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A FERN stack webapp to manage all your expenses and get in budget! 💸

component expense-manager expenses node npm react react-redux react-router react-router-dom reactjs redux yarn

Last synced: 4 months ago
JSON representation

A FERN stack webapp to manage all your expenses and get in budget! 💸

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***One stop app for all your expenses!***

An expense manager with filters, grouping and sorting for all your expenses.

Login with your Google account to get started.

### Live demo :

### Technology Stack
- ReactJS
- Sass
- Redux
- Redux-Thunk
- React-Router
- NodeJS
- Firebase
- Webpack
- Babel

## How To Use

### Authentication and general use
- Click on *Login with Google* button to authenticate using a Google Account
- From the pop-up select the google account you want to use
- Your dashboard screen should open with your name on the top-right
- App Navigation :
1. __Dashboard__: Clicking the *Expensify* text on the header from any page will redirect you to the expenses dashboard.
2. __Logout__: The *Logout* button on the top right of the header will log you out from the current session. All your expenses will be saved for further use.

### Creating an expense
- Click on *Add Expense* button below your expense summary for adding an expense.
- Add all the details of your expense
1. __Description__: Add title/description of your expense (compulsory)
2. __Amount__: Add the amount you spent format : *[...xx.yy]* (compulsory)
3. __Date__: Add the date of the expenditure *(defaults to current date)*
4. __Note__: Add some additional information about your expense.
- Click on *Add Expense* to save the expense
- View it on your dashboard

### Filtering/Sorting expenses
- Visit your dashboard page and the expense summary will show you the total number of expenses on screen and the amount they total.
- Use the filters to filter your expenses
1. __Search By Title__: Search for your expense by it's title and recieve per-keystroke feedback of the value typed.
2. __Search By Date__: Search for a group of expenditures between two particular dates i.e the start date and the end date.
- Sort your expenses using the sort dropdown/select box
1. __Amount__: Displays all the expenses on screen in the order of costliest expense first and the cheapest last.
2. __Date__: Displays all the expenses on screen in the order such that the expense with the latest date of expenditure comes first.
- The *Unfiltered Expenses* component will continue to show how many expenses have been hidden due to the filters applied.

### Editing an expense
- Clicking on any displayed expense will allow you to edit it.
- Follow the same rules as that of adding expense
- Click on *Add Expense* button to save and update the expense

### Removing an expense
- Clicking on any displayed expense will allow you to remove it
- The *Remove* button beneath the *Add Expense* button will delete your expense
- Clicking on that button will ask for your confirmation for removal
- Click on *Remove* on the pop-up to confirm the removal
- You will be redirected to the dashboard upon removal.

## Project Setup And Use

// installs dependencies and runs live-server

yarn install
yarn run dev-server