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Practical generic programming for F#

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Practical generic programming for F#

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# TypeShape [![Build & Tests](]( [![NuGet Badge](](

TypeShape is a small, extensible F# library for practical datatype-generic programming.
Borrowing from ideas used in the FsPickler [implementation](,
it uses a combination of reflection, active patterns and F# object expressions to minimize the
amount of reflection required by the user in such applications.

TypeShape permits definition of programs that act on specific algebrae of types.
The library uses reflection to derive the algebraic structure of a given
`System.Type` instance and then applies a variant of the visitor pattern
to provide relevant type information per shape.

TypeShape can provide significant performance improvements compared to equivalent reflection-based approaches.
See the [performance page]( for more details and benchmarks.

Please see my [article]( and [slides]( for a more thorough introduction to the concept.

### Installing

To incorporate TypeShape in your project place the following line in your
`paket.dependencies` file:
github eiriktsarpalis/TypeShape:10.0.0 src/TypeShape/TypeShape.fs
and in `paket.references`:
File: TypeShape.fs TypeShape
TypeShape is also available on [![NuGet Badge](](

### Example: Implementing a value printer

open System
open TypeShape.Core

let rec mkPrinter<'T> () : 'T -> string =
let wrap(p : 'a -> string) = unbox<'T -> string> p
match shapeof<'T> with
| Shape.Unit -> wrap(fun () -> "()")
| Shape.Bool -> wrap(sprintf "%b")
| Shape.Byte -> wrap(fun (b:byte) -> sprintf "%duy" b)
| Shape.Int32 -> wrap(sprintf "%d")
| Shape.Int64 -> wrap(fun (b:int64) -> sprintf "%dL" b)
| Shape.String -> wrap(sprintf "\"%s\"")
| Shape.FSharpOption s ->
s.Element.Accept {
new ITypeVisitor<'T -> string> with
member _.Visit<'a> () =
let tp = mkPrinter<'a>()
wrap(function None -> "None" | Some t -> sprintf "Some (%s)" (tp t))

| Shape.FSharpList s ->
s.Element.Accept {
new ITypeVisitor<'T -> string> with
member _.Visit<'a> () =
let tp = mkPrinter<'a>()
wrap(fun ts -> ts |> tp |> String.concat "; " |> sprintf "[%s]")

| Shape.Array s when s.Rank = 1 ->
s.Element.Accept {
new ITypeVisitor<'T -> string> with
member _.Visit<'a> () =
let tp = mkPrinter<'a> ()
wrap(fun ts -> ts |> tp |> String.concat "; " |> sprintf "[|%s|]")

| Shape.Tuple (:? ShapeTuple<'T> as shape) ->
let mkElemPrinter (shape : IShapeMember<'T>) =
shape.Accept { new IMemberVisitor<'T, 'T -> string> with
member _.Visit (shape : ShapeMember<'DeclaringType, 'Field>) =
let fieldPrinter = mkPrinter<'Field>()
fieldPrinter << shape.Get }

let elemPrinters : ('T -> string) [] = shape.Elements |> mkElemPrinter

fun (r:'T) ->
|> (fun ep -> ep r)
|> String.concat ", "
|> sprintf "(%s)"

| Shape.FSharpSet s ->
s.Accept {
new IFSharpSetVisitor<'T -> string> with
member _.Visit<'a when 'a : comparison> () =
let tp = mkPrinter<'a>()
wrap(fun (s:Set<'a>) -> s |> tp |> String.concat "; " |> sprintf "set [%s]")

| _ -> failwithf "unsupported type '%O'" typeof<'T>

let p = mkPrinter ()
p (42, Some false, ["string"], [|1;2;3;4;5|])
// val it : string = "(42, Some (false), ["string"], [|1; 2; 3; 4; 5|])"

### Records, Unions and POCOs

TypeShape can be used to define generic programs that access fields of arbitrary types:
F# records, unions or POCOs. This is achieved using the `IShapeMember` abstraction:
type IShapeMember<'DeclaringType, 'Field> =
abstract Get : 'DeclaringType -> 'Field
abstract Set : 'DeclaringType -> 'Field -> 'DeclaringType
An F# record then is just a list of member shapes, a union is a list of lists of member shapes.
Member shapes can optionally be configured to generate code at runtime for more performant `Get` and `Set` operations.
Member shapes come with quoted versions of the API for staged generic programming applications.

To make our pretty printer support these types, we first provide a pretty printer for members:
let mkMemberPrinter (shape : IShapeMember<'DeclaringType>) =
shape.Accept { new IMemberVisitor<'DeclaringType, 'DeclaringType -> string> with
member _.Visit (shape : ShapeMember<'DeclaringType, 'Field>) =
let fieldPrinter = mkPrinter<'Field>()
fieldPrinter << shape.Get }
Then for F# records:
match shapeof<'T> with
| Shape.FSharpRecord (:? ShapeFSharpRecord<'T> as shape) ->
let fieldPrinters : (string * ('T -> string)) [] =
s.Fields |> (fun f -> f.Label, mkMemberPrinter f)

fun (r:'T) ->
|> (fun (label, fp) -> sprintf "%s = %s" label (fp r))
|> String.concat "; "
|> sprintf "{ %s }"
Similarly, we could also add support for arbitrary F# unions:
match shapeof<'T> with
| Shape.FSharpUnion (:? ShapeFSharpUnion<'T> as shape) ->
let cases : ShapeFSharpUnionCase<'T> [] = shape.UnionCases // all union cases
let mkUnionCasePrinter (case : ShapeFSharpUnionCase<'T>) =
let fieldPrinters = case.Fields |> mkMemberPrinter
fun (u:'T) ->
|> (fun fp -> fp u)
|> String.concat ", "
|> sprintf "%s(%s)" case.CaseInfo.Name

let casePrinters = cases |> mkUnionCasePrinter // generate printers for all union cases
fun (u:'T) ->
let tag : int = shape.GetTag u // get the underlying tag for the union case
casePrinters.[tag] u
Similar active patterns exist for classes with settable properties and general POCOs.

### Extensibility

TypeShape can be extended to incorporate new active patterns supporting arbitrary shapes.
Here's an [example](
illustrating how TypeShape can be extended to support ISerializable shapes.

### Additional examples

See the project [samples]( folder for more implementations using TypeShape:

* [Printer.fs](samples/TypeShape.Samples/printer.fs) Pretty printer generator for common F# types.
* [Parser.fs](samples/TypeShape.Samples/parser.fs) Parser generator for common F# types using FParsec.
* [Equality-Comparer.fs](samples/TypeShape.Samples/equality-comparer.fs) Equality comparer generator for common F# types.
* [hashcode-staged.fs](samples/TypeShape.Samples/hashcode-staged.fs) Staged generic hashcode generator.
* [Gmap]( There are set of `gmap` related functions within the `TypeShape.Generic` module in the Nuget package.

### Using the Higher-Kinded Type API

As of [TypeShape 8]( it is possible to avail of a higher-kinded type flavour of the api,
which can be used to author fully type-safe programs for most common applications.
Please see [my original article]( on the subject for background and motivation.

To use the new approach, we first need to specify which types we would like our generic program to support:

open TypeShape.HKT

type IMyTypesBuilder<'F> =
inherit IBoolBuilder<'F>
inherit IInt32Builder<'F>
inherit IStringBuilder<'F>

inherit IFSharpOptionBuilder<'F>
inherit IFSharpListBuilder<'F>
inherit ITuple2Builder<'F>

The interface `MyTypeBuilder<'F>` denotes a "higher-kinded" generic program builder
which supports combinations of boolean, integer, string, optional, list and pair types.

Next, we need to define how interface implementations are to be folded:

let mkGenericProgram (builder : IMyTypesBuilder<'F>) =
{ new IGenericProgram<'F> with
member this.Resolve<'a> () : App<'F, 'a> =
match shapeof<'a> with
| Fold.Bool builder r -> r
| Fold.Int32 builder r -> r
| Fold.String builder r -> r
| Fold.Tuple2 builder this r -> r
| Fold.FSharpOption builder this r -> r
| Fold.FSharpList builder this r -> r
| _ -> failwithf "I do not know how to fold type %O" typeof<'a> }

This piece of boilerplate composes built-in `Fold.*` active patterns,
which contain folding logic for the individual builders inherited by the interface.
Note that the order of composition can be significant (e.g. folding with `FSharpOption` before `FSharpUnion`).

Let's now provide a pretty-printer implementation for our interface:

// Higher-Kinded encoding
type PrettyPrinter =
static member Assign(_ : App, _ : 'a -> string) = ()

// Implementing the interface
let prettyPrinterBuilder =
{ new IMyTypesBuilder with
member _.Bool () = HKT.pack (function false -> "false" | true -> "true")
member _.Int32 () = HKT.pack (sprintf "%d")
member _.String () = HKT.pack (sprintf "\"%s\"")

member _.Option (HKT.Unpack elemPrinter) = HKT.pack(function None -> "None" | Some a -> sprintf "Some(%s)" (elemPrinter a))
member _.Tuple2 (HKT.Unpack left) (HKT.Unpack right) = HKT.pack(fun (a,b) -> sprintf "(%s, %s)" (left a) (right b))
member _.List (HKT.Unpack elemPrinter) = HKT.pack( elemPrinter >> String.concat "; " >> sprintf "[%s]") }

Putting it all together gives us a working pretty-printer:

let prettyPrint<'t> : 't -> string = (mkGenericProgram prettyPrinterBuilder).Resolve<'t> () |> HKT.unpack

prettyPrint 42
prettyPrint (Some false)
prettyPrint (Some "test", [Some 42; None; Some -1])

Please check the [samples/HKT]( folder for real-world examples of the above.

### Projects using TypeShape

* [FsPickler](
* [FSharp.AWS.DynamoDB](
* [Logary](
* [Equinox/FsCodec](
* [FsConfig](

### Related Work

* [DataType Generic Programming in F#](,
* [Infers](