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# My LeetCode problem solutions

## Go

| № | Name | Topic |
| ---- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------------------------------- |
| 0001 | [Two Sum]( | Array, Hash Table |
| 0002 | [Add Two Numbers]( | Linked List |
| 0003 | [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters]( | String, Hash Table, Sliding Window |
| 0004 | [Median of Two Sorted Arrays]( | Binary Search |
| 0005 | [Longest Palindromic Substring]( | String, Dynamic Programming |
| 0006 | [Zigzag Conversion]( | String |
| 0007 | [Reverse Integer]( | Math |
| 0009 | [Palindrome Number]( | Math |
| 0011 | [Container With Most Water]( | Array, Two Pointers |
| 0015 | [3 Sum]( | Array, Two Pointers |
| 0016 | [3Sum Closest]( | Two Pointers |
| 0017 | [Letter Combinations of a Phone Number]( | String, Backtracking |
| 0019 | [Remove Nth Node From End of List]( | Linked List, Two Pointers |
| 0020 | [Valid Parentheses]( | String, Stack |
| 0021 | [Merge Two Sorted Lists]( | Linked List, Recursion |
| 0022 | [Generate Parentheses]( | Dynamic Programming, Backtracking |
| 0023 | [Merge K Sorted Lists]( | Linked List, Heap (Priority Queue) |
| 0026 | [Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array]( | Array |
| 0027 | [Remove Element]( | Array |
| 0028 | [Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String]( | String |
| 0029 | [Divide Two Integers]( | Math |
| 0030 | [Substring with Concatenation of All Words]( | String, Hash Table |
| 0033 | [Search in Rotated Sorted Array]( | Array, Binary Search |
| 0034 | [Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array]( | Array, Binary Search |
| 0035 | [Search Insert Position]( | Array, Binary Search |
| 0036 | [Valid Sudoku]( | Array, Hash Table, Matrix |
| 0039 | [Combination Sum]( | Array, Backtracking |
| 0041 | [First Missing Positive]( | Array,Hash Table |
| 0042 | [Trapping Rain Water]( | Array,Two Pointers, Dynamic Programming |
| 0048 | [Rotate Image]( | Matrix |
| 0049 | [Group Anagrams]( | String, Hash Table, Sorting |
| 0051 | [N-Queens]( | Array, Backtracking |
| 0052 | [N-Queens II]( | Backtracking |
| 0053 | [Maximum Subarray]( | Array, Dynamic Programming |
| 0054 | [Spiral Matrix]( | Matrix |
| 0055 | [Jump Game]( | Dynamic Programming |
| 0056 | [Merge Intervals]( | Interval |
| 0057 | [Insert Interval]( | Interval |
| 0058 | [Length of Last Word]( | String |
| 0059 | [Spiral Matrix II]( | Matrix |
| 0061 | [Rotate List]( | Linked List |
| 0062 | [Unique Paths]( | Dynamic Programming |
| 0063 | [Unique Paths II]( | Dynamic Programming |
| 0064 | [Minimum Path Sum]( | Dynamic Programming |
| 0066 | [Plus One]( | Array |
| 0067 | [Add Binary]( | |
| 0068 | [Text Justification]( | String |
| 0070 | [Climbing Stairs]( | Dynamic Programming |
| 0071 | [Simplify Path]( | |
| 0072 | [Edit Distance]( | Dinamic Programming |
| 0073 | [Set Matrix Zeroes]( | Matrix |
| 0076 | [Minimum Window Substring]( | String, Sliding Window |
| 0079 | [Word Search]( | Matrix, Backtracking |
| 0091 | [Decode Ways]( | Dynamic Programming |
| 0100 | [Same Tree]( | Tree, Binary Tree |
| 0104 | [Maximum Depth of Binary Tree]( | Tree, Binary Tree, DFS, BFS |
| 0102 | [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal]( | Tree, Binary Tree, BFS |
| 0121 | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock]( | Dynamic Programming |
| 0124 | [Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum]( | Tree, Binary Tree, DFS |
| 0125 | [Valid Palindrome]( | String, Two Pointers |
| 0128 | [Longest Consecutive Sequence]( | Array, Graph, Hash Table, Union Find |
| 0133 | [Clone Graph]( | Graph |
| 0139 | [Word Break]( | Dynamic Programming |
| 0141 | [Linked List Cycle]( | Linked List, Two Pointers |
| 0143 | [Reorder List]( | Linked List, Two Pointers |
| 0152 | [Maximum Product Subarray]( | Array, Dynamic Programming |
| 0153 | [Find Minimum In Rotated Sorted Array]( | Array, Binary Search |
| 0167 | [Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted]( | Array, Two Pointers, Binary Search |
| 0190 | [Reverse Bits]( | Divide and Conquer, Bit Manipulation |
| 0191 | [Number of 1_bits]( | Divide and Conquer, Bit Manipulation |
| 0198 | [House Robber]( | Array, Dynamic Programming |
| 0200 | [Number of Islands]( | Matrix, Union Find, DFS, BFS |
| 0206 | [Reverse Linked List]( | Linked List, Recursion |
| 0207 | [Course Schedule]( | Graph, Dynamic Programming, DFS |
| 0213 | [House Robber II]( | Array, Dynamic Programming |
| 0217 | [Contains Duplicate]( | Array, Hash Table, Sorting |
| 0219 | [Contains Duplicate II]( | Array, Hash Table, Sliding Window |
| 0226 | [Invert Binary Tree]( | Tree, BFS, DFS, Binary Tree |
| 0238 | [Product of Array Except Self]( | Array, Prefix Sum |
| 0242 | [Valid Anagram]( | Hash Table, String, Sorting |
| 0268 | Missing Number | |
| 0297 | [Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree]( | Tree, Binary Tree, BFS |
| 0322 | Coin Change | |
| 0338 | Counting Bits | |
| 0371 | Sum of Two Integers | |
| 0387 | First Unique Character | |
| 0417 | [Pacific Atlantic Water Flow]( | Graph, Matrix, DFS, BFS |
| 0424 | [Longest Repeating Character Replacement]( | String, Sliding Window |
| 0435 | [Non-overlapping Intervals]( | Interval, Dynamic Programming, Sorting |
| 0572 | [Subtree of Another Tree]( | Tree, Binary Tree |
| 0647 | [Palindromic Substrings]( | String, Dynamic Programming |
| 0659 | Split Array Into Consecutive Subsequences | |
| 0804 | Unique Morse Code Words | |
| 0871 | Minimum Number of Refueling Stops | |
| 0876 | Middle of the Linked List | |
| 0953 | Verifying an Alien Dictionary | |
| 1011 | [Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days]( | Binary Search |
| 1143 | [Longest Common Subsequence]( | Dynamic Programming |
| 1338 | [Reduce Array Size to the Half]( | |