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eryajf readme profile with 18 stars and 24 forks 🌟

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eryajf readme profile with 18 stars and 24 forks 🌟

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- 1,古代朱子有云:`天不生仲尼,万古如长夜`,虽然现在距离孔子时代过去两千多年,但是对圣人的敬仰,感恩之心情,永不更易。这是对自己的要求,信而好古,永远秉持发扬优良传统文化,不亦快哉!
- 2,人的痛苦很大部分来源于`迷`(愚痴),而真心谛听的往往阅经猛醒,以致破迷开悟,离苦得乐。希望自己认真做一个传承者,学到的,内化的,分享的,与人有益,幸甚!
- 3,我也是一个喜欢交友的人,对待任何一个熟悉的陌生的,都“恭而有礼”,也希望借此能够结交更多的朋友。

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I did 2 sequential fixes.
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I committed on the day Doctor Emmett Brown invented the flux capacitor!
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I closed an issue that was open for 2 years
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My favorite word is "by".
I am a polite coder.
I have four public keys
I pushed a commit with "cafe" once.