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πŸ™οΈ Essential learning for people building APIs

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πŸ™οΈ Essential learning for people building APIs

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# Learn API Design πŸ™οΈ

Essential learning for people building an API
that is performant, scalable and maintainable.

[![contributions welcome](](

![Grandma Remote](

Joking aside, ***starting*** a project "***from scratch***" is a ***opportunity***
(and *privilege*) ***few people get***;
it's a ***Golden Ticket***!

![golden ticket](

If you are ***fortunate*** enough to be
in that position, ***do not take*** the **task** ***lightly***.
Do your homework _before_ you start!
Learn from as many experienced people as possible
and make your `API` the best it can be!

- [Learn API Design πŸ™οΈ](#learn-api-design-️)
- [Why? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ](#why-️)
- [Who? πŸ€“](#who-)
- [What? πŸ’­](#what-)
- [Guiding Quotes πŸ’­](#guiding-quotes-)
- [Characteristics of a Good API](#characteristics-of-a-good-api)
- [Types of `API` (Quick History Lesson)](#types-of-api-quick-history-lesson)
- [RPC](#rpc)
- [`SOAP`](#soap)
- [`REST`](#rest)
- [What is a `RESTful` web service?](#what-is-a-restful-web-service)
- [Using HTTP Methods for `RESTful` Services](#using-http-methods-for-restful-services)
- [Examples of Successful (Good) `RESTful` APIs](#examples-of-successful-good-restful-apis)
- [`Twitter`](#twitter)
- [Realtime APIs: `WebSockets`](#realtime-apis-websockets)
- [Examples of Realtime APIs](#examples-of-realtime-apis)
- [`RESTful` API Design and Best Practices](#restful-api-design-and-best-practices)
- [Provide sensible `Resource` names](#provide-sensible-resource-names)
- [Use adequate `HTTP` response codes to indicate status](#use-adequate-http-response-codes-to-indicate-status)
- [Use `query parameters` to filter, sort or search resources](#use-query-parameters-to-filter-sort-or-search-resources)
- [Filtering and sorting](#filtering-and-sorting)
- [Searching](#searching)
- [Limit fields returned in the `JSON ` response](#limit-fields-returned-in-the-json--response)
- [Show meaningful Errors](#show-meaningful-errors)
- [Favour `JSON` over `XML` support](#favour-json-over-xml-support)
- [Avoid chattiness in your API](#avoid-chattiness-in-your-api)
- [*Consider* `connectedness`](#consider-connectedness)
- [Always use `SSL`](#always-use-ssl)
- [Lint your responses and add `gzip` support](#lint-your-responses-and-add-gzip-support)
- [Accept `JSON` in `POST`, `PATCH`, `PUT` bodies](#accept-json-in-post-patch-put-bodies)
- [Pagination](#pagination)
- [Rate Limiting](#rate-limiting)
- [Caching](#caching)
- [Versioning your API?](#versioning-your-api)
- [URI versioning](#uri-versioning)
- [Header versioning](#header-versioning)
- [Media type versioning](#media-type-versioning)
- [Which one should I choose?](#which-one-should-i-choose)
- [API Documentation](#api-documentation)
- [`RESTful` API documentation tools](#restful-api-documentation-tools)
- [API Testing](#api-testing)
- [API Monitoring](#api-monitoring)
- [References](#references)
- [Further General Background Reading + Watching](#further-general-background-reading--watching)

# Why? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Having a *great* API will make or break your project/product.

We expect a **_significant_ percentage**
of the **`people`** using our `App`
to access the `API`
either for automation -
e.g: via a Voice Assistant -
or simply to extract, analyze & visualize their data in interesting ways.
in many ways, we think
[_the **`API` is** the **Product**_!](

With that in mind,
we want to research and learn
how to build the best `API` we possibly can
and document as much as possible
so others can learn from our quest!

# Who? πŸ€“

This guide is meant as both
an **_internal_ reference** for us **`@dwyl`**;
everyone in the team/community should read,
understand and attempt to _improve/extend_ it ...

and a **_fully_ Open Source resource**
that _anyone_ can read and learn from.

As always, if you find it helpful/useful please star the repo on GitHub ⭐ πŸ™ Thanks!

If you get stuck or have any questions/suggestions,
please [open an issue](

# What? πŸ’­

The term **`API`**
stands for
"**Application Programming Interface**"
An `API` is a **way of communicating with a system _programmatically_**.
It is a structured way for one program to offer services to other programs.

## Guiding Quotes πŸ’­

A few ***quotes*** from
[**Joshua Bloch**]('s
Google Talk on
["***How To Design A Good API and Why it Matters***"](
and [Kevin Lacker]('s ([@Parse](
["***How to Design Great APIs***"](
> - - -
> "*You have* ***one chance*** *to* ***get it right***."
- - -
> "***A bad API*** *can be among a company's greatest liabilities...*
> *can cause an un-ending stream of support phonecalls ...*
*and it* ***can inhibit*** *a company's* ***ability to move forward***"
- - -
> "*Once you have a* ***bad API***, *you* ***can't change it***,
*you are pretty much* ***stuck with it forever***." [3:12](
- - -
> " ... ***A good API*** *needs to* ***appeal to*** *the most powerful emotion*: ***Laziness***".
- - -
> "*You need to* ***be opinionated*** *even when* ***there is no right and wrong***"
- - -
> "*Always make your REST API* ***as small/short as possible***"
- - -
> "The user of an API **should never be surprised by its behaviour**... it's even sometimes worth reduced performance *not to surprise users of the API*."
- - -

## Characteristics of a Good API

+ ***Easy to learn*** (*notice the priority placement of learn-ability...*)
+ Intuitive / Easy to ***use*** even without documentation
+ ***Hard to misuse*** (*write tests for "undesirable" behaviour*)
+ Easy to *read* and *maintain* code that uses it
+ Sufficiently powerful to satisfy requirements
+ Easy to ***evolve*** (*the simpler the initial API the easier it will be to extend*)
+ Appropriate to ***audience*** (*make it beginner friendly*...)
+ ***Opinionated*** (means people don't have to *think*)

## Types of `API` (Quick History Lesson)

An `API` comes in different forms.
When a developer get down to building an `API`,
they first decide which specification to use.
Most of the time, they go for `REST`.
But, analyzing product requirements,
a tech team may come to the conclusion
that calls for a different approach.

`RESTful` `APIs` weren't always the *de facto* way of building `APIs`.
In fact, there is an historical precedence to it.

### RPC

The earliest and simplest form of an `API`
was **`RPC` Remote Procedure Call**,
hailing from the 80's.

The name speaks for itself.
It's a straightforward interaction where a local client
sends commands to a remote server.

Here's a closer look at how it works.
Both client and server use different call parameters,
so they must be converted so it is understood by the other side.
This conversion is made inside **stubs**.

workflow RPC

`RPC` started with `XML` and later `JSON`-based versions.
However, in 2015, Google created
a general-purpose `RPC` framework.
Systems like
[`Apache Thrift`](
or Twitch's
use `gRPC` for internal communication between (micro)services.

### `SOAP`

In 1999, engineers at
Microsoft created [`SOAP`]( -
**Simple Object Access Protocol**.

Initially, `XML` `RPC` had a problem -
it didn't distinguish between data types.
So devs had to add additional metadata
to label a field with a data type.
Aiming for consistency,
`SOAP` carved the format of the transmitted message *in stone*.
It was informative but *rather verbose*.


A `SOAP` message **is framed with an envelope tag**
(root element that starts and ends the message),
**a header** and **a body**.

Although `SOAP` is not as popular as `REST`,
it's still around, especially in financial services.
This is because it uses
`SOAP WS-Security extension` to encrypt messages
and only the recipient with a security token can read it.

### `REST`

**Representational State Transfer** (**REST**) is a software architecture
style consisting of guidelines and best practices for creating
scalable web services.
This is an architectural pattern
that describes how systems
can expose a consistent interface.
When people use the term `REST API`,
they are referring to an API accessed via `HTTP` protocol
at a predefined set of URLs.

Whilst `SOAP` allows for _stateful_ interactions -
where the server is aware of _previous_ requests -
`RESTful` APIs are **_stateless_**,
thus treating every request as distinct.

`RESTful` APIs are **resource-based**,
meaning the user is manipulating
(creating, updating, deleting or fetching) resources.

When using a `RESTful API`,
we are specifying the **URI - Uniform Resource Identifier**
and performing **an action** -
e.g: `GET` `HTTP`(fetching) request.
The response is a `JSON` object
that can be interpreted in _any_ programming language.

#### What is a `RESTful` web service?

![restful API](

is a structured way of building web services and applications.
When something is described as "RESTful" it simply means it follows a
predefined predictable pattern for how it responds to requests.

For a system to be considered 100% `RESTful`,
it **ought to** follow six constraints:
- [Uniform Interface](
- Identification of resources
- Manipulation of resources through representations
- Self-descriptive messages
- Hypermedia as the engine of the application state.
- [Statelessness](
- [Client-server](
- [Cacheable](
- [Layered System](
- [Code-on-demand](

While the **uniform interface** constraint is fundamental
to the design of any `RESTful` system,
**code-on-demand** is optional.
Although not mandatory to implement all of the aforementioned,
doing so will result in better,
more usable services.

We recommend the following videos
for an "easy-to-digest" introduction
to these concepts an `REST` as a whole.

- Intro to REST:
- What is REST API?:
- RESTful APIs in 100 seconds:
- `Google Cloud Tech` Youtube channel for API management, design patterns and summit talks of APIs on the cloud:

For `web RESTful services`-specific resources,
we encourage you to skim through the following resources.

- Beginners Guide:
- What are RESTful web services:
- What is "CRUD"?,_read,_update_and_delete

#### Using HTTP Methods for `RESTful` Services

[HTTP verbs](
represent one of the pillars of the
**uniform interface** constraint we have mentioned earlier.
Resources are manipulated (CRUD)
and each operation is invoked by these verbs.

+ **GET** = **read** an existing **record** or collection (list of records)
+ **POST** = **create** and ***partial*** update.
+ **PUT** = **create** and [***idempotent***]( update
(always send **all** the fields required - not partial update)
+ **PATCH** = partial update (send only the fields to update)
+ **DELETE** = does exactly what it says

> The word "**idempotence**" may be funky
but it represents a rather simple concept.
For a `RESTful` service standpoint,
for an operation to be *idempotent*,
clients can make the same call repeatedly
while producing the same result.
> The `GET` or `PUT` operation on a `users/12345` URI,
for example, are great examples of this.
Each time they are called, the same result is yielded.

Each operation concerns to a *resource*,
which in turn is identified/located
through an *URI*.
Here's how these operations are applied to resources:s

+ **GET** /comments - Returns a list of all comments
+ **GET** /comments/:id - Returns a comment with the given id
+ **POST** /comments - Creates a new comment
+ **PUT** /comments/:id - Updates a comment with the given id
+ **PATCH** /comments/:id - Partially update a comment with the given id
+ **DELETE** /comments/:id - Deletes a comment with the given id

This is an overview of how these are implemented.
If you are curious or want to learn more
about the differences between `PUT`, `POST` and `PATCH`,
skim through the following links for a better understanding.

+ PUT vs POST in REST:

### Examples of Successful (Good) `RESTful` APIs

You can find endless public APIs across the world-wide-web.
Some of them don't have documentation,
others have decent
and there are others with exceptional
and comprehensive guides.

Here is a list of examples of public `RESTful` APIs
that have *awesome* documentation.

+ Parse REST API:
(really good example of good interactive documentation)
+ GitHub:
+ Twitter:
+ Google:
+ Stripe:
+ Twilio:

#### `Twitter`

[`Twitter API`](
allows developers to query tweets by person, topic, tag or trends.
We could use it to write a bot that displays the top tweets of the day.
As users of the `API`,
we don't need to know about the _internal_ details
of Twitter's systems,
nor does Twitter want us to.
But using their `API`,
we are able to do specific/pre-defined things
(like making a post or reading a timeline).
**Twitter is exposing features to us
through an interface that we can consume**.

## Realtime APIs: `WebSockets`

A [**WebSocket**](
is a realtime protocol that enables **_bidirectional_ communication**
between a web client and a web server
over a single-socket connection.
Excellent Deep Dive:

Similarly to `HTTP`, `WebSocket` works on top of the TCP,
in the *application layer*.
However, unlike `HTTP`, *they are stateful*,
which makes them highly suitable for
event-driven services that require **high-frequency communication**.

> If you don't know what a `socket` is,
or if `TCP` is foreign to you,
we recommend you getting familiar
with [`TCP/IP``, also known as **Internet Protocol Suite**](

To create an `WebSocket` connection,
an initial HTTP *handshake* is made,
and then establishes a persistent connection
where both parties exchange data.
Therefore, a `WebSocket` uses *a single TCP connection for data exchange*,
while `RESTful` APIs require a *new TCP connection*
on every request/response.


If you want to learn more
about WebSockets,
you should visit our [`learn-websockets`](
repo for a more comprehensive introduction.

A few useful resources
if you want to expand knowledge about this topic:

+ **Q**: Can we use WebSockets?
**Answer**: ***YES***! IE 10+, Safari/iOS Safari 7.1+, Android 4.4+ & Android Chrome
+ WebSockets in 100 seconds:
+ WebSocket MDN:
+ W3C WebSocket API:
+ CloudFlare WebSockets (good intro):
+ SitePoint article on WebSockets in HTML5:
+ Chat Example (uses express):
+ Max Connections? 250k:

### Examples of Realtime APIs

One of the biggest uses of realtime APIs
is in the finance world -
specifically stock/options/crypto trading.

is one of the most widely used APIs
for stock market data visualization.

They offer a `RESTful` API
but also [provide a **`WebSocket API`**](,
where the user connects to a
*WebSocket URI* (e.g. `wss://`)
and receives data as the stock prices change in near real-time.

The response object of this API doesn't differ from the "regular ones".
The previous endpoint returns a response object
with a `JSON` format:

"ev": "AM",
"sym": "GME",
"v": 4110,
"av": 9470157,
"op": 0.4372,
"vw": 0.4488,
"o": 0.4488,
"c": 0.4486,
"h": 0.4489,
"l": 0.4486,
"a": 0.4352,
"z": 685,
"s": 1610144640000,
"e": 1610144700000

The `s` and `e` fields pertain to the timestamp of the starting and ending tick
of the aggregate window in Unix Milliseconds, respectfully.
These fields are necessary to differentiate
the incoming data overtime.

Besides ``,
there are other examples worth mentioning:
+ Twitter Streaming API:
+ Salesforce Streaming API:
+ Google Real Time Reporting API:


# `RESTful` API Design and Best Practices

In this section, we are going to be outlining
the best design and implementation practices
you should follow to get
a *performant, scalable, easy-to-use and maintainable `API`*.

This list has no specific order.
They are a "bundle" of tips you can follow
to make implementing the API
and *using it* **much easier**.

## Provide sensible `Resource` names

Creating a URL hierarchy representing resources
is important so there's clarity and context
of what a given request does.

For example:


Here are a few tips:

- use identifiers in your URLs instead of query params.
*Query params* are **awesome for filtering**, not for resource names.
- `/customers/12345` βœ…
- `/api?type=customers&id=23` ❌
- resource names **should be nouns**, instead of verbs.
The `HTTP Verb` should be logical, like `GET requests` βœ…
(instead of `GET requesting`, for example ❌).
- use *plurals* in URL segments.
- `/users/123/orders/2/items/1` βœ…
- `/user_list/123/order/2/item/1` ❌
- use lower-case in URL segments.
If you need to separate words, use `_` (underscore)
or `-` (hyphen).
Some servers ignore case, so it's best to be clear.

## Use adequate `HTTP` response codes to indicate status

Response status codes are part of the `HTTP` specification.
It only makes sense our `REST` API should return relevant `HTTP` status codes.

For example, when a resource is created (`POST customer`),
the API should return `HTTP` status code **201**.

There are **various** codes to choose from.
Check the following link to see the ones that are available
and the ones that are mostly used.

+ List of possible HTTP Status Codes:

## Use `query parameters` to filter, sort or search resources

The resource URLs **should be as lean as possible**,
meaning that advanced search requirements
should be shifted to be used with `query params`
on top of the base resource URL.

#### Filtering and sorting

We can use a unique `query param` for each field
that we want to filter to.
Suppose we have `/items`.
We may filter these items according
to a `status` field, like so:

GET /items?status=sold

The same principle can be applied to sorting.
To support sorting by multiple fields,
we can take in a comma-separated list
and use `-` (unary operator)
to specify ascending or descending sort.

- `GET /items?sort=-price`
will list items in descending order of price.
- `GET /items?sort=price,created_at`
will list items in ascending order of price,
with more recent tickets being ordered first.

#### Searching

We can do a full text search using `query params`.
We may use a `query param` with a letter like `q`
and pass a value.

`GET /items?q=phone&status=sold&sort=-price,created_at`
will yield the highest priced item
that was most recently sold
with a name containing "phone".

Usually you would use a dedicated full-text search engine
like [Elastic Search](
in which you would *feed* the `q=phone` designation.

In cases where you know specific sets of conditions
are frequently fetched/required by the consumer of the API,
you could *package these into a single resource path*,
to make it easier for the user to query data.

GET /items/highest_priced

#### Limit fields returned in the `JSON ` response

You can also leverage `query params`
to **choose** the fields you want to receive.
This is extremely useful because it can minimize network traffic
and speed up the usage of the API.

We can use a `fields` query parameter that takes a comma-separated list
(similarly to the sorting example mentioned prior)
pertaining to each field we want to retrieve.

GET /items?fields=id,price,name&status=sold&sort=-created_at

You can also *extend this feature*
to **load related resources to the one we are fetching**.

For example, consider we have a `Car`
and each `Car` has many `Wheels`.
`Car` -> `Wheel` is a 1-to-many relationship.

If we wanted to get a `Car` object
and load each `Wheel` object,
we could use an `embed` term as query parameter,
similarly to sorting a resource.

An `embed` term would be a comma-separated list of fields
that would be loaded and *embedded* to the `JSON` object.
To refer to sub-fields, we could use `.` (dot-notation).
For example:

GET /cars/1?embed=wheel.position

This would yield:

"id" : 1,
"model" : "Miata",
"wheel" : {
"position" : "Front left",
"position" : "Front right",
"position" : "Back left",
"position" : "Back right",

Implementing this depends on the complexity of your requirements.
This also reduces `chattiness`,
so the user doesn't have to call the API repeatedly for resource information.

## Show meaningful Errors

An API should provide useful and clear error messages,
just like any other interface.

Besides returning adequate [`HTTP` status codes](,
a `JSON` error body should provide a template
that is consistent in case something errors out.

Here's what kind of information *should* be returned to the consumer.

"code" : 4124,
"message" : "Something bad happened.",
"description" : "Error description goes here."

This template is useful for `GET` requests.

On the other hand,
When we make `PUT`, `PATCH` or `POST` operations,
having a field breakdown is useful for the user
to know what *and where it went wrong*.
We could add detailed errors for each field
that was invalid/was the cause for the request to error.

Like so.

"code" : 123,
"message" : "Some error message",
"errors" : [
"code" : 55,
"field" : "open",
"message" : "Status has to be a boolean"
"code" : 52,
"field" : "message",
"message" : "Message cannot be blank"

## Favour `JSON` over `XML` support

You *should favour `JSON` support*.
Unless your requirements require `XML`, you should add support for it.
Be aware that adding this opens doors for other implementation details
like [schema validation](
or [namespaces](

This is a costly operation and, unless it's a mandatory requirement,
it's a "nice-to-have".
But having this support is outweighed by the time/cost of implementing it.

## Avoid chattiness in your API

When starting to build your API, we tend to build the `URI` paths
according to the business domain or database architecture of your system.

Eventually, you will want to **aggregate services**
that make use of multiple resources to reduce chattiness.

> **Chattiness** is an important concept to take into account
when building an API.
A *"chatty API"* is one that requires the consumer to make
distinct API calls to get needed information about a resource.
> This is **bad** because it will require multiple network calls,
slowing down an application.
This is because each call contains data overhead
(i.e. sender information, headers, authentication)
which will slow down an application as well as network latency per each request.

However, it is much easier to create larger resources later
from individual resources than it is to create fine-grained resources
from larger aggregates.

**Start with small, easily-defined resources**.
You can create use-case-specific resources
with low levels of chattiness later.

This is the dichotomy
between **chunkiness** and **chattiness**.
*Chatty services* tend to be ones
that return simplified information
and use more fine-grained operations.
*Chunky services* tend to return complex hierarchies of information
and use coarse operations.

Let's go over an example:

Imagine a dev wants to get product reviews.
But our API only offers a `GET` method to list products

"name": "Mobile phone",
"cost": 500.0,
"reviews": [

To get the reviews for a product,
the developer *needs to make `N` amount of API requests*.
**This is a major flaw in our API**.

Instead, let's use a resource-oriented approach.
We can fix it by adding a new path -
`/api/products/{id}/reviews `.
By calling (`GET` operation) this endpoint,
the developer would get all reviews
for the product with a *single API call*.
We can extend this with *query params*
to filter the result.

"name": "Mobile phone",
"cost": 500.0,
{ "id": "1", "text": "Good one!"},
{ "id": "2", "text": "Bad one!"},
{ "id": "3", "text": "Meh"},

## *Consider* `connectedness`

As we've [stated prior](#what-is-a-RESTful-web-service?),
one of the principles of `REST` is **uniform interface**.
One of his tenets is "Hypermedia as the engine of the application state.".

What does this mean?

This is called `HATEOAS` (acronym), and it means that
when a client interacts with an API,
it expects it to provide information of "where to go next".

Let's look at an example.
This is the old Twitter.


You will notice that there are many options
one can take in this page.
We can retweet, follow, favourite...
There *are many possible states we can transition into*.
In case you were wondering, there are **32 possible states** here.


These are the possible state transitions for this *single node*.
So, in this case, we are making this request
(this is not real, just an example).

GET user/1/tweets/1 HTTP/1.1

The response, following `HATEOAS`,
would include an array of links(**states**)
which the user can *transition into*.

"id": 12345,
"num_likes": 50,
"links": {
"retweet": "/tweets/12345/retweet",
"report_user": "/user/1/reports",
"follow_user": "/user1/12345/followers",

If you want to have an opinionated introduction to `HATEOAS`,
we recommend you watch this video from Google.

However, there are people who think that adding `HATEOAS`
translates into [adding more complexity](
to the `REST` API
and its main advantage can easily be achieved
through a well-crafted documentation.

Regardless, the user needs to *easily* know
where to transition to next.
If proper documentation or making use of `HATEOAS` achieves it,
you can pick whichever suits your project's requirements.

## Always use `SSL`

[`SSL` certificates create an encrypted connection
and establish trust](
Several common authentication schemes are not secure over plain `HTTP`.
For example, Basic Authentication send unencrypted credentials.
To make these connections secure,
when creating links between networked computers,
we ought to **use `SSL`** so the connection is encrypted.

You might have heard of `TLS`.
It is simply `SSL`'s successor (which is deprecated).
The acronym `SSL` refers to protocol
of these related technologies,
so it is used interchangeably.

## Lint your responses and add `gzip` support

Make sure you [beautify your JSON](
when returning it to the user.
When you encode a `JSON` using a given decoder,
most remove all whitespace
and encode it in a single line.

Instead, you could (and should!)
properly format your `JSON` object,
even if extra whitespace is added to make it more readable.

This extra whitespace is negligible when transferring data,
especially when sending data when compressed with [`gzip`](

So, it's *more readable* for the user
when the `JSON` is properly formatted,
and `gzip` compression is enabled.

## Accept `JSON` in `POST`, `PATCH`, `PUT` bodies

When creating resources (`POST`)
or updating (`PATCH`/`PUT`),
the API needs to receive input.
This is usually in the form of a `JSON` object.

To maintain consistency, if your API returns a `JSON` object,
it should also receive input in the same format.

You should accept a [`Content-Type` `HTTP Header`](
that has to be set to `application/json`.

If any other is sent,
you should throw a `415 Unsupported Media Type` `HTTP` status code.

## Pagination

There are a handful of ways of implementing pagination
following the `RESTful` standards.
Instead of detailing them,
we **highly recommend you** reading the following link,
as it explains this topic in a fast and simple manner.

+ What’s the best RESTful method to return total number of items in an object?:

Just know you can do a combination of `HTTP Headers`
like [`Link`](,
and [`X-Total-Count`](
and *enveloping* (this means wrapping the `JSON` object in a field).

## Rate Limiting

It is *highly advisable* to add rate limiting to an API,
to prevent abuse from malicious users that can flood the API with requests,
causing it to crash.

It can be useful to notify the API consumer of their limits.
You can notify your API users with
[`HTTP response headers`](

You should include the following headers:

- `X-Rate-Limit-Limit` -
the rate limit ceiling for that given endpoint.
- `X-Rate-Limit-Remaining` -
the number of requests left for the 15 minute window.
- `X-Rate-Limit-Reset` -
the remaining window before the rate limit resets, in UTC epoch seconds.

Consider the following resources
to implement rate-limiting into your API.
- Rate-limiting strategies and techniques by Google:
- Everything you need to know about API rate limiting:,instead%20of%20disconnecting%20them%20immediately.
- API Rate Limiter System Design:

## Caching

**If some recurring requests produce the same response,
we can use a cached version of the response to avoid the excessive load.**

Caching enables us to store copies of frequently accessed data
along the request-response path.
There are many frameworks and technologies
that makes it easy to integrate caching -
for example.

However, we can integrate a rudimentary cache system
because `HTTP` provides a simple built-in caching framework.
All we need to do is adding response headers back to the user
and do validation when receiving response headers from the user.

We have two possible approaches:

- [`ETag`](
an `Etag` `HTTP` header contains a hash of the data representation.
This value changes whenever the data changes.
If an inbound `HTTP` request has a
header with a matching `ETag` value,
it means the data is the same,
so the API returns a `303 Not Modified` `HTTP` status code.

- `Last-Modified`:
works the same way as `ETag` but uses timestamps.
The response header [`Last-Modified`](
contains a timestamp
which is validated against [`If-Modified-Since`](

This is a useful, albeit simple framework that can be used.
However, some projects might require more complex requirements
that call for robust frameworks.

If you are interested in learning more about caching,
check out the following links.

+ Caching API Requests:
+ Caching your REST API
+ API Caching
+ Thoughtbot caching insights (mostly ruby-focussed):
+ System Design Caching:

## Versioning your API?

![API Versioning](

It's highly unlikely that an API will remain static.
As business requirements evolve,
new collections of resources ought to be added,
relationships changed
and data structure might be affected.

It is imperative to enable existing client applications
to continue functioning,
while allowing new users to take advantages of new features/resources added.

Versioning enables the API
to indicate the features/resources that it exposes,
and a consumer can make requests that are directed to a specific version.
This allows users to not be impacted when an API makes breaking changes.

There is [on-going debate](
on whether APIs should be versioned,
and if so, how should this be done.
There is no "correct way of doing things".
In fact, [many popular APIs usually do one of three approaches](

Let's briefly discuss the three most popular approaches.

### URI versioning

Each time the API is modified,
a version number is added to the URI for reach resource.


This versioning mechanism is very simple
but depends on the server routing the request
to the appropriate endpoint.

It can become *unwieldy* as the API matures
and more versions are added.
From a *purist's perspective*,
some endpoints aren't affected between versions,
so it doesn't make sense for the URI to change.

Implementing `HATEOAS` is harder,
as all links need to change according to the version number.

### Header versioning

We could implement a custom header that indicates the version of the resource.
This approach requires the consumer
adding the appropriate header to all requests
(the API could default to a specific version if none was sent, though).

Custom-Header: api-version=1

Implementing `HATEOAS` has the same hurdle
as in the previous approach.

### Media type versioning

When an API client sends an `HTTP` request,
it should stipulate the format of the content that it wants,
by passing an [`Accept`]( header.

Usually, the purpose of this `Accept` header is to specify
the format of the body (`JSON` or `XML`, for example) -
this is called [`content negotiation`](

However, it can be used to define custom media types
that include information enabling the consumer to indicate
*which version of a resource* it is expecting.

Accept: application/vnd.haveibeenpwned.v2+json

If the `Accept` header does not specify valid media types,
the API should return [`HTTP 406 Not Acceptable`](

This is arguably the purest of the versioning mechanism,
allowing for easier `HATEOAS` support.

### Which one should I choose?

When selecting a versioning strategy,
you should consider performance and caching implications of each one.

For example, URI versioning are *cache-friendly*,
since the same URI combination refers to the same data each time.

On the other hand, Header and Media Type versioning
will require additional logic to examine the values
of the passed headers (custom or `Accept`).
In a large-scale scenario, having different versions of API
will result *in a significant amount of duplicated data in the cache*.

Regardless of the one you choose,
there are pros or cons to each one
and consider possible side-effects accordingly.
[Maybe all of these 3 approaches are wrong? πŸ˜‰](

We recommend you giving the following links a read
to learn more about each approach,
and how popular APIs are doing their versioning.

+ Microsoft's Versioning API practices:
+ Issues with API version in the URL/URI:
+ Evolving HTTP APIs
+ SemVer:
+ Stripe's API Versioning:
+ *Comprehensive* List of how others are doing versioning:

## API Documentation

Implementing the aforementioned guidelines and best practices
will pave the way to having an API
that is scalable and maintainable for other developers.

However, it is *crucial* to have **proper documentation**
so it's easier for customers to onboard into the API.

Before delving into the options for documenting your API
and what specifications you should adhere to,
we should clarify the following definitions:
+ **API documentation** - pertains to the reference manual for an API.
It is *meant for humans* to read and understand how to use the API,
and make the onboarding process easier.
There are many tools available
for generating and maintaining API documentation.
Many of these can automatically generate
API documentation as web applications,
with guides for common languages
and interactive tutorials

+ **API specification** - is meant to provide an understanding
of *how the API behaves and links to other APIs*.
**It's an holistic explanation of the API**.
While API documentation is a detailed discussion
of how the API functions and how to utilize it,
the API specification is an *understanding of the functionality*
and the *expected result* of each API function.

While these to terms are often used interchangeably,
and you can derive documentation from specification (and vice-versa),
they mean two completely different things.

Depending on the type of the API,
you should aim to use different specifications.

+ **`gRPC` APIs** use [Protocol Buffers](
+ **Event-driven APIs** use [AsyncAPI](
+ **`RESTful` APIs** use [Open API Specification](

### `RESTful` API documentation tools

Let's focus on `RESTful` APIs,
as they are more widely used
and you are most likely going to be implementing one.

is the *de facto* tool for creating API documentation.
They created the *Open API Specification* (`OAS`) industry standard.
From these `OAS` files,
[you can generate documentation that is accessible through a web-app](

However, although being the most widely used,
`Swagger` is not the only option for documenting your API.
[`Stripe`'s]( API docs
are often considered a great example of a well-designed,
reader-centric and comprehensive documentation -
*it feels like an application*.
While the front-end is based on [React](
and is mostly built in-house,
[they've recently open-sourced](
the platform they use to generate documentation
and integrate it with their front-end code -

`Markdoc` is one of the many options
one may use to produce API documentation.
`Stripe`'s documentation is maintained by a very large team of developers,
but we can leverage a few frameworks to create
easy-to-use docs for our users without having to spend
[millions of dollars](
to do so.

We recommend you checking the following list of options
to generate your own API documentation.
Most of these derive documentation
from `OAS` definitions,
so we advise creating `OAS` files based on your API first.
These frameworks were chosen with specific criteria;
each one allows versioning for different releases,
includes codesandbox for mocking API calls,
includes page analytics
and serves content in different languages.

- [**ApiDocJS**](
inline documentation for RESTful web APIs.
- [**ReadTheDocs**](
often used by the open-source community
to rapidly generate docs.
- [**Docusaurus**](
open-source doc generator maintained by Meta.
- [**GitBook**](
documentation platform for public APIs
and technical briefs.
- [****](
mature doc platform + offers API calls and metrics.
- [**Theneo**](
paid Stripe-like API doc generator service.
- [**Redocly**](
Docs-like-code with integrated delivery pipeline

## API Testing

API testing and its automation is a crucial part
of the API development lifecycle.
It helps avoid [regressions](
and make sure our API performs
*the way it's supposed to*,
meaning it returns *exactly what we want*
and with appropriate response times.

Testing needs to cover
the most important aspects
of an API -
those being **performance**,
**availability** and **functionality**.

- **Functionality testing** checks
if the API works and does exactly what it's supposed to do.
- **Reliability testing** checks if
API can be consistently connected to and lead to consistent results.
- **Load testing** checks if
the API can handle a large amount of requests.

Luckily, there are many testing frameworks
that make it easy for developers to create test suites,
execute and integrate them in CI pipelines.

Here's a list of frameworks
we recommend using.
All of these might have paid plans
but also have free plans for single developers
(unless explicitly stated otherwise).

- [**SoapUI**](
*open-source* testing tool
that covers the entire testing spectrum
(functional, security, load and mocking).
- [**Postman**](
Postman is a full API platform that is not limited to testing.
Besides managing different collaboratively APIs,
creating Open API specifications,
and monitoring.
- [**Hoppscotch**](
Previously called "Postwoman",
it's a free, open-source alternative to Postman,
with many of the same features of the latter.
This tool can be used for defining,
documenting and testing your API.
- [**Insomnia**](
similar to Postman, it's a API platform
to design and test APIs with built-in automation.
You can learn more on how to use it
in our [`learn-insomnia`]( repository.
- [**Locust**](
free, open-source load testing tool.
Swarm an API endpoint with Python with millions
of simultaneous users.
[Can be integrated with Github Actions](
- [**Apache JMeter**](
and [**Apache AB**](
are a load tester and HTTP server benchmarking tool,
- [**Siege**](
is an open-source API regression tester
and benchmark utility.
- [**Gatling**](
*paid* API load tester designed for Devops and CI/CD.
- [**Katalon**](
quality management platform for
validation, functional, security and load testing APIs.

## API Monitoring

API monitoring is extremely important to manage uptime
and possible performance degradation/
general API behaviour.

Having access to these metrics
is critical not only for debugging purposes
but to make calculated decisions
that will affect the revenue/bottomline of your project.

With performance monitoring,
you will gain insights of how developers are using your API,
which endpoints are most frequently used.
This can provide a better understanding of areas
that need improvement.

There are two predominant methods of API monitoring:
- [**Synthetic monitoring**](
is a performance monitoring practice that
*emulates the paths users might take*
when engaging with an application.
- [**Real User Monitorimg (RUM)**]( monitors *how a user interacts with the API*,
instead of emulating them.
In layman's terms, it "records" the journey
of the user along the API calls
and makes it easy to *zero in* on
which step is failing.

There are some frameworks that are free and others
that open-source (or both!)
that allow you to use these two methods.
and you can use in to track the health of your API,
whilst attaining useful insights for analytical and debugging purposes.

Here's a comprehensive list of frameworks
that you can integrate with your API to monitor it.
Each one has a free plan that you can use.

- [**Grafana**](
Grafana is an open-source, full-stack platform
that allows you to visualize, alert
and understand metrics of your API.
- [**Fusio Project**](
open-source API management platform.
- [**Checkly**](
monitoring and validation of site transactions.
Collects logs and error traces.
- [**Uptime Kuma**](
an open-source, self-hosted monitoring tool.
- [**Cronitor**](
platform to monitor uptime and performance,
with locations worldwide.
- [**Blackbox Exporter**](
allows blackbox probing of endpoints
- [**Swagger**](
Swagger not only allows you to create,
test and document your API,
but also monitor it.

## References

If you are looking for more information
and guidelines to design your API,
do check these links for more in-depth knowledge:

+ Best Practices for Designing a Pragmatic RESTful API (***Great*** article):
+ RESTful web API design by Microsoft:
+ REST API Design Best Practices Handbook:
+ API design guide by Google:

# Further General Background Reading + Watching

+ What is an API? (very basic intro):
+ **BASIC** Introduction to APIs by [Derek Dahmer](
+ Wikipedia:
+ The REST Cookbook: (comprehensive guide)
+ How to Design Great APIs - Parse:
+ How To Design A Good API and ***Why it Matters***: +
(mostly related to the Java Language API but a few general insights)
+ Parse ***interactive*** API reference:
+ Building Hypermedia APIs with HTML5 and Node:
+ Designing APIs for Asynchrony:
+ API Design Principles:
(general principals. ignore the QT-specific parts)
+ Build an API under 30 lines of code with Python and Flask:
+ REST API Tutorial:
+ API Design Guidelines: