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💼 Neovim plugin to manage global and project-local settings

neovim neovim-config neovim-configuration neovim-lsp neovim-plugin

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

💼 Neovim plugin to manage global and project-local settings

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# 💼 neoconf.nvim

**neoconf.nvim** is a Neovim plugin to manage global and project-local settings.


## ✨ Features

- configure Neovim using **JSON** files (can have comments)
- global settings: `~/.config/nvim/neoconf.json`
- local settings: `~/projects/foobar/.neoconf.json`
- live reload of your lsp settings
- import existing settings from [vscode](,
[coc.nvim]( and
- auto-completion of all the settings in the **Json config files**
- auto-completion of all LSP settings in your **Neovim Lua config files**
- integrates with [neodev.nvim](
See [.neoconf.json]( in this repo.

## ⚡️ Requirements

- Neovim >= 0.7.2

## 📦 Installation

Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:

### [lazy.nvim](

{ "folke/neoconf.nvim" }

## 🚀 Setup

It's important that you set up `neoconf.nvim` **BEFORE** `nvim-lspconfig`.

-- override any of the default settings here

-- setup your lsp servers as usual

## ⚙️ Configuration

**neoconf.nvim** comes with the following defaults:


-- name of the local settings files
local_settings = ".neoconf.json",
-- name of the global settings file in your Neovim config directory
global_settings = "neoconf.json",
-- import existing settings from other plugins
import = {
vscode = true, -- local .vscode/settings.json
coc = true, -- global/local coc-settings.json
nlsp = true, -- global/local nlsp-settings.nvim json settings
-- send new configuration to lsp clients when changing json settings
live_reload = true,
-- set the filetype to jsonc for settings files, so you can use comments
-- make sure you have the jsonc treesitter parser installed!
filetype_jsonc = true,
plugins = {
-- configures lsp clients with settings in the following order:
-- - lua settings passed in lspconfig setup
-- - global json settings
-- - local json settings
lspconfig = {
enabled = true,
-- configures jsonls to get completion in .nvim.settings.json files
jsonls = {
enabled = true,
-- only show completion in json settings for configured lsp servers
configured_servers_only = true,
-- configures lua_ls to get completion of lspconfig server settings
lua_ls = {
-- by default, lua_ls annotations are only enabled in your neovim config directory
enabled_for_neovim_config = true,
-- explicitly enable adding annotations. Mostly relevant to put in your local .nvim.settings.json file
enabled = false,


## 🚀 Usage

### The `:Neoconf` Command

- `:Neoconf`: will show a ui to select one of the local/global json config files to edit
- `:Neoconf local`: will show a ui to select one of the local json config files to edit
- `:Neoconf global`: will show a ui to select one of the global json config files to edit
- `:Neoconf show`: opens a floating window with the merged config
- `:Neoconf lsp`: opens a floating window with your merged lsp config


### Completion and Validation for your `Json` Settings Files


### Completion and Validation for your `Lua` Settings Files

Completion of your lua settings should work out of the box.


You can additionally use the exported types in other places.

Example with a table containing LSP server settings

---@type lspconfig.options
local servers = {
ansiblels = {},
bashls = {},
clangd = {},
cssls = {},
dockerls = {},
tsserver = {},
svelte = {},
eslint = {},
html = {},
jsonls = {
settings = {
json = {
format = {
enable = true,
schemas = require("schemastore").json.schemas(),
validate = { enable = true },

## 📦 API

**Neodev** comes with an API that can be used by plugin developers to load global/local settings for their plugin.

---@class SettingsPlugin
---@field name string
---@field setup fun()|nil
---@field on_update fun(event)|nil
---@field on_schema fun(schema: Schema)

-- Registers a plugin. Biggest use-case is to get auto-completion for your plugin in the json settings files
---@param plugin SettingsPlugin
function Neodev.register(plugin) end

---@class WorkspaceOptions
---@field file? string File will be used to determine the root_dir
---@field buffer? buffer Buffer will be used to find the root_dir
---@field lsp? boolean LSP root_dir will be used to determine the root_dir
---@field local? boolean defaults to true. Merge local settings
---@field global? boolean defaults to true. Merge global settings

-- Returns the requested settings
---@generic T : table
---@param key? string Optional key to get settings for
---@param defaults? T Optional table of defaults that will be merged in the result
---@param opts? WorkspaceOptions options to determine the root_dir and what settings to merge
---@return T
function Neoconf.get(key, defaults, opts) end

API Example

-- default config for your plugin
local defaults = {
doit = true,
count = 1,
array = {},

-- register your settings schema with Neodev, so auto-completion will work in the json files
on_schema = function(schema)
-- this call will create a json schema based on the lua types of your default settings
schema:import("myplugin", defaults)
-- Optionally update some of the json schema
schema:set("myplugin.array", {
description = "Special array containing booleans or numbers",
anyOf = {
{ type = "boolean" },
{ type = "integer" },

local my_settings = Neoconf.get("neodev", defaults)

## ⭐ Acknowledgment

- [json.lua]( a pure-lua JSON library for parsing `jsonc` files

## 💻 Supported Language Servers

- [x] [als](
- [x] [astro](
- [x] [awkls](
- [x] [bashls](
- [x] [clangd](
- [x] [cssls](
- [x] [dartls](
- [x] [denols](
- [x] [elixirls](
- [x] [elmls](
- [x] [eslint](
- [x] [flow](
- [x] [fsautocomplete](
- [x] [grammarly](
- [x] [haxe_language_server](
- [x] [hhvm](
- [x] [hie](
- [x] [html](
- [x] [intelephense](
- [x] [java_language_server](
- [x] [jdtls](
- [x] [jsonls](
- [x] [julials](
- [x] [kotlin_language_server](
- [x] [ltex](
- [x] [lua_ls](
- [x] [luau_lsp](
- [x] [omnisharp](
- [x] [perlls](
- [x] [perlnavigator](
- [x] [perlpls](
- [x] [powershell_es](
- [x] [psalm](
- [x] [puppet](
- [x] [purescriptls](
- [x] [pylsp](
- [x] [pyright](
- [x] [r_language_server](
- [x] [rescriptls](
- [x] [rls](
- [x] [rome](
- [x] [ruff_lsp](
- [x] [rust_analyzer](
- [x] [solargraph](
- [x] [solidity_ls](
- [x] [sorbet](
- [x] [sourcekit](
- [x] [spectral](
- [x] [stylelint_lsp](
- [x] [svelte](
- [x] [svlangserver](
- [x] [tailwindcss](
- [x] [terraformls](
- [x] [tsserver](
- [x] [volar](
- [x] [vtsls](
- [x] [vuels](
- [x] [wgls_analyzer](
- [x] [yamlls](
- [x] [zeta_note](
- [x] [zls](