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Simple way to draw and interact with elements using the library SkiaSharp. Compatible with Xamarin Forms

android animation cross-platform dot-net draw elements graphics ios macos rectangle skia skiasharp windows xamarin

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Simple way to draw and interact with elements using the library SkiaSharp. Compatible with Xamarin Forms

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# SkiaSharp.Elements

Simple way to draw and interact with elements using the library SkiaSharp.
Compatible with Xamarin Forms

## Using Elements
Install the [NuGet package SkiaSharp.Elements](
nuget install SkiaSharp.Element

## Getting Started

### Elements
- Rectangle
- Ellipse
- Image
- Text
- Polygon
- Line
- Group

### Drawing Rectangle
var rectangle = new SkiaSharp.Elements.Rectangle(SKRect.Create(20, 20, 100, 100))
FillColor = SKColors.SpringGreen

### Transformation
var rectangle = new SkiaSharp.Elements.Rectangle(SKRect.Create(120, 150, 100, 100))
FillColor = SKColors.SpringGreen
Transformation = SKMatrix.CreateRotationDegrees(45)

### Animation
new Animation((value) =>
rectangle.Transformation = SKMatrix.CreateRotationDegrees(360 * (float)value);
.Commit(this, "Anim", length: 2000, easing: Easing.SpringOut);

## Samples
Get sample ![here](
