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FireBase for godot, new version

alpha analytics firebase firebase-cloud-messaging firebase-notification firebase-remote-config godot godotengine

Last synced: 7 days ago
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FireBase for godot, new version

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# GodotFireBase

GodotFireBase is a Firebase integration module for Godot Android.

### Project has been moved to newer repo [GDFirebase](


# Depends on

> Godot game engine: `git clone`

> GodotSQL: `git clone`

# Available Features

> AdMob

> Analytics

> Authentication [W.I.P] Google, Facebook, Twitter

> Firebase Notification

> RemoteConfig

> Storage

> Firestore (W.I.P)

# Ready your project
* open `/platform/android/java/` and add the following line

# Build/Compile module

* Copy your `google-services.json` file to `[GODOT-ROOT]/platform/android/java/`
* Edit file modules/FireBase/ at line 11

p_app_id = "com.your.appid" # L:11

* Replace `com.your.appid` with you android application id.

* To build Admob you need to set your AdMob Application ID in the `AndroidManifestChunk.xml` file. To do this, edit the file `android_src/AndroidManifestChunk.xml`. Navigate to the end of the file. Replace the **value** for APPLICATION_ID with your real application ID.

*For customizing the module go [here](*


**Should I rename the android_src folder after customization?**

> No, After customization the folder used by the module will be `android`, And `android_src` folder will be a backup for future customization.

# Initialize FireBase

Edit engine.cfg and add


RemoteConfigs default parameters `.xml` file is at `[GODOT-ROOT]/modules/FireBase/res/xml/remote_config_defaults.xml`

# GDScript - getting module singleton and initializing;

### On 2.X

var firebase = Globals.get_singleton("FireBase");

### On 3.X (latest from git)

var firebase = Engine.get_singleton("FireBase");

For Analytics only `firebase.init("", get_instance_ID())` or to user RemoteConfig or Notifications (subscribing to topic)

# GodotFireBase: copy `godot-firebase-config.json` to your projects root directord.
GodotFireBase config file, By default every feature is disabled.

"AdMob" : true,
"Authentication" : true,
"RemoteConfig" : true,
"Notification" : true,
"Storage" : true,
"Firestore" : true,

"AuthConf" :
"Google" : true,
"Twitter" : true,
"Facebook" : true,
"FacebookAppId" : "1234566789875"

"Ads" :
"BannerAd" : true,
"BannerGravity" : "BOTTOM",
"BannerAdId" : "",

"InterstitialAd" : true,
"InterstitialAdId" : "",

"RewardedVideoAd" : true,
"RewardedVideoAdId" : "",

"TestAds" : false

And initialize firebase with file path, `RewardedVideoAdId` is a string array i.e `"string1,string2"`

func _ready():
if OS.get_name() == "Android":
firebase.initWithFile("res://godot-firebase-config.json", get_instance_ID())

func _receive_message(tag, from, key, data):
if tag == "FrogSquare":
print("From: ", from, " Key: ", key, " Data: ", data)

# Using FireBase Analytics

firebase.send_events("EventName", Dictionary)
firebase.send_custom("TestKey", "SomeValue")

firebase.sendAchievement("someAchievementId") # unlock achievement
firebase.join_group("clan_name") # join clan/group
firebase.level_up("character_name", level) # send character level
firebase.post_score("charcter name", level, score) # post your score
firebase.earn_currency("currency", amount); # when play earn some virtual currency gold/Diamond/any
firebase.spend_currency("item_id", "currency", amount) # when user spend virtual currency

firebase.tutorial_begin() # tutorial begin
firebase.tutorial_complete() # tutorial end


# AlertDialog aditional

firebase.alert("Message goes here..!") # Show a simple AlertDialog
firebase.set_debug(true) # Enable/Disable `GodotFireBase` debug messages

# Authentication

For Facebook edit `res/values/ids.xml` and replace facebook_app_id with your Facebook App Id

firebase.authConfig("'Google':true,'Facebook':true") # Configure Auth service


firebase.google_sign_in() # Firebase connect to google.
firebase.facebook_sign_in() # Firebase connect to facebook.
firebase.twitter_sign_in() # Firebase connect to twitter.
firebase.anonymous_sign_in() # Firebase connect anonymously.

firebase.google_sign_out() # Firebase disconnect from google.
firebase.facebook_sign_out() # Firebase disconnect from facebook.
firebase.twitter_sign_out() # Firebase disconnect from twitter.
firebase.anonymous_sign_out() # Firebase disconnect anonymously.

var gUserDetails = firebase.get_google_user() # returns name, email_id, photo_uri
var fbUserDetails = firebase.get_facebook_user() # returns name, email_id, photo_uri


firebase.is_google_connected() # bool check for google authentication (google)
firebase.is_facebook_connected() # bool check for facebook authentication (facebook)
firebase.is_anonymous_connected() # bool check for facebook authentication (anonymous)

More for facebook permissions

firebase.facebook_has_permission("publish_actions") # Check for availabe permission

firebase.revoke_facebook_permission("publish_actions") # revoke permission

firebase.ask_facebook_publish_permission("publish_actions"); # asking write permission

firebase.ask_facebook_read_permission("email"); # asking read only permission

firbase.get_facebook_permissions() # getting available permissions

Recive message from java

func _receive_message(tag, from, key, data):
if tag == "FrogSquare":
if from == "Auth":
if key == "GoogleLogin" && data == "true": print("User Signed in.")
if key == "FacebookLogin" && data == "true": print("User Signed in.")

# Firebase Notification API

firebase.subscribeToTopic("topic") # Subscribe to particular topic.
firebase.getToken() # Get current client TokenID

If recived notifiction has a payload, it will be saved inside SQL Database under key: "firebase_notification_data"

firebase.notifyInMins("message", 60) # Shedule notification in 60 min
firebase.notifyInSecs("message", 3200) # Shedule notification in 3200 seconds

var dict = {}
dict["title"] = "Notification title"
dict["message"] = "This is a text message"
dict["image_uri"] = "res://big_image_in_notification_body.png"
dict["type"] = "text"

firebase.notifyOnComplete(dict, 3200) # Shedule notification in 3200 seconds

# RemoteConfig API

firebase.getRemoteValue("remote_key") # Return String value

# Settings RemoteConfig default values

var defs = Dictionary()
defs["some_remoteconfig_key1"] = "remote_config_value1"
defs["some_remoteconfig_key2"] = "remote_config_value2"


OR load from json file


# Firebase Storage

# Upload Files from sdcard
firebase.upload("images/file", "destFolder") # uploads file from sdcard to firebase

# Download Files from Firebase"file", "images") # Saves file from firebase to sdcard

# Firebase AdMob

firebase.is_banner_loaded() # Returns `true` if banner is loaded
firebase.is_interstitial_loaded() # Returns `true` if interstitial is loaded

firebase.show_banner_ad(true) # Show Banner Ad
firebase.show_banner_ad(false) # Hide Banner Ad
firebase.set_banner_unitid("unit_id") # Change current Ad unit ID

firebase.show_interstitial_ad() # Show Interstitial Ad
firebase.show_rewarded_video() # Show Rewarded Video Ad
firebase.show_rvideo("unit_id") # Show Rewarded Video Ad

firebase.request_rewarded_video_status() # Request the rewarded video status

AdMob Recive message from java

func _receive_message(tag, from, key, data):
if tag == "FrogSquare" and from == "AdMob":
if key == "AdMobReward":
# when rewared video play complete
print("json data with [RewardType & RewardAmount]: ", data);

elif key == "AdMob_Video":
# when rewarded video loaded
# data will be `loaded` or `load_failed and `loaded` or `not_loaded` with `firebase.request_rewarded_video_status()`
print("AdMob rewarded video status is ", data);

elif key == "AdMob_Banner":
# when banner loaded
# data will be `loaded` or `load_failed`
print("Banner Status: ", data);

elif key == "AdMob_Interstitial" and data == "loaded":
# when Interstitial loaded
# data will be `loaded` or `load_failed`
print("Interstitial Status: ", data);

# Firebase Firestore

firebase.add_document("collection_name", dict) # Auto created new Document under collection_name
firebase.set_document("collection_name", "document_name", data) # Set document data, Data's are merged by default
firebase.load_document("collection_name") # load or retrive from the server,

# Note: documents will be sent to the `_receive_message` function as json

# Sharing
# Simple text based sharing. Include links if needed. 'Subject' can be null or empty.
firebase.share("Message", "Subject")

# Note

While exporting, don't forget to add `*.json` under Resources tab,
![alt text](

# Log Event

adb -d logcat godot:V FrogSquare:V DEBUG:V AndroidRuntime:V ValidateServiceOp:V *:S