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# qa-testcafe-experiment

The purpose of this repo is to play with [TestCafe tool]( to understand if it worth using for automated e2e cross-browser testing in MYCS.

### Requirements

It should be able

- [ ] to run tests in different desktop browsers locally
- [ ] to run tests on mobile device connected via wire
- [ ] to run tests in mobile simulator
- [x] to run tests using cloud services
- [ ] to run tests in parallel

## Getting started

### Requirements

- Installed npm. Get it [here](

### Run locally

Clone repo:

git clone

Install all dependencies

npm install

Command to run test is written in `app/package.json`. Run it using

npm test

## Symlink

To avoid ugly path when importing modules like this

import Page from '../../../page-objects/product-details-page';

Symlink was added. `app` is the top project directory and contains all files, so now import will look like this

import Page from 'app/page-objects/product-details-page';