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1. 了解opentracing
2. 开源库jaeger/zipkin都实现了opentracing
3. zipkin架构和组件
1. xorm sql 埋点
2. 自定义span
4. go语言接入jaeger

# zipkin vs jaeger

| | **JAEGER** | **ZIPKIN** |
| ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| **OpenTracing compatibility** | Yes | Yes |
| **OpenTracing-compatible clients** | [Python]([Go]([Node]([Java]([C++]([C#]([Ruby]( *[PHP]( *[Rust]( * | [Go]([Java]([Ruby]( *[C++]( (work in [progress]( |
| **Storage support** | In-memoryCassandraElasticsearchScyllaDB (work in [progress]( | In-memoryMySQLCassandraElasticsearch |
| **Sampling** | Dynamic sampling rate (supports rate limiting and probabilistic sampling strategies) | Fixed sampling rate (supports probabilistic sampling strategy) |
| **Span transport** | UDPHTTP | HTTPKafkaScribeAMQP |
| **Docker ready** | Yes | Yes |


## zipkin

### 流程图

> 来自

┌─────────────┐ ┌───────────────────────┐ ┌─────────────┐ ┌──────────────────┐
│ User Code │ │ Trace Instrumentation │ │ Http Client │ │ Zipkin Collector │
└─────────────┘ └───────────────────────┘ └─────────────┘ └──────────────────┘
│ │ │ │
│ ──┤GET /foo ├─▶ │ ────┐ │ │
└─────────┘ │ record tags
│ │ ◀───┘ │ │
│ │ │ add trace headers │ │
│ │ ────┐ │ │
│ record timestamp
│ │ ◀───┘ │ │
│ │ ──┤GET /foo ├─▶ │ │
│X-B3-TraceId: aa │ ────┐
│ │ │X-B3-SpanId: 6b │ │ │ │
└─────────────────┘ │ invoke
│ │ │ │ request │

│ │ │ │ │
┌────────┐ ◀───┘
│ │ ◀─────┤200 OK ├─────── │ │
────┐ └────────┘
│ │ │ record duration │ │
┌────────┐ ◀───┘
│ ◀──┤200 OK ├── │ │ │
└────────┘ ┌────────────────────────────────┐
│ │ ──┤ asynchronously report span ├────▶ │
│ │
│{ │
│ "traceId": "aa", │
│ "id": "6b", │
│ "name": "get", │
│ "timestamp": 1483945573944000,│
│ "duration": 386000, │
│ "annotations": [ │
│--snip-- │

### go语言支持

- [zipkin-go-opentracing ]( zipkin同样支持opentracing

- [opentracing-go](
- [go-grpc-middleware]( grpc 请求日志需要 中间件支持
- [otgrpc]( 记录grpc 记录请求/响应,是否记录本次请求,更像是一个装饰器

#### server

func main() {
// reporter: 输出到哪?
reporter := zipkinhttp.NewReporter("http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans")
defer reporter.Close()
// endpoint: 记录服务名称和端口
endpoint, err := zipkin.NewEndpoint("zipkin-demo", "")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("zipkin new endpoint error: %v", err)
// tracer
nativeTracer, err := zipkin.NewTracer(reporter, zipkin.WithLocalEndpoint(endpoint))
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("zipkin new tracer error: %v", err)
// 接入opentracing
tracer := zipkinot.Wrap(nativeTracer)
// 初始化grpc server,并注册中间件
grpcServer := grpc.NewServer(
// otgrpc.LogPayloads 是否记录 入参和出参
// otgrpc.SpanDecorator 装饰器,回调函数
// otgrpc.IncludingSpans 是否记录
// IncludingSpans是请求前回调
otgrpc.IncludingSpans(func(parentSpanCtx opentracing.SpanContext, method string, req, resp interface{}) bool {
log.Printf("method: %s", method)
log.Printf("req: %+v", req)
log.Printf("resp: %+v", resp)
return true
// SpanDecorator是请求后回调
otgrpc.SpanDecorator(func(span opentracing.Span, method string, req, resp interface{}, grpcError error) {
log.Printf("method: %s", method)
log.Printf("req: %+v", req)
log.Printf("resp: %+v", resp)
log.Printf("grpcError: %+v", grpcError)
// 注册服务
greet.RegisterServiceServer(grpcServer, &handler{})
listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":1234")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("net listen error: %v", err.Error())


> otgrpc 实现源码很简单,看一下
> 本次实践源码: [](

#### xorm


var DB *xorm.Engine

func Init() error {
var err error
// XORM创建引擎
DB, err = xorm.NewEngine("mysql", "root:root@(")
if err != nil {
return err
// 创建自定义的日志实例
log := logrus.New()
log.Out = os.Stdout
// 将日志实例设置到XORM的引擎中
logger: log,
level: xormLog.LOG_DEBUG,
showSQL: true,
return nil

type TracerLogger struct {
logger *logrus.Logger
level xormLog.LogLevel
showSQL bool
span opentracing.Span

// 主要是实现 SQLLogger 接口
// type SQLLogger interface {
// BeforeSQL(context LogContext) // only invoked when IsShowSQL is true
// AfterSQL(context LogContext) // only invoked when IsShowSQL is true
// }
func (l *TracerLogger) BeforeSQL(ctx xormLog.LogContext) {
l.span, _ = opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx.Ctx, "xorm")

func (l *TracerLogger) AfterSQL(ctx xormLog.LogContext) {
defer l.span.Finish()
var sessionPart string
l.span.LogFields(opentracingLog.String("db.statement", ctx.SQL))
l.span.LogFields(opentracingLog.Object("db.args", ctx.Args))
l.span.LogFields(opentracingLog.String("db.type", "sql"))
l.span.LogFields(opentracingLog.Object("db.execute_time", ctx.ExecuteTime))
if ctx.ExecuteTime > 0 {
l.logger.Infof("[SQL]%s %s %v - %v", sessionPart, ctx.SQL, ctx.Args, ctx.ExecuteTime)
} else {
l.logger.Infof("[SQL]%s %s %v", sessionPart, ctx.SQL, ctx.Args)

> 需要xorm: 1.0 以上的版本
> - `""`
> - `""`

## jaeger

### 推荐阅读


- [异构系统链路追踪—滴滴 trace 实践]( 落地实践,推荐

- [opentracing]( 必须看
- [opentracing tutorial]( 可以不看
- [The OpenTracing Specification repository]( 命名规范
- [go elasticsearch trace]( 收集es查询日志
- [使用阿里云sls存储]( 公司一般都是用sls

### 开源库

- [jaeger](

### 安装

1. 创建一个bridge桥接的网络

docker network create douyaucn

2. 创建es容器,jaeger默认存储是用es

docker run -d \
-p 9200:9200 \
-p 9300:9300 \
--network douyacun \
--network-alias d1 \
-e "discovery.type=single-node" \

3. 安装一下kibana,方便看一下es里的数据到底是怎么存储的,jaeger默认使用thrift序列化的数据,看不出源数据长啥样,注意kibana和es版本要一致

docker run -d --network douyacun --network-alias d3 --link 3ee3312d488d:elasticsearch -p 5601:5601 kibana:7.5.0


"traceID": "64e770b12d5dfce0",
"spanID": "64e770b12d5dfce0",
"flags": 1,
"operationName": "dyc/internal/controllers.NewRouter.func2",
"references": [],
"startTime": 1588482117635784,
"startTimeMillis": 1588482117635,
"duration": 17,
"tags": [
"key": "sampler.type",
"type": "string",
"value": "const"
"key": "sampler.param",
"type": "bool",
"value": "true"
"key": "internal.span.format",
"type": "string",
"value": "proto"
"logs": [],
"process": {
"serviceName": "",
"tags": [
"key": "jaeger.version",
"type": "string",
"value": "Go-2.23.1"
"key": "hostname",
"type": "string",
"value": "liuningdeMacBook-Pro.local"
"key": "ip",
"type": "string",
"value": ""
"key": "client-uuid",
"type": "string",
"value": "57c0ef9eaec2fabb"

4. collectors

docker run -d \
--network douyacun \
--network-alias d2 \
-e SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE=elasticsearch \
-e ES_SERVER_URLS=http://d1:9200 \

5. agent 这里只用6831端口就可以了,其他端口都是为了兼容性

docker run \
--network douyacun \
--network-alias d3 \
-p 6831:6831/udp \

6. trace UI界面

docker run \
--network douyacun \
--network-alias d4 \
-p 16686:16686 \
-p 16687:16687 \
-e SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE=elasticsearch \
-e ES_SERVER_URLS=http://d1:9200 \

### gin集成jaeger

opentracing.tracer 初始化,只初始化一次就够了

func InitTrace() opentracing.Tracer {
// GlobalTracer 是单例
if opentracing.IsGlobalTracerRegistered() {
return opentracing.GlobalTracer()
} else {
// jaeger配置
cfg := config.Configuration{
ServiceName: "",
Sampler: &config.SamplerConfig{
Type: "const",
Param: 1,
// 配置agent收集
Reporter: &config.ReporterConfig{
LocalAgentHostPort: "",
// 这里配置header,默认值 uber-trace-id(我不喜欢)
Headers: &jaeger.HeadersConfig{
JaegerDebugHeader: "x-debug-id",
JaegerBaggageHeader: "x-baggage",
TraceContextHeaderName: "x-trace-id",
TraceBaggageHeaderPrefix: "x-ctx",
tracer, _, err := cfg.NewTracer()
if err != nil {
panic(errors.Wrapf(err, "Error: cannot init tracer"))
return tracer

gin middleware 记录每次请求的参数,url

func Trace() gin.HandlerFunc {
return func(ctx *gin.Context) {
tracer := opentracing.GlobalTracer()
if tracer == nil {
var span opentracing.Span
// Extract 就是读 request header 中的 `x-trace-id`
// 读的到就继承
// 读不到就初始化一个新的
wireCtx, err := tracer.Extract(opentracing.HTTPHeaders, opentracing.HTTPHeadersCarrier(ctx.Request.Header))
if err != nil {
span = opentracing.StartSpan(ctx.Request.URL.Path)
} else {
span = opentracing.StartSpan(ctx.Request.URL.Path, opentracing.ChildOf(wireCtx))

defer span.Finish()
if b := ctx.Request.GetBody; b != nil {
if body, err := b(); err == nil {
var buf bytes.Buffer
if _, err = buf.ReadFrom(body); err == nil {
span.LogKV("form-body", buf.String())
// response header
if sp, ok := span.Context().(jaeger.SpanContext); ok {
// 这里设置一个root span,本次请求的其他span挂在root span下面
ctx.Set("root_span", span)
ctx.Writer.Header().Set("x-request-id", sp.TraceID().String())
ctx.Writer.Header().Set("x-trace-id", sp.TraceID().String())
ctx.Writer.Header().Set("X-Span-id", sp.SpanID().String())


gorm jaeger 这里用了 提供的方法,稍微改造了一下


var db_write *gorm.DB
var DB_ONCE sync.Once

type _db struct {

const (
parentSpanGormKey = "opentracingParentSpan"
spanGormKey = "opentracingSpan"

func NewDB(dsn string) {
// videos_t
var err error
db_write, err = gorm.Open("mysql", dsn)
if err != nil {
logger.Fatal("gorm open %s", err)
if err = db_write.DB().Ping(); err != nil {

func Write(ctx *gin.Context) *gorm.DB {
return SetSpanToGorm(ctx, db_write)

// SetSpanToGorm sets span to gorm settings, returns cloned DB
func SetSpanToGorm(ctx *gin.Context, d *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
if ctx == nil {
return d
if parentSpan, ok := ctx.Get("root_span"); ok {
return d.Set(parentSpanGormKey, parentSpan)
return d

// AddGormCallbacks adds callbacks for tracing, you should call SetSpanToGorm to make them work
func AddGormCallbacks(db *gorm.DB) {
callbacks := newCallbacks()
registerCallbacks(db, "create", callbacks)
registerCallbacks(db, "query", callbacks)
registerCallbacks(db, "update", callbacks)
registerCallbacks(db, "delete", callbacks)
registerCallbacks(db, "row_query", callbacks)

type callbacks struct{}

func newCallbacks() *callbacks {
return &callbacks{}

func (c *callbacks) beforeCreate(scope *gorm.Scope) { c.before(scope) }
func (c *callbacks) afterCreate(scope *gorm.Scope) { c.after(scope, "INSERT") }
func (c *callbacks) beforeQuery(scope *gorm.Scope) { c.before(scope) }
func (c *callbacks) afterQuery(scope *gorm.Scope) { c.after(scope, "SELECT") }
func (c *callbacks) beforeUpdate(scope *gorm.Scope) { c.before(scope) }
func (c *callbacks) afterUpdate(scope *gorm.Scope) { c.after(scope, "UPDATE") }
func (c *callbacks) beforeDelete(scope *gorm.Scope) { c.before(scope) }
func (c *callbacks) afterDelete(scope *gorm.Scope) { c.after(scope, "DELETE") }
func (c *callbacks) beforeRowQuery(scope *gorm.Scope) { c.before(scope) }
func (c *callbacks) afterRowQuery(scope *gorm.Scope) { c.after(scope, "") }

func (c *callbacks) before(scope *gorm.Scope) {
val, ok := scope.Get(parentSpanGormKey)
if !ok {
parentSpan := val.(opentracing.Span)
tr := parentSpan.Tracer()
sp := tr.StartSpan("sql", opentracing.ChildOf(parentSpan.Context()))
ext.DBType.Set(sp, "sql")
scope.Set(spanGormKey, sp)

func (c *callbacks) after(scope *gorm.Scope, operation string) {
val, ok := scope.Get(spanGormKey)
if !ok {
sp := val.(opentracing.Span)
if operation == "" {
operation = strings.ToUpper(strings.Split(scope.SQL, " ")[0])
ext.Error.Set(sp, scope.HasError())
ext.DBStatement.Set(sp, scope.SQL)
sp.SetTag("db.table", scope.TableName())
sp.SetTag("db.method", operation)
sp.SetTag("db.err", scope.HasError())
sp.SetTag("db.vars", scope.SQLVars)
sp.SetTag("db.count", scope.DB().RowsAffected)

func registerCallbacks(db *gorm.DB, name string, c *callbacks) {
beforeName := fmt.Sprintf("tracing:%v_before", name)
afterName := fmt.Sprintf("tracing:%v_after", name)
gormCallbackName := fmt.Sprintf("gorm:%v", name)
// gorm does some magic, if you pass CallbackProcessor here - nothing works
switch name {
case "create":
db.Callback().Create().Before(gormCallbackName).Register(beforeName, c.beforeCreate)
db.Callback().Create().After(gormCallbackName).Register(afterName, c.afterCreate)
case "query":
db.Callback().Query().Before(gormCallbackName).Register(beforeName, c.beforeQuery)
db.Callback().Query().After(gormCallbackName).Register(afterName, c.afterQuery)
case "update":
db.Callback().Update().Before(gormCallbackName).Register(beforeName, c.beforeUpdate)
db.Callback().Update().After(gormCallbackName).Register(afterName, c.afterUpdate)
case "delete":
db.Callback().Delete().Before(gormCallbackName).Register(beforeName, c.beforeDelete)
db.Callback().Delete().After(gormCallbackName).Register(afterName, c.afterDelete)
case "row_query":
db.Callback().RowQuery().Before(gormCallbackName).Register(beforeName, c.beforeRowQuery)
db.Callback().RowQuery().After(gormCallbackName).Register(afterName, c.afterRowQuery)

func Close() {
_ = db_write.Close()

### 预览
