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toc: TRUE


```{r, include = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>",
eval = T

# Part 0. Proposal

Proposing the {ggcircleof5ths} package! 🦄

The goal of {ggcircleof5ths} is to make ... easier.

Without the package, we live in the effort-ful world that follows 🏋:


major = c("C", "G", "D", "A", "E", "B",
"Gb","Db", "Ab", "Eb", "Bb", "F")
minor = c("Am", "Em", "Bm", "F#m", "C#m", "G#m", "Ebm",
"Bbm", "Fm", "Cm", "Gm", "Dm")

get_key_index <-function(key){

if(key %in% major){key_index <- which(major == key)}
if(key %in% minor){key_index <- which(minor == key)}


get_key_index(key = "D")

wrap_vector <- function(x, key){

len <- length(x)
start_index <- get_key_index(key)

c(x[start_index:len], x[1:(start_index-1)])


spot = 1:12
ggcanvas() +
stamp_circle(radius = 1.4, x0 = 0, y0 = 0) +
stamp_text(xy = pos_polygon(x0 = 0, y0 = 0, n = 12,
radius = 1.1),
label = wrap_vector(major, "D"),
size = 6) +
stamp_circle(radius = .8,x0 = 0, y0 = 0) +
stamp_text(xy = pos_polygon(n = 12, radius = .5),
label = wrap_vector(minor, "D"),
size = 5) +
stamp_spoke(radius = 1.4, x0 = 0, y0 = 0,
angle = pi*1:12/6 +
1/12*pi) +
stamp_point(color = "magenta",
xy = pos_polygon(n = 12,
radius = 1.1)[which(wrap_vector(major, "D")=="A"),],
alpha = .2, size = 20)


compute_panel_circle <- function(data, scales, n = 15){

data |>
mutate(group = row_number()) |>
crossing(tibble(z = 0:n)) |>
mutate(around = 2*pi*z/max(z)) |>
mutate(x = x0 + cos(around)*r,
y = y0 + sin(around)*r)


geom_circle <- function(...){

required_aes = c("x0", "y0", "r"),
compute_panel = compute_panel_circle,
geom = ggplot2::GeomPath,


data.frame(x0 = 0:1, y0 = 0:1, r = 1:2/3) |>
ggplot() +
aes(x0 = x0, y0 = y0, r = r) +
geom_circle() +
aes(fill = r)

compute_panel_circle5ths <- function(data, scales, n_vertices = 12, rotate = 90){

data |>
mutate(group = row_number()) |>
crossing(tibble(z = 0:n_vertices)) |>
mutate(around = 2*pi*z/max(z) + rotate/180*pi) |>
mutate(xend = x0, yend = y0) |>
mutate(x = x0 + cos(around)*r,
y = y0 + sin(around)*r)


tibble(x0 = 0, y0 = 0, r = 1) |>

compute_group_spokes_labs <- function(data, scales, maj = T, key = "C", rotate = 90-30){

major_ref = c("C", "F" , "Bb", "Eb", "Ab", "Db", "Gb", "B", "E", "A", "D", "G")
minor_ref = c("Am", "Dm", "Gm" , "Cm", "Fm", "Bbm", "Ebm", "G#m", "C#m", "F#m", "Bm", "Em")

if(key %in% major_ref){key_index <- which(major_ref == key)}
if(key %in% minor_ref){key_index <- which(minor_ref == key)}

keys_reorder_indices <- if(key_index == 1){1:12}else{c(key_index:12, 1:(key_index-1))}

major = major_ref[keys_reorder_indices]
minor = minor_ref[keys_reorder_indices]

if(maj){label <- major}else{label <- minor}

compute_panel_circle5ths(data = data, scales = scales,
rotate = rotate, n_vertices = 12) |>
slice(-nrow(data)) |>
mutate(major = major) |>
mutate(minor = minor) |>
mutate(label = label)


tibble(x0 = 0, y0 = 0, r = 1, chord = "c") |>

compute_group_chord_highlight <- function(data, scales, maj = T, key = "C", rotate = rotate){

major_ref = c("C", "F" , "Bb", "Eb", "Ab", "Db", "Gb", "B", "E", "A", "D", "G")

data |>
mutate(is_minor = !(chord %in% major_ref )) |>
mutate(r = r / ifelse(is_minor, 2, 1)) |>
compute_group_spokes_labs(scales = scales, maj = maj, key = key) |>
filter(major == chord | minor == chord)


tibble(x0 = 0, y0 = 0, r = 1, chord = "F") |>

required_aes = c("x0", "y0", "r"),
compute_panel = compute_panel_circle5ths,
geom = ggplot2::GeomPath)

required_aes = c("x0", "y0", "r"),
compute_group = compute_group_spokes_labs,
geom = ggplot2::GeomSegment)

required_aes = c("x0", "y0", "r"),
compute_group = compute_group_spokes_labs,
geom = ggplot2::GeomText)

required_aes = c("x0", "y0", "r", "chord"),
compute_group = compute_group_chord_highlight,
geom = ggplot2::GeomPoint)

ggcanvas() +
aes(x0 = 0, y0 = 0, r = 1, chord = "C") +
geom_circle(n_vertices = 50) +
geom_circle(n_vertices = 50, aes(r = .6)) +
geom_spoke(rotate = 90/6) +
geom_labs(maj = T, aes(r = .8)) +
geom_labs(maj = F, aes(r = .4)) +
geom_chord_highlight(aes(r = .8), size = 12, color = "red", alpha = .2)

tibble(phrase = 1:7, chord = LETTERS[1:7]) |>
ggplot() +
aes(x0 = 0, y0 = 0, r = 1, chord = chord) +
geom_circle(n_vertices = 50) +
geom_circle(n_vertices = 50, aes(r = .6)) +
geom_spoke(rotate = 90/6) +
geom_labs(maj = T, aes(r = .8)) +
geom_labs(maj = F, aes(r = .4), size = 2) +
geom_chord_highlight(aes(r = .8), size = 12, color = "red", alpha = .2) +
coord_equal() +
facet_wrap(facet = vars(phrase), nrow = 2) +
labs(title = "An unusual chord progression, A to G in Alphabet")



geom_chord_cof <- function(r = 1, size = 1, color_highlight = "magenta", alpha_highlight = .4,
size_highlight = 7, key = "C"){

geom_circle(n_vertices = 50, aes(r = r)),
geom_circle(n_vertices = 50, aes(r = r*.6)),
geom_spoke(rotate = 90/6, aes(r = r)),
geom_chord_highlight(aes(r = r*.8), size = size*size_highlight, color = color_highlight,
alpha = alpha_highlight, key = key),
geom_labs(maj = F, aes(r = r*.4), size = size *2, key = key),
geom_labs(maj = T, aes(r = r*.8), key = key) ,


tibble(chord_index = 0:6,
chord = LETTERS[1:7]) |>
ggplot() +
aes(x0 = chord_index %% 4 ,
y0 = -(chord_index %/% 4),
chord = chord) +
geom_chord_cof(r = .45, key = "D") +
coord_equal() +
labs(title = "An unusual chord progression: A to G in Alphabet")

Visualizing some of this discussion... 'A vs Am introduces chromaticism'


tibble::tribble(~ lyric, ~chord,
"Hate to give the satisfaction, asking how you're doing ... ", "F",
", How's the castle built off people you pretend to care a-...", "A",
"-bout? Just what you wanted, Look at ...", "Bb",
", cool guy, you got it", "Bbm") |>
ggplot() +
aes(x0 = 0,
y0 = 0,
chord = chord) +
geom_chord_cof(r = .45, key = "F") +
coord_equal() +
facet_wrap(~fct_inorder(lyric %>% str_wrap(25)), nrow = 1) +
labs(title = "Vampire (& Creep) chord progression")

With the {xxxx} package, we'll live in a different world (🦄 🦄 🦄) where the task is a snap 🫰:

Proposed API:



df_chords_lyrics |>
ggplot() +
aes(chords = chords) +
facet_wrap(vars = fct_inorder(lyrics)) +
geom_circle5ths(key = "D", r = .5)


# Part I. Work out functionality ✅

Here is a function that will do some work...

```{r times_two}
times_two <- function(x){



## Try it out


# Part II. Packaging and documentation 🚧 ✅

## Phase 1. Minimal working package

### Bit A. Created package archetecture, running `devtools::create(".")` in interactive session. 🚧 ✅

```{r, eval = F}

### Bit B. Added roxygen skeleton? 🚧 ✅

Use a roxygen skeleton for auto documentation and making sure proposed functions are *exported*. Generally, early on, I don't do much (anything) in terms of filling in the skeleton for documentation, because things may change.

### Bit C. Managed dependencies ? 🚧 ✅

Package dependencies managed, i.e. `depend::function()` in proposed functions and declared in the DESCRIPTION

```{r, eval = F}

### Bit D. Moved functions R folder? 🚧 ✅

Use new {readme2pkg} function to do this from readme...

```{r, eval = F}

### Bit E. Run `devtools::check()` and addressed errors. 🚧 ✅

```{r, eval = F}
devtools::check(pkg = ".")

### Bit F. Build package 🚧 ✅

```{r, eval = F}

### Bit G. Write traditional README that uses built package (also serves as a test of build. 🚧 ✅

The goal of the {xxxx} package is to ...

Install package with:


Once functions are exported you can remove go to two colons, and when things are are really finalized, then go without colons (and rearrange your readme...)

```{r, eval = F}
library(mypacakge) ##<< change to your package name here

### Bit H. Chosen a license? 🚧 ✅

```{r, eval = F}

### Bit I. Add lifecycle badge (experimental)

```{r, eval = F}

## Phase 2: Listen & iterate 🚧 ✅

Try to get feedback from experts on API, implementation, default decisions. Is there already work that solves this problem?

## Phase 3: Let things settle

### Bit A. Settle on examples. Put them in the roxygen skeleton and readme. 🚧 ✅

### Bit B. Written formal tests of functions and save to test that folders 🚧 ✅

That would look like this...

```{r test_calc_times_two_works, eval = F}

test_that("calc times 2 works", {
expect_equal(times_two(4), 8)
expect_equal(times_two(5), 10)


```{r, eval = F}

### Bit C. Added a description and author information in the DESCRIPTION file 🚧 ✅

### Bit D. Addressed *all* notes, warnings and errors. 🚧 ✅

## Phase 4. Promote to wider audience...

### Bit A. Package website built? 🚧 ✅

### Bit B. Package website deployed? 🚧 ✅

## Phase 5: Harden/commit

### Submit to CRAN/RUniverse? 🚧 ✅

# Appendix: Reports, Environment

## Edit Description file

```{r, eval = F}

## Environment

Here I just want to print the packages and the versions

all <- sessionInfo() |> print() |> capture.output()

## `devtools::check()` report

```{r, error = T, results="hide", warning=F}
devtools::check(pkg = ".")