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A base PHP 7.4 Apache 2 image for simulating some current production environments

apache2 development docker docker-compose docker-container docker-image dockerfile dockerhub-image legacy legacy-application legacy-support php74

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A base PHP 7.4 Apache 2 image for simulating some current production environments

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# PHP 7.4 & Apache Dockerfile Example

A base PHP 7.4 Apache 2 image[^docker_pull_cmd_note] for demonstrating legacy projects available at [EWC Docker Hub](

An old version of ***PHP*** that some codebase sites still require to emulate a ***production*** environment to run in.

Other Packages Included:

- Node v14.x
- Composer v1.10.1
- libxml2-dev
- libzip-dev
- libyaml-dev
- zip
- unzip
- git
- nodejs
- default-mysql-client
- vim
- npm i npm@`$NPM_VERSION`[^npm_version_note] -g
- yaml

PHP Extensions:

- gettext
- mysqli
- pdo_mysql
- zip
- yaml

## Build Image

Build the ***Docker Image*** without using ***cached*** versions of previous image build stages.

sudo docker build \
-f php-7-4-apache.Dockerfile \
--target php-7-4-build \
--build-arg APP_ENV=local \
--build-arg NPM_VERSION=7.24.2 \
--no-cache \
-t php-7-4-web-server:latest \


- Using `-f php-7-4-apache.Dockerfile`

To specify the *filename* to ***build*** otherwise it is expected to be named `Dockerfile`.

- Using `--target php-7-4-build`

To select the ***build target stage***[^multi_stage_builds_note] from the *Dockerfile*.

- Using `--build-arg ARG=value`

To set build argument values to use.

### Create A Container

This creates a named container and attaches it to the ***host network*** and may cause port conflict if the host machine is already listening on any exposed ports from the ***Docker Image*** being used.

sudo docker run \
-d \
--network host \
-v "$(pwd)"/public_html:/var/www/html \
--name php-7-4-web-server \


This creates a named container and attaches it to the ***bridge network*** and allows for ***port forward mapping*** from the ***host*** to the ***Container***.

sudo docker run \
-d \
--network bridge \
-p 8080:80/tcp \
-v "$(pwd)"/public_html:/var/www/html \
--name php-7-4-web-server \


- Using `-v "$(pwd)"/public_html:/var/www/html`

To ***Volume Mount*** the folder `public_html` from the current folder to `/var/www/html` on the ***running*** container. It is where ***Apache*** serves the content from & allows for *realtime* change updates.

- Using `-p 8080:80/tcp`

To map port **8080** on the ***Host*** machine to port **80** on the ***Container*** using the ***bridge network***.

- Using `--name php-7-4-web-server`

To name the ***Container*** being created.

### Start Container

sudo docker start php-7-4-web-server

### Stop Container

sudo docker stop php-7-4-web-server

## Docker Compose

A `docker-compose` configuration file is included to simplify the build & deployment of the image.

### Build - No Cache

This is only necessary when completely rebuilding the image to make sure all parts are rebuilt[^compose_name_note].

sudo docker-compose build --no-cache php-7-4-web-server

### Build & Up

This will try to use a local version or rebuild the image with current context.

sudo docker-compose up --build -d

## Connect To Container

sudo docker exec -it php-7-4-web-server /bin/bash

# Disclaimer

This Apache2 + PHP 7.4 build environment should ***NOT*** be used anywhere near a ***production*** environment. This build is for showcasing legacy systems that simple would not run in modern environments & as such it is littered with security holes and exploitation's.

[^docker_pull_cmd_note]: Use `docker pull ewc2020/web:php-7.4-apache` to get a copy of the image.

[^npm_version_note]: Uses a `.env` ***build-arg*** called ***NPM_VERSION*** to specify the npm version.

[^multi_stage_builds_note]: Used mostly in ***Multi Stage*** image builds.

[^compose_name_note]: The `php-7-4-web-server` container name to build the image for.