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💫 A complete solution to building modern webs with Vue.js and its friends.

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💫 A complete solution to building modern webs with Vue.js and its friends.

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eva.js is a complete solution to
building modern webs with Vue.js.

NPM version
NPM downloads

david dm

## tl;dr

// model
// router
// bootstrap

Play with the [JSBin example](,output) or the [simple webpack example]( 😀

Table of Contents

- [Sites using eva.js](#sites-using-evajs)
- [Features](#features)
- [Install](#install)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Concepts](#concepts)
* [Models](#models)
+ [Top-level model:](#top-level-model)
+ [Namespaced model:](#namespaced-model)
+ [Helpers:](#helpers)
* [Router](#router)
* [Views](#views)
- [Vue constructor](#vue-constructor)
- [Access $store and $router outside component](#access-store-and-router-outside-component)
- [Server-side rendering](#server-side-rendering)
- [API](#api)
* [new EVA([options: object])](#new-evaoptions-object)
+ [options.mode](#optionsmode)
* [app.model(model: object)](#appmodelmodel-object)
* [app.router(handler: function)](#approuterhandler-function)
* [app.use(plugin: function, [options: object])](#appuseplugin-function-options-object)
* [app.start([App: object], [selector: string])](#appstartapp-object-selector-string)
* [app.mount(selector)](#appmountselector)
* [app.syncRouterInStore()](#appsyncrouterinstore)
* [app.$store](#appstore)
* [app.$router](#approuter)
* [app.instance](#appinstance)
- [Development](#development)
- [License](#license)

## Sites using eva.js

Feel free to add your project here!

- []( ([source](
- [vue-play]( ([source](

## Features

- Battery included, Vue 2 and its friends (Vuex & Vue-Router)
- Small APIs, just Vue and the official plugins you already play well with!
- Support server-side rendering, of course!
- Inspired by the [choo]( framework which is inpired by the [elm architecture](

## Install

$ npm install --save eva.js

In case you may want to use it directly in browser instead, view, and add:



If you use the commonjs version and wanna include the runtime for vue template, follow the [official guide](

## Usage

import EVA from 'eva.js'

// Create app instance
const app = new EVA()

// A counter model
state: {count: 0},
mutations: {
INCREMENT(state) {state.count++}

// A home view
const Home = {
computed: {
count() {
return this.$store.state.count
render(h) {
return (




// Apply views to relevant routes
// route(path, view, child_routes)
app.router(route => [
route('/', Home)

// Start app
const App = {
render(h) {
return (

app.start(App, '#app')
// equal to
// app.start(App)
// app.mount('#app')

## Concepts

### Models

A model contains it's initial state and the methods you use to update its state, in fact, it's a typical Vuex module too.

#### Top-level model:

// An app instance only have at most one top-level model
state: {count: 0},
mutations: {
INCREMENT(state) {state.count++}

#### Named/Namespaced model:

// An app could have multiple named models
name: 'user',
state: {login: false},
mutations: {
LOG_IN(state) {state.login = true}

By default only state are registered locally under provided name, eg `state.user.login`. But `mutations` `actions` `getters` are still in global namespace, to enforce name for those too, please change `name` to `namespace`:

namespace: 'user',
state: {login: false},
mutations: {
LOG_IN(state) {state.login = true}
actions: {
login({commit}) {
commit('LOG_IN') //=> user/LOG_IN

Check out official docs for `modules` in vuex:

> In most cases using namespaces is beneficial, as having clear boundaries makes it easier to follow logic.

#### Helpers:

As how you use Vuex^2, you can use its helpers too:

const {mapState, mapActions, mapGetters} = require('eva.js')
// or ES6 modules
import {mapState, mapActions, mapGetters} from 'eva.js'

// of course you can directly import from 'vuex' too
import {mapState, mapActions, mapGetters} from 'vuex'

### Router

The router could render the component which matches the URL path. It has a `route` helper for creating an actual route object used in `vue-router`. routes are passed in as a nested array.

app.router(route => [
route('/', Home),
route('/settings', Settings, [
route('/profile', SettingsProfile),
route('/password', SettingsPassword)

// use an object as route argument:
route({path: '/', component: Home, /*...*/})

// use an object as router argument:
mode: 'history',
routes: []

[The router state is effortlessly synced in vuex store.](

### Views

A view is a simple Vue component, that easy :)

## Vue constructor

If you wan to access Vue constructor directly, simply do:

import {Vue} from 'eva.js'
// or without any change
// import Vue from 'vue'
// works too


## Access $store and $router outside component

You can initialize your app and bootstrap it later:

// ./src/app.js
import EVA from 'eva.js'

const app = new EVA()

app.model() //...
app.router() //...

export default app.start()

// ./src/index.js
import app from './app'

// ./some/other/file.js
import app from './path/to/src/app.js'


## Server-side rendering

Similar to the official [hackernews example](

// ./src/app.js
import EVA from 'eva.js'
import App from './App.vue'

const app = new EVA()

export default app.start(App)
// without selector!
// otherwise it will be mounted to the selector

Then for the `server-entry.js`:

// ./src/server-entry.js
import app from './app'

export default context => {
// you can access app.$router / app.$store
return Promise.all(operations)
.then(() => {
return app.instance

For `client-entry.js`:

import app from './app'


## Promise polyfill

Some browsers do not have native Promise, like IE, but `vuex` requires Promise. Thus `eva.js` provides an lightweight Promise polyfill with [promise-polyfill](

import 'eva.js/promise-polyfill'
import EVA from 'eva.js'
// ... your app code

## API

### new EVA([options: object])

Create an app instance.

#### options.mode

The router mode, can be either `hash` *(default)* or `history`.

### app.model(model: object)

Register a model, a.k.a. store module in Vuex. You can omit the `name` and `namespace` property to make it top-level.

### app.router(handler: function)

Register routes.

### app.use(plugin: function, [options: object])

The same as `Vue.use`, you can apply any Vue plugin.

### app.start([App: object], [selector: string])

Create app instance. Optionally mount App component to a domNode if selector is defined.

If App is not specified, we use a default value:

const defaultApp = {
render(h) {


If selector is not specified, we won't mount the app instance to dom.

### app.mount(selector)

Mounted app instance to dom, must be call after `app.start([App])` (without `selector` argument). Default `selector` is `#app`

### app.syncRouterInStore()

keep vue-router and vuex store in sync, i.e. keep router state in vuex store.

The method will be called automatically in `app.start()`, you can also call it manually before `app.start()` and `app.start()` won't call it again.

### app.$store

The vuex store instance.

### app.$router

The vue-router instance.

### app.instance

The Vue instance created by `app.start()`, most likely you will use this in [server-side rendering](#server-side-rendering).

## Development

# build and watch source files
$ npm run watch

# launch server for simple html example
$ http-server .
# run webpack example
$ npm run webpack

# build for publish to npm
# cjs and umd and compressed umd
$ npm run build

## License