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Arch Linux System and User Configuration Files

arch-linux awesomewm awesomewm-configuration awesomewm-widgets dotfiles dotfiles-linux tmux-conf tmux-configs tmux-configuration xorg xorg-config

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Arch Linux System and User Configuration Files

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# Arch Linux Dot Files

Various configuration files for my user and system settings. Most files can be
copied to the appropriate directory. Note that the `etc` and `boot` directories
are relative to the root.

## Installation

Some additional tweaking is required for some settings. They are detailed in

### Systemd Boot

Modify the `fmask` and `dmask' values in `/etc/fstab\` for the `/boot` device to
address the:

> ...the random seed file is world accessible, which is a security hole!


### Mouse Cursor

Download the [Volantes] cursors, uncompress, and install.

tar zxf volantes-cursors.tar.gz
cd volantes_cursors
mkdir -p $HOME/.icons/default
cp -vr . $HOME/.icons/default
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme default
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-size 48

### Networking

ln -sf /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolve.conf /etc/resolv.conf
hostnamectl hostname purpledragon
systemctl enable systemd-networkd.service
systemctl start systemd-networkd.service
sytemctl enable systemd-resolved.service
sytemctl start systemd-resolved.service

### CUPS

pacman -S --needed cups cups-browsed avahi nss-mdns
cp -r etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d /etc/systemd
cp etc/nsswitch.conf /etc
systemctl restart systemd-resolved.service
systemctl enable avahi-daemon.service
systemctl start avahi-daemon.service
systemctl enable cups.service
systemctl start cups.service

### Automatic TRIM

systemctl enable fstrim.timer
systemctl start fstrim.timer

### Package Cache Clean

pacman -S --needed pacman-contrib
systemctl enable paccache.timer
systemctl start paccache.timer

### Sound

To be performed if Pipewire, Wireplumber and other audio subsystems are

systemctl --user enable --now pipewire pipewire.service
systemctl --user enable --now pipewire pipewire-pulse.service

### OpenRGB (AUR)

[openal] is needed for the OpenRGB Effects Plugin.

pacman -S --needed qt5-wayland openal
git clone $HOME/projects/git
cd $HOME/projects/git/openrgb
makepkg --clean --cleanbuild --install --needed --rmdeps --syncdeps

### Tmux

git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm

### Awesome WM

pacman -S --needed awesome xorg xorg-xinit xsel picom adriconf

### Zoom (AUR)

Install Zoom and dependencies:

pacman -S --needed pipewire-v4l2 qt5-wayland xdg-desktop-portal \
git clone $HOME/projects/git
cd $HOME/projects/git/zoom
makepkg --clean --cleanbuild --install --needed --rmdeps --syncdeps

After first launch `$HOME/.config/zoomus.conf` will exist. Edit the file and set
the following values:


Modify the `Exec=` line in `/usr/share/applications/Zoom.desktop`:

Exec=env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=GNOME QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland /usr/bin/zoom %U
