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Custom errors for HTTP status codes.

error-handler error-handling errors http-code http-errors javascript-errors throw-errors

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Custom errors for HTTP status codes.

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# throw-http-errors

> Custom errors for HTTP status codes. For the old js version look at the branch [javascript](

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## Usage

First, install `throw-http-errors` as a dependency:

npm install --save throw-http-errors

## HTTP Errors

const errors = require('throw-http-errors');

- message[**optional**]: A detailed message for this error.

- code[**optional**]: Code for this error, like FB API's error codes:

### 400 BadRequest

new errors.BadRequest('Name required in body', 190);
new errors[400](msg, code);

### 401 Unauthorized

new errors.Unauthorized(msg, code);
new errors[401](msg, code);

### 402 PaymentRequired

new errors.PaymentRequired(msg, code);
new errors[402](msg, code);

### 403 Forbidden

new errors.Forbidden(msg, code);
new errors[403](msg, code);

### 404 NotFound

new errors.NotFound(msg, code);
new errors[404](msg, code);

### 405 MethodNotAllowed

new errors.MethodNotAllowed(msg, code);
new errors[405](msg, code);

### 500 InternalServerError

new errors.InternalServerError(msg, code);
new errors[500](msg, code);

## Supported HTTP ERRORS

| HTTPError Name | HTTP Status |
| BadRequest | 400 |
| Unauthorized | 401 |
| PaymentRequired | 402 |
| Forbidden | 403 |
| NotFound | 404 |
| MethodNotAllowed | 405 |
| NotAcceptable | 406 |
| ProxyAuthenticationRequired | 407 |
| RequestTimeout | 408 |
| Conflict | 409 |
| Gone | 410 |
| LengthRequired | 411 |
| PreconditionFailed | 412 |
| PayloadTooLarge | 413 |
| URITooLong | 414 |
| UnsupportedMediaType | 415 |
| RangeNotSatisfiable | 416 |
| ExpectationFailed | 417 |
| MisdirectedRequest | 421 |
| UnprocessableEntity | 422 |
| Locked | 423 |
| FailedDependency | 424 |
| UnorderedCollection | 425 |
| UpgradeRequired | 426 |
| PreconditionRequired | 428 |
| TooManyRequests | 429 |
| UnavailableForLegalReasons | 431 |
| RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge | 451 |
| InternalServerError | 500 |
| NotImplemented | 501 |
| BadGateway | 502 |
| ServiceUnavailable | 503 |
| GatewayTimeout | 504 |
| HTTPVersionNotSupported | 505 |
| VariantAlsoNegotiates | 506 |
| InsufficientStorage | 507 |
| LoopDetected | 508 |
| NotExtended | 510 |
| NetworkAuthenticationRequired | 511 |

## Custom Errors

new errors.CreateCustomError(status, name, message, code);


- status[required]: The HTTP Status number of this error.

- name[optional]: A unique identifier of this error.

- message[optional]: Message of this error.

- code[optional]: A unique code of this error.

## Example

In order to use it you need to require the module and then just throw a custom error:

const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const errors = require('throw-http-errors');

app.get('/user/:id', (req, res, next) => {
next(new errors.NotFound('User not found', 'USER_NOT_FOUND'));

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