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Multi-dimensional local filters (convolution, mathematical morphology, etc.) for Julia.

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Multi-dimensional local filters (convolution, mathematical morphology, etc.) for Julia.

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# LocalFilters.jl

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[Julia]( package `LocalFilters` implements
multi-dimensional local filters such as discrete convolution or correlation,
local mean, mathematical morphology, etc., and provides support to build custom
local filters.

The [Reference Manual](doc-dev-url) provides more exhaustive documentation.
This page summarizes the principles and the features of `LocalFilters`. This
document is structured as follows:

* [Available filters](#available-filters) lists ready to use filters.

* [Neighborhoods](#neighborhoods) describes the concept of *neighborhoods*,
also known as *sliding windows* in image processing or *structuring element*
in mathematical morphology.

* [Build your own filters](#build-your-own-filters) explains how to implement
custom local filters.

* [Installation](#installation) gives instructions to install the package.

Packages with overlapping functionalities:

* [ImageFiltering]( for local
filters on multidimensional arrays (not just *images*), also implement
various boundary conditions;

* [ImageMorphology]( for fast
morphological operations with separable structuring elements;

## Available filters

`LocalFilters` provides a number of linear and non-linear filters. All methods
have an *in-place* counterpart which can be called to avoid allocations.

### Linear filters

`LocalFilters` provides the following linear filters:

* `localmean(A,B=3)` performs a local averaging of `A` in a neighborhood defined
by `B`.

* `correlate(A,B)` performs a discrete correlation of `A` by the kernel `B`.
This is the most general linear filter.

* `convolve(A,B)` performs a discrete convolution of `A` by the kernel `B`.
This is the same as a discrete correlation of `A` by the symmetrical of `B`.

### Mathematical morphology

`LocalFilters` implements the following [mathematical
morphology]( operations:

* `erode(A,B=3)` performs an erosion (local minimum) of `A` by the structuring
element `B`;

* `dilate(A,B=3)` performs a dilation (local maximum) of `A` by the structuring
element `B`;

* `localextrema(A,B=3)` yields the erosion and the dilation of `A` by the
structuring element `B`;

* `opening(A,B=3)` performs an erosion followed by a dilation of `A` by the
structuring element `B`;

* `closing(A,B=3)` performs a dilation followed by an erosion of `A` by the
structuring element `B`;

* `top_hat(A,B=3[,S])` performs a summit detection of `A` by the structuring
element `B` (argument `S` may be optionally supplied to pre-smooth `A` by

* `bottom_hat(A,B=3[,S])` performs a valley detection of `A` by the structuring
element `B` (argument `S` may be optionally supplied to pre-smooth `A` by

In mathematical morphology, the structuring element `B` defines the local
neighborhood of each index in the source array. It can be a sliding
hyper-rectangular Cartesian window or an array of Booleans to define a more
complex neighborhood shape. If `B` is a single odd integer (as it is by
default), the structuring element is assumed to be a sliding window of size `B`
along every dimension of `A`.

### Other non-linear filters

`LocalFilters` provides an instance of the [bilateral

* `bilateralfilter(A,F,G,B)` performs a bilateral filtering of array `A` with
`F` the range kernel for smoothing differences in values, `G` the spatial
kernel for smoothing differences in coordinates, and `B` the neighborhood.
Alternatively one can specify the range and spatial parameters
`bilateralfilter(A,σr,σs,B=2*round(Int,3σs)+1)` for using Gaussian kernels
with standard deviations `σr` and `σs`.

## Build your own filters

In `LocalFilters`, a local filtering operation, say `dst = filter(A, B)` with
`A` the source of the operation and `B` the neighborhood or the kernel
associated with the filter, is implemented by the following pseudo-code:

for i ∈ indices(dst)
v = initial isa Function ? initial(A[i]) : initial
for j ∈ indices(A) ∩ (indices(B) + i)
v = update(v, A[j], B[j-i])
dst[i] = final(v)

where `indices(A)` denotes the set of indices of `A` while `indices(B) + i`
denotes the set of indices `j` such that `j - i ∈ indices(B)` with `indices(B)`
the set of indices of `B`. In other words, `j ∈ indices(A) ∩ (indices(B) + i)`
means all indices `j` such that `j ∈ indices(A)` and `j - i ∈ indices(B)`,
hence `A[j]` and `B[j-i]` are in-bounds.In `LocalFilters`, indices `i` and `j`
are Cartesian indices for multi-dimensional arrays, thus `indices(A)` is the
analogous of `CartesianIndices(A)` in Julia in that case. For vectors, indices
`i` and `j` are linear indices.

The behavior of the filter is completely determined by the neighborhood or
kernel `B`, by the type of the state variable `v` initialized by `initial` for
each entry of the destination, and by the methods `update` and `final`.

Such a filter can be applied by calling `localfilter!` as:

localfilter!(dst, A, B, initial, update, final = identity) -> dst

As shown by the following examples, this simple scheme allows the
implementation of a variety of linear and non-linear local filters:

* Implementing a **local average** of `A` in a neighborhood defined by an array
`B` of Booleans is done with:

localfilter!(dst, A, B,
#= initial =# (; num = zero(a), den = 0),
#= update =# (v,a,b) -> ifelse(b, (; num = v.num + a, den = v.den + 1), v),
#= final =# (v) -> v.num / v.den)

* Assuming `T = eltype(dst)` is a suitable element type for the result, a
**discrete correlation** of `A` by `B` can be implemented with:

localfilter!(dst, A, B,
#= initial =# zero(T),
#= update =# (v,a,b) -> v + a*b)

There are no needs to specify the `final` method here, as the default
`final = identity`, does the job.

* Computing a local maximum (that is, a **dilation** in mathematical morphology
terms) of array `A` with a kernel `B` whose entries are Booleans can be done

localfilter!(dst, A, B,
#= initial =# typemin(a),
#= update =# (v,a,b) -> ((b & (v < a)) ? a : v))

As in the above example, there are no needs to specify the `final` method
here. Note the use of a bitwise `&` instead of a `&&` in the `update` method
to avoid branching.

## Installation

To install the last official version, press the `]` key to enter Julia's `Pkg`
REPL mode and type:

add LocalFilters

at the `... pkg>` prompt.

The `LocalFilters` package is pure Julia code and nothing has to be build.



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