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A color scheme for Vim and Neovim. High-contrast yet easy in the eye.

color-scheme contrast dark-theme light-theme neovim vim

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A color scheme for Vim and Neovim. High-contrast yet easy in the eye.

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# Kalahari

A [desert][1] / [wombat][2] variant with 256-color and 8-color support.
High contrast for the code content, low-contrast for the user interface.



## 256-color mode

The default 256-color mode comes in two variants: dark and light.
Set the `background` accordingly:

" set background=light " for the light version
set background=dark " for the dark version
colorscheme kalahari

A keyboard mapping can be handy to switch between these two variants:

nmap :let &bg = (&bg == 'light' ? 'dark' : 'light')

## 8-color mode

The 256-color palette is the same on all terminal emulators. The 8-color
palette (a.k.a. “ANSI colors”) entirely depends on your terminal settings.
This is fine if you prefer styling your terminal rather than every CLI
application, e.g. with a theme manager such as [pywal][3].


All (?) terminal emulators support 256 colors nowadays but the 8-color mode can
be forced with the `g:kalahari_ansi` variable:

if has('termguicolors')
set notermguicolors
set g:kalahari_ansi = 1
colorscheme kalahari

In this mode, switching the background color is done on the terminal side, not
on the Vim side: using `set background={dark,light}` adjusts some text colors
to match the background but does not change the background color itself.

## Italics

Not all terminal emulators support displaying italics, and [it gets even
trickier with Tmux][4].


If the terminal cannot display it, italic text is rendered as normal text
by Neovim (which is acceptable) and reverse text by Vim (which is a pain).
So Vim users have to allow kalahari display italic explicitly:

:set g:kalahari_italic = 1

## Customization

This color scheme splits is defined in two sections:

* a color palette, which depends on the background (light/dark) and the number of colors (8/16/256);
* a set of highlight rules, which apply colors from the palette to UI elements and syntax groups.

### Color Palette

The color palette can be customized with the `g:kalahari_palette` variable.
Changing the comment colors from gray to purple can be done like this:

let g:kalahari_palette = {
\ 'Comment': 134,
colorscheme kalahari

Or, if you prefer to specify colors from all color modes (8/256 & light/dark backgrounds):

let g:kalahari_palette = {
\ 'Comment': [ 5, 5, 177, 134 ],
colorscheme kalahari

The palette identifiers are taken from these lists:

* default text and separator colors (gray scale — higher number means lower contrast):
* `fg_1`, `fg_2`, `fg_3`, `fg_4`, `fg_5` for the text, `fg_1` being the default text color
* `bg_1`, `bg_2`, `bg_3`, `bg_4`, `bg_5` for the separators, `bg_1` being the default background color
* UI colors: `NonText`, `ModeMsg`, `Question`, `SpecialKey`, `Search_bg`, `Visual_bg`, `WarningMsg`, `Cursor`, `Cursor_bg` — see `:h highlight-groups`;
* syntax colors: `Constant`, `Identifier` `Statement`, `PreProc`, `Type`, `Special`, `Underlined`, `Comment`, `Ignore`, `Error`, `Error_bg`, `Todo`, `Todo_bg` — see `:h group-name`.

### Highlight Groups

Highlight groups can be redefined with the `g:kalahari_groups` variable. The foreground & background should be a name from the color palette, but a numeric value can be used as well if you want to keep the same color in both dark & light modes.

" group name foreground background decoration
let g:kalahari_groups = [
\ [ 'CursorLine', '', 'bg_1', 'underline' ],
\ [ 'StatusLine', 16, 'Visual_bg', 'none' ],
\ [ 'TabLineSel', 16, 'Visual_bg', 'none' ],
colorscheme kalahari

## Related Color Schemes & Plugins

The following color schemes also have dark & light variants that can be
selected by setting the `background` accordingly:

* [rakr/vim-one]( (my favorite lower-contrast theme)
* [rakr/vim-two-firewatch](
* [junegunn/seoul256.vim](
* [noahfrederick/vim-hemisu](
* [freeo/vim-kalisi](
* [zanglg/nova.vim](
* [MvanDiemen/ghostbuster](
* [chmllr/elrodeo-vim-colorscheme]( a low-contrast `ghostbuster` variant
* [lifepillar/vim-solarized8]( a `solarized` variant that works on Neovim

The color schemes below look nice too but I couldn’t make them work properly with Neovim:

* [altercation/vim-colors-solarized]( official `solarized` theme
* [Slava/vim-colors-tomorrow]( another `solarized` variant
* [jsit/disco.vim](

These plugins may also be worth mentioning:

* [rakr/vim-togglebg](, to manually toggle the background between dark and light modes;
* [amdt/sunset](, to automatically toggle the background mode when the sun rises and sets.