Int
regex: String

input FloatFilter {
equals: Float
exact: Float
in: [Float]
isnull: Boolean
gt: Float
gte: Float
lt: Float
lte: Float
contains: Float
startswith: Float
endswith: Float
regex: String

input TimeFilter {
equals: Time
exact: Time
in: [Time]
isnull: Boolean
gt: Time
gte: Time
lt: Time
lte: Time
hour: IntFilter
minute: IntFilter
second: IntFilter

input DateFilter {
equals: Date
exact: Date
in: [Date]
isnull: Boolean
gt: Date
gte: Date
lt: Date
lte: Date
year: IntFilter
month: IntFilter
day: IntFilter
weekDay: IntFilter

input DatetimeFilter {
equals: DateTime
exact: DateTime
in: [DateTime]
isnull: Boolean
gt: DateTime
gte: DateTime
lt: DateTime
lte: DateTime
year: IntFilter
month: IntFilter
day: IntFilter
weekDay: IntFilter
hour: IntFilter
minute: IntFilter
second: IntFilter