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My notes on ClojureScript

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My notes on ClojureScript

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# The Missing Guide for ClojureScript

When I started with ClojureScript and tried to follow the official [Quick Start Guide]( it did not seem very straightforward to me. It is a good read though after a bit of hands on experience. This guide is a compilation of things I wished to know at the beginnings.

> I wrote down these notes as I was learning Clojure/Script in 2017. The tooling ecosystem changed significantly since then, but I did not manage to update the guide to reflect that. Here is the gist:
> * [Clojure CLI]( is a better alternative to Leiningen
> * [shadow-cljs]( is the best tool to compile ClojureScript replacing Fighweel, both for web and node.js apps
> * [Babashka]( is a best runtime for scripting instead of Lumo

- [Quick Start](#quick-start)
- [Create a project](#create-a-project)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Resources](#resources)
- [Tutorials](#tutorials)
- [Books](#books)
- [Exercises](#exercises)
- [Cookbook](#cookbook)
- [Libraries](#libraries)
- [JS Interop](#js-interop)
- [IO](#io)
- [EDN](#edn)
- [Editor setup](#editor-setup)
- [Debugging](#debugging)
- [Tools](#tools)
- [Misc](#misc)

## Quick Start

Try out some code using REPL.

Under node.js install [Lumo]( with:
$ npm install -g lumo-cljs
$ lumo
cljs.user=> (println "hello clojure")
hello clojure

For Java first install [Leiningen]( and then:
$ lein repl
user=> (+ 1 2)

### Create a project

#### Node.js server or CLI app

Use [cljs-node-app]( template:
`lein new cljs-node-app `

Compile the project: `lein cljsbuild once main`

Watch and recompile on changes: `lein cljsbuild auto main`

#### Web app

Use [re-frame]( template which uses React.js via [Reagent]( under the hood:
`lein new re-frame +test +routes +aliases`

Start development mode with live reload: `lein dev`

Compile the project: `lein build`

## Documentation

Inside REPL:

;; Show function docs in REPL
(doc str)

;; Search in docs
(find-doc "reduce")

;; Show function source code
(source identity)

Browse [API documentation]( and refer to [Cheatsheet]( on the web.

## Resources

- [Official Clojure Reference](
- [Library Coding Standards](
- [Clojure Styleguide](
- []( is community-driven documentation
- [Anki deck]( for spaced-repetition learning

### Tutorials

- [Learn Clojure in Y minutes]( is a very concise indroduction to Clojure.
- [ClojureScript Unraveled]( is an online book and guide about ClojureScript.
- [Brave Clojure – Chapter 3 Crash Course](
Clojure for the Brave and True is a book available online. I find chapter 3 a very good intro to Clojure. If you like more chatty style and humor in programming books then also give a read to other chapters.
- [Clojure – Functional Programming for the JVM]( is an introductory article to functional programming and Clojure. It is aimed for Java programmers but contains interesting bits of information and goes into more low-level details.
- [Clojure from the ground up]( is a collection of articles on various Clojure topics.

### Books

- [Programming Clojure by Stuart Halloway]( is a best book about Clojure for programmers, I recommend anyone learning Clojure(Script) to start with this one.
- [Clojure Applied: From Practice to Practitioner]( is a book focusing on more practical aspects of app development in Clojure. Includes chapters about domain modelling, managing state and application components.
- [Mastering Clojure]( describes in detail more advanced topics like paralelism, transducers, category theory, pattern matching and logic programming.

Explore other [books]( by the community.

### Exercises

- [99 Lisp Problems](
- [4Clojure](
- [Clojure Koans](
- [Project Euler Problems](
- [Simple Programming Problems](

## Cookbook

### Libraries

Opinionated list of useful libraries. There are alternatives but if you are just starting you can't go wrong by picking these.

- React wrapper framework: [re-frame](
- UI Components: [re-com](
- Forms with validation: [Reforms](
- HTTP requests: [cljs-ajax](
- Routing: [Secretary](
- Date, Url and other utilities: [Google Closure Library](

Check other libraries in [Awesome ClojureScript list](

- HTTP APIs: [Compojure](
- Logging: [Timbre](

### JS Interop

A great feature of ClojureScript is that you can work with native JS objects and use existing JS libraries.

;; Use js/ prefix for global names, e.g. to print in browser console
(js/console.log "Hello, world!")

;; Add dot to construct new objects
(js/Date. "2017-10-16") ; new Date("2017-10-16")

;; Call methods
(.toUpperCase s) ; s.toUpperCase()

;; Use treading macro to chain calls
(-> "BOOM" (.toLowerCase) (.slice 0 -1)) ; "BOOM".toLowerCase().slice(0, -1)

;; Access attributes
(.-length s) ; s.length

;; Nested attribute access
(.-location.href js/window) ; window.location.href
(aget window "location" "href") ; window["location"]["href"]

;; Set attributes
(aset obj "attr" "val") ; obj["attr"] = "val"

;; create native js objects with #js macro
#js {:a 1 :b 2} ; {a: 1, b: 2}
#js [1 2 3] ; [1, 2, 3]

;; convert cljs data structures into js objects
(clj->js obj)

;; convert js objects to cljs data structures
(js->clj obj :keywordize-keys true))

See a [post with more details]( and [comparison of JS and Clojure]( idioms.

Use node modules by [seamlessly requiring]( them (starting with 1.9.854):
(ns example.core
(:require [react :refer [createElement]]
["react-dom/server" :as ReactDOMServer :refer [renderToString]]))

(js/console.log (renderToString (createElement "div" nil "Hello World!")))

Some js libraries do not work with the compiler. In that case it is possible to bundle them with [webpack](
Or use externs:
Debug advanced compilation errors with [:pseudo-names]( Also try [:infer-externs](

### IO

To print at ClojureScript REPL
(println "Hello, world!")

Working with filesystem – require `fs` from node and call native functions.
(def fs (js/require "fs"))
(fs.readFileSync "foo.txt" "utf8")

When working in repl you can use `slurp` to read a file and `spit` to write a file.
;; Read a file into one long string
(def a-long-string (slurp "foo.txt"))

;; Write a long string out to a new file
(spit "foo.txt"
"A long
multi-line string.

Alternative approach is to use [cljs-node-io]( which is a port of [](

### EDN

EDN is to Clojure what JSON is to Javascript.

- parse: [cljs.reader/read-string](
- stringify: [prn-str](

### State

A state is the value of an identity at a point in time.

Changes to shared state:
- Refs - coordinated synchronous
- Atoms - uncoordinated synchronous
- Agents - asynchronous
- Vars - thread-local private - def, defn

Convention dynamic thread-wide bindings with asterisks `*in*` `*out*`.

## Editor setup


Refer to [this guide]( for a good setup. Essential packages are:
- [parinfer]( so that you don't have to worry about parentheses
- [proto-repl]( to evaluate code right within editor window

- Emacs distribution with Vim mode
- Looks intriguing, it's on my list of things to try
- Plugin for code refactoring: [clj-refactor](

- a great IDE based on IntelliJ

## Debugging

**Debug with Chrome DevTools**

- [Enable custom formatters](
- Data formating is done with [cljs-devtools]( which is already included in the [web app template](#web-app) mentioned above
- Add expressions to watches like: `cljs.core.pr_str(localvar)`

For more functionality use [Dirac](, a DevTools fork with additional ClojureScript related features.

**Debug node apps with Chrome DevTools**
- Run `node --inspect-brk build/main.js`
- In Chrome open `chrome://inspect` and select the session

**Call tracing inside Atom**

Use `proto-repl: save call` to record function calls and values of parameters, watch [video with instructions](

**General call tracing**

Trace calls with [Clairvoyant]( which is an alternative to [](

## Tools

To use Leiningen plugins globally across projects put them in `~/.lein/profiles.clj`, e.g.
{:user {:plugins [[lein-ancient "0.6.5"]
[lein-plz "0.4.0-SNAPSHOT" :exclusions [[rewrite-clj] [ancient-clj]]]]}}

[List of Leiningen plugins](

**Packages management**
- `lein search ` – Search for packages
- `lein plz add ` – Add package as dependency into `project.clj`
- `lein ancient` – List outdated dependencies
- `lein ancient upgrade` – Upgrade outdated dependencies
- [lein try]( – Try out Clojure libraries in a REPL without creating a project or adding them to an existing project.

**Code quality**
- [kibit]( – static analysis tool that offers suggestions for code improvement
- [cljfmt]( or [lein-zprint]( or [boot-fmt]( for code auto-formatting
- [cloverage]( – Test code coverage tool
- [vanity]( - Compute Lines of code statistics
- [Overview of code quality tools](

**Code exploration**
- [lein-ns-dep-graph]( or [lein-hiera]( – Explore and visualize namespace dependencies
- [lein-gossip]( or [clj-usage-graph]( – Visualize call-graphs in a codebase
- [lein-instant-cheatsheet]( – Instant Cheatsheet instantly creates a cheatsheet for your project and its dependencies

**Documentation generators**

- [cljdoc]( – documentation generator, includes hosting
- [codeina]( – api doc generator which is a nicer looking fork of codox
- [codox]( – with support for plugins and themes
- [codox-md](
- [marginalia]( – documentation showing description and code side by side in a literate programming style

- [autodoc]( – generator that is used for official Clojure API docs
- [cadastre]( – extracts metadata in a way that is used on [](

## Misc

[CrossClj]( – Explore dependencies of Clojure packages among each other, see which function are called where and with what arguments:

[JavaScript to ClojureScript translator](

- [calvin]( – A minimalistic build tool for ClojureScript projects that does not require the JVM
- [with Lumo](

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