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Customize or hide alerts (join/leave messages, whitelist messages, outdated server/client messages, etc...) plugin for PocketMine-MP

customalerts php plugin pocketmine-mp

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Customize or hide alerts (join/leave messages, whitelist messages, outdated server/client messages, etc...) plugin for PocketMine-MP

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# CustomAlerts

Customize or hide alerts (join/leave messages, whitelist messages, outdated server/client messages, etc...) plugin for PocketMine-MP.


## Category

PocketMine-MP plugins

## Requirements

PocketMine-MP API 5.0.0

## Overview

**CustomAlerts** lets you customize or hide all PocketMine alerts (join/leave messages, whitelist messages, outdated server/client messages, etc...)

**EvolSoft Website:** *Downed*

***This Plugin uses the New API. You can't install it on old versions of PocketMine.***

With CustomAlerts you can customize or hide whitelist kick messages, outdated server/client messages, join/leave messages, first join messages, death messages, world change messages... (read documentation)

**Changelogs** - 13/10/2023

- Applied PocketMine-MP API 5.0.0 changes
- Bumped version from 2.4 to 3.1
- Patched Config Reload Command


- Customize or hide join, quit and death messages
- Add first join and world change messages
- Customize Motd ***(from MCPE 0.11.0)***
- Customize Outdated Server/Client kick messages ***(from MCPE 0.11.0 BUILD 11)***
- Customize Whitelist kick messages ***(from MCPE 0.11.0 BUILD 11)***
- Customize Full Server kick messages ***(from MCPE 0.11.0 BUILD 11) [Please keep in mind that if you have VIP or additional slots on your server you MUST disable this feature from config]***
- Customize Death messages ***(There a problem for the moment due to PocketMine-MP 4)***

**What is included?**

In the ZIP file you will find:

*- CustomAlerts_v2.phar : CustomAlerts Plugin + API*

*- : Example Plugin source code*


***/customalerts*** *- CustomAlerts commands*

## Donate

Please support the development of this plugin with a small donation by clicking [:dollar: here]([email protected]&lc=US&item_name=KanekiLeChomeur&no_note=0&cn=&curency_code=EUR&bn=PP-DonationsBF:btn_donateCC_LG.gif:NonHosted).
Your small donation will help me paying web hosting, domains, buying programs (such as IDEs, debuggers, etc...) and new hardware to improve software development. Thank you :smile:

## Documentation

**Text format (Available on PocketMine console and on MCPE since v0.11.0):**


Black ("&0");

Dark Blue ("&1");

Dark Green ("&2");

Dark Aqua ("&3");

Dark Red ("&4");

Dark Purple ("&5");

Gold ("&6");

Gray ("&7");

Dark Gray ("&8");

Blue ("&9");

Green ("&a");

Aqua ("&b");

Red ("&c");

Light Purple ("&d");

Yellow ("&e");

White ("&f");


Obfuscated ("&k");

Bold ("&l");

Strikethrough ("&m");

Underline ("&n");

Italic ("&o");

Reset ("&r");

**Configuration (config.yml):**

#Date/Time format (replaced in {TIME}). For format codes read
datetime-format: "H:i:s"
#Server Motd message settings (available from MCPE 0.11.0 and later)
#Motd update timeout
update-timeout: 1
#Show custom Motd
custom: true
#Motd message
#Available Tags:
# - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
# - {TIME}: Show current time
# - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
message: "&e[{TIME}] &aWelcome to your server! &n&b[{MAXPLAYERS}/{TOTALPLAYERS}]"
#Outdated Client message (available from MCPE 0.11.0 BUILD 11 and later)
#Show custom Outdated Client message
custom: true
#Outdated Client message
#Available Tags:
# - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
# - {TIME}: Show current time
# - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
message: "&cYour MCPE client is outdated!"
#Outdated Server message (available from MCPE 0.11.0 BUILD 11 and later)
#Show custom Outdated Server message
custom: true
#Outdated Server message
#Available Tags:
# - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
# - {TIME}: Show current time
# - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
message: "&cOops! Server outdated!"
#Whitelisted Server message (available from MCPE 0.11.0 BUILD 11 and later)
#Show custom Whitelisted Server message
custom: true
#Whitelisted Server message
#Available Tags:
# - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
# - {TIME}: Show current time
# - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
message: "&c&oThis Server is whitelisted!"
#Full Server message (available from MCPE 0.11.0 BUILD 11 and later)
#Show custom Full Server message
custom: true
#Available Tags:
# - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
# - {TIME}: Show current time
# - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
message: "&e{PLAYER}&b, The Server is full &c[{TOTALPLAYERS}/{MAXPLAYERS}]&b!\n&l&dTry to join later :)"
#First Join message settings
#Enable First Join message
enable: true
#First Join message
#Available Tags:
# - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
# - {PLAYER}: Show player name
# - {TIME}: Show current time
# - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
message: "&2[{TIME}] &a{PLAYER}&d joined the game for the first time."
#Join message settings
#Hide Join message
hide: false
#Show custom Join message
custom: true
#Join message
#Available Tags:
# - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
# - {PLAYER}: Show player name
# - {TIME}: Show current time
# - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
message: "&2[{TIME}] &a{PLAYER}&e joined the game."
#Quit message settings
#Hide Quit message
hide: true
#Show custom Quit message
custom: false
#Quit message
#Available Tags:
# - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
# - {PLAYER}: Show player name
# - {TIME}: Show current time
# - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
message: "&4[{TIME}] &c{PLAYER}&e has left the game"
#World Change message settings
#Enable World Change message
enable: true
#World Change message
#Available Tags:
# - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
# - {ORIGIN}: Show origin world name
# - {PLAYER}: Show player name
# - {TARGET}: Show target world name
# - {TIME}: Show current time
# - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
message: "&2[{TIME}] &a{PLAYER}&e moved from &c{ORIGIN}&e to &a{TARGET}"
#Death message settings
#Hide deafult Death message
hide: false
#Show custom default Death message
custom: true
#Default Death message
#Available Tags:
# - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
# - {PLAYER}: Show player name
# - {TIME}: Show current time
# - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
message: "&c{PLAYER} died"
#Death by contact message
#Hide Death by contact message
hide: false
#Show custom Death by contact message
custom: true
#Death by contact message
#Available Tags:
# - {BLOCK}: The name of the block which killed the player
# - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
# - {PLAYER}: Show player name
# - {TIME}: Show current time
# - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
message: "&cOops! {PLAYER} was killed by {BLOCK}"
#Death by entity message (players and mobs)
#Hide Death by entity message
hide: false
#Show custom Death by entity message
custom: true
#Death by entity message
# - {KILLER}: The name of the killer entity
# - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
# - {PLAYER}: Show player name
# - {TIME}: Show current time
# - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
message: "&9{PLAYER} &ewas killed by &c{KILLER}"
#Death by projectile message
#Hide Death by projectile message
hide: false
#Show custom Death by projectile message
custom: true
#Death by projectile message
# - {KILLER}: The name of the killer entity
# - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
# - {PLAYER}: Show player name
# - {TIME}: Show current time
# - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
message: "&c{PLAYER} was killed by {KILLER} by arrow"
#Death by suffocation message
#Hide Death by suffocation message
hide: false
#Show custom Death by suffocation message
custom: true
#Death by suffocation message
# - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
# - {PLAYER}: Show player name
# - {TIME}: Show current time
# - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
message: "&c{PLAYER} suffocated"
#Death by fall message
#Hide Death by fall message
hide: false
#Show custom Death by fall message
custom: true
#Death by fall message
# - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
# - {PLAYER}: Show player name
# - {TIME}: Show current time
# - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
message: "&c{PLAYER} fell from a high place"
#Death by fire message
#Hide Death by fire message
hide: false
#Show custom Death by fire message
custom: true
#Death by fire message
# - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
# - {PLAYER}: Show player name
# - {TIME}: Show current time
# - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
message: "&c{PLAYER} went up in flames"
#Death on fire message
#Hide Death on fire message
hide: false
#Show custom Death on fire message
custom: true
#Death on fire message
# - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
# - {PLAYER}: Show player name
# - {TIME}: Show current time
# - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
message: "&c{PLAYER} burned"
#Death by lava message
#Hide Death by lava message
hide: false
#Show custom Death by lava message
custom: true
#Death by lava message
# - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
# - {PLAYER}: Show player name
# - {TIME}: Show current time
# - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
message: "&c{PLAYER} tried to swim in lava"
#Death by drowning message
#Hide Death by drowning message
hide: false
#Show custom Death by drowning message
custom: true
#Death by drowning message
# - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
# - {PLAYER}: Show player name
# - {TIME}: Show current time
# - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
message: "&c{PLAYER} drowned"
#Death by explosion message
#Hide Death by explosion message
hide: false
#Show custom Death by explosion message
custom: true
#Death by explosion message
# - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
# - {PLAYER}: Show player name
# - {TIME}: Show current time
# - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
message: "&c{PLAYER} exploded"
#Death by void message
#Hide Death by void message
hide: false
#Show custom Death by void message
custom: true
#Death by void message
# - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
# - {PLAYER}: Show player name
# - {TIME}: Show current time
# - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
message: "&c{PLAYER} fell into the void"
#Death by suicide message
#Hide Death by suicide message
hide: false
#Show custom Death by suicide message
custom: true
#Death by suicide message
# - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
# - {PLAYER}: Show player name
# - {TIME}: Show current time
# - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
message: "&c{PLAYER} committed suicide"
#Death magic message
#Hide Death magic message
hide: false
#Show custom Death magic message
custom: true
#Death magic message
# - {MAXPLAYERS}: Show the maximum number of players supported by the server
# - {PLAYER}: Show player name
# - {TIME}: Show current time
# - {TOTALPLAYERS}: Show the number of all online players
message: "&c{PLAYER} was killed by a spell"


***/customalerts*** *- CustomAlerts commands* **Not usable for the moment**



customalerts.* - CustomAlerts permissions.

- - CustomAlerts command Help permission.

- - CustomAlerts command Info permission.

customalerts.reload - CustomAlerts command Reload permission.

## API

Almost all our plugins have API access to widely extend their features.

**Basic Tutorial:**

*1. Define the plugin dependency in plugin.yml (you can check if CustomAlerts is installed in different ways):*
depend: [CustomAlerts]
*2. Include CustomAlerts API and CustomAlerts Events in your php code:*
//PocketMine Event Listener
use pocketmine\event\Listener;
//CustomAlerts API
use CustomAlerts\CustomAlerts;
//CustomAlerts Events
use CustomAlerts\Events\CustomAlertsJoinEvent;
*3. Create the class:*
class Example extends PluginBase implements Listener {
*4. Check if CustomAlerts API is compatible (insert this code in onEnable():void function)*
if(CustomAlerts::getAPI()->getAPIVersion() == "(used API version)"){
//API compatible
//Register Events
$this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->registerEvents($this, $this);
//API not compatible
*5. Handle a CustomAlerts event (in this tutorial we will handle the CustomAlertsJoinEvent):*
public function onCAJoinEvent(CustomAlertsJoinEvent $event){
$event->setMessage("Example Join message: " . $event->getPlayer()->getName());
*6. Access the API by doing:*

***A full plugin example using CustomAlerts API and CustomAlerts Events is included in the ZIP file.***

**CustomAlerts API Events:**

Each CustomAlerts event has two global functions:

###### Set Message:



Set event message.



###### Get Message:



Get event message.



###### CustomAlertsDeathEvent:

This event is handled when a player dies.

Event functions are:

###### Get Player:

Player getPlayer()

Get death event player.


The death event player

###### Get Cause:

EntityDamageEvent|null getCause()

Get death event cause.


The death event cause

###### CustomAlertsFullServerKickEvent:

This event is handled when a player is kicked due to full server.

Event functions are:

###### Get NetworkSession:

NetworkSession getOrigin()

Get event NetworkSession.


The event NetworkSession (instance of pocketmine\Player)

###### CustomAlertsJoinEvent:

This event is handled when a player joins.

Event functions are:

###### Get Player:

Player getPlayer()

Get join event player.


The join event player (instance of pocketmine\player\Player)

###### Get default PocketMine join message:

string getPocketMineJoinMessage()

Get default PocketMine join message.


The default PocketMine join message

###### CustomAlertsMotdUpdateEvent:

This event is handled when the motd is updated

Event functions are:

###### Get default PocketMine Motd:

string getPocketMineMotd()

Get default PocketMine Motd.


The default PocketMine Motd

###### CustomAlertsOutdatedClientKickEvent:

This event is handled when a player is kicked due to outdated client.

Event functions are:

###### Get NetworkSession:

NetworkSession getOrigin()

Get event NetworkSession.


The event NetworkSession (instance of pocketmine\network\mcpe\NetworkSession)

###### CustomAlertsOutdatedServerKickEvent:

This event is handled when a player is kicked due to outdated server.

Event functions are:

###### Get NetworkSession:

NetworkSession getOrigin()

Get event player.


The event NetworkSession (instance of pocketmine\network\mcpe\NetworkSession)

###### CustomAlertsQuitEvent:

This event is handled when a player quits. It must be declared:

Event functions are:

###### Get Player:

Player getPlayer()

Get quit event player.


The quit event player (instance of pocketmine\player\Player)

###### Get default PocketMine quit message:

string getPocketMineQuitMessage()

Get default PocketMine quit message.


The default PocketMine quit message

###### CustomAlertsWhitelistKickEvent:

This event is handled when a player is kicked due to whitelisted server.

Event functions are:

###### Get Player:

PlayerInfo getPlayerInfo()

Get event player.


The event PlayerInfo (instance of pocketmine\player\PlayerInfo)

###### CustomAlertsWorldChangeEvent:

This event is handled when a player changes world. It must be declared:

Event functions are:

###### Get Player:

Player getPlayer()

Get world change event player.


The world change event player (instance of pocketmine\player\Player)

###### Get Origin World:

World getFrom()

Get origin world.


The origin world (instance of pocketmine\world\World)

###### Get Target World:

World getTarget()

Get target world.


The target world (instance of pocketmine\world\World)

**CustomAlerts API Functions:**

###### Get Version:
string getVersion()

Get CustomAlerts plugin version.


plugin version

###### Get API Version:
string getAPIVersion()

Get the CustomAlerts API version.


plugin API version

###### Check if motd message is custom:
boolean isMotdCustom()

Check if motd message is custom.



###### Get default motd message:
string getMotdMessage()

Get motd message.



###### Check if outdated client message is custom:
boolean isOutdatedClientMessageCustom()

Check if outdated client message is custom.



###### Get outdated client message:
string getOutdatedClientMessage()

Get outdated client message.




###### Check if outdated server message is custom:
boolean isOutdatedServerMessageCustom()

Check if outdated server message is custom.



###### Get outdated server message:
string getOutdatedServerMessage()

Get outdated server message.




###### Check if whitelist message is custom:
boolean isWhitelistMessageCustom()

Check if whitelist message is custom.



###### Get whitelist message:
string getWhitelistMessage()

Get whitelist message.




###### Check if full server message is custom:
boolean isFullServerMessageCustom()

Check if full server message is custom.



###### Get full server message:
string getFullServerMessage()

Get full server message.


*$player* the current player



###### Check if first join message is enabled:
boolean isFirstJoinMessageEnabled()

Check if first join message is enabled.



###### Get first join message:
string getFirstJoinMessage(Player $player)

Get first join message.


*$player* the current player



###### Check if join message is custom:
boolean isJoinMessageCustom()

Check if join message is custom.



###### Check if join message is hidden:
boolean isJoinMessageHidden()

Check if join message is hidden.



###### Get join message:
string getJoinMessage(Player $player)

Get join message.


*$player* the current player



###### Check if quit message is custom:
boolean isQuitMessageCustom()

Check if quit message is custom.



###### Check if quit message is hidden:
boolean isQuitMessageHidden()

Check if quit message is hidden.



###### Get quit message:
string getQuitMessage(Player $player)

Get quit message.


*$player* the current player



###### Check if world change message is enabled:
boolean isWorldChangeMessageEnabled()

Check if world change message is enabled.



###### Get world change message:
string getWorldChangeMessage(Player $player, World $origin, World $target)

Get default world change message.


*$player* the current player

*$origin* the origin level

*$target* the target level



###### Check if death messages are custom:
boolean isDeathMessageCustom($cause = null)

Check if death messages are custom.


*$cause* Check message by cause



###### Check if death messages are hidden:
boolean isDeathMessageHidden($cause = null)

Check if death messages are hidden.


*$cause* Check message by cause



###### Get death message for the specified cause:
string getDeathMessage(Player $player, $cause = null)

Get default death message related to the specified cause.


*$player* the current player

*$cause* the cause of death (instanceof EntityDamageEvent). If it's null, the function will return the default death message
