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R package: listenv - Environments Behaving As Lists
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R package: listenv - Environments Behaving As Lists
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- Owner: futureverse
- Created: 2015-05-19T17:33:24.000Z (almost 10 years ago)
- Default Branch: develop
- Last Pushed: 2024-10-27T03:55:28.000Z (4 months ago)
- Last Synced: 2024-12-13T16:52:43.834Z (2 months ago)
- Topics: package, r
- Language: R
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# listenv: Environments Behaving (Almost) as Lists
## Summary
_List environments_ are environments that have list-like properties. They are implemented by the [listenv] package. The main features of a list environment are summarized in the below table:
| Property | list environments | lists | environments |
| Number of elements, e.g. `length()` | yes | yes | yes |
| Named elements, e.g. `names()`, `x$a` and `x[["a"]]` | yes | yes | yes |
| Duplicated names | yes | yes | |
| Element names are optional | yes | yes | |
| Indexed elements, e.g. `x[[4]]` | yes | yes | |
| Dimensions, e.g. `dim(x)`, `t(x)`, and `aperm(x, c(3,1,2))` | yes | yes | |
| Names of dimensions, e.g. `dimnames(x)` | yes | yes | |
| Indexing by dimensions, e.g. `x[[2, 4]]` and `x[[2, "D"]]` | yes | yes | |
| Multi-element subsetting, e.g. `x[c("a", "c")]`, `x[-1]` and `x[2:1, , 3]` | yes | yes | |
| Multi-element subsetting preserves element names | yes | | |
| Resizing, e.g. `length(x) <- 6` | yes | yes | |
| Removing elements by assigning NULL, e.g. `x$c <- NULL` and `x[1:3] <- NULL` | yes | yes | |
| Removing parts of dimensions by assigning NULL, e.g. `x[,2] <- NULL` | yes | | |
| Mutable, e.g. `y <- x; y$a <- 3; identical(y, x)` | yes | | yes |
| Compatible* with `assign()`, `delayedAssign()`, `get()` and `exists()` | yes | | yes |For example,
> x <- listenv(a = 1, b = 2, c = "hello")
> x
A ‘listenv’ vector with 3 elements (‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’).
> length(x)
[1] 3
> names(x)
[1] "a" "b" "c"
> x$a
[1] 1
> x[[3]] <- toupper(x[[3]])
> x$c
[1] "HELLO"
> y <- x
> y$d <- y$a + y[["b"]]
> names(y)[2] <- "a"
> y$a
[1] 1
> y
A ‘listenv’ vector with 4 elements (‘a’, ‘a’, ‘c’, ‘d’).
> identical(y, x)
[1] TRUE
> for (ii in seq_along(x)) {
+ cat(sprintf("Element %d (%s): %s\n", ii, sQuote(names(x)[ii]),
+ x[[ii]]))
+ }
Element 1 (‘a’): 1
Element 2 (‘a’): 2
Element 3 (‘c’): HELLO
Element 4 (‘d’): 3
> x[c(1, 3)] <- list(2, "Hello world!")
> x
A ‘listenv’ vector with 4 elements (‘a’, ‘a’, ‘c’, ‘d’).
> y <- as.list(x)
> str(y)
List of 4
$ a: num 2
$ a: num 2
$ c: chr "Hello world!"
$ d: num 3
> z <- as.listenv(y)
> z
A ‘listenv’ vector with 4 elements (‘a’, ‘a’, ‘c’, ‘d’).
> identical(z, x)
> all.equal(z, x)
[1] TRUE
```## Creating list environments
List environments are created similarly to lists but also similarly to environments. To create an empty list environment, use
> x <- listenv()
> x
A ‘listenv’ vector with 0 elements (unnamed).
This can later can be populated using named assignments,
> x$a <- 1
> x
A ‘listenv’ vector with 1 element (‘a’).
comparable to how both lists and environments work. Similarly to lists, they can also be populated using indices, e.g.
> x[[2]] <- 2
> x$c <- 3
> x
A ‘listenv’ vector with 3 elements (‘a’, ‘’, ‘c’).
Just as for lists, a list environment is expanded with `NULL` elements whenever a new element is added that is beyond the current length plus one, e.g.
> x[[5]] <- 5
> x
A ‘listenv’ vector with 5 elements (‘a’, ‘’, ‘c’, ‘’, ‘’).
> x[[4]]
```As with lists, the above list environment can also be created from the start, e.g.
> x <- listenv(a = 1, 3, c = 4, NULL, 5)
> x
A ‘listenv’ vector with 5 elements (‘a’, ‘’, ‘c’, ‘’, ‘’).
```As for lists, the length of a list environment can at any time be increased or decreased by assigning it a new length.
If decreased, elements are dropped, e.g.
> x
A ‘listenv’ vector with 5 elements (‘a’, ‘’, ‘c’, ‘’, ‘’).
> length(x) <- 2
> x
A ‘listenv’ vector with 2 elements (‘a’, ‘’).
> x[[1]]
[1] 1
> x[[2]]
[1] 3
If increased, new elements are populated with unnamed elements of `NULL`, e.g.
> length(x) <- 4
> x
A ‘listenv’ vector with 4 elements (‘a’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘’).
> x[[3]]
> x[[4]]
```To allocate an "empty" list environment (with all `NULL`:s) of a given length, do
> x <- listenv()
> length(x) <- 4
> x
A ‘listenv’ vector with 4 elements (unnamed).
_Note_: Unfortunately, it is _not_ possible to use `x <- vector("listenv", length = 4)`; that construct is only supported for the basic data types.Elements can be dropped by assigning `NULL`, e.g. to drop the first and third element of a list environment, do:
> x[c(1, 3)] <- NULL
> x
A ‘listenv’ vector with 2 elements (unnamed).
```## Iterating over elements
### Iterating over elements by names
Analogously to lists and plain environments, it is possible to iterate over elements of list environments by the element names. For example,
> x <- listenv(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)
> for (name in names(x)) {
+ cat(sprintf("Element %s: %s\n", sQuote(name), x[[name]]))
+ }
Element ‘a’: 1
Element ‘b’: 2
Element ‘c’: 3
```### Iterating over elements by indices
Analogously to lists, but contrary to plain environments, it is also possible to iterate over elements by their indices. For example,
> x <- listenv(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)
> for (ii in seq_along(x)) {
+ cat(sprintf("Element %d: %s\n", ii, x[[ii]]))
+ }
Element 1: 1
Element 2: 2
Element 3: 3
```## Coercion to and from list environments
### Coercing to lists and vectors
Coercing a list environment to a list:
> x <- listenv(a = 2, b = 3, c = "hello")
> x
A ‘listenv’ vector with 3 elements (‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’).
> y <- as.list(x)
> str(y)
List of 3
$ a: num 2
$ b: num 3
$ c: chr "hello"
```Coercing a list to a list environment:
> z <- as.listenv(y)
> z
A ‘listenv’ vector with 3 elements (‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’).
> identical(z, x)
> all.equal(z, x)
[1] TRUE
> unlist(x)
a b c
"2" "3" "hello"
> unlist(x[-3])
a b
2 3
> unlist(x[1:2], use.names = FALSE)
[1] 2 3
```## Multi-dimensional list environments
Analogously to lists, and contrary to plain environments, list environments can have dimensions with corresponding names. For example,
> x <- as.listenv(1:6)
> dim(x) <- c(2, 3)
> dimnames(x) <- list(c("a", "b"), c("A", "B", "C"))
> x
A ‘listenv’ matrix with 6 elements (unnamed) arranged in 2x3 rows (‘a’, ‘b’) and columns (‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’).
An easy way to quickly get an overview is to coerce to a list, e.g.
> as.list(x)
a 1 3 5
b 2 4 6
Individual elements of a list environment can be accessed using standard subsetting syntax, e.g.
> x[["a", "B"]]
[1] 3
> x[[1, 2]]
[1] 3
> x[[1, "B"]]
[1] 3
We can assign individual elements similarly, e.g.
> x[["b", "B"]] <- -x[["b", "B"]]
> as.list(x)
a 1 3 5
b 2 -4 6
We can also assign multiple elements through dimensional subsetting, e.g.
> x[2, -1] <- 98:99
> as.list(x)
a 1 3 5
b 2 98 99
> x["a", c(1, 3)] <- list(97, "foo")
> as.list(x)
a 97 3 "foo"
b 2 98 99
> x[] <- 1:6
> as.list(x)
a 1 3 5
b 2 4 6
```Concurrently with dimensional names it is possible to have names of the individual elements just as for list environments without dimensions. For example,
> names(x) <- letters[seq_along(x)]
> x
A ‘listenv’ matrix with 6 elements (‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ..., ‘f’) arranged in 2x3 rows (‘a’, ‘b’) and columns (‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’).
> x[["a"]]
[1] 1
> x[["f"]]
[1] 6
> x[c("a", "f")]
A ‘listenv’ vector with 2 elements (‘a’, ‘f’).
> unlist(x)
a b c d e f
1 2 3 4 5 6
> as.list(x)
a 1 3 5
b 2 4 6
[1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f"
Contrary to lists, element names are preserved also with multi-dimensional subsetting, e.g.
> x[1, 2]
A ‘listenv’ vector with 1 element (‘c’).
> x[1, 2, drop = FALSE]
A ‘listenv’ matrix with 1 element (‘c’) arranged in 1x1 rows (‘a’) and columns (‘B’).
> x[1:2, 2:1]
A ‘listenv’ matrix with 4 elements (‘c’, ‘d’, ‘a’, ‘b’) arranged in 2x2 rows (‘a’, ‘b’) and columns (‘B’, ‘A’).
> x[2, ]
A ‘listenv’ vector with 3 elements (‘b’, ‘d’, ‘f’).
> x[2, , drop = FALSE]
A ‘listenv’ matrix with 3 elements (‘b’, ‘d’, ‘f’) arranged in 1x3 rows (‘b’) and columns (‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’).
> x["b", -2, drop = FALSE]
A ‘listenv’ matrix with 2 elements (‘b’, ‘f’) arranged in 1x2 rows (‘b’) and columns (‘A’, ‘C’).
```Note, whenever dimensions are set using `dim(x) <- dims` both the dimensional names and the element names are removed, e.g.
> dim(x) <- NULL
> names(x)
This behavior is by design, cf. `help("dim", package="base")`.To allocate an "empty" list environment array (with all `NULL`:s) of a given dimension, do
> x <- listenv()
> dim(x) <- c(2, 3)
> dimnames(x) <- list(c("a", "b"), c("A", "B", "C"))
> x
A ‘listenv’ matrix with 6 elements (unnamed) arranged in 2x3 rows (‘a’, ‘b’) and columns (‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’).
Rows and columns can be dropped by assigning `NULL`, e.g. to drop the first and third column of a list-environment matrix, do:
> x[, c(1, 3)] <- NULL
> x
A ‘listenv’ matrix with 2 elements (unnamed) arranged in 2x1 rows (‘a’, ‘b’) and columns (‘B’).
```## Important about environments
List environments are as their name suggests _environments_. Whenever working with environments in R, it is important to understand that _environments are mutable_ whereas all other of the basic data types in R are immutable. For example, consider the following function that assigns zero to element `a` of object `x`:
> setA <- function(x) {
+ x$a <- 0
+ x
+ }
If we pass a regular list to this function,
> x <- list(a = 1)
> y <- setA(x)
> x$a
[1] 1
> y$a
[1] 0
we see that `x` is unaffected by the assignment. This is because _lists are immutable_ in R. However, if we pass an environment instead,
> x <- new.env()
> x$a <- 1
> y <- setA(x)
> x$a
[1] 0
> y$a
[1] 0
we find that `x` was affected by the assignment. This is because _environments are mutable_ in R. Since list environments inherits from environments, this also goes for them, e.g.
> x <- listenv(a = 1)
> y <- setA(x)
> x$a
[1] 0
> y$a
[1] 0
```What is also important to understand is that it is not just the _content_ of an environment that is mutable but also its _attributes_. For example,
> x <- listenv(a = 1)
> y <- x
> attr(y, "foo") <- "Hello!"
> attr(x, "foo")
[1] "Hello!"
More importantly, since dimensions and their names are also attributes, this also means they are mutable. For example,
> x <- as.listenv(1:6)
> dim(x) <- c(2, 3)
> x
A ‘listenv’ matrix with 6 elements (unnamed) arranged in 2x3 unnamed rows and columns.
> y <- x
> dim(y) <- c(3, 2)
> x
A ‘listenv’ matrix with 6 elements (unnamed) arranged in 3x2 unnamed rows and columns.
## Installation
R package listenv is available on [CRAN]( and can be installed in R as:
```### Pre-release version
To install the pre-release version that is available in Git branch `develop` on GitHub, use:
remotes::install_github("HenrikBengtsson/listenv", ref="develop")
This will install the package from source.## Contributing
To contribute to this package, please see [](