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Break free from the constraints of normal hoppers. Experience true item transportation freedom.
fabric fabricmc fabricmc-mod minecraft minecraft-mod
Last synced: 3 months ago
JSON representation
Break free from the constraints of normal hoppers. Experience true item transportation freedom.
- Host: GitHub
- URL:
- Owner: enjarai
- License: mit
- Created: 2022-04-12T18:57:48.000Z (almost 3 years ago)
- Default Branch: 1.20.5/dev
- Last Pushed: 2024-08-24T21:38:51.000Z (6 months ago)
- Last Synced: 2024-10-15T06:29:45.009Z (4 months ago)
- Topics: fabric, fabricmc, fabricmc-mod, minecraft, minecraft-mod
- Language: Java
- Homepage:
- Size: 5.86 MB
- Stars: 9
- Watchers: 2
- Forks: 4
- Open Issues: 6
Metadata Files:
- Readme:
- Changelog:
- License: LICENSE
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# Omni-Hopper
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[Mod loader: Fabric]:;base64,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Downloads:
[Modrinth]( | [Curseforge](> Have you ever thought about why hoppers can only suck from above?
You could say it makes sense from a realism perspective,
or mention it encourages creativity through limitations.
> These are all valid arguments of course.
But who cares about reason when you have to get an item
from one machine to another in some awkward configuration,
and you have to decipher some obscure pipe mod to insert it from below,
or spend ages working your way up a tech tree to craft some other kind of transport method?
> Don't you wish the humble 5 iron ingot hopper would help you out in these situations?
But alas, it was not meant to be.
It seemed we would be forever shackled in chains laid upon us by lord Jeb himself.
> Until one day, the young Omni-Hopper was born.
With a small offering of one copper ingot,
one everyday hopper can be freed from its constraints,
and be placed in any possible orientation!
Surely this will change the fate of Modded Minecraftia forevermore,
no longer shall players have to suffer under the rule of realism.
Freedom is within our grasp!
> Add Omni-Hopper to your modpack today and free your hoppers!## Features
### Omni-Hoppers
This is a variant of vanilla hoppers that can be placed in any orientation, sucking from and inserting into any side.
It can be crafted by combining a regular hopper with a copper ingot.Placing an omni-hopper can be confusing at first, but it's actually quite simple.
The "sucky bit" (input) will always face *towards* the player that placed it,
meanwhile the "pointy bit" (output) will face *into the block* the player placed it on.
Think of it like the input following the same placement logic as a piston,
while the output uses the logic of a log or pillar block.![](img/omnihopper.png)
### Floppers
Floppers are another hopper variant that transports fluids instead of items.
Whenever possible they will pick up fluids from the world using their sucky side.They can be crafted using the same recipe as a regular hopper,
but replacing iron with copper and the chest with a bucket.Since they're made of copper, they can oxidize and be waxed like any other copper block.
### Whoppers
A basic alternative to vanilla hoppers. They operate at half the speed of a regular hopper,
and contain only one inventory slot.
But they're also very cheap to craft, only requiring 5 planks and a chest.They also don't respond to redstone, which can be a curse or a blessing depending on your needs.
### Omni variants for all
All custom hopper types come with their own omnidirectional variant,
again crafted by combining it with a single copper ingot.![](img/variants.png)
### Lidless Chests
These simple blocks will instantly drop any inserted items onto the ground.
They can face in any direction.![](img/lidless.png)
## Examples
### Basic upside-down sorter
An unconventional sorter that uses Omni-Whoppers to pull items out of a water stream from above.
The items are dropped into the stream using a Lidless Chest.![](img/sorter.png)