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SwiftUICoordinator is a package that seamlessly integrates the Coordinator pattern into the SwiftUI framework.

app-architecture coordinator-pattern ios navigation swift swiftui xcode

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SwiftUICoordinator is a package that seamlessly integrates the Coordinator pattern into the SwiftUI framework.

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# SwiftUICoordinator

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## Introduction

The Coordinator pattern is a widely used design pattern in Swift/iOS applications that facilitates the management of navigation and view flow within an app. The main idea behind this pattern is to decouple the navigation logic from the views, thereby making it easier to maintain and extend the application over time. By offering a central point of contact for navigation purposes, the Coordinator pattern encapsulates the navigation logic and enables views to remain lightweight and focused on their own responsibilities.

This package provides a seamless integration of the Coordinator pattern into the SwiftUI framework, making it easy to implement and manage navigation in your SwiftUI applications. With the Coordinator pattern, you can easily manage the flow of views within your app, while maintaining a clear separation of concerns between views and navigation logic. This results in a more maintainable and extensible app, with clean and easy-to-understand code.

## 💡 Problem

Despite the benefits of using SwiftUI, navigating between views and managing their flow can become a complex and cumbersome task. With `NavigationStack`, there are limitations where dismissing or replacing views in the middle of the stack becomes challenging. This can occur when you have multiple views that are presented in sequence, and you need to dismiss or replace one of the intermediate views.

The second challenge is related to popping to the root view when you have several views presented in a hierarchical manner, and you want to return to the root view.

## 🏃 Implementation


### Coordinator

Coordinator protocol is the core component of the pattern representing each distinct flow of views in your app.

**Protocol declaration**

public protocol Coordinator: AnyObject {
/// A property that stores a reference to the parent coordinator, if any.
/// Should be used as a weak reference.
var parent: Coordinator? { get }
/// An array that stores references to any child coordinators.
var childCoordinators: [WeakCoordinator] { get set }
/// Takes action parameter and handles the `CoordinatorAction`.
func handle(_ action: CoordinatorAction)
/// Adds child coordinator to the list.
func add(child: Coordinator)
/// Removes the coordinator from the list of children.
func remove(coordinator: Coordinator)

### CoordinatorAction

This protocol defines the available actions for the coordinator. Views should exclusively interact with the coordinator through actions, ensuring a unidirectional flow of communication.

**Protocol declaration**

public protocol CoordinatorAction {}

public enum Action: CoordinatorAction {
/// Indicates a successful completion with an associated value.
case done(Any)
/// Indicates cancellation with an associated value.
case cancel(Any)

### NavigationRoute

This protocol defines the available routes for navigation within a coordinator flow.

**Protocol declaration**

public protocol NavigationRoute {
/// Use this title to set the navigation bar title when the route is displayed.
var title: String? { get }
/// A property that provides the info about the appearance and styling of a route in the navigation system.
var appearance: RouteAppearance? { get }
/// Transition action to be used when the route is shown.
/// This can be a push action, a modal presentation, or `nil` (for child coordinators).
var action: TransitionAction? { get }
/// A property that indicates whether the Coordinator should be attached to the View as an EnvironmentObject.
var attachCoordinator: Bool { get }
/// A property that hides the back button during navigation
var hidesBackButton: Bool? { get }
/// A property that hides the navigation bar
var hidesNavigationBar: Bool? { get }

### Navigator

The Navigator protocol encapsulates all the necessary logic for navigating hierarchical content, including the management of the `NavigationController` and its child views.

**Protocol declaration**

public protocol Navigator: ObservableObject {
associatedtype Route: NavigationRoute

var navigationController: NavigationController { get }
/// The starting route of the navigator.
var startRoute: Route { get }

/// This method should be called to start the flow and to show the view for the `startRoute`.
func start() throws
/// It creates a view for the route and adds it to the navigation stack.
func show(route: Route) throws
/// Creates views for routes, and replaces the navigation stack with the specified views.
func set(routes: [Route], animated: Bool)
/// Creates views for routes, and appends them on the navigation stack.
func append(routes: [Route], animated: Bool)
/// Pops the top view from the navigation stack.
func pop(animated: Bool)
/// Pops all the views on the stack except the root view.
func popToRoot(animated: Bool)
/// Dismisses the view.
func dismiss(animated: Bool)

### TabBarCoordinator

The `TabBarCoordinator` protocol provides a way to manage a tab bar interface in your application.
It defines the necessary properties and methods for handling tab bar navigation.

**Protocol declaration**

public protocol TabBarCoordinator: ObservableObject {
associatedtype Route: TabBarNavigationRoute

var navigationController: NavigationController { get }
/// The tab bar controller that manages the tab bar interface.
var tabBarController: UITabBarController { get }
/// The tabs available in the tab bar interface, represented by `Route` types.
var tabs: [Route] { get }
/// This method should be called to show the `tabBarController`.
/// - Parameter action:The type of transition can be customized by providing a `TransitionAction`.
func start(with action: TransitionAction)

## 💿 Installation

### Requirements

`iOS 15.0` or higher

### Swift Package Manager

dependencies: [
.package(url: "")

## 🔧 Usage

import SwiftUICoordinator

### Create Route

Start by creating an enum with all the available routes for a particular coordinator flow.

enum ShapesRoute: NavigationRoute {
case shapes
case simpleShapes
case customShapes
case featuredShape

var title: String? {
switch self {
case .shapes:
return "SwiftUI Shapes"
return nil

var action: TransitionAction? {
switch self {
case .simpleShapes:
// We have to pass nil for the route presenting a child coordinator.
return nil
return .push(animated: true)

### Create Action

Specify custom actions that can be sent from coordinated objects to their parent coordinators.

enum ShapesAction: CoordinatorAction {
case simpleShapes
case customShapes
case featuredShape(NavigationRoute)

### Create Coordinator

The coordinator has to conform to the `Routing` protocol and implement the `handle(_ action: CoordinatorAction)` method which executes flow-specific logic when the action is received.
class ShapesCoordinator: Routing {

// MARK: - Internal properties

weak var parent: Coordinator?
var childCoordinators = [WeakCoordinator]()
let navigationController: NavigationController
let startRoute: ShapesRoute
let factory: CoordinatorFactory

// MARK: - Initialization

parent: Coordinator?,
navigationController: NavigationController,
startRoute: ShapesRoute = .shapes,
factory: CoordinatorFactory
) {
self.parent = parent
self.navigationController = navigationController
self.startRoute = startRoute
self.factory = factory

func handle(_ action: CoordinatorAction) {
switch action {
case ShapesAction.simpleShapes:
let coordinator = factory.makeSimpleShapesCoordinator(parent: self)
try? coordinator.start()
case ShapesAction.customShapes:
let coordinator = factory.makeCustomShapesCoordinator(parent: self)
try? coordinator.start()
case let ShapesAction.featuredShape(route):
switch route {
case Action.done(_):

### Conform to RouterViewFactory

By conforming to the `RouterViewFactory` protocol, we are defining which view should be displayed for each route.
**Important: When we want to display a child coordinator, we should return an EmptyView.**

extension ShapesCoordinator: RouterViewFactory {
public func view(for route: ShapesRoute) -> some View {
switch route {
case .shapes:
case .simpleShapes:
case .customShapes:
case .featuredShape:

### Adding RootCoordinator to the app

We will instantiate `AppCoordinator` (a subclass of `RootCoordinator`), pass `ShapesCoordinator` as its child, and then initiate the flow.
Our starting route will be `ShapesRoute.shapes`.


final class SceneDelegate: NSObject, UIWindowSceneDelegate {

var dependencyContainer = DependencyContainer()

func scene(
_ scene: UIScene,
willConnectTo session: UISceneSession,
options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions
) {
guard let window = (scene as? UIWindowScene)?.windows.first else {

let appCoordinator = dependencyContainer.makeAppCoordinator(window: window)

let coordinator = dependencyContainer.makeShapesCoordinator(parent: appCoordinator)
appCoordinator.start(with: coordinator)

### Access coordinator in SwiftUI view

The coordinator is by default attached to the SwiftUI as an `@EnvironmentObject`.
To disable this feature, you need to set the `attachCoordinator` property of the `NavigationRoute` to `false`.

struct ShapeListView: View {

@EnvironmentObject var coordinator: Coordinator
@StateObject var viewModel = ViewModel()

var body: some View {
List {
Button {
} label: {
Button {
} label: {
Button {
} label: {
.onAppear {
viewModel.coordinator = coordinator

### Custom transitions

SwiftUICoordinator also supports creating custom transitions.

class FadeTransition: NSObject, Transitionable {
func isEligible(
from fromRoute: NavigationRoute,
to toRoute: NavigationRoute,
operation: NavigationOperation
) -> Bool {
return (fromRoute as? CustomShapesRoute == .customShapes && toRoute as? CustomShapesRoute == .star)

func transitionDuration(using transitionContext: UIViewControllerContextTransitioning?) -> TimeInterval {
return 0.3

func animateTransition(using transitionContext: UIViewControllerContextTransitioning) {
guard let toView = transitionContext.view(forKey: .to) else {

let containerView = transitionContext.containerView
toView.alpha = 0.0


UIView.animate(withDuration: transitionDuration(using: transitionContext), animations: {
toView.alpha = 1.0
}, completion: { _ in

Transitions will be registered by creating the `NavigationControllerDelegateProxy` and passing them as parameters.

let factory = NavigationControllerFactory()
lazy var delegate = factory.makeNavigationDelegate([FadeTransition()])
lazy var navigationController = factory.makeNavigationController(delegate: delegate)

#### Modal transitions

Custom modal transitions can enhance the user experience by providing a unique way to `present` and `dismiss` view controllers.

First, define a transition delegate object that conforms to the `UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate` protocol.

final class SlideTransitionDelegate: NSObject, UIViewControllerTransitioningDelegate {
func animationController(forPresented presented: UIViewController, presenting: UIViewController, source: UIViewController) -> UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning? {
return SlideTransition(isPresenting: true)

func animationController(forDismissed dismissed: UIViewController) -> UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning? {
return SlideTransition(isPresenting: false)

In this example, `SlideTransition` is a custom class that conforms to the `UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning` protocol and handles the actual animation logic.

Pass the `SlideTransitionDelegate` instance to the specific action where you wish to apply your modal transition.

var action: TransitionAction? {
switch self {
case .rect:
return .present(delegate: SlideTransitionDelegate())
return .push(animated: true)

### Handling deep links

In your application, you can handle deep links by creating a `DeepLinkHandler` that conforms to the `DeepLinkHandling` protocol. This handler will specify the URL scheme and the supported deep links that your app can recognize.

class DeepLinkHandler: DeepLinkHandling {
static let shared = DeepLinkHandler()

let scheme = "coordinatorexample"
let links: Set = [
DeepLink(action: "custom", route: ShapesRoute.customShapes)

private init() {}

To handle incoming deep links in your app, you can implement the `scene(_:openURLContexts:)` method in your scene delegate.

func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts URLContexts: Set) {
let url = URLContexts.first?.url,
let deepLink = try? url),
let params = try? dependencyContainer.deepLinkHandler.params(for: url, and: deepLink.params)
else {

dependencyContainer.appCoordinator?.handle(deepLink, with: params)

## 📒 Example project

For better understanding, I recommend that you take a look at the example project located in the `SwiftUICoordinatorExample` folder.

## 🤝 Contributions

Contributions are welcome to help improve and grow this project!

### Reporting bugs

If you come across a bug, kindly open an issue on GitHub, providing a detailed description of the problem.
Include the following information:

- steps to reproduce the bug
- expected behavior
- actual behavior
- environment details (Swift version, etc.)

### Requesting features

For feature requests, please open an issue on GitHub. Clearly describe the new functionality you'd like to see and provide any relevant details or use cases.

### Submitting pull requests

To submit a pull request:
1. Fork the repository.
2. Create a new branch for your changes.
3. Make your changes and test thoroughly.
4. Open a pull request, clearly describing the changes you've made.

Thank you for contributing to SwiftUICoordinator! 🚀

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