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Leetcode solutions, contests and some other algorithm-related stuff

algorithm contest-solution golang leetcode leetcode-python leetcode-solutions python

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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Leetcode solutions, contests and some other algorithm-related stuff

Awesome Lists containing this project



# Grind tracking

This is the repo where I store every solved problem I encountered during my CS learning process.
It has hundreds of solved leetcode tasks as well as tasks from some online competitions. You'll find the list below. Also there are some implemented algorithms from CLRS.

## AdventOfCode
Task | Solution
[2021 Day 1]( | [Part 1 Python](/adventofcode/2021/ [Part 2 Python](/adventofcode/2021/
[2022 Day 1]( | [Part 1 Golang](/adventofcode/2022/day01_1.go) [Part 2 Golang](/adventofcode/2022/day01_2.go)
[2022 Day 2]( | [Part 1 Golang](/adventofcode/2022/day02_1.go) [Part 2 Golang](/adventofcode/2022/day02_2.go)
[2022 Day 4]( | [Python](/adventofcode/2022/
[2022 Day 5]( | [Python](/adventofcode/2022/
[2022 Day 6]( | [Golang](/adventofcode/2022/day06.go)
[2022 Day 7]( | [Golang](/adventofcode/2022/day07.go)
[2022 Day 8]( | [Golang](/adventofcode/2022/day08.go)

## BinarySearch
Task | Solution
[Nearest Bus Stop From a House]( | [Python](/
[Non-Adjacent Combination Sum]( | [Python](/
[Sublist with Largest Min-Length Product]( | [Python](/
[Smallest Number With No Adjacent Duplicates]( | [Python](/

## Google Codejam
Task | Solution
[Qualification Round 2020: Vestigium]( | [Python](/codejam/2020-04-04/Vestigium/)
[Qualification Round 2020: Nesting Depth]( | [Python](/codejam/2020-04-04/Nesting_Depth/)
[Qualification Round 2020: Parenting Partnering Returns]( | [Python](/codejam/2020-04-04/Parenting_Partnering_Returns/)
[Qualification Round 2020: ESAb ATAd]( | [Python](/codejam/2020-04-04/ESAb_ATAd/)
[Qualification Round 2020: Indicium]( | [Python](/codejam/2020-04-04/Indicium/)
[Round 1B: 2020: Expogo]( | [Python](/codejam/2020-04-19/Expogo/)
[Qualification Round 2020: Punched Cards]( | [Python](/codejam/2022-04-02/Punched_Cards)

## Facebook Hacker Cup
Task | Solution
[Qualification Round 2020: Travel Restrictions]( | [Python](/hacker-cup/2020/qualification_round/A/)
[Qualification Round 2020: Alchemy]( | [Python](/hacker-cup/2020/qualification_round/B/)
[Qualification Round 2020: Timber]( | [Python](/hacker-cup/2020/qualification_round/C/)
[Qualification Round 2020: Running on Fumes - Chapter 1]( | [Python](/hacker-cup/2020/qualification_round/D1/)
[Qualification Round 2020: Running on Fumes - Chapter 2]( | [Python](/hacker-cup/2020/qualification_round/D2/)

* [Binary search](/cormen-introduction/
* [Binary tree](/cormen-introduction/
* [Deque](/cormen-introduction/
* [Heap](/cormen-introduction/
* [KMP algorithm](/cormen-introduction/
* [Linear search](/cormen-introduction/
* [Linked List](/cormen-introduction/
* [Merge Sort](/cormen-introduction/
* [Object array representation](/cormen-introduction/
* [Helper to print binary tree](/cormen-introduction/
* [Queue](/cormen-introduction/
* [Two stacks queue](/cormen-introduction/
* [Really simple sort](/cormen-introduction/
* [Selection sort](/cormen-introduction/
* [Stack](/cormen-introduction/
* [Two queues stack](/cormen-introduction/
* [Tree](/cormen-introduction/
* [22.1-3](/cormen-introduction/
* [32.3-1](/cormen-introduction/

## Pramp
* [Array index and element equality](/pramp/
* [Array of array products](/pramp/
* [Busiest time in the mall](/pramp/
* [Largest smaller BST key](/pramp/

## Hackerrank
Task | Solution
[2D Array - DS]( | [Python](/hackerrank/
[Climbing the Leaderboard]( | [Python](/hackerrank/
[Counting Valleys]( | [Python](/hackerrank/
[Arrays: Left Rotation]( | [Python](/hackerrank/
[Sorting: Bubble Sort]( | [Python](/hackerrank/
Merge Sort | [Python](/hackerrank/
[Jumping on the Clouds]( | [Python](/hackerrank/
[Forming a Magic Square]( | [Python](/hackerrank/
[Repeated String]( | [Python](/hackerrank/
[Sales by Match]( | [Python](/hackerrank/

## C++ (Yandex course on coursera)
* [Week 1](/c-plus-plus-white/week1/)
* [Week 2](/c-plus-plus-white/week2/)

## Desing patterns
* [Decorator](/design_patterns/
* [Observer](/design_patterns/

## Yandex mentor qualification competition
[Отборочное задание для наставников курса "Алгоритмы для разработчиков"](

Task | Solution
[A. Палиндромная конкатенация]( | [Python](/yandex/qualification-for-mentors/ [Golang](/yandex/qualification-for-mentors/palindrome-concatenation.go)
[B. Расстановка скобок]( | [Python](/yandex/qualification-for-mentors/ [Golang](/yandex/qualification-for-mentors/matrix-multiplication.go)
[C. Путь по компонентам]( | [Python](/yandex/qualification-for-mentors/ [Golang](/yandex/qualification-for-mentors/component-path.go)

## Codeforces

Task | Solution
[103715: A]( | [Python](/codeforces/103715/
[103715: B]( | [Python](/codeforces/103715/
[103715: C]( | [Python](/codeforces/103715/
[103715: D]( | [Python](/codeforces/103715/

## Presentations (drafts)
* [Quicksort](/presentations/faang_learning_group/quicksort/)

## Leetcode
Task | Solution
[Reorganize String]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/reorganize-string.go)
[Sequence Reconstruction]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Reduce Array Size to The Half]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Repeating Substring]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Distribute Repeating Integers]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Pairs of Songs With Total Durations Divisible by 60]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[4Sum II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Partition Array for Maximum Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[K-th Symbol in Grammar]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Detect Capital]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[3Sum With Multiplicity]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Construct K Palindrome Strings]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Mean of Array After Removing Some Elements]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Verifying an Alien Dictionary]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Add Bold Tag in String]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Counting Bits]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Rabbits in Forest]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/rabbits-in-forest.go)
[Reordered Power of 2]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Vowel Spellchecker]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Count and Say]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Occurrences After Bigram]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Evaluate Division]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Element Appearing More Than 25% In Sorted Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Number of Recent Calls]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Largest Divisible Subset]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Number of Sets of K Non-Overlapping Line Segments]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Candy]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Contiguous Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Remove Linked List Elements]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Search in Rotated Sorted Array II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/search-in-rotated-sorted-array-ii.go)
[Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[The Most Similar Path in a Graph]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Stone Game]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Cheapest Flights Within K Stops]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Product of Splitted Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Remove Nth Node From End of List]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Arithmetic Subsequence]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Palindromic Subsequence]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Tiling a Rectangle with the Fewest Squares]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Cost Tree From Leaf Values]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/number-of-connected-components-in-an-undirected-graph.go)
[Sliding Window Maximum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Dota2 Senate]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Count of Range Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Letter Tile Possibilities]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Reconstruct Itinerary]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Sequential Digits]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Nested List Weight Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find a Corresponding Node of a Binary Tree in a Clone of That Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Online Stock Span]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/online-stock-span.go)
[Minimum Depth of Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Strong Password Checker]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Number Complement]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/number-complement.go)
[Palindrome Partitioning II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Contains Duplicate III]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[3Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximize Distance to Closest Person]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Binary Search Tree Iterator]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Reverse Words in a String]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Value to Get Positive Step by Step Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Circle and Rectangle Overlapping]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Synonymous Sentences]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[4 Keys Keyboard]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[The Maze II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Check If a String Contains All Binary Codes of Size K]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Best Sightseeing Pair]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[First Bad Version]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Reveal Cards In Increasing Order]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Moving Average from Data Stream]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[String to Integer (atoi)]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Backspace String Compare]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Invert Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/invert-binary-tree.go)
[To Lower Case]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Number of Distinct Islands II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Divide Two Integers]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Subarray Product Less Than K]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[N-Queens]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/n-queens.go)
[Asteroid Collision]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Keys and Rooms]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/keys-and-rooms.go)
[Advantage Shuffle]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Average Waiting Time]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Pacific Atlantic Water Flow]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Get Maximum in Generated Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Gap]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Valid Parentheses]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[All Paths From Source to Target]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/all-paths-from-source-to-target.go)
[Coordinate With Maximum Network Quality]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Diagonal Traverse]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Binary Search]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Determine if Two Strings Are Close]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/determine-if-two-strings-are-close.go)
[3Sum Closest]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Next Greater Node In Linked List]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Sqrt(x)]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[4Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Reach a Number]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Swapping Nodes in a Linked List]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Sum BST in Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Valid Boomerang]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Sum of Distances in Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Check Completeness of a Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Combinations]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Array Nesting]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Combination Sum III]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Palindrome]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Linked List Cycle II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[String Transforms Into Another String]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Single Number]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Generate Parentheses]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/generate-parentheses.go)
[Distribute Candies]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Word Pattern]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Design Search Autocomplete System]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Median of Two Sorted Arrays]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Paint House II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find And Replace in String]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Summary Ranges]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Implement strStr()]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Tallest Billboard]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Length of Longest Fibonacci Subsequence]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Valid Palindrome II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Beautiful Arrangement]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Flood Fill]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Binary String After Change]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Sum Root to Leaf Numbers]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Create Sorted Array through Instructions]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Odd Even Jump]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Largest Number]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Reverse String II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Peak Index in a Mountain Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Height Trees]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Sort Integers by The Power Value]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Numbers At Most N Given Digit Set]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Filling Bookcase Shelves]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Domino Rotations For Equal Row]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum ASCII Delete Sum for Two Strings]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Consecutive Numbers Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Sudoku Solver]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Moving Stones Until Consecutive II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Duplicate Substring]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Product of Array Except Self]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Falling Path Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Valid Palindrome]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Happy String]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[One Edit Distance]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Window Substring]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest ZigZag Path in a Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Arithmetic Subsequence of Given Difference]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Squirrel Simulation]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Random Point in Non-overlapping Rectangles]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Compare Version Numbers]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Harmonious Subsequence]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[N-Queens II]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/n-queens-ii.go)
[Search a 2D Matrix]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Roman to Integer]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Reverse Words in a String II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Closest Binary Search Tree Value]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Common Subsequence]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Can Convert String in K Moves]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Path With Maximum Minimum Value]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Difficulty of a Job Schedule]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Concatenation of Consecutive Binary Numbers]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Cost For Tickets]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Fancy Sequence]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Robot Room Cleaner]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Guess Number Higher or Lower]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Count of Smaller Numbers After Self]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Increasing Subsequence]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Shortest Word Distance]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Toeplitz Matrix]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Rotate List]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Swap Nodes in Pairs]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Smallest Common Region]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Cost to Hire K Workers]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Unique Morse Code Words]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find Median from Data Stream]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Copy List with Random Pointer]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Generate Random Point in a Circle]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Average Subarray II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Count Number of Teams]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/count-number-of-teams.go)
[Broken Calculator]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Koko Eating Bananas]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Word Subsets]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Critical Connections in a Network]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Add Two Numbers II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Pascal's Triangle II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Walking Robot Simulation]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[First Unique Number]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Ransom Note]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/ransom-note.go)
[Maximum Number of Balloons]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Encode Number]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[K-Concatenation Maximum Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Leftmost Column with at Least a One]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Insert Interval]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Queue Reconstruction by Height]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/queue-reconstruction-by-height.go)
[Find in Mountain Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Rotate Image]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Stone Game II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Missing Number]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Add Two Numbers]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Buddy Strings]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minesweeper]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Redundant Connection II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Flatten Nested List Iterator]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Squares of a Sorted Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Leaf-Similar Trees]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/leaf-similar-trees.go)
[Plus One]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/plus-one.go)
[Distinct Subsequences]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Parallel Courses II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Set Matrix Zeroes]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Majority Element]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/majority-element.go)
[Unique Paths]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find All Anagrams in a String]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/find-all-anagrams-in-a-string.go)
[H-Index II]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/h-index-ii.go)
[Number of Islands]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Fibonacci Number]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Design Underground System]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Validate IP Address]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Possible Bipartition]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/possible-bipartition.go)
[Insertion Sort List]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/insertion-sort-list.go)
[Minimum Path Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Camelcase Matching]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Sort List]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Range Sum of BST]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Split Array Largest Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Insert into a Binary Search Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Boats to Save People]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Circular Array Loop]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find Right Interval]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Single Number III]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Word Squares]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Intersection of Two Linked Lists]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Balanced Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Time Needed to Inform All Employees]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Print Immutable Linked List in Reverse]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/print-immutable-linked-list-in-reverse.go)
[Maximum Length of Pair Chain]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Remove Element]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Two Sum III - Data structure design]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Swaps to Group All 1's Together]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Single Number II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Stream of Characters]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Points You Can Obtain from Cards]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Difference Between Node and Ancestor]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Decode Ways II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Binary Tree Coloring Game]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Pow(x, n)]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/powx-n.go)
[Kth Missing Positive Number]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Level Sum of a Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Count Complete Tree Nodes]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Rotting Oranges]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Simplify Path]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Search in a Binary Search Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Reverse Nodes in k-Group]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Turbulent Subarray]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Thousand Separator]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Remove Outermost Parentheses]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[House Robber III]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Remove Duplicates from Sorted List]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Repeated Substring Pattern]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find Elements in a Contaminated Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Substring with Concatenation of All Words]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Trim a Binary Search Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Count Servers that Communicate]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Running Sum of 1d Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Pascal's Triangle]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Kth Largest Element in an Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Interleaving String]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[The K Weakest Rows in a Matrix]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find Nearest Right Node in Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Min Stack]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Partition Equal Subset Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Binary Search Tree to Greater Sum Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Make Array Strictly Increasing]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find Peak Element]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Campus Bikes]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Check If All 1's Are at Least Length K Places Away]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Palindrome Pairs]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Shortest Way to Form String]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Surrounded Regions]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Recover Binary Search Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Count Numbers with Unique Digits]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Peeking Iterator]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Two Sum Less Than K]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Distance in Arrays]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Sort Characters By Frequency]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Integer to English Words]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Design Circular Queue]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find Duplicate Subtrees]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find K Closest Elements]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Combination Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Student Attendance Record I]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Burst Balloons]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Accounts Merge]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Shortest Distance from All Buildings]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[The Maze]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find Mode in Binary Search Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Path Sum IV]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/path-sum-iv.go)
[Longest Absolute File Path]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Isomorphic Strings]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Remove Duplicate Letters]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Scramble String]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Network Delay Time]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Valid Palindrome III]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimize Deviation in Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Power of Two]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/power-of-two.go)
[Meeting Rooms]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Can Place Flowers]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Mirror Reflection]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Triangle]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Detect Cycles in 2D Grid]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Brace Expansion]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[All Paths from Source Lead to Destination]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find Root of N-Ary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Similar String Groups]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Merge k Sorted Lists]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Mountain in Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Palindrome Number]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Score of Parentheses]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Student Attendance Record II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Binary Tree Pruning]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/binary-tree-pruning.go)
[Find Leaves of Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Construct Binary Tree from String]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Largest Sum of Averages]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Largest Plus Sign]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Number of Good Ways to Split a String]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Robot Bounded In Circle]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Predict the Winner]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Design Phone Directory]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Trapping Rain Water]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Serialize and Deserialize BST]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Subarray Sum Equals K]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Palindromic Substring]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/longest-palindromic-substring.go)
[Frog Jump]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Subsets]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/subsets.go)
[Daily Temperatures]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Defuse the Bomb]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Combination Sum IV]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Divisor Game]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Range Sum Query 2D - Mutable]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Remove K Digits]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/remove-k-digits.go)
[Increasing Triplet Subsequence]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Exam Room]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Smallest Sufficient Team]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Paint Fence]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Single Element in a Sorted Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Word Ladder II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Flower Planting With No Adjacent]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Length of Last Word]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Linked List Random Node]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Coin Change]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Read N Characters Given Read4]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Non-decreasing Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Champagne Tower]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Jewels and Stones]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find and Replace Pattern]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/find-and-replace-pattern.go)
[Sliding Window Median]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Course Schedule II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Product of Three Numbers]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Permutation in String]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Convert BST to Greater Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Power of Four]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/power-of-four.go)
[Valid Mountain Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Smallest Range II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Uncrossed Lines]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Path With Minimum Effort]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Prison Cells After N Days]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Set Mismatch]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Permutation Sequence]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Top K Frequent Words]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Score Triangulation of Polygon]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Reverse Linked List]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Jump Game IV]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Subarray Sums Divisible by K]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[House Robber II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find Two Non-overlapping Sub-arrays Each With Target Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Valid Parentheses]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Complement of Base 10 Integer]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Count Square Submatrices with All Ones]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/count-square-submatrices-with-all-ones.go)
[Spiral Matrix]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Reverse String]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Grumpy Bookstore Owner]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Clumsy Factorial]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[License Key Formatting]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Inorder Successor in BST II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Number of Removals to Make Mountain Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Is Subsequence]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/is-subsequence.go)
[Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Short Encoding of Words]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find Longest Awesome Substring]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[132 Pattern]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Decode String]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[N-Repeated Element in Size 2N Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Dot Product of Two Sparse Vectors]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Palindrome Partitioning]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Battleships in a Board]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/battleships-in-a-board.go)
[First Missing Positive]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Island Perimeter]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Hamming Distance]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Encode and Decode TinyURL]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Score After Flipping Matrix]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/score-after-flipping-matrix.go)
[Sort Array by Increasing Frequency]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Depth of Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Count Sorted Vowel Strings]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Word Ladder]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Flipping an Image]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Paint House]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/paint-house.go)
[Gas Station]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Design Browser History]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Print Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Unique Binary Search Trees]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/unique-binary-search-trees.go)
[Remove Covered Intervals]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Sentence Screen Fitting]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Window Subsequence]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Palindromic Substrings]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Remove Interval]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Pseudo-Palindromic Paths in a Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Word Search II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Knight Probability in Chessboard]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Fizz Buzz]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Graph Valid Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Average Subtree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Range Sum Query - Immutable]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Integer to Roman]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Binary Prefix Divisible By 5]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Inorder Successor in BST]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Couples Holding Hands]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Consecutive Characters]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Adjacent Swaps for K Consecutive Ones]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Repeating Substring]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Unique Paths II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Best Meeting Point]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Angle Between Hands of a Clock]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Binary Tree Level Order Traversal]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Poor Pigs]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Split Linked List in Parts]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Distribute Coins in Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Delete Node in a BST]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Ones and Zeroes]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Add Digits]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Design Hit Counter]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Path Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Previous Permutation With One Swap]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Design Front Middle Back Queue]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Balance a Binary Search Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Search a 2D Matrix II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Combination Sum II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Text Justification]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Encode and Decode Strings]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Add Binary]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find the Town Judge]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/find-the-town-judge.go)
[Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Unique Binary Search Trees II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Cousins in Binary Tree]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/cousins-in-binary-tree.go)
[Sort Array By Parity II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[House Robber]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[01 Matrix]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Video Stitching]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Matrix Block Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[24 Game]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Bag of Tokens]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Majority Element II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Increasing Order Search Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Numbers of Function Calls to Make Target Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Count Submatrices With All Ones]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Ambiguous Coordinates]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[First Unique Character in a String]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/first-unique-character-in-a-string.go)
[Strobogrammatic Number]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Slowest Key]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Bitwise ORs of Subarrays]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/evaluate-reverse-polish-notation.go)
[Maximum Subarray]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Repeated DNA Sequences]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Two City Scheduling]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Permutations II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Integer Break]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Merge Two Sorted Lists]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Reverse Linked List II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Frequency Stack]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Sort Array By Parity]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Dice Roll Simulation]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Palindrome Permutation]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Check If It Is a Straight Line]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/check-if-it-is-a-straight-line.go)
[LFU Cache]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Max Consecutive Ones III]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[LRU Cache]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Image Overlap]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Group the People Given the Group Size They Belong To]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/group-the-people-given-the-group-size-they-belong-to.go)
[Design In-Memory File System]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Knight Dialer]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Number Of Corner Rectangles]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Walls and Gates]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Range Addition]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Height Checker]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Guess the Word]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Jump Game II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Design Parking System]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximal Square]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Pancake Sorting]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Valid Anagram]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Valid Triangle Number]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Range Sum Query - Mutable]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Last Stone Weight II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Min Cost to Connect All Points]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Partition Array Into Three Parts With Equal Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Delete Node in a Linked List]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/delete-node-in-a-linked-list.go)
[Subdomain Visit Count]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Permutations]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Numbers With Same Consecutive Differences]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Partition Labels]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/partition-labels.go)
[Binary Tree Preorder Traversal]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Task Scheduler]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Encode N-ary Tree to Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Sum Circular Subarray]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/maximum-sum-circular-subarray.go)
[Is Graph Bipartite?]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Jump Game]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/jump-game.go)
[Excel Sheet Column Number]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Regions Cut By Slashes]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Can I Win]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Alien Dictionary]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Number of Islands II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Meeting Rooms II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Iterator for Combination]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Difference Between Largest and Smallest Value in Three Moves]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Merge Sorted Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Bulls and Cows]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Continuous Subarray Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Binary Tree Right Side View]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Min Cost Climbing Stairs]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[ZigZag Conversion]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Reformat Date]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find K-Length Substrings With No Repeated Characters]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Number of 1 Bits]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Wiggle Sort]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Gray Code]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Wiggle Subsequence]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Count Substrings That Differ by One Character]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Campus Bikes II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Performance of a Team]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Reorder List]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimize Max Distance to Gas Station]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximal Rectangle]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[2 Keys Keyboard]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Remove Palindromic Subsequences]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Arithmetic Slices]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Sort Items by Groups Respecting Dependencies]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Range Sum of Sorted Subarray Sums]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Bitwise AND of Numbers Range]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Linked List Cycle]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Increasing Decreasing String]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Check If a String Is a Valid Sequence from Root to Leaves Path in a Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Shortest Word Distance II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Check Array Formation Through Concatenation]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Valid Perfect Square]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Toss Strange Coins]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Common Prefix]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Number of Vowels in a Substring of Given Length]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Interval List Intersections]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Goat Latin]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Flip Equivalent Binary Trees]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Smallest Integer Divisible by K]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find All Duplicates in an Array]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/find-all-duplicates-in-an-array.go)
[Find Critical and Pseudo-Critical Edges in Minimum Spanning Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Number of Enclaves]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Middle of the Linked List]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/middle-of-the-linked-list.go)
[Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Happy Prefix]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find the Most Competitive Subsequence]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Word Break]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Car Fleet]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Arranging Coins]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Teemo Attacking]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Ugly Number II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Number of Sub-arrays With Odd Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Validate Binary Search Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Random Pick with Weight]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Missing Ranges]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Last Stone Weight]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Next Permutation]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Length of a Concatenated String with Unique Characters]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Binary String With Substrings Representing 1 To N]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Cost to Move Chips to The Same Position]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Basic Calculator]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Multiply Strings]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Wildcard Matching]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Jumps to Reach Home]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Max Points on a Line]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Target Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/target-sum.go)
[Minimum Number of Increments on Subarrays to Form a Target Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Sum of Left Leaves]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Binary Tree Tilt]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Distribute Candies to People]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Perform String Shifts]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Largest Time for Given Digits]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Max Number of K-Sum Pairs]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find Common Characters]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Decoded String at Index]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Number of Vertices to Reach All Nodes]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[All Elements in Two Binary Search Trees]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Swap For Longest Repeated Character Substring]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Diameter of Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Linked List in Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Delete Tree Nodes]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Search Insert Position]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/search-insert-position.go)
[Binary Tree Inorder Traversal]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Insert into a Sorted Circular Linked List]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[The Skyline Problem]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find Smallest Common Element in All Rows]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Total Hamming Distance]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Plus One Linked List]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [C++](/l33tcode/plus-one-linked-list.cpp)
[Valid Sudoku]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find the Celebrity]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Delete Columns to Make Sorted]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Single-Row Keyboard]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/single-row-keyboard.go)
[Minimum Falling Path Sum II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Search in a Sorted Array of Unknown Size]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Next Greater Element III]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Game of Life]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Operations to Reduce X to Zero]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Valid Square]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Two Sum II - Input array is sorted]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Word Search]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/word-search.go)
[Convert Binary Number in a Linked List to Integer]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Valid Parenthesis String]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Insufficient Nodes in Root to Leaf Paths]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Letter Combinations of a Phone Number]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Clone Graph]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Max Increase to Keep City Skyline]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Number of Squareful Arrays]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Implement Rand10() Using Rand7()]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Cherry Pickup II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Course Schedule]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find the Smallest Divisor Given a Threshold]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Deepest Leaves Sum]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/deepest-leaves-sum.go)
[Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximize Sum Of Array After K Negations]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Two Sum IV - Input is a BST]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Count Odd Numbers in an Interval Range]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[The kth Factor of n]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Spiral Matrix II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Zigzag Iterator]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Reverse Bits]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Shortest Palindrome]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Non-overlapping Intervals]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Design an Expression Tree With Evaluate Function]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Swaps To Make Sequences Increasing]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/minimum-swaps-to-make-sequences-increasing.go)
[Open the Lock]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Binary Tree Postorder Traversal]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Output Contest Matches]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/output-contest-matches.go)
[Coin Change 2]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/coin-change-2.go)
[Coin Change II]( | [Python](l33tcode/
[Happy Number]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Symmetric Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Alert Using Same Key-Card Three or More Times in a One Hour Period]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Design HashSet]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Number of Students Unable to Eat Lunch]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Sort the Matrix Diagonally]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Dungeon Game]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Greatest Sum Divisible by Three]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Airplane Seat Assignment Probability]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Widest Vertical Area Between Two Points Containing No Points]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Arithmetic Slices II - Subsequence]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Add One Row to Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Decode Ways]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find the Duplicate Number]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/find-the-duplicate-number.go)
[Container With Most Water]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Largest Rectangle in Histogram]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find the Longest Substring Containing Vowels in Even Counts]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Design Add and Search Words Data Structure]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Deletions to Make String Balanced]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Android Unlock Patterns]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Domino and Tromino Tiling]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Push Dominoes]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Insertions to Balance a Parentheses String]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Basic Calculator II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Meeting Scheduler]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Kth Smallest Element in a BST]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Same Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/same-tree.go)
[Number of Ways to Form a Target String Given a Dictionary]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Profit in Job Scheduling]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Subarray of 1's After Deleting One Element]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Partition List]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Last Substring in Lexicographical Order]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Regular Expression Matching]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Path Sum III]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Climbing Stairs]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Fruit Into Baskets]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Width of Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/maximum-width-of-binary-tree.go)
[Find the Difference]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Pizza With 3n Slices]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Top K Frequent Elements]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Number of Distinct Islands]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Stone Game IV]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Heaters]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[K Closest Points to Origin]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Perfect Squares]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Line of Consecutive One in Matrix]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Count Largest Group]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Shopping Offers]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Jump Game III]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Average of Levels in Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Product Subarray]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest String Chain]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Reaching Points]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[H-Index]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[K-diff Pairs in an Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find Permutation]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Group Anagrams]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Word Break II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Two Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Number of Students Doing Homework at a Given Time]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Shortest Distance to a Character]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Merge Intervals]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Car Pooling]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Letter Case Permutation]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find the Minimum Number of Fibonacci Numbers Whose Sum Is K]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Move Zeroes]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Unique Email Addresses]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Sort Colors]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Logger Rate Limiter]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Sum of Nodes with Even-Valued Grandparent]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/sum-of-nodes-with-even-valued-grandparent.go)
[Hexspeak]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Odd Even Linked List]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/odd-even-linked-list.go)
[Smallest Subtree with all the Deepest Nodes]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Shortest Path in Binary Matrix]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Rotate Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Consecutive Sequence]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/capacity-to-ship-packages-within-d-days.go)
[Number of Dice Rolls With Target Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Unique Paths III]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Monotonic Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Edit Distance]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Search in Rotated Sorted Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Golang](/l33tcode/search-in-rotated-sorted-array.go)
[Delete Nodes And Return Forest]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Kill Process]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[N-th Tribonacci Number]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Shortest Path in a Grid with Obstacles Elimination]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Making A Large Island]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Check If It Is a Good Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Lowest Common Ancestor of Deepest Leaves]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Jump Game VI]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Next Greater Element I]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Kth Ancestor of a Tree Node]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Buildings With an Ocean View]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Divide Chocolate]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Number of Valid Words for Each Puzzle]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Kth Smallest Number in Multiplication Table]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Employee Free Time]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Richest Customer Wealth]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Longest Repeating Character Replacement]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Count Sub Islands]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Sort an Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Number of Ways to Split a String]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum White Tiles Covered by a Carpet]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Evaluate the Bracket Pairs of a String]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Valid Number]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Sequentially Ordinal Rank Tracker]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Recyclable and Low Fat Products]( | [SQL](/l33tcode/recyclable-and-low-fat-products.sql)
[Managers with at Least 5 Direct Reports]( | [SQL](/l33tcode/managers-with-at-least-5-direct-reports.sql)
[Count of Range Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Expression Add Operators]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Best Position for a Service Centre]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Subsets II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Restore IP Addresses]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Count Ways to Make Array With Product]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Add to Array-Form of Integer]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Redundant Connection]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Subarray With Elements Greater Than Varying Threshold]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Number of Ways to Buy Pens and Pencils]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Closest Binary Search Tree Value II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Split Array into Consecutive Subsequences]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Number of Refueling Stops]( | [Python](/l33tcode/problems/
[Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Length of Subarray With Positive Product]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Finding the Number of Visible Mountains]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Replacements to Sort the Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Count Number of Bad Pairs]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Closest Node to Path in Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Move Pieces to Obtain a String]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Count Integers in Intervals]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Flips in Binary Tree to Get Result]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Design Video Sharing Platform]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Construct String from Binary Tree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Earliest Possible Day of Full Bloom]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/earliest-possible-day-of-full-bloom.go)
[Repeated String Match]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[The Maze III]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Design Excel Sum Formula]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find Players With Zero or One Losses]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/find-players-with-zero-or-one-losses.go)
[Unique Number of Occurrences]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/unique-number-of-occurrences.go)
[Determine if String Halves Are Alike]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/determine-if-string-halves-are-alike.go)
[Minimum Average Difference]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/minimum-average-difference.go)
[Implement Queue using Stacks]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/implement-queue-using-stacks.go)
[Find if Path Exists in Graph]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/find-if-path-exists-in-graph.go)
[Maximum Bags With Full Capacity of Rocks]( | [Golang](/l33tcode/maximum-bags-with-full-capacity-of-rocks.go)
[Remove Stones to Minimize the Total]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[All Possible Full Binary Trees]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Speed to Arrive on Time]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Soup Servings]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Running Time of N Computers]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Strange Printer]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Number of Music Playlists]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimize the Maximum Difference of Pairs]( | [Python](/l33tcode/ [Rust](/l33tcode/
[Check if There is a Valid Partition For The Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximal Network Rank]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Excel Sheet Column Title]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Implement Stack using Queues]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Penalty for a Shop]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Extra Characters in a String]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Count All Valid Pickup and Delivery Options]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Deletions to Make Character Frequencies Unique]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Shortest Path Visiting All Nodes]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Reverse Words in a String III]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Remove Colored Pieces if Both Neighbors are the Same Color]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Number of Good Pairs]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Max Dot Product of Two Subsequences]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Number of Operations to Make Array Continuous]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Number of Flowers in Full Bloom]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Painting the Walls]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Number of Ways to Stay in the Same Place After Some Steps]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Validate Binary Tree Nodes]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Parallel Courses III]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Constrained Subsequence Sum]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Score of a Good Subarray]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Binary Trees With Factors]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Count Vowels Permutation]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Sort Integers by The Number of 1 Bits]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find The Original Array of Prefix Xor]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Count Nodes Equal to Average of Subtree]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Build an Array With Stack Operations]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Last Moment Before All Ants Fall Out of a Plank]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Find the Winner of an Array Game]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Seat Reservation Manager]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Eliminate Maximum Number of Monsters]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Count Number of Homogenous Substrings]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Determine if a Cell Is Reachable at a Given Time]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Restore the Array From Adjacent Pairs]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Design Graph With Shortest Path Calculator]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Bus Routes]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Unique Length-3 Palindromic Subsequences]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Reduction Operations to Make the Array Elements Equal]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Count Nice Pairs in an Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Diagonal Traverse II]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Arithmetic Subarrays]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Maximum Number of Coins You Can Get]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Sum of Absolute Differences in a Sorted Array]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Largest Submatrix With Rearrangements]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Number of Ways to Divide a Long Corridor]( | [Python](/l33tcode/
[Minimum Number of Operations to Make Array Empty]( | [Python](/l33tcode/