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An Extensible Suite of High-Performance and Low-Dependency Packages for Statistical Computing and Data Manipulation in R

c cpp data-aggregation data-manipulation data-science data-transformation high-performance low-dependency panel-data r rstats statistical-computing time-series weights

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An Extensible Suite of High-Performance and Low-Dependency Packages for Statistical Computing and Data Manipulation in R

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# fastverse

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The *fastverse* is a suite of complementary high-performance packages for statistical computing and data manipulation in R. Developed independently by various people, *fastverse* packages jointly contribute to the objectives of:

- Speeding up R through heavy use of compiled code (C, C++, Fortran)
- Enabling more complex statistical and data manipulation operations in R
- Reducing the number of dependencies required for advanced computing in R

The `fastverse` package is a meta-package providing utilities for easy installation, loading and management
of these packages. It is an extensible framework that allows users to (permanently) add or remove packages to create a 'verse' of packages suiting their general needs, or even create separate 'verses' of their own.

*fastverse* packages are jointly attached with `library(fastverse)`, and several functions starting with `fastverse_` help manage dependencies, detect namespace conflicts, add/remove packages from the *fastverse* and update packages. The [**vignette**]( provides a concise overview of the package.

## Core Packages

The *fastverse* installs with 4 core packages^[Before v0.3.0 *matrixStats* and *fst* were part of the core fastverse, but were removed following a poll in November 2022 which established that more than 50% of users don't use them actively.] (5 dependencies in total) which provide broad C/C++ based statistical and data manipulation functionality and have carefully managed APIs.

- **[data.table](**: Enhanced data frame class with concise data manipulation framework offering powerful aggregation, flexible split-apply-combine computing, reshaping, (rolling) joins, rolling statistics, set operations on tables, fast csv read/write, and various utilities such as transposition of data.

- **[collapse](**: Fast grouped and weighted statistical computations, time series and panel data transformations, list-processing, data manipulation functions, summary statistics and various utilities such as support for variable labels. Class-agnostic framework designed to work with vectors, matrices, data frames, lists and related classes including *xts*, *data.table*, *tibble*, *plm*, *sf*.

- **[kit](**: Parallel (row-wise) statistical functions, vectorized and nested switches, and some utilities such as efficient partial sorting.

- **[magrittr](**: Efficient pipe operators and aliases for enhanced R programming and code un-nesting.

## Installation

``` r
# Install the CRAN version

# Install (Windows/Mac binaries) from R-universe
install.packages("fastverse", repos = "")

# Install from GitHub (requires compilation)
*Note* that the GitHub/r-universe version is not a development version, development takes place in the 'development' branch.

## Extending the *fastverse*

Users can, via the `fastverse_extend()` function, freely attach extension packages. Setting `permanent = TRUE` adds these packages to the core *fastverse*. Another option is adding a `.fastverse` config file with packages to the project directory. Separate verses can be created with `fastverse_child()`. See the [**vignette**]( for details.

### Suggested Extensions

High-performing packages for different data manipulation and statistical computing topics are suggested below.
The total (recursive) dependency count is indicated for each package.


#### Time Series

- **[xts](** and **[zoo](**: Fast and reliable matrix-based time series classes providing fully identified ordered observations and various utilities for plotting and computations (1 dependency).

- **[roll](**: Fast rolling and expanding window functions for vectors and matrices (3 dependencies).

*Notes*: *xts*/*zoo* objects are preserved by *roll* functions and by *collapse*'s time series and data transformation functions^[*collapse* functions can also handle irregular time series.]. As *xts*/*zoo* objects are matrices, all *matrixStats* functions apply to them as well. *xts* objects can also easily be converted to and from *data.table*, which also has some fast rolling functions like `frollmean` and `frollapply`.

#### Dates and Times

- **[anytime](**: Anything to 'POSIXct' or 'Date' converter (2 dependencies).

- **[fasttime](**: Fast parsing of strings to 'POSIXct' (0 dependencies).

- **[nanotime](**: Provides a coherent set of temporal types and functions with nanosecond precision -
based on the 'integer64' class (7 dependencies).

- **[clock](**: Comprehensive library for date-time manipulations using a new family of orthogonal date-time classes (durations, time points, zoned-times, and calendars) (6 dependencies).

- **[timechange](**: Efficient manipulation of date-times accounting for time zones and daylight saving times (1 dependency).

*Notes*: Date and time variables are preserved in many *data.table* and *collapse* operations. *data.table* additionally offers an efficient integer based date class 'IDate' with some supporting functionality. *xts* and *zoo* also provide various functions to transform dates, and *zoo* provides classes 'yearmon' and 'yearqtr' for convenient computation with monthly and quarterly data. Package *mondate* also provides a class 'mondate' for monthly data. Many users also find **[lubridate](** convenient for 'POSIX-' and 'Date' based computations.

#### Strings

- **[stringi](**: Main R package for fast, correct, consistent, and convenient string/text manipulation (backend to *stringr* and *snakecase*) (0 dependencies).

- **[stringfish](**: Fast computation of common (base R) string operations using the ALTREP system (2 dependencies).

- **[stringdist](**: Fast computation of string distance metrics, matrices, and fuzzy matching (0 dependencies).

*Notes*: At least two packages offer convenient wrappers around the rather rich *stringi* API: **[stringr](** provides simple, consistent wrappers for common string operations, based on *stringi* (3 dependencies), and **[snakecase](** converts strings into any case, based on *stringi* and *stringr* (4 dependencies).

#### Statistics and Computing

- **[matrixStats](**: Efficient row-and column-wise (weighted) statistics on matrices and vectors, including computations on subsets of rows and columns (0 dependencies).

- **[Rfast](** and **[Rfast2](**: Heterogeneous sets of fast functions for statistics, estimation and data manipulation operating on vectors and matrices (4-5 dependencies).

- **[vctrs](**: Computational backend of the [*tidyverse*]( that provides many basic programming functions for R vectors (including lists and data frames) implemented in C (such as sorting, matching, replicating, unique values, concatenating, splitting etc. of vectors). These are often significantly faster than base R equivalents, but generally not as aggressively optimized as some equivalents found in *collapse* or *data.table* (4 dependencies).

- **[parallelDist](**: Multi-threaded distance matrix computation (3 dependencies).

- **[coop](**: Fast implementations of the covariance, correlation, and cosine similarity (0 dependencies).

- **[rsparse](**: Implements many algorithms for statistical learning on sparse matrices - matrix factorizations, matrix completion, elastic net regressions, factorization machines (8 dependencies). See also package **[MatrixExtra](**.

- **[fastmatrix](** provides a small set of functions written in C or Fortran providing fast computation of some matrices and operations useful in statistics (0 dependencies).

- **[matrixTests](** efficient execution of multiple statistical hypothesis tests on rows and columns of matrices (1 dependency).

- **[rrapply](**: The `rrapply()` function extends base `rapply()` by including a condition or predicate function for the application of functions and diverse options to prune or aggregate the result (0 dependencies).

- **[dqrng](**: Fast uniform, normal or exponential random numbers and random sampling (i.e. faster `runif`, `rnorm`, `rexp`, `sample` and `` functions) (3 dependencies).

- **[fastmap](**: Fast implementation of data structures based on C++, including a key-value store (`fastmap`), stack (`faststack`), and queue (`fastqueque`) (0 dependencies).

- **[fastmatch](**: A faster `match()` function (drop-in replacement for `base::match`, and `base::%in%`), that keeps the hash table in memory for much faster repeated lookups (0 dependencies).

- **[hutilscpp](** provides C++ implementations of some frequently used utility functions in R (4 dependencies).

*Notes*: *Rfast* has a number of like-named functions to *matrixStats*. These are simpler but typically faster and support multi-threading. Some highly efficient statistical functions can also be found scattered across various other packages, notable to mention here are *Hmisc* (60 dependencies) and *DescTools* (17 dependencies).

#### Spatial

- **[sf](**: Leading framework for geospatial computing and manipulation in R, offering a simple and flexible spatial data frame and supporting functionality (12 dependencies).

- **[s2](**: Provides R bindings for [Google's s2 C++ library]( for high-performance geometric calculations on
the sphere (3D, geographic/geodetic CRS). Used as a backend to *sf* for calculations on geometries with geographic/geodetic CRS, but using *s2* directly can provide substantial performance gains (2 dependencies).

- **[geos](**: Provides an R API to the [Open Source Geometry Engine (GEOS)]() C-library, which can be used to very efficiently manipulate planar (2D/flat/projected CRS) geometries, and a vector format with which to efficiently store 'GEOS' geometries. Used as a backend to *sf* for calculations on geometries with projected CRS, but using *geos* directly can provide substantial performance gains (2 dependencies).

- **[stars](**: Spatiotemporal data (raster and vector) in the form of dense arrays, with space and time being array dimensions (16 dependencies).

- **[terra](**: Methods for spatial data analysis with raster and vector data. Processing of very large (out of memory) files is supported (1 dependency).

- **[exactextractr](**: Provides fast extraction from raster datasets using polygons. Notably, it is much faster than *terra* for computing summary statistics of raster layers within polygons (17 dependencies).

- **[geodist](**: Provides very fast calculation of geodesic distances (0 dependencies).

- **[dggridR](**: Provides discrete global grids for R: allowing accurate partitioning of the earths surface into equally sized grid cells of different shapes and sizes (11 dependencies).

- **[cppRouting](**: Algorithms for routing and solving the traffic assignment problem, including calculation of distances, shortest paths and isochrones on weighted graphs using several (optimized) variants of Dijkstra's algorithm (4 dependencies).

- **[igraph](**: Provides and R port to the *igraph* C library for complex network analysis and graph theory (11 dependencies).

*Notes*: *collapse* can be used for efficient manipulation and computations on *sf* data frames. *sf* also offers tight integration with *dplyr*. Another efficient routing package is [*dodgr*]( (45 dependencies). [*sfnetworks*]( allows network analysis combining *sf* and *igraph* (42 dependencies) and functions for network cleaning (partly taken from [tidygraph]( which also wraps *igraph*). [*stplanr*]( facilitates sustainable transport planning with R, including very useful helpers such as `overline()` to turn a set of linestrings (routes) into a network (45 dependencies).

#### Visualization

- **[dygraphs](**: Interface to 'Dygraphs' interactive time series charting library (12 dependencies).

- **[lattice](**: Trellis graphics for R (0 dependencies).

- **[grid](**: The grid graphics package (0 dependencies).

- **[tinyplot](** provides a lightweight extension of the base R graphics system, with support for automatic grouping, legends, facets, and various other enhancements (0 dependencies).

- **[ggplot2](**: Create elegant data visualizations using the Grammar of Graphics (27 dependencies).

- **[scales](**: Scale functions for visualizations (11 dependencies).

*Notes:* *latticeExtra* provides extra graphical utilities base on *lattice*. *gridExtra* provides miscellaneous functions for *grid* graphics (and consequently for *ggplot2* which is based on *grid*). *gridtext* provides improved text rendering support for *grid* graphics. Many packages offer *ggplot2* extensions, (typically starting with 'gg') such as *ggExtra*, *ggalt*, *ggforce*, *ggh4x*, *ggmap*, *ggtext*, *ggthemes*, *ggrepel*, *ggridges*, *ggfortify*, *ggstatsplot*, *ggeffects*, *ggsignif*, *GGally*, *ggcorrplot*, *ggdendro*, etc.. Users in desperate need for greater performance may also find the (unmaintained) [lwplot]( package useful that provides a faster and lighter version of *ggplot2* with *data.table* backend.

#### Data Manipulation in R Based on Faster Languages

- **[r-polars](** provides an R-port to the impressively fast [polars DataFrame's library]( written in Rust (1 dependencies).

*Notes*: Package **[tidypolars](** provides a *tidyverse*-style wrapper around *r-polars*.

#### Data Input-Output, Serialization, and Larger-Than-Memory Processing (IO)

- **[fst](**: A compressed data file format that is very fast to read and write. Full random access in both rows and columns allows reading subsets from a '.fst' file (2 dependencies).

- **[qs](** provides a lightning-fast and complete replacement for the `saveRDS` and `readRDS` functions in R. It
supports general R objects with attributes and references - at similar speeds to *fst* - but does not provide on-disk random access to data subsets like *fst* (4 dependencies).

- **[arrow](** provides both a low-level interface to the Apache Arrow C++ library (a multi-language toolbox for accelerated data interchange and in-memory processing) including fast reading / writing delimited files, efficient storage of data as `.parquet` or `.feather` files, efficient (lazy) queries and computations, and sharing data between R and Python (14 dependencies). It provides methods for several *dplyr* functions allowing highly efficient data manipulation on arrow datasets. Check out the [useR2022 workshop]( on working with larger than memory data with apache arrow in R, and the [apache arrow R cookbook]() as well as the [awesome-arrow-r]( repository.

- **[duckdb](**: DuckDB is a high-performance analytical database system that can be used on in-memory or out-of memory data (including csv, `.parquet` files, arrow datasets, and it's own `.duckdb` format), and that provides a rich SQL dialect and optimized query execution for data analysis (1 dependency). It can also be used with the *dbplyr* package that translates *dplyr* code to SQL. [This]( Article by Christophe Nicault (October 2022) demonstrates the integration of *duckdb* with R and *arrow*. Also see the [official docs]().

- **[vroom](** provides fast reading of delimited files (23 dependencies).

*Notes*: *data.table* provides `fread` and `fwrite` for fast reading of delimited files.

#### Parallelization, High-Performance Computing and Out-Of-Memory Data

- **[mirai](**: Minimalist async evaluation framework for R: a ‘mirai’ evaluates an expression in a parallel process, on the local machine or over the network, returning the result automatically upon completion. Also provides a parallel map function (1 dependency).

- See also the [High-Performance and Parallel Computing]( Task View and the [futureverse](

#### Compiling R

- **[nCompiler](**: Compiles R functions to C++, and covers basic math, distributions, vectorized math and linear algebra, as well as basic control flow. R and Compiled C++ functions can also be jointly utilized in the a class 'nClass' that inherits from R6. An in-progress [user-manual]( provides an overview of the package.

- **[ast2ast](**: Also compiles R functions to C++, and is very straightforward to use (it has a single function `translate()` to compile R functions), but less flexible than [nCompiler]( (e.g. it currently does not support linear algebra). [Available on CRAN]( (6 dependencies).

- **[odin](**: Implements R to C translation and compilation, but specialized for differential
equation solving problems. [Available on CRAN]( (8 dependencies).

- **[armacmp](** translates linear algebra code written in R to C++ using the Armadillo Template Library. The package can also be used to write mathematical optimization routines that are translated and optimized in C++ using *RcppEnsmallen*.

- **[r2c](** provides compilation of R functions to be applied over many groups (e.g. grouped bivariate linear regression etc.).

- **[FastR](** is a high-performance implementation of the entire R programming language, that can JIT compile R code to run on the [Graal VM](

- **[inline](** allows users to write C, C++ or Fortran functions and compile them directly to an R function for use within the R session. [Available on CRAN]( (0 dependencies).

*Notes*: Many of these projects are experimental and not available as CRAN packages.

#### R-like Data Manipulation in Faster Languages

- **[tidypolars](** is a python library built on top of [polars]( that gives access to methods and functions familiar to R tidyverse users.

- **[Tidier.jl](** provides a Julia implementation of the tidyverse mini-language in Julia. Powered by the [DataFrames.jl]( library.

#### R Bindings to Faster Languages

- **[R's C API](** is the most natural way to extend R and does not require additional packages. It is further documented in the [Writing R Extensions Manual](, the [R Internals Manual](, the **[r-internals](** repository and sometimes referred to in the [R Blog]( (and some other Blogs on the web). Users willing to extend R in this way should familiarize themselves with R's garbage collection and [PROTECT Errors](

- **[Rcpp](** provides seamless R and C++ integration, and is widely used to extend R with C++. Compared to the C API compile time is slower and object files are larger, but users don't need to worry about garbage collection and can use modern C++ as well as a rich set of R-flavored functions and classes (0 dependencies).

- **[cpp11](** provides a simpler, header-only R binding to C++ that allows faster compile times and [several other enhancements]( (0 dependencies).

- **[tidyCpp](** provides a tidy C++ wrapping of the C API of R - to make the C API more amenable to C++ programmers (0 dependencies).

- **[JuliaCall](** Provides an R interface to the Julia programming language (11 dependencies). Other interfaces are provided by [XRJulia]( (2 dependencies) and [JuliaConnectoR]( (0 dependencies).

- **[rextendr](** provides an R interface to the Rust programming language (29 dependencies).

- **[rJava](** provides an R interface to Java (0 dependencies).

*Notes*: There are many Rcpp extension packages binding R to powerful C++ libraries, such as linear algebra through *RcppArmadillo* and *RcppEigen*, thread-safe parallelism through *RcppParallel* etc.

#### Tidyverse-like Data Manipulation built on *data.table*

- **[tidytable](**: A tidy interface to *data.table* that is *rlang* compatible. Quite comprehensive implementation of *dplyr*, *tidyr* and *purr* functions. Package uses a class *tidytable* that inherits from *data.table*. The `dt()` function makes *data.table* syntax pipeable (12 total dependencies).

- **[dtplyr](**: A tidy interface to *data.table* built around lazy evaluation i.e. users need to call ``, `` or `as_tibble()` to access the results. Lazy evaluation holds the potential of generating more performant *data.table* code (20 dependencies).

- **[tidyfst](**: Tidy verbs for fast data manipulation. Covers *dplyr* and some *tidyr* functionality. Functions have `_dt` suffix and preserve *data.table* object. A [cheatsheet]() is provided (7 dependencies).

- **[tidyft](**: Tidy verbs for fast data operations by reference. Best for big data manipulation on out of memory data using facilities provided by *fst* (7 dependencies).

- **[tidyfast](**: Fast tidying of data. Covers *tidyr* functionality, `dt_` prefix, preserves *data.table* object (2 dependencies).

- **[maditr](**: Fast data aggregation, modification, and filtering with pipes and *data.table*. Minimal implementation with functions `let()` and `take()` for most common data manipulation tasks. Also provides Excel-like lookup functions (2 dependencies).

- **[](** also o builds *data.table* expressions from *dplyr* verbs, without executing them eagerly. Similar to *dtplyr* but less mature (17 dependencies).

*Notes*: These packages are wrappers around *data.table* and do not introduce own compiled code.


#### Adding to this list

Please notify me of any other packages you think should be included here. Such packages should be well designed, top-performing, low-dependency, and, with few exceptions, provide own compiled code. Please note that the *fastverse* focuses on general purpose statistical computing and data manipulation, thus I won't include fast packages to estimate specific kinds of models here (of which R also has a great many).