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Crawler for Nintendo Switch eShop

eshop nintendo switch

Last synced: 4 months ago
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Crawler for Nintendo Switch eShop

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## nintendo-switch-eshop

**A Node.JS lib written to extract Nintendo Switch's eShop game and pricing information**



## Installation

Add the package through your package manager of choice:

npm install nintendo-switch-eshop

Require your desired functions:

const { getGamesAmerica, getGamesEurope, getGamesJapan, getQueriedGamesAmerica } = require('nintendo-switch-eshop');

Or with ES6 imports:

import { getGamesAmerica, getGamesEurope, getGamesJapan, getQueriedGamesAmerica } from 'nintendo-switch-eshop';

**For calling functions with the correct parameters and syntax please refer to the documentation linked below**

Copyright © `2021` `favna` & `lmmfranco`

## Documentation

For the documentation go to

## Contributors

Please make sure to read the [Contributing Guide][contributing] before making a pull request.

Thank you to all the people who already contributed to Sapphire!

[contributing]: .github/