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User-made crate system

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User-made crate system

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* [UserCrates](#usercrates)
* [About](#about)
* [Special Notes](#special-notes)
* [For Server Owners](#for-server-owners)
* [For Developers](#for-developers)
* [Commands](#commands)
* [Permissions](#permissions)
* [Configs](#configs)
* [lang.yml](#langyml)
* [config.yml](#configyml)
* [Support](#support)

# UserCrates
This plugin makes every chest a potential crate by someone. Every player can make a crate and put items they want to it,
then open their own crates!

## About

How it works? Simply you just look to a crate, write a couple commands, and done! Now anyone with a key can open that
crate. Nothing else required!

## Special Notes

### For Server Owners

If you want to enable economy features (such as paying money to a crate), you need to install Vault and an economy
plugin that works with Vault to your server. It is not required though, plugin will automatically disable the
economy-specific features when Vault is not correctly setup.

Any chest protected by at least one of the plugins below will be unable to become a crate. If you want another plugin
here, create an issue about it on [issues]( tab.
* WorldGuard
* GriefPrevention

All the permissions should be enabled to all users by default. If you wish to make some limitations, you need a
permission manager plugin that allows you to disable a permission.

### For Developers

If you want your protection plugins to work with crates, create an issue about it on
[issues]( tab including all the information below:
* Name and main page of your plugin (spigotmc,modrinth and bukkit pages are the ones I trust the most).
* Installation of an API to your plugin (or your entire plugin source as a dependency, your choice).
* A `public static boolean method(Player p,Location loc)` that returns `true` if your plugin will allow `p` to make a crate at the block in `loc`.

Unfortunately, there is no API for this plugin. Despite it would be useless at the moment, I can make one if enough
requests for it approaches.

## Commands

| Commnad | Descripton | Permission Required |
| /crate | Main command. | usercrates.use |
| /crate help | Provides a main help menu for all the other commands | |
| /crate create \[amount\] \[label\] | Creates a crate at the chest you are looking at. | usercrates.create |
| /crate delete | Deletes the crate you are looking at. Of course you need to be owner of that crate. | usercrates.delete |
| /crate manage | Provides a simple menu for command suggestions about modifying your crate. | usercrates.manage |
| /crate addaccessor \ | Adds the given player as an accessor for your crate. | usercrates.accessor.add |
| /crate removeaccessor \ | Removes the player given from the accessors of your crate. | usercrates.accessor.remove |
| /crate changetype \ | Changes the type of your crate. | usercrates.changetype |
| /crate setprice \ | Changes the price of your crate | usercrates.setprice |
| /crate getkey \ | Gives you an amount of the keys to sell with various ways. | usercrates.getkey |
| /crate setlabel \ | Changes the label of your crate, which is a text appearing above your crate's hologram. | usercrates.setlabel |

## Permissions

> [!NOTE]
> Command permissions are skipped, see [Commands](#commands)

| Permission | Description |
| usercrates.* | Everything under usercrates. |
| usercrates.admin | Bypasses owner/accessor checks on crate commands. |

## Configs

### lang.yml

# Messages of the commands /crate addaccessor and /crate removeaccessor

# /crate addaccessor

# When there is no chest at where player is looking.
not-chest: '&cYou need to look at the crate that you want to add an accessor.'

# When player is looking to a chest, but it isn't a crate.
not-crate: '&cYou are not looking at a crate.'

# When player tries to do this action for a crate that he does not own.
not-owner: '&cThat crate is not yours.'

# When the given name already exists inside accessor list of that crate.
exists: '&b%player% &cis already an accessor of this crate.'

# When player successfully adds someone to accessor list
# %player% - Player whose added as an accessor.
success: '&aSuccessfully added &b%player% &aas an accessor to this crate!'

# /crate removeaccessor

# When there is no chest at where player is looking.
not-chest: '&cYou need to look at the crate that you want to remove an accessor.'

# When player is looking to a chest, but it isn't a crate.
not-crate: '&cYou are not looking at a crate.'

# When player tries to do this action for a crate that he does not own.
not-owner: '&cThat crate is not yours.'

# When the given name does not exist inside accessor list of that crate.
unexists: '&b%player% &cis not an accessor of this crate already.'

# When player successfully removes someone from accessor list
# %player% - Player whose removed from accessors
success: '&aSuccessfully removed &b%player% &afrom accessors of this crate!'

# /crate changetype

# When there is no chest at where player is looking.
not-chest: '&cYou need to look at the crate that you want to change type.'

# When player is looking to a chest, but it isn't a crate.
not-crate: '&cYou are not looking at a crate.'

# When player tries to do this action for a crate that he does not own.
not-owner: '&cThat crate is not yours.'

# When player wants a pricable type but there is no economy.
no-econ: '&cYou can''t make your crate for sale, because this server does not have an economy.'

# When player successfully changes the crate type.
# %type% - New type of the crate. Defined under 'manage.types'
success: '&aSuccessfully changed crate type to &b%type%!'

# /crate create

# When there is no chest at where player is looking.
not-chest: '&cYou need look at a chest to make it a crate.'

# When player is looking to a crate
already-crate: '&cThere is already a crate there.'

# When player successfully creates a crate.
success: '&aSuccessfully created a crate at that block! You can put your items to your crate, set a price and get keys for it, and add accessors to manage the crate.'

# Additional warning to success message. Only appears when there is no economy on the server.
no-econ: '&6You won''t be able to make your crate for sale, because this server does not have an economy.'

# /crate delete

# When there is no chest at where player is looking.
not-chest: '&cYou need to look at the crate that you want to delete.'

# When player is looking to a chest, but it isn't a crate.
not-crate: '&cYou are not looking at a crate.'

# When player tries to do this action for a crate that he does not own.
not-owner: '&cThat crate is not yours.'

# When player successfully removes the crate.
success: '&aSuccessfully removed the crate!'

# /crate getkey

# When there is no chest at where player is looking.
not-chest: '&cYou need to look at the crate that you want to get a key for.'

# When player is looking to a chest, but it isn't a crate.
not-crate: '&cYou are not looking at a crate.'

# When player tries to do this action for a crate that he does not own.
not-owner: '&cThat crate is not yours.'

# When player tries to get a key for a crate that does not support keys.
not-keyable: '&cThis crate doesn''t support keys. You have to buy the crate by opening it. If you wanted to make it able for keys, change its type using &b/crate changetype &cfirst.'

# When player successfully gets some keys.
# %amount% - Number amount of the keys player got.
success: '&aSuccessfully got &b%amount% &akeys!'

# /crate manage

# When there is no chest at where player is looking.
not-chest: '&cYou need to look at the crate that you want to manage.'

# When player is looking to a chest, but it isn't a crate.
not-crate: '&cYou are not looking at a crate.'

# When player tries to do this action for a crate that he does not own.
not-owner: '&cThat crate is not yours.'

# Header of the menu.
# %player% - Player whose owner of this crate.
header: '&4--&a%player%''s Crate&4--'

# Owner text that shows the crate owner.
# %player% - Player whose owner of this crate.
owner: '&eOwner: &b%player%'

# Accessors text that shows the accessors.
# %accessors% - A list of the players that is an accessor of this crate.
accessors: '&eAccessors: &b%accessors%'

# [ADD] Button that suggests you /crate addaccessor when clicked.
add-accessor: '&a&l[ADD]'

# Type text that shows type of the crate.
# %type% - Type of the crate. Defined under 'manage.types'
type: '&eUsing Type: &b%type%'

# Price text that shows price of the crate.
# %price% - Price of the crate.
price: '&ePrice: &a%price%'

# [CHANGE] Button that suggests you /crate setprice to change the price when clicked.
change: '&a&l[CHANGE]'

# Colorless type names for all the crate types.

# Means that the only way to open the crate is using a key of it.
KEY: 'Only using Key'

# Means that the only way to open the crate is paying the price of it.
PRICE: 'Only with price'

# Means that player can open the crate in both key and price ways.
BOTH_PRICE_KEY: 'Prices & Keys'

# Means that no one but the accessors can open the crate without a price/key. Intended for fun purposed crates.
ONLY_ACCESSORS: 'Accessor Only'

# Footer of the menu.
footer: '&4------------------------'

# /crate setprice

# When there is no economy on the server, meaning this command is completely useless.
no-econ: '&cYou can''t set a price for any crate, because this server does not have an economy.'

# When there is no chest at where player is looking.
not-chest: '&cYou need to look at the crate that you want to change the price.'

# When player is looking to a chest, but it isn't a crate.
not-crate: '&cYou are not looking at a crate.'

# When player tries to do this action for a crate that he does not own.
not-owner: '&cThat crate is not yours.'

# When the crate player is looking at does not support prices.
not-pricable: '&cThis crate can''t have a price. You need to get a key using &b/crate getkey&c. If you wanted to make it for sale, change its type to a buyable type using &b/crate changetype &cfirst.'

# When player successfully changed the crate price.
# %price% - New price of the crate.
success: '&aSuccessfully changed crate''s price to &b%price%!'

# /crate setprice
# When there is no chest at where player is looking.
not-chest: '&cYou need to look at the crate that you want to change the label.'

# When player is looking to a chest, but it isn't a crate.
not-crate: '&cYou are not looking at a crate.'

# When player tries to do this action for a crate that he does not own.
not-owner: '&cThat crate is not yours.'

# When player successfully changed the crate price.
# %label% - New label of the crate.
success: '&aSuccessfully changed crate''s label to &b%label%!'

# /crate help (Also appears when you try to execute an unknown command, such as /crate askdg or /crate setype.)

# Header of the list.
header: '&4-----&aHelp Menu&4-----'

# Command format of the list.
# %cmd% - Usage of the command.
# %desc% - Description of the command.
format: '&b%cmd% &6- &e%desc%'

# Footer of the list.
footer: '&4-------------------'

# When someone manages to break a crate block without displaying it.
crate-break: '&cYou can''t break a crate block. If you tried to remove it, consider &b/crate delete&c.'

# Messages about the moment that someone opens a crate.

# When there is no space at player's inventory.
no-space: '&cYou have no space in your inventory to open this crate.'

# When the crate is in 'Accessor Only' mode, but player is not an accessor.
not-accessor: '&cThis crate is accessor only, you can''t open it.'

# When player is opening the crate.
ing: '&eOpening the crate...'

# When the crate is a type that supports prices but there is no economy in the server.
no-econ: '&cYou can''t open this crate right now, because this server probably removed their economy system while this crate was still in &bOnly Price &ctype. Ask the crate''s owner to change the type.'

# Stands for 'not-enough-balance'. When player couldn't afford the crate.
# %price% - Amount of the money player needs. Guaranteed that player's balance is lower than it.
neb: '&cYou need &a%price% &cto open this crate.'

# When player isn't holding a key on his hand but the crate requires one.
no-key: '&cYou need to hold a key in your hand for this crate.'

# When player is holding a key that belongs to another crate.
invalid-key: '&cYou are not holding the correct key for this crate.'

# When there is nothing inside the crate.
nothing: '&cThere is nothing inside this crate.'

# Says how much money did player spent on this crate, if he did.
# %price% - Amount of the money player spent on the crate.
spent: '&eSpent &a%price% &eon this crate.'

# Goes to the crate owner when player opens it via price.
# %player% - Player who opened a crate made by whose seeing this message.
# %price% - Amount of the money %player% spent. Player whose seeing this message earned this amount of money.
notification: '&b%player% &ebought your crate for &a%price%&e!'

# Says what player got from the crate.
# IMPORTANT: Always put an '&f' before and after '%item%'. DO NOT FORGET THIS.
# %item% - Name of the item player got. Shows the entire item tooltip when hovered.
# %count% - Amount of the item.
done: '&aYou got &f[&f%item%&f] x%count% &afrom the crate!'

# Lines of the crate hologram.

# First line.
# %player% - Player who owns the crate.
1: '&e%player%''s Crate'

# Second line.
# %price% - Price of the crate.
2: '&ePrice: &a%price%'

# Appears at second line when the crate is in 'KEY' mode.
2k: '&6Key Required'

# Appears at second line when the crate is in 'BOTH_KEY_PRICE' mode.
# %price% - Price of the crate
2kp: '&6Use Key &d/ &ePrice: &a%price%'

# Appears at seconds line when the crate is in 'ACCESSOR_ONLY' mode.
2a: '&6Accessor Only'

# Third line.
3: '&7Right-Click to Open'

# Fourth line.
4: '&7Left-Click to See Items'

# Crate display menu.

# Title of the menu.
title: 'Crate Display'

# Change text that appears under every item inside crate display menu.
# %change% - Percentage chance of that item to get while opening the crate.
# %count% - Number that shows how many slots are filled with an item exactly like this one.
# %all% - Amount of the filled slots inside the crate.
chance: '&eChance&6: &3%&b%chance% &3(&b%count% in %all%&3)'

# Crate open menu.

# Title of the menu
# %player% - Player whose owner of the crate that is being opened right now.
title: 'Opening %player%''s Crate!'

# Display of the crate keys.

# Name of the item.
title: '&eCrate Key'

# 3 Lined description of the item.

# First line. Says that this crate opens %player%'s crate.
# %player% - Player who owns the crate that this key belongs to.
1: '&6Opens &e%player%''s Crate&6.'

# Second line. Says how much this keys worth.
# %price% - Price of the crate, price of one key as well.
2: '&6Worth &a%price% &6per key from the latest price.'

# Third line. Says how to open the crate using this key.
# %player% - Player who owns the crate that this key belongs to.
3: '&6Right-Click to &e%player%''s Crate &6with this key to open it!'

### config.yml

# If enabled, a crate owner will get notified when some of his crates got opened.
notification: true

## Support

If you see any bugs at the plugin, have some ideas for it, or just want to talk with me, consider my [discord](
server! It is (probably the best and) the fastest way to reach me out. You can also create an issue on
[issues]( tab.