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Library for making life easier with Weka option handling.

code-generation java options-parsing weka

Last synced: 1 day ago
JSON representation

Library for making life easier with Weka option handling.

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# weka-option-utils

Library for making life easier when dealing with Weka option handling.

There are two classes that help with Weka's option handling:
* `weka.core.WekaOptionUtils` -- simplifies the code in the `listOptions`,
`setOptions` and `getOptions` methods.
* `weka.core.GenerateOptionHandler` -- uses a JSON definition from a config file
to generate an abstract class that manages all the option handling and the user
only needs to subclass it and implement the actual functionality.

## WekaOptionUtils

Below is an example for a `` option called `model`, with the `-model`
command-line flag. The tip text from the GUI is also used in the `listOptions`
method which generates the help on the command-line.

public static final String MODEL = "model";

protected File m_Model = getDefaultModel();

public Enumeration listOptions() {
Vector result = new Vector();
WekaOptionUtils.addOption(result, modelTipText(), "" + getDefaultModel(), MODEL);
WekaOptionUtils.add(result, super.listOptions());
return WekaOptionUtils.toEnumeration(result);

public void setOptions(String[] options) throws Exception {
setModel(WekaOptionUtils.parse(options, MODEL, getDefaultModel()));

public String[] getOptions() {
List result = new ArrayList<>();
WekaOptionUtils.add(result, MODEL, getModel());
WekaOptionUtils.add(result, super.getOptions());
return WekaOptionUtils.toArray(result);

protected File getDefaultModel() {
return new File(".");

public void setModel(File value) {
m_Model = value;

public File getModel() {
return m_Model;

public String modelTipText() {
return "The model file to load and use.";

## GenerateOptionHandler

The `weka.core.GenerateOptionHandler` class allows you to process one or more
JSON config files to generate abstract classes implementing all the option

usage: weka.core.GenerateOptionHandler
[-h] --configuration JSON [JSON ...] --output-dir DIR
[--add-package-structure] [--generate-dirs] [--verbose]

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--configuration JSON [JSON ...]
The JSON file with the class/option
--output-dir DIR The output directory for the generated class,
above the top-level package.
If enabled, the package structure gets added to
the output filename.
--generate-dirs If enabled, any missing output directories get
--verbose If enabled, outputs verbose debugging output.

The JSON file structure is very simple:
* `name`: the name of the class, eg `MySVM`
* `package` (optional): the Java package for the class, eg `weka.classifiers.functions`
* `prefix` (optional): prefix to use for the class, eg `Abstract`
* `suffix` (optional): prefix to use for the class, eg `Base`
* `superclass`: the superclass for this class, eg `weka.classifiers.AbstractClassifier`
* `implement` (optional): array of other interfaces to implement, eg `weka.core.OptionHandler`
* `author`: the author to be used in the Javadoc
* `organization`: the organization that owns the copyright
* `options` (optional): array of options

An `option` itself has the following properties:
* `property`: the Java Bean property name (starts with lower case letter), eg `capacity`
* `type`: the string denoting the type (primitive or class), eg `double`
* `flag` (optional): the string to use as command-line option (all lower case, no leading `-`),
eg `capacity`; if left empty, will get automatically generated from the property name
(`multiClassStrategy` -> `multi-class-strategy`)
* `default`: the Java code snippet string with the default value, eg `1.0` or `new some.pkg.SomeClass()`
* `constraint` (optional): the Java code snippet representing a boolean evaluation to
guard accepting the value presented to the `set` method (the parameter name used by
the `set` method is always `value`), eg `value >= 0`
* `help`: the help string to display in the user interface and to list on the commandline

This [example configuration](src/main/resources/mysvm.json) generates this
[Java source file](src/main/resources/

In case you include this artifact in your Maven project, you can add a build
configuration that will regenerate your abstract classes using `mvn exec:java`:









## Releases

Click on one of the following links to get to the corresponding release page:

* [2022.5.23](
* [2019.8.25](
* [2016.6.9](

## Maven

Add the following dependency in your `pom.xml` to include the package:


