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Vue Cookieconsent

component cookieconsent javascript vue vue-component vue2 vuejs vuejs2

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Vue Cookieconsent

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# vue-cookieconsent-component

> Vue Cookieconsent


[Inspired by cookieconsent](

## Demo

[Demo here](

## Install

`npm install vue-cookieconsent-component` or `yarn add vue-cookieconsent-component`

## Usage

The most common use case is to register the component globally.

// in your main.js or similar file
import Vue from 'vue'
import cookieconsent from 'vue-cookieconsent-component'

Vue.component('cookie-consent', cookieconsent)

Alternatively you can do this to register the components:

// HelloWorld.vue
import CookieConsent from 'vue-cookieconsent-component'

export default {
name: 'HelloWorld',
components: {

On your page you can now use html like this:

// see slots or props if you want to extend something


## CSS

// required and to get updates
@import "./node_modules/vue-cookieconsent-component/src/scss/cookie-consent";
// example or use it
@import "./node_modules/vue-cookieconsent-component/src/scss/cookie-consent-bottom";
@import "./node_modules/vue-cookieconsent-component/src/scss/cookie-consent-transition";

Do you like my theme but not the colors or paddings, ...?

// overwrite variables
$cookieconstent-padding: 1rem;
$cookieconstent-space: .7rem;
$cookieconstent-compliance-padding: .5rem 2rem;
// find more variables in /src/scss/_cookie-consent-variables.scss

@import "./node_modules/vue-cookieconsent-component/src/scss/cookie-consent";

## Props

|transition|String|false|cookie-consent-transition|Transition name
|message|String|false|This website uses...|Main message
|linkLabel|String|false|Learn more|Link label
|buttonLabel|String|false|Got it!|Button label
|href|String|false||Target link
|target|String|false|_blank|New window
|rel|String|false|noopener|Referrer Policy
|cookieName|String|false|cookieconsent_status|Cookie name
|cookiePath|String|false|/|Cookie path
|cookieDomain|String|false|''|Cookie domain
|cookieExpiryDays|Number|false|365|Cookie expiry days

## Slots

|message|Message and link
|link|Only the link
|button|Only the button

## Slots example

Create your own content


This website uses cookies
Read more



## Build Setup

``` bash
# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report

# run unit tests
npm run unit

# run all tests
npm test