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Send a message to a Slack channel when an error occurs in your Laravel Application (Laravel 5.5)

error-reporting laravel laravel-5-package notification-service php php7 slack slack-api slack-notifications slack-webhook

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Send a message to a Slack channel when an error occurs in your Laravel Application (Laravel 5.5)

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![Slack Error Notifier](./slack-error-notifier.png "Slack Error Notifier")

# Slack Error Notifier (Alternative to *Bugsnag/Sentry*) (Laravel 5.5)
If you can't use *Bugsnag* or *Sentry* for monitoring your **production Laravel application**, here is a really simple solution to get notified when anything goes wrong.

This is a *plug-and-play* Laravel package to send a message to a Slack channel via an [Incoming WebHook]( when error/exception occurs in your application.

**Note**: Logging feature had major updates in Laravel 5.6. you may use [Laravel Log Enhancer]( package for it.

## Requirements

* PHP 7.0+
* Laravel 5.5

## Installation

1) Install the package by running this command in your terminal/cmd:
composer require freshbitsweb/slack-error-notifier

2) Import config file by running this command in your terminal/cmd:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=slack-error-notifier-config

3) Create an [Incoming WebHook]( in your Slack account and put *Webhook URL* in your .env file for **SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL** variable

4) Optinal: Change configuration settings:
* (bool) add_memory_usage => Set to *true* if you wish to send memory usage in the slack message

* (bool) add_request_headers => Set to *true* if you wish to send request headers in the slack message

* (bool) add_session_data => Set to *true* if you wish to send session data in the slack message

* (bool) add_input_data => Set to *true* if you wish to send input data in the slack message

* (array) ignore_request_fields => If input data is being sent, you can specify the inputs from the user that should not be sent to Slack for example, password,cc number, etc.

* (env) SLACK_LOG_LEVEL => Specify minimum error level (#1) to notify slack.

And it's done. Yeah, that simple. Here's a video demo for a quick look:

[![Youtube Video](./youtube-thumb.png "Youtube Video")](

#### Note
This package uses *Monolog* library and sends a notification message based on the [**log_level**]( configuration setting. So, if you set it to *alert*, only alert and emergency level errors will be considered.

## Authors

* [**Gaurav Makhecha**]( - *Initial work*

See also the list of [contributors]( who participated in this project.

## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details

## Special Thanks to

* Laravel Community