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Manipulate GEXF file format with Pharo

gexf pharo

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Manipulate GEXF file format with Pharo

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# PharoGEXF

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Manipulate [GEXF file format]( with Pharo.

## Installation

Metacello new
githubUser: 'badetitou' project: 'PharoGEXF' commitish: 'main' path: 'src';
baseline: 'GEXF';

## Usage

### Basic commands

1. Create a gexf element
gexf := GEXF new.
2. Set metadata
gexf metadata creator: ''.
gexf metadata description: 'A Web network'.
3. Add nodes
graph := gexf graph.
node1 := graph createNodeWithId: '0'.
node1 label: 'Hello'.
node2 := graph createNodeWithId: '2'.
node2 label: 'World'.
4. Connect nodes
node1 connectTo: node2.
5. Export file
String streamContents: [:stream |
(GEXFWriter on: stream)
export: gexf ]

### Full example to show dependencies of classes from Moose

classes := ((model allWithSubTypesOf: FamixJavaType) select: [ :d | d isStub not and: [ d isAnonymousClass not ] ]).

gexf := GEXF new.
gexf metadata creator: ''.
gexf metadata description: 'my project'.

graph := gexf graph.

dicClassNode := classes collect: [ :class |
| node |
node := graph createNode.
node label: class mooseName.
class -> node
] as: Dictionary.

dicClassNode keysAndValuesDo: [ :class :node |
(class query outgoing dependencies targetsAtScope: FamixTType) do: [ :dep |
dicClassNode at: dep ifPresent: [ :aDepNode | node connectTo: aDepNode ]

'd:/seditRHDep.gexf' asFileReference writeStreamDo: [:stream |
(GEXFWriter on: stream)
export: gexf ]