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AwakenSMP System with advanced features

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AwakenSMP System with advanced features

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This plugin adds an AwakenSMP system with advanced features! for those don't know what Awaken SMP is: When you get killed by a player, you drop your head and can't respawn unless someone places that head to ground.

If you find any bugs, report to [my discord server](! I always make my dms open and let you ping me on the server.


* AwakenSMP System!
* Customizable particles when you get revived!
* 3 Types of fancy animations to play when you get revived!
* Friend system to be officially friends with your best pal!
* Team system to manage your teams, and get a team chat!
* Craftable head!
* PlaceholderAPI Integration.


* deadplayers - Gets a list of the players died. \
* kill \ - Kills someone permanently. \
* reloadconfig - Reloads config files and data. \
* revive \ - Revives someone at your location. \

* add \ - Send a friend request to someone.
* accept \ - Accept a friend request sent to you.
* deny \ - Deny a friend request sent to you.
* cancel \ - Cancel a friend request you sent.
* list - Get a list of all your friends.
* modify \ - Change what your friends can see about you.
* inventory \ - See what your friends have in their inventory.
* armor \ - See what your friends have in their main/off-hand, and armor.
* compass \ - Get a compass that leads to your friends!
* teleport \ - Teleport to your friends.
* remove \ - Remove players

* create \ - Create a new team with given name.
* delete - If you are owner of the team you are in, use this to delete that team.
* invite \ - Invite someone to your team. Only owners can do this.
* join \ - Join to a team that sent an invite to you.
* leave - Leave your current team. Team owners can't do this.
* members - See everyone on your team.
* my - Information about your team.
* reject \ - Reject a team invite.
* chat \ - Use team chat
* togglechat - Switch between team chat and normal chat. When you are on team chat, every message you sent will act like a message sent with /team chat.

/options - Open reviving options menu.


| Permission | Description |
| awakensmp.kill | Allows you to actually kill someone |
| awakensmp.god | Makes you invulnerable to actually dying |
| awakensmp.kill-command | Allows to use /awakensmp kill |
| awakensmp.deadplayers | Allows to use /awakensmp deadplayers |
| awakensmp.reloadconfig | Allows to use /awakensmp reloadconfig |
| awakensmp.revive | Allows to use /awakensmp revive |
| awakensmp.friend.accept | Allows to use /friend accept |
| awakensmp.friend.add | Allows to use /friend add |
| awakensmp.friend.armor | Allows to use /friend armor |
| awakensmp.friend.cancel | Allows to use /friend cancel |
| awakensmp.friend.compass | Allows to use /friend compass |
| awakensmp.friend.deny | Allows to use /friend deny |
| | Allows to use /friend info |
| awakensmp.friend.inventory | Allows to use /friend inventory |
| awakensmp.friend.list | Allows to use /friend list |
| awakensmp.friend.modify | Allows to use /friend modify |
| awakensmp.friend.remove | Allows to use /friend remove |
| awakensmp.friend.teleport | Allows to use /friend teleport |
| | Allows to use /team chat |
| | Allows to use /team create |
| | Allows to use /team delete |
| | Allows to use /team invite |
| | Allows to use /team join |
| | Allows to use /team leave |
| | Allows to use /team members |
| | Allows to use /team my |
| | Allows to use /team reject |
| | Allows to use /team togglechat |
| awakensmp.* | Everything starting with `awakensmp.` |
| awakensmp.friend.* | Everything starting with `awakensmp.friend.` |
|* | Everything starting with `` |
| awakensmp.admin | Allows to use all the command under /awakensmp |


1. Download the jar file
2. Put it to your server plugins folder
3. Start the server


There is two files for configuration. `config.yml` has configuration about plugin, and `lang.yml` has configuration about messages and text.

### config.yml
# Effects that will be applied to dead players

# If enabled, dead players won't be able to move.
freeze: true

# If enabled, dead players will have Blindness effect.
blind: true

# If enabled, players will pop out particles when getting revived, they can also customize their particles with /particles
revive-particles: true

# If enabled, dead players will be able to get revived, even while they are offline.
# You can't revive someone offline yet. so don't mess with this.
offline-revives: false

# Features.

# Enables /friend command.
friend: true

# Enabled /team command.
team: true

# Announcement options

# If enabled, everyone will get announcements when someone gets revived.
revives: false

# If enabled, everyone will get announcements when someone crafts a revive head.
crafts: false

# If enabled, everyone will get announcements when someone gets killed and drops his head, even while showDeathMessages are off.
kills: false

# Customize Revive Head's recipe

# If enabled, everything will be ignored and default recipe will be used.
use-default: true

# Recipe's shape. Every letter is a symbol of a material. Customize these symbols and their materials in 'materials' to use them in this shape.
- 'DND'
- 'TWT'
- 'DND'

# All materials that should be used inside 'shape'. See for all materials.
a: 'AIR'

### lang.yml
# Announcement messages.

# When someone gets killed.
# %killer% - Player who killed the victim.
# %victim% - Player who got killed by the killer.
killed: '&a%killer% &egot &a%victim%&e''s head!'

# When someone crafts a Revive Head.
# %player% - Player who crafted a Revive Head.
# %head-name% - Revive Head's custom name provided by this config.
head-crafted: '&a%player% &ejust crafted a %head-name%&e!'

# When someone revives a player.
# %reviver% - Player who revived someone.
# %revived% - Player who got revived.
# %head-name% - Revive Head's custom name provided by this config.
revived: '&a%reviver% &eused a %head-name% &eand revived &a%revived%&e!'

# Command messages.

# /awakensmp messages.

# /awakensmp deadplayers messages.

# Header of the list
header: "&4-----&cDead &fPlayers&4-----"

# A format to display for every dead player.
# %player% - One of the dead players.
format: '- &a%player%'

# If no one died in the server, you will see this.
no-one: 'No one died, yet...'

# /awakensmp reloadconfig messages.

# If reloading the config was successful.
success: '&aSuccessfully reloaded the config!'

# If player entered a wrong sub command.

# Header of the help menu.
header: '&2----------&aHelp Menu&2----------'

# A format for every sub command of /awakensmp.
# %syntax% - Usage for a command.
# %description% - Description of a command.
format: '%syntax% - %description%'

# Footer of the help menu.
footer: '&2-----------------------------'

# /awakensmp kill messages.

# If given player is not alive.
not-alive: '&b%player% &cis dead already.'

# If given player is not online.
not-online: '&b%player% &cis not online.'

# If command sender gave a wrong name.
not-player: '&cThere is no one called &b%player%&c.'

# If given player has awakensmp.god
got-player: '&b%player% &cis a god, meaning there is no way to kill him.'

# When you get killed with this command
# %killer% - Player who ran this command and killed you.
force: '&b%killer% &cKilled you by force!'

# When successfully killed the given player.
# %player% - Player who got killed.
done: '&aSuccessfully killed &b%player%!'

# /friend messages.

# If given player is not a friend of the player ran a command.
not-friend: '&b%player% &cis not your friend.'

# If given player is not online
not-online: '&b%player% &cis not online.'

# If given player disabled that thing from the player ran a command.
not-allowed: '&b%player% &cdid not allow you to do that.'

# /friend list messages.
header: '&4--------&cYour Friends&4--------'
format: '- &e%name%'
footer: '&4---------------------------'

# /friend accept messages.
not-id: '&b%id% &cis not a valid UUID.'
not-req: '&cThere is no request with id &b%id%&c.'
not-urs: '&cThis request was not sent to you.'
not-friend: '&cThis is not a friend request.'
done: '&aSuccessfully accepted &b%player%&a''s friend request!'
hey: '&b%player% &aaccepted your friend request!'

# /friend add messages.
not-player: '&cThere is no one called &b%player%&c.'
friend-already: '&cYou are already friends with &b%player%&c.'
already-sent: '&cYou already sent a friend request to &b%player%&c.'
done: '&aSuccessfully sent a friend request to &b%player%&a!'
other: '&b%player% &esent a friend request to you!'
urself: '&cYou can''t send friend request to yourself.'

# /friend cancel messages
not-id: '&b%id% &cis not a valid UUID.'
not-req: '&cThere is no request with id &b%id%&c.'
not-urs: '&cYou did not sent this request.'
not-friend: '&cThis is not a friend request.'
done: '&aSuccessfully canceled friend request!'

# /friend deny messages.
not-id: '&b%id% &cis not a valid UUID.'
not-req: '&cThere is no request with id &b%id%&c.'
not-urs: '&cThis request was not sent to you.'
not-friend: '&cThis is not a friend request.'
done: '&aSuccessfully denied &b%player%&a''s friend request!'
hey: '&b%player% &edenied your friend request.'

# /friend info messages.
header: '&5----------&d%player%''s Information&5----------'
health: '&dHealth: &c%health%/%max%'
food: '&dHunger: 󦷗%food%'
exp: '&dEXP: &a%exp%&2/&a%max% &2(&a%%percentage%&2) &aLevel %level%'
location: '&dLocation: %x%&5,&d%y%&5,&d%z%'
world: '&dWorld: &a%world%'
footer: '&5------------------------------------------'

# /friend teleport messages.
success: '&aSuccessfully teleported to &b%player%&a!'
hey: '&b%player% &eteleported to you.'

# /friend remove messages.
done: '&aSuccessfully removed &b%player% &afrom friends!'

# /friend modify messages.
not-player: '&b%player% &cis not a player'
need-value: '&cYou need to enter &etrue &cor &efalse &cas third argument to change a value.'
invalid-key: '&b%key% &cis not an option.'
header: '&1----------&9Modify what %player% can do&1----------'
worldAllowed: '&9See which dimension you are in: &a%value%'
compassAllowed: '&9Get a compass that leads to you: &a%value%'
inventoryAllowed: '&9See your inventory: &a%value%'
locationAllowed: '&9See where you are: &a%value%'
armorAllowed: '&9See the items in your hands and your armor: &a%value%'
healthAllowed: '&9See how many hearts you have: &a%value%'
expAllowed: '&9See your exp and level: &a%value%'
foodAllowed: '&9See how much hungry you are: &a%value%'
teleportAllowed: '&9Teleport to your location without asking: &a%value%'
true: '&a✔'
false: '&c✖'
footer: '&1------------------------------------------------'

# /friend compass messages.

# When you successfully got someone's compass.
# %player% - Player who the given compass leads to.
done: '&aSuccessfully gave you a compass to track &b%player%a!'

# /team messages.

# If player is not in a team but tried to use a team only command.
not-in-team: '&cYou are not in a team'

# If player is in a team.
already-in-team: '&cYou are in a team already.'

# When player needs to be owner of the team, but he is not.
not-owner: '&cYou are not the owner of team called &b%team%&c.'

# /team create messages.

# When the given name contains invalid characters. It is important to tell the player that he needs to use a-z,A-Z and _ here.
not-valid-chars: '&cYour team name should only include &ba-z characters&c,&bA-Z characters&c and &b_&c.'

# Default description for a team.
default-description: 'A brand new team!'

# When the name player gave was taken by another team.
same-name: '&b%name% &cis taken by another team.'

# When player successfully creates a team.
done: '&aSuccessfully created a new team called &b%team%&a!'

# /team delete messages.

# When player successfully deletes his team.
done: '&aSuccessfully deleted the team &b%team%&a!'

# /team invite messages.

# If given player does not exist.
not-player: '&cThere is no one called &b%player%&c.'

# If given player is not online
not-online: '&b%player% &cis not online.'

# If player tried to use this command is not the owner of the team he is in.
not-owner: '&cYou are not the owner of this team. Only team owners can invite people to their team.'

# When a team invited you to join.
hey: '&eTeam called &b%team% &esent you an invite to join their team!'

# When player successfully sends an invite to someone.
done: '&aSuccessfully sent an invite to &b%player%&a!'

# /team join messages.

# If given request id was invalid.
invalid-req: '&cThere is no request with id &b%id%&c.'

# If given request is not a team invite.
not-team: '&cThis request is not a team invite.'

# If given request was sent to someone else
not-got: '&cThis request were sent to you.'

# When player successfully accepts that request.
done: '&aSuccessfully joined to the team called &b%team%&a!'

# /team leave messages.

# If player is the owner of his team.
owner: '&cYou are the owner of this team, you can''t leave unless you delete the team.'

# When player successfully leaves his team.
done: '&aSuccessfully left the team!'

# /team members messages.

# Header of the member list
header: '&6----------&eTeam Members&6----------'

# Owner of the team.
owner: '&f- &4[&cTeam Owner&4] &e%player%'

# Normal members of the team.
member: '&f- &e%player%'

# Footer of the list
footer: '&6--------------------------------'

# /team my messages.

# Header of the information.
header: '&5----------&dTeam Information&5----------'

# Name of the team
name: '&dName: &b%name%'

# Owner of the team.
owner: '&dOwner: &b%owner%'

# Member list messages.

# Header of the list
header: '&dMembers:'

# Members of the team.
format: '&5- &d%player%'

# /team reject messages.

# When player successfully rejects the team invtite.
done: '&aSuccessfully rejected the team invite came from &b%team%&a!'

# /team togglechat messages.

# When player disabled team chat.
disabled: '&eSwitched to general chat!'

# When player enabled team chat.
enabled: '&eSwitched to team chat!'

# Menu messages.

# Menu buttons.

# 'Back' button
back: '&eBack'

# 'Close' button
close: '&cClose'

# 'Particle Options' menu messages.

# Menu's title.
title: 'Particle Options'

# 'Particle Type' button. Leads to 'Choose a Particle Type' menu.
type: '&eParticle Type'

# 'Particle Color' button. Leads to 'Choose a Particle Color' menu.
color: '&eParticle Color'

# 'Animation' button. Leads to 'Choose an Animation type' menu.
animation: '&eAnimation'

# Displays at the item that the player selected.
selected: '&6You currently selected this'

# Displays at the items that the player not selected.
unselected: '&aClick to select this'

# 'Choose a Particle Type' menu.

# Menu's title.
title: 'Choose a Particle Type'

# Menu types

# 'Totem' type.
totem: '&eTotem'

# 'Explosion' type.
explosion: '&eExplosion'

# 'Beam' type.
beam: '&eBeam'

# 'Fog' type.
fog: '&eFog'

# 'Snowball' type.
snowball: '&eSnowball'

# 'Block' type.
block: '&eBlock'

# 'Choose a Particle Color' menu.

# Menu's title.
title: 'Choose a Particle Color'

# Menu color buttons.

# 'White' color.
white: '&eWhite'

# 'Orange' color.
orange: '&eOrange'

# 'Magenta' color.
magenta: '&eMagenta'

# 'Light Blue' color.
light_blue: '&eLight Blue'

# 'Yellow' color.
yellow: '&eYellow'

# 'Lime' color.
lime: '&eLime'

# 'Pink' color.
pink: '&ePink'

# 'Gray' color.
gray: '&eGray'

# 'Light Gray' color.
light_gray: '&eLight Gray'

# 'Cyan' color.
cyan: '&eCyan'

# 'Purple' color.
purple: '&ePurple'

# 'Blue' color.
blue: '&eBlue'

# 'Brown' color.
brown: '&eBrown'

# 'Green' color.
green: '&eGreen'

# 'Red' color.
red: '&eRed'

# 'Black' color.
black: '&eBlack'

# 'Choose an Animation Type' menu.

# The menus title.
title: 'Choose an Animation Type'

# Animation types.

# 'None' type. Which is nothing, only particles.
none: '&eNone'

# 'Block' type. Which is an animation where two block appear, and the player breaks out of them.
block: '&eBlock'

# 'Thunder' type. Which is an animation where a lot of lightning strikes hit the head to give him a soul, I mean revive player.
thunder: '&eThunder'

# 'Beam' type. Which is an animation where a diamond beacon appears, and brings the player back here from the other world.
beam: '&eBeam'

# Inventory menu of a friend.

# Menu's title.
# %player% - Player whose inventory will appear in this menu
title: 'Inventory of %player%'

# Armor menu of a friend.

# Menu's title.
# %player% - Player whose equipment will appear in this menu
title: 'Equipment of %player%'

# Reviving messages.

# If head's name is not a player.
# %player% - Head's name.
not-player: '&cThere is no one called &b%player%&c.'

# If the player is not dead.
# %player% - Player whose not dead.
not-dead: '&b%player% &cis not dead.'

# If the player is not online.
# %player% - Player whose not online.
not-online: '&b%player% &cis not online.'

# When the player successfully uses a Revive Head and revives a player.
# %player% - Player who got revived.
done: '&aSuccessfully revived &b%player%&a!'

# When someone revives you.
# %player% - Player who revived you.
hey: '&b%player% &arevived you!'

# Item messages.

# 'Revive Head' messages.

# Item's name.
name: '&eRevive Head'

# Item's description.
description: '&6Rename this head with someone''s name to revive him!'

# 'Tracking Compass' messages.

# When the compass you try to refresh is expired.
# %date% - Date that this compass became expired.
expired: '&cThis compass is expired at &a%date%&c.'

# If you are not the player who got this compass.
not-owner: '&cYou are not the owner of this compass.'

# If the player whose being tracked by this compass is not online.
# %player% - Player whose being tracked by this compass.
not-online: '&a%player% &cis not online right now.'

# Item's name.
name: '&eTracking Compass'

# Item's description messages.

# Shows the player attached to this compass, meaning this compass will follow the player.
# %player% - Player whose being tracked by this compass.
attach: '&6Attached to &d%player%'

# Shows the player that owns this compass, meaning that /friend compass command is ran by him.
# %tracker% - Player who got this compass with /friend compass.
own: '&6Owned by &d%tracker%'

# Shows the time that this compass will expire and be unable to use.
# %date% - Date that this compass will be expired.
expire: '&6Expires at &b%date%'

# When you refresh the compasses way by right-clicking with the compass.
refreshed: '&aRefreshed location!'

# Format to translate dates inside a Tracking Compass.
# Color codes are not recommended, but you can still use them.
# %hour% - Hour of the date.
# %minute% - Minute of the date.
# %second% - Seconds of the date.
# %day% - Day of the date.
# %month% - Month of the date.
# %year% - Year of the date.
date-format: '%hour%:%minute%, %day%/%month%/%year%'

# Text buttons.

# 'Toggle' button. Used at /friend modify to toggle boolean values.
toggle: '&6[&eToggle&6]'

# 'Accept' button. Used to accept friend/team requests.
accept: '&2[&aAccept&2]'

# 'Deny' button. Used to deny friend/team requests.
deny: '&4[&cDeny&4]'

# 'Cancel' button. Used to cancel friend/team requests.
cancel: '&6[&eCancel&6]'

# 'Modify' button. Used for an alias to /friend modify
modify: '&9[&bModify&9]'

remove: '&4[&cRemove&4]'

inventory: '&6[&eInventory&6]'

armor: '&6[&eArmor&6]'

back: '&6[&eBack&6]'

join: '&2[&aJoin&2]'

reject: '&4[&cReject&4]'

# Notification messages.

# Header of the list.
list: '&eYou have &b%count% &enew notifications:'

# If someone were revived you while you're offline.
revived: '&b%player% &eRevived you!'

# Notifications about friend system.

# If someone accepted your friend request while you're offline.
accepted: '&b%player% &eaccepted your friend request!'

# If someone denied your friend request while you're offline.
denied: '&b%player% &edenied your friend request!'

# If someone sent you a friend request while you're offline.
requested: '&b%player% &esent you a friend request!'

# Notifications about team system.

# When someone sends a message to team chat.
chat: '&5[&dTEAM CHAT&5] &e%player%&8: &a%message%'

# When someone joins the team you are in.
joined: '&5[&dTEAM&5] &b%player% &ejoined the team!'

# When someone leaves the team you are in.
leaved: '&5[&dTEAM&5] &b%player% &eleft the team!'

# When someone rejects an invitation coming from your team.
reject: '&5[&dTEAM&5] &b%player% &erejected our team invite!'